IS Sympathizer Gets Life in Prison for Florida Beach Bomb Plot

A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced an Islamic State sympathizer to life in prison for plotting to bury a remote-controlled bomb on a beach on Key West, Florida.

Harlem Suarez was arrested in 2015 for buying a dummy bomb from FBI agents posing as IS members.

Judge Jose Martinez declared Suarez to be “inept” and “nutty.”

Federal prosecutors said Suarez posted “a ton” of pro-Islamic State propaganda, including graphic videos, on the internet. They said he planned to bury the nail-filled bomb on the beach and set it off with a cellphone.

“When told the shrapnel would rip through people faster than bullets, he smiled and said, ‘Great, great.’ This defendant has shown no remorse, he has demonstrated no sense of responsibility,” U.S. Attorney Marc Anton said.

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