Kerry on Trump Nuclear Deal: ‘Reckless Abandonment of Facts’

John Kerry, the former U.S. Secretary of State, had harsh criticism for President Donald Trump’s decision not to certify that Iran is in compliance with the nuclear deal signed by six world powers in 2015.  

Kerry said the decision is a “reckless abandonment of facts in favor of ego and ideology.” Kerry, who negotiated the deal, added that Trump “weakens our hand, alienates us from our allies, empowers Iranian hardliners, makes it harder to resolve North Korea and risks moving us closer to military conflict.”

Iran’s president said Friday the nuclear deal it signed with six world powers in 2015 could not be revoked.   

In a nationally televised speech following Trump’s remarks, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani urged all signatories to the agreement to honor their commitments. He called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) “an outstanding achievement” in international diplomacy and said Iran would continue to comply with it.


“The Islamic Republic of Iran will not be the first to withdraw from the deal. But if its rights and interests in the deal are not respected, it will stop implementing all its commitments and will resume its peaceful nuclear program without any restrictions” Rouhani said.


The Iranian leader also hit back at Trump’s characterization of Iran as a “dictatorship” and “rogue regime,” calling the American president a “liar” and a “dictator.”


“Today the U.S. is more isolated than ever against the nuclear deal, isolated than any other time in its plots against [the] people of Iran,” Rouhani said.

He rejected Trump’s remarks listing Tehran’s support for international terrorism, calling the examples “baseless accusations” and adding that the “Iranian nation does not expect anything else from you.”

Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in the U.S. House, said the president’s decision was “a grave mistake” that threatens U.S. security and credibility.  

She said Trump ignored “the overwhelming consensus of nuclear scientists, national security experts, generals and his own Cabinet, including, reportedly, his secretary of defense and secretary of state.”

EU reaction

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said the Iran agreement “has shown for the first time that it is possible to prevent war by negotiations and, above all, to prevent a country from arming itself with nuclear weapons.” Gabriel added, ” We need such examples, for example, to convince countries like North Korea , but perhaps also others, that it is possible to create security without obtaining nuclear weapons.”  

European Union Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini said, “It is not in the hands of any president of any country in the world to terminate an agreement of this sort.  She said, ” The president of the United States has many powers (but) not this one.”


She noted the multilateral agreement was unanimously endorsed by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231.


The EU foreign policy chief noted the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has verified eight times that Iran is meeting all its nuclear-related commitments in line with the “comprehensive and strict” monitoring system.


IAEA Director Yukiya Amano released a statement, saying Iran is already subject to the world’s most robust nuclear verification regime and is implementing the deal’s requirements.

In a joint statement British Prime Minister Theresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said they are concerned by the possible implications of Trump’s decision not to recertify the Iran nuclear deal.


“Preserving the JCPOA is in our shared national security interest. The nuclear deal was the culmination of 13 years of diplomacy and was a major step toward ensuring that Iran’s nuclear program was not diverted for military purposes,” the European leaders said in the statement.

Sees opportunity

Asked if he was confident he could get the Europeans to renegotiate the Iran deal, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Friday he thinks there is a real opportunity to address all the threats that are posed by Iran.

“I fully expect that our allies and friends in Europe and in the region are going to be very supportive in efforts undertaken to deal with Iran’s threats,” Tillerson told reporters.

In Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow is committed to supporting the Iran nuclear deal.

Ahead of Trump’s remarks, the Kremlin warned that if the United States abandons the Iran nuclear deal, Tehran would be likely to quit it as well. Russia is a signatory to the JCPOA, along with the United States, Iran, Britain, Germany and France.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying also voiced support for the Iran nuclear deal Friday.

“China’s position on the Iranian nuclear issue has been consistent. The JCPOA has played a key role in upholding international nuclear non-proliferation regime and the peace and stability of the Middle East region,” she said. “We hope that all relevant parties will continue to uphold and implement the JCPOA.”

Praise for Trump’s tough stance on Iran came from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who released a video statement.


“I congratulate President Trump for his courageous decision today. He boldly confronted Iran’s terrorist regime,” Netanyahu said.  The Israeli leader has long been one of the deal’s fiercest opponents.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain also expressed their strong support for Trump’s shift in policy toward Iran.

The Saudi Press Agency said Riyadh praised Trump’s “vision” and commitment to work with U.S. allies in the region in order to face common challenges, particularly “Iran’s aggressive policies and actions.”

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he backs Trump’s decision, describing the Obama administration deal as “fatally flawed.”

Nobel winner


But the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, strongly criticized Trump’s decision.


The group’s executive director, Beatrice Fihn, said Trump’s “attempt to disrupt” the Iran deal, despite Tehran’s compliance, is a reminder of the “immense nuclear danger now facing the world” and the  “urgent need” to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons.


“In a time with great global tension, with increasing threats of nuclear war, the U.S. president is igniting new conflict rather than working to reduce the risk of nuclear war,” Fihn said.



У Києві відкрили виставку до 75-річчя створення УПА

У Києві 14 жовтня відкрили вуличну виставку «УПА: відповідь нескореного народу. Антирадянський фронт», яка присвячена 75-річчю створення Української повстанської армії.

Як зазначив на відкритті виставки директор Українського інституту національної пам’яті Володимир В’ятрович, УПА була єдиною армією, яка ставила за мету захист українців та оборону України, і її вояки виконували цю місію, попри чисельну перевагу супротивників.

«Високий дух і патріотизм, вмотивованість вояків УПА, з одного боку, та підтримка їх з боку українців – з другого, змусила обох окупантів (і нацистів, і комуністів) відмовитись від частини своїх планів щодо «використання» місцевого населення та вдатись до лукавої пропаганди, представляючи себе захисниками України», – заявив В’ятрович.

Нинішня виставка розміщена біля Національного музею історії України. Вона складається з двох частин: перша – копії фотографій по тему боротьби УПА з нацизмом, друга – присвячена боротьбі вояків УПА проти комунізму та Радянської влади. В основі експозиції – фотодокументи з архівів, які містяться, серед іншого, в архіві СБУ.

Також у рамках відзначення 75-річчя від створення УПА у Національному музеї історії України представили конверти з ювілейними марками.

Українська повстанська армія (УПА) діяла на території України у 1942-1953 роках, своїм завданням її вояки ставили звільнення України від нацистських та радянських окупантів і створення незалежної української держави.

Obamas Choose Artists to Paint Official Portraits

The United States’ National Portrait Gallery has announced that two up-and-coming African-American artists, Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald, have been selected to paint the official portraits of former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama.

The Smithsonian Institution, parent organization of the National Portrait Gallery, said Friday that President Obama had specifically requested to be painted by Wiley, 40, whose portraits of young black men have made a sharp impact on the art world.

Wiley places his young models in poses reminiscent of famous court painters of previous centuries, such as Diego Velazquez, Peter Paul Rubens, and Hans Holbein. He paints many of his subjects larger than life, using gauzy realism and vivid colors to arrest the viewer’s attention.

Wiley, born in Los Angeles, California, has been considered a successful artist for more than a decade.

His images replace the white subjects of his forbears with handsome young African-American men and women in front of decorative backdrops that resemble wallpaper. Some of the backdrops contain designs that overlap the figure in the portrait, raising questions about whether the subject has power over his environment or is trapped by it.

​Some of Wiley’s subjects are famous, such as rapper-turned-actor LL Cool J, whose portrait shows him seated, larger than life, coolly aloof as he gazes down on his audience in front of a vibrant red and green damask pattern.

In recent years Wiley has conducted what he calls his World Stage project, painting subjects from a variety of far-flung places, such as China, Jamaica, Haiti, Sri Lanka and Brazil. His paintings place people of color in settings where they radiate power, beauty and grace equal to the light-skinned subjects who for centuries were the focus of similar portraits.

First lady’​s portrait

Michelle Obama chose Sherald, winner of the National Portrait Gallery’s annual portraiture competition in 2016, to paint her portrait as first lady.

Sherald is a 44-year-old African-American woman from Baltimore, Maryland, scene of protests in 2015 over the death while in police custody of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old African-American man.

With racial tensions still running high in her hometown, Sherald’s portraits, like Wiley’s, focus on her African-American subjects in a way that emphasizes grace, dignity and each person’s unique features.

Sherald’s work is full of poised energy. Some of her images look almost flat, like cutouts, but the faces and bodies of her subjects look as though they were asked to stop and pose in the middle of a movement, a thought or a breath.

The painting for which Sherald won the National Portrait Gallery is called “Miss Everything (Unsuppressed Deliverance)” and features a young black woman dressed in a navy blue dress, white gloves and a striking red hat, holding an oversized white teacup and saucer. The subject looks graceful and relaxed while her eyes bore into the viewer in an unspoken challenge.

The work of both artists examines and challenges ideas about black identity, a prominent concept in the legacy of the nation’s first African-American presidential couple.

National Portrait Gallery

The National Portrait Gallery and the White House work together at the conclusion of each presidency to commission two official sets of portraits, with one set for display at the White House and one at the National Portrait Gallery. Both collections are in Washington, D.C.

In a statement Friday, Director Kim Sajet said the National Portrait Gallery “is absolutely delighted that Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald have agreed to create the official portraits of our former president and first lady.”

Sajet noted that both artists have been very successful, but more importantly, she said, “they make art that reflects the power and potential of portraiture in the 21st century.”

The portraits are expected to be unveiled in early 2018.

Winemaker Vows to Rebuild After Losing Battle With Wildfire

Throughout Northern California, where wildfires have raged for almost a week, killing at least 36 people and destroying about 6,000 buildings, residents are taking stock of what they have and what they have lost.

Many are feeling lucky to have survived with their lives. The fire’s path of destruction lacked rhyme or reason, destroying an entire winery in one case but leaving patio furniture outside the tasting room untouched.

Pierre Birebent, who has been a winemaker at the Signorello Estate for the past 20 years, said he feels lucky.

WATCH: Winemakers Vow to Rebuild Destroyed Winery

When the fire came to his winery on the Silverado Trail, the main artery of Napa’s Wine Country, Birebent grabbed a hose and tried to fight the flames himself. One of the winery’s owners, who was in the residence above the winery, had fled after alerting the staff to the fire.

Birebent lost the battle to save the winery, the tasting room, an office and the residence. 

“It was like fighting a giant,” he said.

​Damage unknown

It’s too early to know the extent of the damage to Northern California’s wine industry. Fires still burn around the hillsides, and pickers hurry to get the grapes off the vine before they are damaged by smoke, a condition known as “smoke taint.”

At Signorello, employees reported for work Friday, their first chance to see the damage.

Ray Signorello, the winery proprietor, went into Napa to rent temporary office space. He planned to keep the business going and rebuild.

“We can continue somewhat business as usual,” Signorello said.

“Our house is gone,” said Jo Dayoan, allocation director at the winery. “Our soul is not. We are family.”

Much to be thankful for

For Birebent, there are many things to be thankful for, among them, the 30-year-old vineyards, which didn’t burn.

“This is very important because it takes five years to plant the vineyard to get the first crop,” Birebent said.

Also spared by the fire was a warehouse where Signorello stored its 2016 vintage, as well as the last of the 2017 cabernet sauvignon grapes, which had been harvested just days before the fire and sat fermenting in 14 tanks at the edge of the parking lot.

But whether the wine inside the tanks is drinkable remains to be seen. Workers cleared leaves and ash from the outside of the tanks.

The wine from each of the tanks will be tasted and tested at a laboratory. The tanks hold 80 percent of the winery’s 2017 reds, which Birebent said was worth millions.

“It was so hot, we don’t know if the wine is still good or no,” he said.

As they take stock of the damage, the winemaker and the staff here are thinking about rebuilding, even as others continue to face wildfire dangers. The winery workers say they are lucky even as they stand in its ruins.

Будапешт відверто заграється – МЗС України про акцію «Самовизначення для Закарпаття»

У МЗС України висловлюють протест через проведену у Будапешті під посольством України акцію «Самовизначення для Закарпаття».

«Здається, що Будапешт, попри наш для багатьох оглядачів занадто вже конструктивний дипломатичний підхід – відверто заграється», – зазначив директор Департаменту політики і комунікацій МЗС України Олексій Макєєв у Facebook.

«Рішуче протестуватимемо та очікуємо, що влада Угорщини невідкладно відмежується від цих ганебних закликів», – додав він. 

Посол України в Угорщині Любов Непоп повідомила 13 жовтня, що у Будапешті під посольством України організували акцію «Самовизначення для Закарпаття».

«Акція під посольством України у Будапешті, протест проти якої висловило МЗС України, адже організатори з самого початку заявили, що вони виступають за: «самовизначення Закарпаття і свободу русинським, польським, болгарським, румунським, вірменським національним громадам, які проживають на території нинішньої України», висловлюють протест проти «варварства путчистів, які захопили у полон Україну і разом з нею угорських національних братів», – зазначила Непоп.

За її словами, у відповідь на протест України угорська сторона повідомила про право на мирне зібрання і висловлення протестів, під час яких учасники вільно висловлюють свої думки, та про право на донесення спільно сформульованої позиції.

«Переконана, що використання цих прав не виправдовує напису на спині учасника акції: «Закарпаття за законом належить Угорщині. Самовизначення для всіх пригнічених націй, примушених жити в Україні»… І для повноти картинки – офіційний прапор каталонської автономії», – зазначила Любов Непоп. 

12 жовтня Парламентська асамблея Ради Європи за підсумками термінових дебатів щодо ухвалення в Україні закону «Про освіту», ухвалила резолюцію з рекомендаціями для України.

У рішенні ПАРЄ засуджує те, що Верховна Рада України ухвалила закон про освіту, зокрема норму про мову освіти, без консультацій із представниками національних меншин. ПАРЄ просить владу України забезпечити виконання висновків Венеціанської комісії повною мірою. Під час дебатів члени різних делегацій критикували Київ за те, що закон направили на розгляд комісії вже після його ухвалення.

Український закон «Про освіту» набрав чинності 28 вересня. Норма закону щодо мови освіти, державної, викликала критику в деяких колах і в Україні (зокрема, її критикував голова Закарпатської ОДА Геннадій Москаль), і за кордоном. У МЗС Угорщини пообіцяли блокувати кроки на шляху євроінтеграції України через закон про освіту; в Києві такі заяви Будапешта назвали «істеричними». Крім того, з критикою закону виступали Румунія, Болгарія, Греція, Польща і Росія, а також президент Молдови.

Міністр освіти України Лілія Гриневич наголошувала, що закон не позбавить меншин права на освіту рідними мовами. Вона зазначала, що закон гарантує національним меншинам вивчення їхніх мов. Проте вона додала, що представники меншин в Україні повинні вільно володіти українською, щоб досягти успіху в Україні. Гриневич також заявила, що мовну статтю закону «Про освіту» буде уточнено в законі «Про загальну середню освіту».

Президент України Петро Порошенко, який підписав закон, при цьому закликав Міністерство закордонних справ і Міністерство освіти України провести необхідні консультації з європейськими партнерами, в тому числі з Радою Європи. Він також заявив, що мовна стаття закону «Про освіту» відповідає європейським практикам.

Раніше в МОН повідомили, що статтю 7 Закону «Про освіту», яка викликала стурбованість у кількох державах-сусідах України, уже надіслали на розгляд Венеціанської комісії.

Transcript of Trump Speech on Iran Nuclear Deal



Office of the Press Secretary


For Immediate Release                            October 13, 2017






Diplomatic Reception Room




12:53 P.M. EDT



     THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  My fellow Americans:  As President of the United States, my highest obligation is to ensure the safety and security of the American people.  


History has shown that the longer we ignore a threat, the more dangerous that threat becomes.  For this reason, upon taking office, I’ve ordered a complete strategic review of our policy toward the rogue regime in Iran.  That review is now complete.


Today, I am announcing our strategy, along with several major steps we are taking to confront the Iranian regime’s hostile actions and to ensure that Iran never, and I mean never, acquires a nuclear weapon.  


Our policy is based on a clear-eyed assessment of the Iranian dictatorship, its sponsorship of terrorism, and its continuing aggression in the Middle East and all around the world.


Iran is under the control of a fanatical regime that seized power in 1979 and forced a proud people to submit to its extremist rule.  This radical regime has raided the wealth of one of the world’s oldest and most vibrant nations, and spread death, destruction, and chaos all around the globe.


Beginning in 1979, agents of the Iranian regime illegally seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held more than 60 Americans hostage during the 444 days of the crisis.  The Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah twice bombed our embassy in Lebanon — once in 1983 and again in 1984.  Another Iranian-supported bombing killed 241 Americans — service members they were, in their barracks in Beirut in 1983.


In 1996, the regime directed another bombing of American military housing in Saudi Arabia, murdering 19 Americans in cold blood.


Iranian proxies provided training to operatives who were later involved in al Qaeda’s bombing of the American embassies in Kenya, Tanzania, and two years later, killing 224 people, and wounding more than 4,000 others.


The regime harbored high-level terrorists in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, including Osama bin Laden’s son.  In Iraq and Afghanistan, groups supported by Iran have killed hundreds of American military personnel.


The Iranian dictatorship’s aggression continues to this day.  The regime remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, and provides assistance to al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorist networks.  It develops, deploys, and proliferates missiles that threaten American troops and our allies.  It harasses American ships and threatens freedom of navigation in the Arabian Gulf and in the Red Sea.  It imprisons Americans on false charges.  And it launches cyberattacks against our critical infrastructure, financial system, and military.


The United States is far from the only target of the Iranian dictatorship’s long campaign of bloodshed.  The regime violently suppresses its own citizens; it shot unarmed student protestors in the street during the Green Revolution.  


This regime has fueled sectarian violence in Iraq, and vicious civil wars in Yemen and Syria.  In Syria, the Iranian regime has supported the atrocities of Bashar al-Assad’s regime and condoned Assad’s use of chemical weapons against helpless civilians, including many, many children.


Given the regime’s murderous past and present, we should not take lightly its sinister vision for the future.  The regime’s two favorite chants are “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”


Realizing the gravity of the situation, the United States and the United Nations Security Council sought, over many years, to stop Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons with a wide array of strong economic sanctions.


But the previous administration lifted these sanctions, just before what would have been the total collapse of the Iranian regime, through the deeply controversial 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.  This deal is known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA.


As I have said many times, the Iran Deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into.  The same mindset that produced this deal is responsible for years of terrible trade deals that have sacrificed so many millions of jobs in our country to the benefit of other countries.  We need negotiators who will much more strongly represent America’s interest.


The nuclear deal threw Iran’s dictatorship a political and economic lifeline, providing urgently needed relief from the intense domestic pressure the sanctions had created.  It also gave the regime an immediate financial boost and over $100 billion dollars its government could use to fund terrorism.


The regime also received a massive cash settlement of $1.7 billion from the United States, a large portion of which was physically loaded onto an airplane and flown into Iran.  Just imagine the sight of those huge piles of money being hauled off by the Iranians waiting at the airport for the cash.  I wonder where all that money went.


Worst of all, the deal allows Iran to continue developing certain elements of its nuclear program.  And importantly, in just a few years, as key restrictions disappear, Iran can sprint towards a rapid nuclear weapons breakout.  In other words, we got weak inspections in exchange for no more than a purely short-term and temporary delay in Iran’s path to nuclear weapons.


What is the purpose of a deal that, at best, only delays Iran’s nuclear capability for a short period of time?  This, as President of the United States, is unacceptable.  In other countries, they think in terms of 100-year intervals, not just a few years at a time.  


The saddest part of the deal for the United States is that all of the money was paid up front, which is unheard of, rather than at the end of the deal when they have shown they’ve played by the rules.  But what’s done is done, and that’s why we are where we are.  


The Iranian regime has committed multiple violations of the agreement.  For example, on two separate occasions, they have exceeded the limit of 130 metric tons of heavy water.  Until recently, the Iranian regime has also failed to meet our expectations in its operation of advanced centrifuges.   


The Iranian regime has also intimidated international inspectors into not using the full inspection authorities that the agreement calls for.  


Iranian officials and military leaders have repeatedly claimed they will not allow inspectors onto military sites, even though the international community suspects some of those sites were part of Iran’s clandestine nuclear weapons program.


There are also many people who believe that Iran is dealing with North Korea.  I am going to instruct our intelligence agencies to do a thorough analysis and report back their findings beyond what they have already reviewed.


By its own terms, the Iran Deal was supposed to contribute to “regional and international peace and security.”  And yet, while the United States adheres to our commitment under the deal, the Iranian regime continues to fuel conflict, terror, and turmoil throughout the Middle East and beyond.  Importantly, Iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal.


So today, in recognition of the increasing menace posed by Iran, and after extensive consultations with our allies, I am announcing a new strategy to address the full range of Iran’s destructive actions.


First, we will work with our allies to counter the regime’s destabilizing activity and support for terrorist proxies in the region.


Second, we will place additional sanctions on the regime to block their financing of terror.


Third, we will address the regime’s proliferation of missiles and weapons that threaten its neighbors, global trade, and freedom of navigation.


And finally, we will deny the regime all paths to a nuclear weapon.


Today, I am also announcing several major steps my administration is taking in pursuit of this strategy.  


The execution of our strategy begins with the long-overdue step of imposing tough sanctions on Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.  The Revolutionary Guard is the Iranian Supreme Leader’s corrupt personal terror force and militia.  It has hijacked large portions of Iran’s economy and seized massive religious endowments to fund war and terror abroad.  This includes arming the Syrian dictator, supplying proxies and partners with missiles and weapons to attack civilians in the region, and even plotting to bomb a popular restaurant right here in Washington, D.C.


I am authorizing the Treasury Department to further sanction the entire Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps for its support for terrorism and to apply sanctions to its officials, agents, and affiliates.  I urge our allies to join us in taking strong actions to curb Iran’s continued dangerous and destabilizing behavior, including thorough sanctions outside the Iran Deal that target the regime’s ballistic missile program, in support for terrorism, and all of its destructive activities, of which there are many.  


Finally, on the grave matter of Iran’s nuclear program: Since the signing of the nuclear agreement, the regime’s dangerous aggression has only escalated.  At the same time, it has received massive sanctions relief while continuing to develop its missiles program.  Iran has also entered into lucrative business contracts with other parties to the agreement.


When the agreement was finalized in 2015, Congress passed the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act to ensure that Congress’s voice would be heard on the deal.  Among other conditions, this law requires the President, or his designee, to certify that the suspension of sanctions under the deal is “appropriate and proportionate” to measure — and other measures taken by Iran to terminate its illicit nuclear program.  Based on the factual record I have put forward, I am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification.


We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror, and the very real threat of Iran’s nuclear breakout.


That is why I am directing my administration to work closely with Congress and our allies to address the deal’s many serious flaws so that the Iranian regime can never threaten the world with nuclear weapons.  These include the deal’s sunset clauses that, in just a few years, will eliminate key restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program.


The flaws in the deal also include insufficient enforcement and near total silence on Iran’s missile programs.  Congress has already begun the work to address these problems.  Key House and Senate leaders are drafting legislation that would amend the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act to strengthen enforcement, prevent Iran from developing an inter- — this is so totally important — an intercontinental ballistic missile, and make all restrictions on Iran’s nuclear activity permanent under U.S. law.  So important.  I support these initiatives.  


However, in the event we are not able to reach a solution working with Congress and our allies, then the agreement will be terminated.  It is under continuous review, and our participation can be cancelled by me, as President, at any time.


As we have seen in North Korea, the longer we ignore a threat, the worse that threat becomes.  It is why we are determined that the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism will never obtain nuclear weapons.


In this effort, we stand in total solidarity with the Iranian regime’s longest-suffering victims: its own people.  The citizens of Iran have paid a heavy price for the violence and extremism of their leaders.  The Iranian people long to — and they just are longing, to reclaim their country’s proud history, its culture, its civilization, its cooperation with its neighbors.


We hope that these new measures directed at the Iranian dictatorship will compel the government to reevaluate its pursuit of terror at the expense of its people.


We hope that our actions today will help bring about a future of peace, stability, and prosperity in the Middle East –- a future where sovereign nations respect each other and their own citizens.


We pray for a future where young children — American and Iranian, Muslim, Christian, and Jewish — can grow up in a world free from violence, hatred, and terror.


And, until that blessed day comes, we will do what we must to keep America safe.


Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.  Thank you.

Parents of Freed Afghanistan Hostage Angry at son-in-law

The parents of an American woman freed with her family after five years of captivity say they are elated, but also angry at their son-in law for taking their daughter to Afghanistan.

“Taking your pregnant wife to a very dangerous place, to me, and the kind of person I am, is unconscionable,” Caitlan Coleman’s father, Jim, told ABC News.

Caitlan Coleman and Joshua Boyle were rescued Wednesday, five years after they had been abducted by a Taliban-linked extremist network while in Afghanistan as part of a multi-nation backpacking trip. She was pregnant at the time and had three children in captivity.

Two Pakistani security officials say the family left by plane from Islamabad on Friday. The officials did not say where the family was headed, but Boyle’s family has said the couple’s plan is to return to Canada. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with official protocol.

Caitlan Coleman is from Stewartstown, Pennsylvania, and Boyle is Canadian.

Coleman’s mother, Lynda, said the opportunity to finally speak to her daughter after she was freed was “incredible.”

“I’ve been waiting to hear that voice for so long. And then to hear her voice and have it sound exactly like the last time I talked to her,” she said.

Pakistan’s foreign Ministry spokesman Nafees Zakaria said the Pakistani raid that led to the family’s rescue was based on a tip from U.S. intelligence and shows that Pakistan will act against a “common enemy” when Washington shares information.

U.S. officials have long accused Pakistan of ignoring groups like the Haqqani network, which was holding the family.

On Thursday, President Donald Trump, who previously warned Pakistan to stop harboring militants, praised Pakistan for its willingness to “do more to provide security in the region.”

The operation appeared to have unfolded quickly and ended with what some described as a dangerous raid, a shootout and a captor’s final, terrifying threat to “kill the hostage.” Boyle told his parents that he, his wife and their children were intercepted by Pakistani forces while being transported in the back or trunk of their captors’ car and that some of his captors were killed. He suffered only a shrapnel wound, his family said.

U.S. officials did not confirm those details.

A U.S. military official said that a military hostage team had flown to Pakistan Wednesday prepared to fly the family out. The team did a preliminary health assessment and had a transport plane ready to go, but sometime after daybreak Thursday, as the family members were walking to the plane, Boyle said he did not want to board, the official said.

Boyle’s father said his son did not want to board the plane because it was headed to Bagram Air Base and that the family wanted to return directly to North America. Another U.S. official said Boyle was nervous about being in “custody” given his family ties.

He was once married to Zaynab Khadr, the older sister of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr and the daughter of a senior al-Qaida financier. Her father, the late Ahmed Said Khadr, and the family stayed with Osama bin Laden briefly when Omar Khadr was a boy.

The Canadian-born Omar Khadr was 15 when he was captured by U.S. troops following a firefight and was taken to the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay. Officials had discounted any link between that background and Boyle’s capture, with one official describing it in 2014 as a “horrible coincidence.”

The U.S. Justice Department said neither Boyle nor Coleman is wanted for any federal crime.

The couple told U.S. officials and their families they wanted to fly commercially to Canada. The U.S. officials were not authorized to publicly discuss details of the release and spoke on condition of anonymity.

U.S. officials call the Haqqani group a terrorist organization and have targeted its leaders with drone strikes. But the group also operates like a criminal network. Unlike the Islamic State group, it does not typically execute Western hostages, preferring to ransom them for cash.

The Haqqani network had previously demanded the release of Anas Haqqani, a son of the founder of the group, in exchange for turning over the American-Canadian family. In one of the videos released by their captors, Boyle implored the Afghan government not to execute Taliban prisoners, or he and his wife would be killed.

U.S. officials have said that several other Americans are being held by militant groups in Afghanistan or Pakistan.

They include Kevin King, 60, a teacher at the American University of Afghanistan in Kabul who was abducted in August 2016, and Paul Overby, an author in his 70s who had traveled to the region several times but disappeared in eastern Afghanistan in mid-2014.

US Has Ramped Up Some Sanctions, Dropped Others, Since Iran Nuclear Deal

U.S. President Donald Trump will strike a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement in defiance of international support for it on Friday, choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the deal in a major reversal of U.S. policy.

Trump’s decision to decertify the nuclear deal will not withdraw the United States from the agreement, which was negotiated by the United States and other world powers during the administration of former President Barack Obama.

Under the agreement known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the United States suspended nuclear-related sanctions against Iran. Even so, it has moved forward with restrictions on an increasing number of people and companies.

Following are details of the changes in U.S. sanctions against Iran since the deal was implemented in January 2016:

Sanctions imposed since deal was reached

In at least five separate actions, the Trump administration has placed sanctions on more than 70 Iranian and non-Iranian people and companies that it says support Iran’s ballistic missile program or other activities, such as cyber attacks.

Typically, the designation means blocking any assets the people and companies might have in the United States. Those targeted cannot access the U.S. financial system or deal with U.S. companies and are subject to secondary sanctions, meaning the United States could blacklist foreign companies and individuals who deal with them.

In 2016, former President Barack Obama’s administration also announced at least two sets of sanctions involving Iran’s ballistic missile program.

Most targets of the sanctions are Iranian, but they also include companies and entities based in China, Lebanon, Ukraine and the United Arab Emirates, as well as individuals from Britain and China.

Sanctions suspended under nuclear deal

The most significant nuclear-related U.S. sanctions suspended under the deal were those that had prevented non-U.S. entities from buying oil from Iran in most circumstances, or investing in its petroleum sector.

Washington also lifted regulations that threatened sanctions against U.S. activities of foreign companies, entities and individuals who engaged in a range of transactions with Iran.

Most sanctions involving Americans and U.S. companies remained in place.

As part of the deal, the U.S. government allowed companies to seek licenses to sell commercial aircraft and spare parts to Iran, which ordered 100 airliners from Airbus SE and 80 from Boeing Co.

The deal ended all United Nations sanctions resolutions on Iran passed between 2006 and 2010. The European Union lifted its nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions, including those applying to banking, insurance, and oil and gas products and related technology.


Україна не отримала відповіді від Сербії щодо участі її громадян у конфлікті на Донбасі – посол

Посол України в Сербії Олександр Александрович заявляє, що українська сторона інформувала Белград про участь сербських громадян у конфлікті на сході України на боці підтримуваних Росією бойовиків, але реакції сербської сторони на це не отримала.

«Ми посилали інформацію урядові Сербії, але, на жаль, не отримали відповіді», – сказав посол.

Президент Сербії Александар Вучич заявив, що не розуміє зауважень українського посла.

Вучич заявив, що Україна є дружньою для Сербії країною, і додав, що сербські суди ухвалили вердикти щодо осіб, які воювали за кордоном. «Не знаю, що ще ми маємо зробити. Жодна людина не має дозволу державних органів Сербії брати участь у воєнних діях за кордоном, на Донбасі, у Криму чи в будь-якій частині конфлікту між Росією і Україною», – сказав Вучич.

Служба безпеки України 11 жовтня заявила, що лише на території, підконтрольній угрупованню «ЛНР», від початку конфлікту на Донбасі воювали більш як 300 громадян Сербії.

«Ми уже надсилали до цієї країни дані щодо бойовиків, які воювали проти українського війська на Донбасі», – заявив голова Служби безпеки України Василь Грицак.

За словами голови СБУ, більшість із цього сербського підрозділу дислокувалася в районі Алчевська. «Ми маємо конкретні адреси і дуже багато прізвищ», – сказав Грицак.

Він нагадав, що в 2014 році в Сербії ухвалили закон, згідно з яким громадяни цієї країни мають притягуватися до відповідальності за участь у збройному конфлікті на Донбасі, «як тільки до них дотягнуться руки правосуддя Сербії».

НБУ заборонив банкам вести операції з російськими купюрами із анексованим Кримом

Національний банк України заборонив фінансовим установам країни здійснювати касові, зокрема валютно-обмінні, операції з банкнотами і монетами Центрального банку Росії із зображенням об’єктів, розташованих на окупованій Росією території України або текстів, що стосуються окупації, повідомляє прес-служба НБУ.

Згідно з постановою НБУ від 13 жовтня, заборона поширюється також на операції, які здійснюються при купівлі/продажу готівкової іноземної валюти між банками.

Також фінансовим установам і «Укрпошті» забороняється під час здійснення переказів приймати чи видавати такі купюри.

12 жовтня Центральний банк Росії представив нову банкноту номіналом 200 рублів, присвячену анексованому Криму. На банкноті розміщені символи Севастополя: на лицьовій стороні – зображення пам’ятника затопленим кораблям, на зворотному – Херсонес Таврійський.

Верховна Рада України офіційно оголосила 20 лютого 2014 року початком тимчасової окупації Криму і Севастополя Росією. 7 жовтня 2015 року президент України Петро Порошенко підписав закон про це. Міжнародні організації визнали окупацію і анексію Криму незаконними і засудили дії Росії. Країни Заходу запровадили низку економічних санкцій. Росія заперечує окупацію півострова і називає це «відновленням історичної справедливості».


Global Economy: Growth Gathering Momentum, but Where’s the Inflation?

The euro zone economy may be building up an impressive head of steam that shows no signs of cooling, but what policymakers at the European Central Bank really want – higher inflation – is still largely absent.

Industrial output in the bloc rose faster than anyone polled by Reuters expected in August, according to data on Thursday which followed a slew of forecast-beating releases and after the International Monetary Fund upgraded its outlook for global growth.

“Although the industrial sector only accounts for a quarter of GDP it has been the euro zone’s most cyclical sector historically, and so is an important indicator of the economy’s wider health,” said Christian Jaccarini at CEBR.

“With the economy gathering momentum, the European Central Bank should feel confident about starting to taper its asset purchase program at the beginning of next year.”

The economy is performing stronger than at any time since the global financial crisis so speculation the ECB will soon begin scaling back its massive stimulus program has been rife.

Policymakers at the Bank will announce on Oct. 26 a six-month extension to its asset purchase program but will cut how much it buys each month to 40 billion euros from January, a September Reuters poll predicted.  

Five people with direct knowledge of discussions told Reuters the ECB is homing in on extending its stimulus for nine months at the next meeting while scaling it back.

Yet the ECB’s key focus is inflation and numbers due on Tuesday will probably confirm prices only rose 1.5 percent in September on a year ago, still a lot weaker than the just below 2 percent rate-setters would like.

According to Reuters polls taken throughout 2017, which have been correct about how low it would remain this year, inflation won’t hit that ECB target for years.

“There is likely to be only a limited pick-up in inflationary pressures, meaning that interest rate hikes can be kept on hold until 2019 – later than markets seem to expect,” economists at Capital Economics wrote.

British dilemma

Across the Atlantic, U.S. Federal Reserve policymakers have already begun tightening but had a prolonged debate about the prospects of a pickup in inflation and slowing the path of future interest rate rises if it did not, according to minutes of the central bank’s last policy meeting.

“Many participants expressed concern that the low inflation readings this year might reflect… the influence of developments that could prove more persistent, and it was noted that some patience in removing policy accommodation while assessing trends in inflation was warranted,” the Fed said in the minutes.

Britain, however, has the opposite problem.

Since the vote in June 2016 to leave the European Union, the pound has lost around 13 percent of its value against the dollar, driving up the costs of imports and caused inflation to run well above the 2 percent the Bank of England would like it at.

In the referendum’s aftermath the Bank cut 25 basis points from borrowing costs, taking them to a record low 0.25 percent, hoping to stave off a predicted economic meltdown after the leave vote.

That meltdown never happened and Britain’s economy was one of the best performers last year although growth has since slowed sharply.

Still, at its November meeting the BoE will raise interest rates for the first time in a decade, according to economists in a recent Reuters poll taken after a barrage of hawkish rhetoric from BoE policymakers. However, most of them also said raising rates now would be a policy mistake.  

“On the strength of the MPC’s rhetoric and current market expectations, we continue to look for a November hike. But this assumes no significant downside surprises in the inflation and wage data next week,” said Allan Monks at JPMorgan.

“If the MPC is minded to back out of tightening in November – in response to the data or the Brexit process – we would expect at least some hint of this in any commentary between now and the next meeting on Nov. 2.”

Britain’s economy shows little sign of breaking out of its lethargy and it is “extraordinary” the BoE is considering raising interest rates, the British Chambers of Commerce said on Friday.

“We’d caution against an earlier than required tightening in monetary policy, which could hit both business and consumer confidence and weaken overall UK growth,” said Suren Thiru, BCC head of economics.

Divorce talks have this week ended in deadlock over a British refusal to clarify how much it will pay on leaving, EU negotiator Michel Barnier said on Thursday.

But EU leaders could hand beleaguered British Prime Minister Theresa May an olive branch in Brexit negotiations next week by launching their own internal preparations for a transition to a new relationship with Britain, giving her some hope.


China’s Imports From North Korea Fall Nearly 38 Percent in September

China’s imports from North Korea fell 37.9 percent in September from a year earlier, marking the seventh consecutive month of decline, the customs office said Friday.

China-U.S. ties have been strained by President Donald Trump’s criticism of China’s trade practices and by demands that Beijing do more to pressure North Korea over Pyongyan’s nuclear and missile programmes.

China’s exports to North Korea in September dropped 6.7 percent from a year ago, a spokesman for the General Administration of Customs told a briefing, adding no seafood imports from North Korea were recorded last month.

China’s imports from North Korea fell 16.7 percent on-year to $1.48 billion in Jannuary-September, while exports to North Korea rose 20.9 percent to $2.55 billion in the same period.

That created a trade surplus with North Korea at $1.07 billion in the first nine months of this year.

California Wildfires Threaten Wine Country’s Lifeblood: Tourism

The wildfires burning through Northern California are sending visitors packing, threatening the $2 billion-plus spent annually by tourists on wine tours, fine food, limousine rides and much more, business leaders said.

At the Inn on First bed and breakfast in the famous wine town of Napa, co-owner Jamie Cherry was encouraging callers to postpone rather than cancel visits, as wildfires burned largely unchecked across the region.

“People are canceling as far as November already,” Cherry said. “It’s going to be devastating in terms of financial loss for everybody.”

The fast-moving fires have killed at least 26 people and left hundreds missing in an area less than an hour’s drive from San Francisco.

With hundreds of wineries, expensive restaurants and bucolic rolling scenery, the wine country of Sonoma and Napa counties is a major draw for visitors. Limousines and buses clog parking lots at weekends as visitors sip Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignons in towns known for their mix of rural and cosmopolitan vibes.

Now, with at least 13 burned wineries, shuttered tasting rooms and thick smoke in the air from nearly two dozen fires that have charred more than 190,000 acres across the state, it is unclear how quickly the region can lure back tourists.

‘We’d go back’

Napa Valley welcomed 3.5 million visitors last year, with overnight guests spending on average $402 per day, according to Visit Napa Valley, the region’s tourism marketing group.

“There is a good amount of infrastructure that has burned down, homes have burned down, wineries have burned. There are restaurants that are not going to open quickly,” said Clay Gregory of Visit Napa Valley.

On Thursday, tasting rooms remained closed and the famous Napa Valley Wine Train, which ferries tourists through the vineyards, said it planned to reopen Sunday.

Dozens of limousines and tour buses, their polish dulled by a film of ash, sat in a parking lot and warehouse on the outskirts of Napa. The company’s owner, Michael Graham, said the business had just hit peak demand of 100 reservations a day, but since the fires that had slumped to two.

Graham remains hopeful, however, citing tourism’s quick recovery after the 6.0 earthquake that hit Napa in 2014: “People were out wine-tasting the same day.”

Graham said the region was still largely intact, with vast swathes of countryside untouched by fire.

“It’s just smoky. As soon as they get this contained it will be back to business as usual,” he said.

Others agreed the effect of the fires on tourism would be short-lived.

Roseanne Rosen has fond memories of the trip with her husband to wine country that she just finished ahead of the fires. The couple from Kansas City has been coming for the last decade and has no plans to abandon that tradition.

“It’s one of our favorite destinations and I don’t see that changing,” Rosen said by telephone. “Once people are open and ready for business, we’d go back in an instant.”

How to Rebuild Puerto Rico: Rubio Asks Trump for Expert Panel

Senator Marco Rubio said on Thursday he has urged U.S. President Donald Trump to create a high-level task force to provide ideas and advice for helping Puerto Rico to rebuild after Hurricane Maria, and that the president was receptive to the idea.

Rubio, a Republican from Florida who has been deeply involved in discussions over the response, told Reuters in a telephone interview that the task force could be a sounding board for Trump “as we move beyond the initial recovery phase to the broader long-term recovery phase.”

While the idea was not yet a “concrete plan,” Rubio said he suggested that Trump consider drawing upon experts in business and finance who understand the politics of the U.S. territory and the mainland.

Trump ‘seemed to like the idea’

Rubio said he spoke with Trump on Sunday: “He seemed to like the idea, and said they would follow up and see what that would look like.”

Hurricane Maria, which slammed into Puerto Rico three weeks ago, killed at least 43 people and left much of the Caribbean island without electricity or safe drinking water.

The emergency response and subsequent rebuilding effort is

expected to run into the tens of billions of dollars.

Prior to the hurricane, Puerto Rico had already been struggling with a $72 billion debt to creditors, a flight of residents to the U.S. mainland and aging infrastructure, including a decrepit power grid that was incapacitated by the storm.

Economy ‘shut down’

In a 30-minute interview, Rubio, who visited Puerto Rico on Sept. 25 to survey hurricane damage, said the island’s economy was “shut down” and that Washington faced the difficult task of figuring out how to provide emergency supplies and to move into full-blown rebuilding mode.

“They’re basically three weeks now living in the 19th century. They’re not going to continue to do that,” Rubio said of Puerto Rican residents, who are likely to continue to flee to the mainland United States unless conditions improve.


Fear, Frustration for Those Near California Fire Evacuation Zone

As the sun rose on another day of battling wildfires in Northern California, smoke and haze filled the skies.

People are on the move in cars stuffed with belongings. They are either fleeing from a newly announced evacuation zone or returning to a neighborhood that may have been spared, trying to get back to their homes.

But they are also at the mercy of the wind.

​Waiting and hoping

For four days, Daniel Montez, a resident of Sonoma, California, has waited at a roadblock hoping to be allowed to go to the property where he works and where his two cows, three calves, 25 goats, a horse and pony, and two llamas live.

“I just worry about the animals being safe,” said Montez, who has evacuated from his own home in Sonoma.

Throughout the Sonoma countryside, small fires are ever-present and, in many areas, continue to grow, threatening new areas, homes, buildings and lives.

On Thursday, authorities reported that the death toll from the massive Northern California fire continued to rise.

‘Different when it’s your home’

People in Sonoma have learned the difference between an advisory to evacuate and a mandatory evacuation. After first rushing out of her home, Kristi Zurauskas returned and chose to stay.

After seeing other disasters around the country, such as the hurricanes in Texas and Florida, Zurauskas had told herself, “I would leave. I would leave in a second.”

Now? “There’s something different when it’s your home,” she said.

​A thank you

Dressed in a white bathrobe, Jesa Crawford was heading out of Sonoma for the fourth time, her car packed with her belongings.

At each police check, she was trying to hand out bottles of wine to firefighters and police to thank them for their hard work.

“If they don’t want to drink it here, if they want to bring it home to their families, it’s a huge, huge thank you for coming to save us,” she said. “If it wasn’t for them, everything would be gone.”

Peru’s Cabinet Seeks New Legislative Powers on Economy From Congress

The government of Peru’s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski said Thursday that it will request special powers to legislate economic policies from the opposition-ruled Congress, after growth slowed sharply during his first year in office.

During a presentation in Congress, Prime Minister Mercedes Araoz said her cabinet wants to legislate policies aimed at consolidating an incipient economic recovery and making Peru a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a wealthy-country think tank.

In Peru, Congress traditionally grants legislative powers to the executive branch at the start of a president’s term, and it is rare for a prime minister to seek them so far into an administration – underscoring ongoing worries about the economy.

Growth in Peru, one of the region’s most robust economies, faltered early this year after a corruption scandal halted public work projects and severe flooding destroyed billions of dollars in infrastructure.

The government and central bank now expect the economy to grow by about 2.8 percent this year thanks to better prices for Peru’s key copper exports, down from 3.9 percent last year.

Araoz said the economy should expand by at least 4 percent in coming years.

It was unclear whether the opposition would grant the government its request for new legislative powers following a political crisis in September that ended with Congress ousting Kuczynski’s former cabinet.

Kuczynski appointed a more socially conservative cabinet led by Araoz that won initial praise from the right-wing populist party Popular Force, which has an absolute majority in Congress.

But Congress must approve the new cabinet with a vote of confidence scheduled for Thursday.

Araoz said that she would present the request for legislative powers in coming days.

Congress gave Kuczynski legislative authority on economic policies in September 2016, which his government used to pass laws aimed at reducing and expediting bureaucratic permits.

Russia’s Lavrov to US Tillerson: Moscow Readies Lawsuits Over Seized Property

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Thursday that Russia was preparing lawsuits to reclaim what Moscow says was illegally seized property in the United States, Russia’s foreign ministry said.

Lavrov, in a telephone conversation with Tillerson, also said it was unacceptable that U.S. authorities had removed Russian flags from its seized diplomatic buildings in the United States, the ministry said.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert, asked about the accusations later, told reporters that U.S. actions at the shuttered Russian facilities were “perfectly legal” and were carried out with “a lot of thought” and in a “judicious fashion.”

“The flags of the former Russian consular properties in San Francisco were respectfully lowered. They’re safely stored within each of the buildings,” Nauert said. “There’s no country in the world that pays greater respect to its own flag and to the flags of other nations. That is something that we take seriously.”

But Russia’s foreign ministry said Lavrov stressed to Tillerson that “the lawlessness continued by U.S. officials runs counter to declarations made at the highest level in Washington about intentions to normalize the bilateral relations, which have hit an all-time low.”

Russian staff left the consulate in San Francisco last month after Washington ordered Moscow to vacate some of its diplomatic properties, part of a series of tit-for-tat actions resulting from a souring of relations between the two countries.

Report: Rise in Natural Disasters Fueling Global Homelessness

New research finds nearly 14 million people a year are losing their homes because of sudden onset disasters such as floods and cyclones.

The Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, which analyzed the impact of sudden onset disasters in 204 countries and territories, warns that homelessness will continue to rise unless significant progress is made in managing disaster risk.

According to the research — officially released on Friday, marking International Day for Disaster Reduction — eight of the 10 disaster-prone countries with the highest levels of displacement are in East, South or Southeast Asia. India and China top this list. The two countries outside this region are Russia, ranked ninth, and the United States, ranked 10th.

The head of data and analysis at the center, Justin Ginnetti, said the 13.9 million people displaced by sudden onset disasters excluded those told to evacuate an area before a disaster struck. He called this a conservative figure, since homelessness due to drought was not included in the data.

Floods chiefly repsonsible

“Most of this displacement is being driven by floods, which is on the increase in a globally warming world and where population growth is increasing in flood-prone areas,” Ginnetti said. “Population exposure is indeed a key component of displacement risk. More people are likely to be displaced by disasters in countries with large populations.”

The data show displacement associated with disasters will mainly affect developing countries. However, the chief spokesman for the U.N. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Dennis McClean, said economic losses would be greatest in the richer countries. He said this year would probably be the worst year on record in terms of economic losses.

“If we look just at the Atlantic hurricane season, which is still ongoing, we see that economic losses in the United States alone are probably in the region of about $300 billion,” McClean said. “That is what the initial estimates are telling us. And, of course, the losses are perhaps even more significant in small island states in the Caribbean, which have also been devastated by these events.”

Specialists in disaster risk reduction are urging nations to improve land zoning and the quality of buildings, especially in seismic zones and on land exposed to storms and floods. They note that good early warning systems may not save homes but will save lives.

Джамала висловила підтримку засудженим у Криму Семені, Умерову і Чийгозу

Українська співачка кримськотатарського походження Джамала висловила співчуття і підтримку засудженим в окупованому Криму лідерам кримськотатарського національного руху Ахтемові Чийгозу і Ільмі Умерову, а також кримському журналістові Миколі Семені.

«Мені шкода, що саме так кримська влада закриває роти, що саме так вона розмовляє з хворими і літніми людьми», – сказала співачка проектові Радіо Свобода, сайтові Крим.Реалії під час презентації відеокліпу з її участю, присвяченого боротьбі з сучасними формами рабства.

Вона також сказала, що не знає, як підтримувати репресованих кримчан, і відчуває себе безпорадною, бо, за її словами, «навіть гучні політики нічого не можуть зробити».

Раніше 12 жовтня стало відомо, що Сусана Джамаладінова, відома за сценічним іменем Джамала, стала послом доброї волі Міжнародної організації з міграції, яка входить у структуру Організації Об’єднаних Націй.

Українська співачка кримськотатарського походження Джамала перемогла на «Євробаченні» у Швеції 2016 року, виконавши пісню «1944» про депортацію кримськотатарського народу. Після перемоги української виконавиці у 2017 році конкурс пройшов у Києві.

Підконтрольний Кремлеві Сімферопольський районний суд в окупованому Криму 27 вересня засудив одного з лідерів кримськотатарського національного руху Ільмі Умерова до двох років колонії-поселення. Також йому заборонили на два роки займатися публічною діяльністю і виступати у ЗМІ. Умерова звинувачували в публічних закликах до сепаратизму з погляду Росії. Він називає порушену проти нього кримінальну справу політично мотивованою, наголошуючи, що звинувачення ґрунтувалися на російськомовному викладі його слів, промовлених кримськотатарською мовою, який перекрутив зміст його виступу і приписав йому те, чого там не було.

22 вересня підконтрольний Москві Залізничний районний суд Сімферополя призначив Миколі Семені покарання у вигляді двох з половиною років умовно з випробувальним терміном на три роки і забороною займатися публічною діяльністю. Російська влада звинувачувала Семену в «публічних закликах до порушення територіальної цілісності Росії». Журналіст заявляв, що у своїх матеріалах він реалізовував право на вільне волевиявлення і, говорячи про Крим, не закликав щодо нього «порушувати територіальну цілісність Росії», бо, за міжнародним правом, Крим Росії й так не належить.

11 вересня підконтрольний Кремлеві Верховний суд Криму засудив одного з лідерів кримськотатарського народу Ахтема Чийгоза до восьми років ув’язнення за звинуваченням в «організації масових заворушень», що, за версією Москви, відбулися між учасниками мітингів, з одного боку, прихильників територіальної цілісності України, з іншого – проросійських активістів біля будівлі Верховної Ради Криму в Сімферополі 26 лютого 2014 року – задовго до того, як Росія в березні 2014-го назвала український Крим «російським». При цьому свідки переважно заперечили, що Чийгоз міг бути причетним до «організації заворушень». Чийгоз відкинув усі звинувачення на свою адресу і назвав справу політично мотивованою.

US Proposes NAFTA Sunset Clause, Raising Tensions in Talks

Washington has increased tensions in talks to renew the North American Free Trade Agreement by insisting that any new deal be allowed to expire after five years, two officials familiar with the negotiations said on Thursday.

Canada and Mexico both strongly oppose the concept of a so-called sunset clause, a provision that had been floated earlier.

But the officials, who asked not to be identified because the talks are confidential, said the U.S. side formally proposed it late on Wednesday during the fourth of seven scheduled rounds to update the rules governing one of the world’s biggest trade blocs.

The Trump administration says the clause, causing NAFTA to expire every five years unless all three countries agree it should continue, is to ensure the pact stays up to date.

But Mexico and Canada insist there is no point updating the pact with such a threat hanging over it, arguing the clause would stunt investment by sowing too much uncertainty about the future of the agreement.

“It’s a source of total uncertainty,” said one of the NAFTA government officials familiar with details of the negotiations.

U.S. President Donald Trump says NAFTA, originally signed in 1994, has been a disaster for the United States and has frequently threatened to scrap it unless major changes are made.

Business and farm groups say abandoning the 23-year-old pact would wreak economic havoc, disrupting cross-border manufacturing supply chains and slapping high tariffs on agricultural products.

Trade between the United States, Canada and Mexico has quadrupled under NAFTA, now topping $1.2 trillion a year. As well as the sunset clause, the United States wants to boost how much North American content autos must contain to qualify for tax-free status and eliminate a dispute settlement mechanisms that Canada insists must stay.

Some trade observers said it is difficult to see how negotiators could reach an agreement given U.S. demands that many see as nonstarters.

The head of Unifor, Canada’s largest private sector labor union, said it was clear the United States did not want a deal.

“NAFTA is not going anywhere. This thing is going into the toilet,” Jerry Dias told reporters on Thursday.

Despite clear signs of impatience from Canada in particular, U.S. negotiators have yet to submit their proposal on rules of origin for the auto sector. That looked unlikely to come before Friday, another official familiar with the talks said.

Trump on Wednesday repeated his warnings that he might terminate the pact and said he was open to doing a bilateral deal with either Canada or Mexico if three-way negotiations fail.

He was speaking at the White House with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who said Canada was “braced” for Trump’s unpredictability but taking a serious approach to the NAFTA talks.

Negotiators were also set to cover the difficult issue of government procurement on Thursday.

Canada and Mexico want their companies to be able to bid on more U.S. federal and state government contracts, but this is at odds with Trump’s “Buy American” agenda. U.S. negotiators have countered with a proposal that would effectively grant the other countries less access, people familiar with the talks say.

On automotive rules of origin, NAFTA negotiators face tough new U.S. demands to increase regional vehicle content to 85 percent from 62.5 percent, with 50 percent required from the United States, according to people briefed on the plan.

The rules of origin demands are among several conditions that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has labeled “poison pill proposals” that threaten to torpedo the talks.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Wednesday that he believed higher percentages for automotive content would be achieved, and “car companies will adapt themselves to it.”

However, a study released on Thursday by the Motor Equipment Manufacturers Association, which represents U.S. auto parts makers, showed the higher content requirements would lead to the loss of up to 24,000 U.S. jobs, as some companies would forgo NAFTA’s tariff-free benefits and ship in more components from other countries.

Туреччина заборонила приймати судна з Криму – ГПУ

Туреччина на наполягання України заборонила приймати судна з портів Криму і випускати судна, що прямують туди, повідомила речниця Генеральної прокуратури України Лариса Сарган.

За її словами, це рішення було ухвалене ще 6 жовтня за результатами візиту до Анкари генерального прокурора України Юрія Луценка.

Сарган оприлюднила у фейсбуці переклад документа про це Турецької палати судноплавства англійською мовою і виклала його зміст українською. Оригінальний турецький текст був оприлюднений на сайті палати 6 жовтня, в день ухвалення.

Як мовиться в документі, метою його ухвалення є необхідність дотримуватися «зовнішньої політики нашої країни у зв’язку з обмеженнями, запровадженими на судноплавство до і з портів регіону Криму».

За словами Лариси Сарган, турецьким портам, морським агентам, операторам та судновласникам офіційно повідомляється про те, що «судна, що прибувають з регіону Криму і його портів, не пропускаються в нашу країну (Туреччину), а дозвіл на відплиття до портів цього регіону не надається».

Крім того, повідомила речниця, запроваджується сувора система контролю: «Контроль забезпечується шляхом запиту від суден документів про вихід із останнього порту, а також записів бортового журналу щодо виходу з останнього порту, для подальшого контролю керівництвом портів під час повідомлення про прибуття суден із чорноморських портів, причому належний контроль проводиться шляхом використання всіх доступних систем і відкритих ресурсів (AIS, VDR тощо) для перевірки того факту, що кораблі прибули зі вказаних портів… Більше того, керівництво порту повинне отримати письмове зобов’язання у формі «Цим ми заявляємо і підтверджуємо, що останньою точкою відбуття цього судна, яке заходить до нашого порту, не є кримський порт, чи що воно не прямує з цього порту у кримські, що в органах нашої країни (Туреччини) не здійснюються ніякі дії з митними, портовими і торговими документами, що мають на собі позначку «Крим», навіть якщо вони також позначені як «Україна», у разі ж встановлення протилежного факту щодо будь-чого вказаного вище всі портові витрати і юридична відповідальність лягають на нас».

Повідомляється також, що цей контроль проводиться особисто керівництвом кожного турецького порту. Запровадження такої процедури є наслідком поширеної практики, коли судна-порушники останнім часом масово вказують турецьким морським та портовим органам неправдиву інформацію про порти призначення, пояснила речниця ГПУ.

Особливо зазначається, додала вона, що «ці дії застосовуються в повному обсязі і без винятків, незважаючи на власника, прапори суден і те, чи є вони завантаженими, чи ні».

За умовам виконання цього припису, турецькі портові органи можуть впливати на всі без винятку судна, що прямують протокою Босфор, зазначила речниця.

«Нагадаю, що наприкінці вересня генпрокурор Луценко в перебігу візиту до Анкари провів низку офіційних зустрічей, зокрема в Міністерстві юстиції Туреччини, а також зустрівся з головним прокурором Анкари. Сторони обговорювали правову взаємодію і співпрацю щодо запобігання та припинення постійних порушень Росією норм міжнародного морського права, а також незаконні морські зв’язки з окупованим Кримом», – написала Лариса Сарган.

Україна після окупації Криму Росією оголосила всі кримські порти закритими. На це не зважає не тільки Росія, а й деякі судна з інших країн, зокрема з Туреччини, яка не приєдналася до санкцій інших держав щодо Росії і щодо окупованого Криму. Для суден із країн ЄС, зокрема, діє заборона заходити в порти Криму, за винятком надзвичайних ситуацій.

Клімкін зустрівся з колегою з Угорщини через закон про освіту і їде до Румунії – МЗС

Міністр закордонних справ України Павло Клімкін здійснив візит до Угорщини, в перебігу якого, зокрема, зустрівся з угорським колегою Петером Сійярто, щоб роз’яснити йому суть нового українського закону про освіту, повідомили в Міністерстві закордонних справ України.

«Угорській стороні було детально роз’яснено зміст освітньої реформи та представлено аргументи щодо безпідставності побоювань щодо забезпечення прав угорської меншини. Клімкін наголосив, що документ повністю відповідає міжнародним стандартам, Україна передала освітній закон на експертизу до Венеційської комісії, щоб зняти будь-які занепокоєння», – мовиться в повідомленні.

«Готовність до діалогу у процесі імплементації освітньої реформи в Україні та започаткування консультації щодо конкретних питань, пов’язаних із мовою освіти угорської національної меншини, – шлях до порозуміння. У цьому зв’язку підтверджено візит міністра людських ресурсів Золтана Балога до України 19 жовтня», – додали в міністерстві.

Речниця МЗС Мар’яна Беца також навела деякі слова Павла Клімкіна на прес-конференції: «У нас відбулась із Петером Сійярто відверта розмова на основі аргументів, а не інтерпретацій, на основі фактів, а не міфології. Закон про освіту не спрямований проти жодної меншини. Кожен співвітчизник має, крім рідної, засвоїти і державну мову. Україна не має наміру закривати школи, звільняти вчителів. Щоб додатково зняти занепокоєння угорських колег, ми передали закон на експертизу до Венеційської комісії. Ми відкриті до конструктивного діалогу. Сподіваюсь, наші аргументи були почуті. Будемо вести дискусію про імплементацію закону».

Про реакцію угорської сторони в українському міністерстві не повідомили.

13 жовтня, як повідомили в МЗС України, Павло Клімкін здійснить робочий візит до Румунії, де зустрінеться з румунським колегою Теодором Мелешкану, міністром у справах румунів у всьому світі Андреєю Пестирнак, а також зустрінеться з делегацією парламенту Румунії з питань ініціювання діалогу з українськими інституціями для забезпечення захисту прав громадян, які належать до румунської меншини в Україні, а також із керівництвом та представниками Союзу українців Румунії.

Відносини між Угорщиною і Україною останнім часом різко загострилися через критику Будапештом нового українського закону про освіту, зокрема, його статті про мову освіти – державну українську, – яку Київ відкидає. Угорщина, зокрема, обіцяє через цей закон блокувати в Європейському союзі всі євроінтеграційні ініціативи щодо України, Будапешт також погрожує Києву санкціями ЄС через цей закон і переглядом Угоди про асоціацію між Україною і Євросоюзом; у Брюсселі в установах ЄС дали знати Радіо Свобода, що скептично ставляться до цих останніх погроз.

Крім того, критично висловлювалися щодо закону і в низці інших країн, зокрема в Румунії.

Критичну резолюцію з приводу мовних моментів закону України про освіту ухвалила і Парламентська асамблея Ради Європи.

Україна наголошує, що мовна стаття закону про освіту відповідає європейським практикам, а сам закон є законом рівних можливостей для всіх учнів, яких досі були позбавлені представники меншин через погане знання державної мови. Крім того, цю статтю надіслали на експертний розгляд до Венеційської комісії Ради Європи.





Освіта і мова. Чи виконував Будапешт те, що нині вимагає від Києва?​

Державна мова. Західним сусідам України доведеться звикати​

Мовна битва – як Києву знайти порозуміння з Будапештом​

Порошенко: мовна стаття закону «Про освіту» відповідає європейським практикам​

Мовні претензії сусідів: Україна пояснила Румунії освітній закон​

Чи винна Україна, що закарпатські угорці погано знають українську мову?​

Закон «Про освіту», мова та європейські сусіди. Не вистачає довіри

Коли українська мова стане державною не лише за статусом, а й за функцією?

Порошенко: в Україні не забороняється вивчення мови нацменшин, але кожна дитина має знати українську

«Ми живемо в Україні і кожен має знати українську мову» – директор школи на Луганщині

«Якою мовою будемо проводити навчання, такою і буде держава» – директор київської школи

Українська мова як економічний чинник

Тест на державність для політиків. Битва за українську мову

Нація і мова. Українське для них чуже, їхня замаскована альтернатива – російський націоналізм

Українська мова в окупованому Криму: «ритуальне» знищення

Закон про українську мову треба ухвалити невідкладно

«Це щеплення від Росії»: юристи про мовні квоти на телебаченні України

75 відсотків українською. Мовні квоти є ефективними – Зураб Аласанія 

Мовний супермен Святослав Літинський: мовний кордон сильніший від військового

Порошенко підписав закон про мовні квоти на телебаченні

Квоти: 75% української в ефірі та «Діамантова рука» з субтитрами

Верховна Рада затвердила обов’язкові 75% української мови на телебаченні

Про мовну психотравму і українське ґетто. Українська журналістка заступилася за Олега Скрипку

Київ може показати приклад, як подолати наслідки мовної окупації України

Financial Times: кількість російськомовних в Україні суттєво зменшилася

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Українська мова і захисники «русского мира»

Evergrande Property Magnate Seizes Top Spot On China Rich List

China has a new richest man, according to the annual Hurun rich list of the country’s top movers and shakers.

Xu Jiayin, the chairman of developer China Evergrande Group, has seized top spot – beating out more familiar faces such as Alibaba Group Holding Ltd’s Jack Ma and rival property magnate Wang Jianlin of Dalian Wanda Group.

Xu’s reported $43 billion wealth – a gain of around $30 billion against last year – comes on the back of a surge in Evergrande’s shares, up over 450 percent so far this year amid plans to cut debt and focus on profit over scale.

The Hurun Report, established in 1999, is the leading China-based organization ranking the wealth of the country’s rich and famous, and its list gives a temperature check on the winners and losers in China.

Growth in China stabilized this year, but while the world’s second largest economy averted a hard landing, some major corporations have buckled under the weight of their debt or been sanctioned by authorities over risky investments overseas.

Wanda’s Wang – who took top spot for the last two years – dropped to fifth in the list after Wanda sold off much of the firm’s hotel and theme park assets to rivals in July, after coming under regulatory scrutiny over its high leverage.

Close behind Evergrande’s Xu were China’s top tech titans – Alibaba’s Jack Ma and Tencent Holdings Ltd’s Pony Ma, who has seen his firm’s value rise on the popularity of its WeChat messaging app and its popular online games.

The list also underlined those who have fallen from grace in corporate China.

Jia Yueting, founder of sprawling conglomerate LeEco that once looked to rival both Tesla Inc and Netflix, dropped to 1,978th place from 31st last year.

Yang Kai, chairman of embattled Huishan Dairy – 66th last year – dropped off the list entirely as his firm fights off creditors amid billions of dollars of unpaid debt.

On the up was Wuxi Pharma Tech’s Li Ge and his wife, propelled by China’s push towards drug innovation, Zhang Lei of fast-growing online news portal Toutiao and Li Shufu of carmaker Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd.

“It has been a good year for manufacturing, cars, education, TMT and healthcare,” Hurun founder Rupert Hoogewerf said.

While many of those on the 2,000-strong list were members of the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, only a few were delegates at the upcoming five-yearly Party Congress that begins next week.

These included corn magnate Li Denghai, alcohol billionaire Wu Shaoxun and Pan Gang of dairy giant Yili.

The list, with a combined wealth of $2.6 trillion, saw average wealth rising 12.5 percent – faster than broader economic growth – pointing to the growing financial muscle of China’s super-rich elite.

Суд окупованого Криму оштрафував 9 затриманих під час обшуків у Бахчисараї активістів  – адвокат

У Бахчисараї підконтрольний Кремлю суд присудив адміністративні штрафи в розмірі від 10 до 20 тисяч рублів дев’ятьом активістам, затриманим російськими силовики під час обшуків в будинках кримських татар 11 жовтня. Про це «Крим.Реалії» повідомив координатор об’єднання «Кримська солідарність» Дилявер Меметов.

Усім дев’ятьом активістам інкримінують одночасне масове перебування в громадському місці, що спричинило «порушення громадського порядку», повідомила кримський юрист Ліля Гемеджі.

Вранці 11 жовтня стало відомо, що в Бахчисараї в декількох будинках кримських татар російські силовики провели обшуки. На місцях російські силовики затримали людей, які прийшли до будинків, де проходили обшуки.

Російські ЗМІ з посиланням на прес-службу ФСБ Росії повідомили, що силовики в Бахчисараї ліквідували «осередок» забороненої в Росії організації «Хізб ут-Тахрір». Цю російську заборону Москва на порушення міжнародного права намагається насаджувати і в окупованому нею українському Криму, хоча в Україні ця організація діє легально.

У Міністерстві закордонних справ України заявили, що затримання кримськотатарських активістів в Криму вкотре свідчить про продовження Росією репресивної політики.

Після анексії Росією українського Криму на півострові ФСБ проводить регулярні обшуки та допити журналістів, активістів, громадських діячів. Правозахисники називають це «боротьбою з інакомисленням».

Odd Mix of Industry, Environmentalists Fight Trump Coal, Nuclear Plan

The Trump administration says coal is back and nuclear energy is cool. Not at the expense of natural gas, wind and solar, insists an unusual coalition of business and environmental groups.

Dow Chemical, Koch Industries and U.S. Steel Corp. are standing with environmentalists in opposing an Energy Department plan that would reward nuclear and coal-fired power plants for adding reliability to the nation’s power grid and are pressuring the administration to shift course.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry says the plan is needed to help prevent widespread outages such as those caused by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria and a 2014 “polar vortex” in the Eastern and Central U.S. The plan aims to reverse a steady tide of retirements of coal and nuclear plants, which have lost market share as natural gas and renewable energy flourish.

“The continued loss of baseload generation … such as coal and nuclear must be stopped,” Perry wrote in a Sept. 28 letter urging the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to adopt the new rule. “These generation resources are necessary to maintain the resiliency of the electric grid” amid sharp shifts in the U.S. energy market.

Perry’s plan coincides with President Donald Trump’s vow to achieve U.S. “energy dominance” while ending what he and other Republicans call a “war on coal” waged by the Obama administration. Perry, who has said he wants to “make nuclear energy cool again,” is certain to face questions about the plan and the opposition at a congressional hearing Thursday.

Critics see a bailout

The plan would compensate power plant owners that maintain a 90-day fuel supply protected against the elements. Critics say it could result in subsidies worth billions of dollars.

Environmental groups say the plan would boost dirty fuels and harm consumers, while the energy industry warns about interference in the free market and manufacturers complain about higher energy prices that could be passed on to consumers.

“Rick Perry is trying to slam through an outrageous bailout of the coal and nuclear industries on the backs of American consumers,” said Kit Kennedy, an energy policy expert for the Natural Resources Defense Council. “This radical proposal would lead to higher energy bills for consumers and businesses, as well as dirtier air and increased health problems.”

A coalition of industry groups, ranging from the American Council on Renewable Energy to the American Petroleum Institute and the Natural Gas Supply Association, also blasted the plan, saying it could harm “entire industries and their tens of thousands workers.”

Amy Farrell, senior vice president of the American Wind Energy Association, said the proposal could “upend competitive markets that save consumers billions of dollars a year.”

Oil, gas: Let markets work

Marty Durbin, executive vice president of the petroleum institute, the top lobbying group for the oil and gas industry, said officials “need to be careful that government doesn’t put its thumb on the scale” in energy markets. “It’s better to let markets choose, which is what the United States is seeing with the growth of natural gas” as the leading U.S. electricity source, Durbin said.

The Industrial Energy Consumers of America, a trade group that represents Dow, Koch Industries and other manufacturing giants, is among those lobbying against the plan. In a letter to Congress, the group called the proposal “anti-competitive” and said it could distort or “destroy competitive wholesale electricity markets, increase the price of electricity to all consumers” and harm U.S. manufacturing.

The manufacturers and other critics say there is no evidence of a threat to the grid’s day-to-day reliability that would justify the emergency action Perry is seeking.

Indeed, in a report commissioned by Perry and delivered in August, the Energy Department said “reliability is adequate today despite the retirement of 11 percent of the generating capacity available in 2002, as significant additions from natural gas, wind, and solar have come online since then.”

Gerry Cauley, CEO of the North American Electric Reliability Corp., an international regulatory authority, said at a conference in June that “the state of reliability in North America remains strong, and the trend line shows continuing improvement year over year.”

Coal, nuclear groups hail plan

Even so, coal and nuclear groups hailed the plan. National Mining Association President and CEO Hal Quinn called Perry’s action “a long-overdue and necessary step to address the vulnerability of America’s energy grid,” while Maria Korsnick, president and CEO of the Nuclear Energy Institute, said disruptions caused by hurricanes and other extreme weather events show that “the urgency to act in support of the resiliency of the electric grid has never been clearer.”

The Energy Department seeks final action by mid-December, although industry groups and some members of Congress have pushed for a delay.

Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., said the energy commission should reject Perry’s plan.

“Secretary Perry has embraced an obsolete view of the grid (that) would bail out coal and nuclear power plants at the expense everyone else,” she said.

First Latina Makes History in Fortune 50 Most Powerful Women List

The ranking of the 50 most powerful women by Fortune magazine is out. The list include such stalwarts as General Motors Mary Barra and PepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi. But it also seven newcomers, including the first foreign-born Latina CEO on the Fortune 500, Geisha Williams. VOA Correspondent Mariama Diallo was at their annual gathering in Washington this week and has this report.