Рада відхилила скасування законопроекту про медичну реформу

Верховна Рада України відхилила проект постанови про скасування рішення парламенту стосовно законопроекту №6327 про державні фінансові гарантії надання медичних послуг і лікарських засобів.

Проект постанови підтримали 45 народних депутатів (за 226 необхідних). 11 парламентарів висловилися проти, 20 утрималися, ще 224 не голосували.

Відповідно до закону «Про регламент Верховної Ради України», голова парламенту Андрій Парубій не міг підписати документ до розгляду проекту постанови про його скасування.

Верховна Рада ухвалила проект закону про державні фінансові гарантії надання медичних послуг 19 жовтня. Його підтримали 240 народних депутатів. Документ дає початок медичній реформі в Україні. Законопроект, зокрема, визначає, які медичні послуги на 100% оплачуватиме держава, а за які доплачуватиме пацієнт.

US Immigration Enforcement Agency Seeks to Double in Size by 2023

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is considering a hiring surge that would more than double the agency’s size in the coming six years to nearly 46,000 employees, surpassing previously published estimates, according to a government contracting-related document released this week.

In a “Request for Information” Wednesday seeking input from the private sector about staffing services to support such an increase, ICE stated it could hire as many as 25,700 staff members by 2023, beginning in early 2018. The agency currently employs about 20,000 people and has a well-documented struggle with finding and keeping new hires.

The higher figure surpasses the 10,000 new immigration enforcement agents and deportation officers President Donald Trump called for in a January executive order; it also goes above the “more than 6,500 technical and operational support staff” the agency anticipated requiring.

Asked about the potential hiring surge, an ICE spokesperson twice referred to the agency’s Frequently Asked Questions site, specifically a section stating that in addition to hiring the 10,000 agents and officers, the agency would add “additional operational and mission support and legal staff necessary to hire and support their activities.”

The agency declined further comment.

Hiring challenges ahead

A Request for Information (RFI) is an initial step in the government contracting process to gauge the capabilities, interest and estimates of possible vendors, who in this case would be providing human resources support in “recruiting, examining, selecting and placing employees” at ICE.

The document lays out an estimated pace, saying its current estimated hiring need is 2,500 beginning March 2018; 7,000 hires each year from 2019 to 2021; and 2,200 hires in 2022.

An RFI does not guarantee a proposal and bidding process will follow; the document is careful to state that staffing services “may be needed.”

But if ICE follows through with an aggressive hiring plan, it will likely need outside help in the hiring process.

A report by the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general in July estimated that in order to add 10,000 immigration agents and deportation officers to the current level of around 6,000, the agency would need to vet about a half-million applicants.


ICE has also had difficulties in keeping up with vacancies from losing 795 employees annually through attrition; DHS has the most understaffed human resource services among larger federal agencies, according to a July DHS Inspector General’s report.

ICE will need about 200 more people who work in human resources to keep up with the hiring process for so many new employees. 

Another report from the Inspector General, issued this month, said the agency, along with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, “face significant challenges in identifying, recruiting, hiring and fielding the number of law enforcement officers mandated in the January 2017 Executive Orders.” 

Trump mandated CBP hire an additional 5,000 border officers in the same executive order as the ICE increase. There is no Request for Information announced for a CBP hiring surge.

But in the November report, the Inspector General noted neither agency “could provide complete data to support the operational need or deployment strategies for the additional 15,000 agents and officers they were directed to hire,” calling into question the need for what Trump ordered.

The degree to which the hiring is carried out will depend on funding allocated by Congress, and also by presidential politics — Trump’s term ends in January 2021, in the middle of the anticipated increase to ICE’s ranks.

МЗС України: Росія має звільнити кримського активіста Балуха

Міністерство закордонних справ України вимагає від Росії звільнити утримуваного під вартою в анексованому Криму українського активіста Володимира Балуха.

«Вимагаємо від окупанта звільнення Володимира Балуха і припинення судового фарсу», – написала у Twitter речниця МЗС Мар’яна Беца.

10 листопада в підконтрольному Кремлю Роздольненському районному суді проходить засідання у справі українського активіста Балуха. Під час процесу йому стало зле, Балухові викликали «швидку допомогу» і відвезли до лікарні.

Засідання суду перенесли на 16 листопада.

Згідно з висновком лікаря, у Балуха гострі болі, остеохондроз поперекової частини, брати участь в судовому засіданні він не може і потребує амбулаторного лікуванні. Лікар заявляє, що Балух може утримуватися в ізоляторі тимчасового тримання.

Як повідомила адвокат Ольга Дінзе, захист має намір звернутися з клопотанням до суду про зміну Балух запобіжного заходу на менш суворий, не пов’язаний триманням під вартою.

Напередодні активістові продовжили термін арешту, таким чином, він залишиться під вартою до 16 січня 2018 року.

У серпні суд виніс вирок українському активісту – три роки і сім місяців колонії загального режиму, а також штраф у розмірі десяти неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян. Однак під час розгляду апеляційної скарги вирок був скасований, і справу відправили на повторний розгляд.

ФСБ затримала Володимира Балуха 8 грудня 2016 року. Співробітники ФСБ стверджували, що на горищі будинку, де живе активіст, вони виявили 90 патронів і кілька тротилових шашок.

Захист Балуха і правозахисники вважають, що він став жертвою репресій за свою проукраїнську позицію – через прапор України на подвір’ї свого будинку.


МЗС про рішення московського суду щодо Сущенка: це апробований сценарій Росії

Міністерство закордонних справ України засуджує рішення російського суду, який відхилив скаргу адвоката на продовження арешту українського журналіста Романа Сущенка, звинуваченого російською владою у шпигунстві.

«Апробований сценарій Росії. Політично вмотивована справа. Боремося далі за звільнення Романа Сущенка», – написала речниця МЗС України Мар’яна Беца.

10 листопада суд у столиці Росії Москві відхилив апеляцію адвоката Марка Фейгіна на продовження арешту українського журналіста Романа Сущенка, якого російська влада звинувачує у шпигунстві і залишив його під вартою до 30 листопада.

Минулого місяця адвокат повідомляв, що слідство у справі Сущенка завершене. За інформацією Фейгіна, на початку наступного року справа надійде у Московський міський суд. Зважаючи на те, що справа має гриф «державної таємниці», судові засідання проходитимуть у закритому режимі.

Кореспондента українського агентства «Укрінформ» у Франції Романа Сущенка Федеральна служба безпеки Росії затримала 30 вересня минулого року в Москві, куди він приїхав у приватних справах. Його назвали «співробітником української розвідки», який нібито «цілеспрямовано збирав відомості про діяльність збройних сил і військ національної гвардії Російської Федерації, що є державною таємницею». Кримінальну справу російські слідчі порушили за статтею «шпигунство».

Сущенко всі звинувачення відкидає. Українська сторона називає звинувачення проти журналіста безпідставними і вимагає негайно його звільнити.

Investigations Probe Russian Social Media Meddling in US Politics

Executives of Facebook, Google and Twitter last week met with Congress to answer questions about Russian efforts to use the platforms to spread disinformation during and after the 2016 US presidential election. VOA’s Bill Gallo looks at the extent of the Russian campaign, and what US lawmakers want to do about it.

Panama: Former President’s Sons Received $50M in ‘undue payments’

Panamanian prosecutors say Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht, involved in a huge international corruption scandal, has paid bribes of several million dollars to the sons of former Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli.

Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enriquez Martinelli are suspected of receiving more than $50 million in “undue payments” from Odebrecht, Panama’s prosecutors said Thursday.

Odebrecht allegedly paid about $800 million in bribes associate with infrastructure contracts in a dozen Latin American countries between 2002 and 2016, including at least $59 million in Panama. Panamanian authorities say the real figure is likely much higher.

The Attorney General’s Office alleged in a statement that there were several multimillion-dollar transfers to the Martinelli brothers through accounts in Panama and abroad in 2010-2014.

It said that allegations are based on information obtained from cooperating witnesses in the investigation, the former Panama manager for Brazil’s Odebrecht, Andre Campos Rabello, and two other former Odebrecht executives.

The Martinelli family has denied the sons’ involvement in the bribery scandal, alleging persecution by political foes.

The former president, who has also denied any wrongdoing, has been detained in the United States facing possible extradition to Panama on charges of embezzlement and political espionage.

Trump’s China Stop Provides Feel Good Breather, but Challenges Remain

President Donald Trump’s two-day stop in China saw the signing of $250 billion in deals between the world’s two biggest economies and the two countries aligning themselves closer in resolute opposition to North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.

But analysts say little new ground was broken on trade or North Korea, an issue that will continue to top President Trump’s agenda as he travels to Vietnam and attends the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit.

And the true test of the feel-good foundation forged during the meetings, analysts said, is likely to come in the days, weeks and months ahead.

Big deal?

By design, the $250 billion sum of the deals was meant to provide a sharp contrast to the $300-500 billion deficit that exists between the United States and China, something Trump called “horrible” before departing for his 12-day trip to Asia.

Chinese state media have kicked into overdrive hailing the visit as a huge success. Media reports have highlighted the tone of the meetings, repeatedly noting the total amount of the deals.

An editorial in the official China Daily Friday said, “Although the differences that had been pestering bilateral ties have not instantly disappeared, the most important takeaway from their talks in Beijing has been the constructive approach to these issue the two leaders demonstrated.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called the meeting “historic.”

“We will definitely write a new chapter in the U.S.-Chinese relations. We will definitely make a new contribution to realize a beautiful future for U.S.-Chinese relations,” Xi said at a banquet Thursday evening.

Whether the “historic” nature of the meetings will hold, however, remains in question.

Liao Qun, chief economist at China CITIC Bank International, said that the size of the deal shows trade takes priority above all else.

“Though the U.S. and China do not see eye to eye, both still compete on many geo-political issues, trade still remains at the top of their agenda. With closer trade relations, the U.S.-China relation will still make headway,” Liao said.

​No guarantees

But not all agree with that assessment.

Some analysts said that despite Trump’s softer approach and “incredibly warm” feeling he expressed about his Chinese counterpart, the president is likely to be back to criticizing China again in a few months.

“The president likes deals, and he likes big numbers, but we’re not going to change something he doesn’t like, which is the big China trade deficit, without changing Chinese practices,” said Derek Scissors, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. “China has to have a different approach to trade in the world than it does.”

Scissors said that more than the deficit, it is what is behind the numbers, such as the fact that Chinese state-owned enterprises never go out of business.

“Which means American goods and services can’t ever win in the China market,” he said.

WATCH: Trump Touts Excellent Progress in Beijing During Talks with Xi

Paul Haenle, director of the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy said we may have a case of misaligned assessments of how the visit has played out.

The Chinese leadership may think that they have done a lot to give President Trump face, with all of the pomp and business deals, and that that has put the relationship on solid footing, he said.

“But President Trump may go home to a domestic political environment where people are disappointed he hasn’t achieved more progress on the structural trade and economics issues (market access, more fair and reciprocal treatment for U.S. businesses, intellectual property rights, forced technology transfer, and Chinese unfair industrial policies) and North Korea,” Haenle said. “My concern is you may see a shift towards a much harder line coming from the U.S. administration. That will be a huge surprise to China and President Xi.”

​Pretty small

The huge deals reached could create jobs in America and provide a small boost to exports, but the meetings did little to advance market access.

“Open markets are better for both sides. It is also better for China to open up its market. But China is not interested in opening markets,” said Christopher Balding, associate professor of finance at Peking University’s HSBC Business.

In a briefing with reporters Thursday after the two leaders issued a joint statement, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that “in the grand scheme of a $300- to $500-billion trade deficit, the things that have been achieved thus far are pretty small.”

“I mean, they’re not small if you’re a company, maybe, that has seen some relief. But in terms of really getting at some of the fundamental elements behind why this imbalance exists, there’s still a lot more work to do,” he said.

China has repeatedly pledged to do more to open its markets, and the Communist Party recently approved amendments to its charter that called for letting “the market play a decisive role in the economy. But progress has been slow and contradictory.

Earlier this year, China announced it would be allowing U.S. credit card companies to operate fully owned units in the country after years of stalling. However, several sources recently told Reuters that authorities are still pressing foreign credit card companies to form joint ventures with Chinese companies.

On Friday, China announced that it will raise the ownership limits in joint venture firms involved in securities, futures and fund markets. China’s Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said that ownership limits would be raised from 49 to 51 percent, allowing foreign companies to hold a majority stake.

No time frame for implementing the measures was given, but according to Reuters Zhu did say that all restrictions on equity holdings for the sectors would be removed in three years.

Analysts note that while it is still hard to say what else was discussed behind closed doors, on trade and North Korea, the ball is clearly in China’s court.

“Trump has put the onus on President Xi to solve the North Korea problem. This is why he said that if Xi wants something to happen, it will happen,” Balding said.

VOA’s Joyce Huang and Saibal Dasgupta contributed to this report.

Wall Street on a Run That’s Shattering Milestones

Donald Trump warned that the stock market was a “big, fat, ugly bubble” just weeks before he was elected. A year later, Wall Street remains on a milestone-shattering run that the president has been eager to tout and tweet about.

The Standard & Poor’s 500 index, the broadest measure of the stock market, has notched 61 record highs and climbed about 21.3 percent in the year since Trump was elected.

That exceeds the S&P 500’s gain in the first-term election anniversaries of all but two presidents since World War II: George H.W. Bush (22.9 percent) and John F. Kennedy (27 percent), according to CFRA Research.

It also outpaces the market’s performance in the same postelection period of several other modern-era White House occupants, including Ronald Reagan (-3.3 percent), Bill Clinton (10.3 percent), George W. Bush (-22.1 percent) and Barack Obama (4.1 percent). But it trails the S&P 500’s gain in the first year after the second-term elections of Clinton (31.7 percent) and Obama (23.4 percent).

​Initially a sell-off in Asia

The billionaire’s surprise electoral victory initially set off a steep sell-off in Asian markets. But by the end of the day on Nov. 9, 2016, global markets had steadied and the S&P 500 index closed sharply higher. The market’s rally continued for several weeks, driving the major U.S. stock indexes to record highs. This year, stocks have gradually moved higher, clocking new milestones for the indexes along the way.

Since Trump’s election, investors have been betting that the White House and a GOP-controlled Congress will have a clear pathway to cut taxes, relax regulations and enact other business-friendly policies, despite legislative stumbles that have delayed the administration’s efforts.

Strong corporate profits, revenue

Yet, the biggest driver of the market’s gains has been strong corporate profits, Wall Street analysts say.

“The most important thing that’s happened is we’ve had very good earnings seasons,” said JJ Kinahan, chief market strategist at TD Ameritrade. “Companies are making money. Earnings drive the market and earnings have been good.”

In recent weeks, more than 400 of the companies in the S&P 500 have reported their results for the July-through-September quarter, and they’ve been so much better than forecast that Wall Street has more than doubled its expectations for third-quarter earnings growth to 6.8 percent, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence.

What’s more encouraging to many investors is that more companies than usual are also reporting higher revenue than analysts had forecast.

Stock prices tend to track corporate profits over the long term, so the better-than-expected earnings growth helps to validate the stock market’s record-setting run, at least somewhat.

Betting on growth

Investors have also continued to bet big on economic growth in the U.S. and worldwide as economies in Europe and Asia have bounced back, Kinahan noted.

Since Trump’s election, technology companies have led the way with a 39 percent surge. Banks and industrial and basic materials companies have also soared. Only phone company stocks are down from a year ago.

During the first presidential debate between Trump and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in September 2016, Trump cautioned that the stock market was in bubble and that even a small increase in interest rates would bring the market “crashing down.”

That’s not happened, even though the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates twice this year and is expected to do so again next month.

‘Sailing along’ another year

Eight years into the bull market, many analysts expect stocks to keep climbing, at least for the next year. The global economy is improving, corporate profits are rising and inflation remains low but not so low that it makes economists nervous.

On average, the S&P 500 has continued “sailing along” for another year after a president’s first-term election anniversary, before declining 10 percent or more, said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at CFRA Research.

He notes that the shortest time was 36 days following Kennedy’s first election anniversary, while the longest stretch was nearly four years after Clinton was elected.

“Should history repeat, and there is no guarantee it will, this bull (market) could continue to surprise investors with its resiliency,” Stovall said.

From Grey to Green: Smokestack Cities Power to Bright Future

Bicycle highways, urban farms and local energy hubs — just some of the ways that yesterday’s smokestack cities are turning into tomorrow’s green spaces.

The Urban Transitions Alliance (UTA), a network that brings together cities in Germany, the United States and China, launched this week to help members learn regeneration tricks from each other.

“What to do with your brownfield sites, how to transition with citizens in mind, create new jobs — these cities have a lot of challenges in common,” said Roman Mendle, Smart Cities program manager at ICLEI, an international association of local governments.

As up to 70 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions are generated in urban areas, cities have to play a leading role in addressing climate change.

Experts from more than 20 countries met in Essen, Germany, this week to launch the UTA and thrash out how post-industrial cities can reinvent themselves in plans that will be submitted to the U.N. climate talks in Bonn this week.

Essen, once a coal and steel city known as Germany’s “Graue Maus” (grey mouse) for its polluted air and waterways, has gained a reputation as a trailblazer for sustainability, becoming the European Commission’s European Green Capital 2017.

“There is a lot of know-how in Essen on how to transition from the age of carbon to a post-carbon world,” said Simone Raskob, Essen’s deputy mayor and head of its environment department.

“No city can do this by itself. There are a lot of challenges,” Raskob, who leads the European Green City – Essen 2017 project, told Reuters.

Experts praise Essen for cleaning up its waterways, creating green spaces and turning grimy industrial sites into dynamic cultural centers, such as the Zeche Zollverein, a towering UNESCO World Heritage site that arose from a disused coal mine.

To ease traffic congestion, Essen built Germany’s first bike highway, connecting with a 100-km (62-mile) regional network.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, once a dynamo of U.S. heavy industry, has shifted from a fossil fuel-based economy, reinventing itself as a hub for green buildings innovation and clean energy.

The former steel city has been switching over to LED street lights, retro-fitting municipal buildings for energy efficiency and developing district energy initiatives.

The city will also host the largest U.S. urban farm: 23 acres (9 hectares) on a site where low-income housing once stood.

“One of the key things we have recognized is that becoming greener also brings economic benefits,” said Grant Ervin, Pittsburgh’s chief resilience officer.

Founding UTA members include districts of Beijing and Shijiazhuang in China; Buffalo and Cincinnati in the United States; and Dortmund in Germany.

Black Candidates Win Mayoral Races, Could Affect US Politics

When Wilmot Collins knocked on doors across Helena, Montana, residents wanted to know what he would do to address homelessness, affordable housing and other municipal issues.

“They didn’t once ask me if you think a black person can win a race in this town,” the Liberian immigrant told The Associated Press a day after his election.

Fifty years to the date after the nation’s first black mayor was elected to lead a large American city, voters in more than a half-dozen large and small cities chose black candidates as mayors Tuesday. Most of the mayors are Democrats, but some of the races were nonpartisan. Political experts say the results could have national political consequences as the Democratic Party looks to build its bench with a more diverse pool of candidates and the mayors seize opportunities to bring about change at the local level in an era of gridlock in Washington under President Donald Trump.

Vi Lyles was elected mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina, becoming the first black woman to run North Carolina’s largest city. City Councilman Melvin Carter was elected the first black mayor of St. Paul, Minnesota. Voters in Cleveland and in Flint, Michigan, re-elected black mayoral incumbents. The result in Ohio came 50 years after Carl Stokes made history in Cleveland in becoming the nation’s first big-city black mayor.

Stephanie Mash Sykes, executive director of the nonpartisan African American Mayors Association, said there are about 30 black mayors of U.S. cities with more than 100,000 residents. The 2010 Census lists more than 200 cities and regional areas that size.

Those 30 black mayors include Randall Woodfin, who defeated black incumbent William Bell last month in Birmingham, Alabama. New Orleans will be on that list as two black women are in the runoff for mayor. Atlanta City Councilwomen Keisha Lance Bottoms, who’s black, and Mary Norwood, who’s white, are headed to a runoff for Atlanta mayor.

Not all black candidates found success. Tito Jackson, a black city councilor in Boston, was defeated Tuesday by incumbent Mayor Marty Walsh, who’s white. And in Detroit, Coleman Young II, the son of the city’s first black mayor, lost to incumbent Mayor Mike Duggan, who first was elected in 2013 as Detroit’s first white mayor since 1973.

“We’ll win some. We’ll lose some,” Sykes said, but “voters are looking for a leader that’s effective in developing innovative solutions for jobs, access to affordable housing.”

The victories could translate to national politics, according to Paul Watanabe, political science professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

“For most of these mayors from the Democrat party, they may provide an answer to the question: Is there any new leadership on the Democratic side?” Watanabe said. “Perhaps one might look to governors or to mayors, particularly, for candidates of color who might be new or fresh on the scene.”

To some political observers, Tuesday’s general elections also were a referendum on the divisive politics and policies emanating from Washington, where Republicans control the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Helena voters shut all that down, said Collins, a psychology instructor at Helena College who left West Africa as a refugee about two dozen years ago.

“The people of Helena told (Washington) that they are an accepting community,” said Collins, who will become the city’s first black mayor since the 1800s. “We want diversity.”

Sykes, who didn’t have a historical record showing if the number of black mayors was the most ever, said the candidates elected Tuesday have an opportunity to play a large-than-usual role in setting the agenda with Washington leaders struggling to get much done.

“We don’t see much of anything to impact local communities, particularly communities of color,” she said. “These mayors are the hopes and opportunities to create solutions on the ground.”

Tuesday’s elections also saw Ravi Bhalla, a Sikh, win the mayor’s race in Hoboken, New Jersey.

In Flint, Karen Weaver fended off a recall effort and beat a number of challengers to complete the last two years of her term.

The recall focused on Weaver’s decision to hire a trash hauler that became connected to a federal corruption investigation. It didn’t refer to Flint’s lead-tainted water crisis.

The city was under state control when it switched from Detroit’s water system to the Flint River in 2014 to save money. But the river water wasn’t properly treated, causing lead from pipes to leach into drinking water.

Weaver made the water problems a focus of her successful 2015 mayoral campaign and said she believes her win Tuesday gives a voice to an urban agenda.

Mike Tyson Sent Back to US After Chile Denies Entry

Chilean authorities say they’ve denied former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson entry to the country and are sending him back to the U.S.


Chile’s equivalent of the FBI said Thursday that Tyson doesn’t meet requirements for entry, apparently due to his criminal record. Tyson served three years of a six-year sentence in the 1990s for raping a teenage beauty-pageant contestant. He also has been convicted of assault and cocaine possession.


The Chilean Police of Investigations also said in a tweet that Interpol agents would escort him to a flight back to the U.S. in the evening.


Tyson came to Chile to take part in a promotional event for a TV channel.


In 2013, he was forced to scrap promotional appearances in London because the convictions barred him from entering Britain.


In China, Trump Strikes Gentler Tone on N. Korea, Trade

President Donald Trump struck a markedly softer tone on touchy subjects like North Korea and trade with President Xi Jinping of China Thursday, and highlighted his “incredibly warm” feeling toward his counterpart.

During joint statements after talks in Beijing, Trump expressed optimism the U.S. and China will resolve the North Korea nuclear crisis. “I do believe there’s a solution to that, as you do,” Trump said.

Trump said he has “great respect” for Xi’s leadership on trade and noted the U.S. must change its policy. Trump blamed his predecessors in Washington for the trade deficit with China.

“It’s too bad that past administrations allowed it go get so far out of kilter,” Trump added. “But we’ll make it fair, and it will be tremendous for both of us.”

Trump concluded remarks by touting his “great chemistry” with Xi.

The Chinese leader said Beijing’s relationship with Washington “now stands at a new starting point” and vowed to “enhance communication and cooperation on the nuclear issues on the Korean Peninsula” and other issues.

“For China and the United States, cooperation is the only viable choice, and win-win cooperation can take us to a better future,” said the Chinese president.

Trump administration officials said during the closed talks, Trump pressed Xi on the North Korea nuclear issue. According to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Trump told Xi, “You’re a strong man, I’m sure you can solve this for me.”

Speaking in Beijing, Tillerson noted “there is no disagreement on North Korea” between the United States and China. The diplomat pointed out the Chinese have been clear and unequivocal over two days of talks that they will not accept a North Korea with nuclear weapons.

“There’s no space between both of our objectives,” said Tillerson. “We have our own views of the tactics, the timing and how far to go with pressure and that’s what we spend a lot of time exchanging views on.”

Tillerson also said the two men also had frank exchanges on human rights and maritime disputes in the South China Sea.

Later, Trump and Xi spoke to a meeting of business leaders. Trump said, “I thank President Xi for his recent efforts to restrict trade with North Korea and cut off banking ties. China can fix this problem easily and quickly.”

Bilateral trade

The shift in Trump’s rhetoric on trade was especially notable because the U.S. leader has long complained about the trade imbalance between China and the United States.

After the talks, Secretary Tillerson said, “The things that have been achieved thus far are pretty small” despite long hours of trade talks between the U.S. and China, adding the U.S. concerns about the pace of progress was communicated to Chinese officials Thursday.

For the first 10 months of the year, China’s trade surplus with the U.S. was $223 billion, according to recent data released by China’s General Administration of Customs.

Trump said the U.S. trade deficit with China is “shockingly hundreds of billions of dollars” annually.

President Xi said there is a wider and prosperous future for U.S.-China cooperation on trade, adding that $250 billion worth of business deals were signed during President Trump’s visit to China and that, “Chinese investment in the United States is rising rapidly.”

But the roughly 15 agreements unveiled in Beijing are mostly non-binding memorandums of understanding, and according to Bloomberg News, “could take years to materialize — if they do at all.”

Derek Scissors, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, is pessimistic that such deals will do much to address the real hindrances to trade relations with China.

“The president likes deals, and he likes big numbers, but we’re not going to change something he doesn’t like, like the trade deficit, without changing Chinese trade practices,” Scissors said. “China has to have a different approach to trade in the world than it does.”

Scissors said that more than the deficit, it is what is behind the numbers, such as the fact that Chinese state-owned enterprises never go out of business.

“Which means American goods and services can’t ever win in the China market,” he said.

In his joint statement, Xi said, “there needs to be in-depth discussions on the trade imbalance” with the United States, among other issues.

The Chinese leaders predicted “there will be a wider and prosperous future for cooperation on trade,” specifically mentioning the oil and gas sector, beer, agricultural products, education and service contracts. He also invited more American companies to participate in China’s One Belt One Road initiative, an effort to create the world’s largest platform for economic cooperation, inspired by the ancient Silk Road trading network.

The United States and China, respectively, have the world’s largest economies and most powerful militaries.

The two leaders walked side by side on a red carpet at a welcoming ceremony early Thursday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The U.S. and Chinese national anthems were played by a military band, and ceremonial cannon fire from Tiananmen Square saluted Trump. An exuberant crowd of school children waved U.S. and Chinese flags.

Business deals

​The Trump administration is showcasing several business deals signed during the China trip, including a deal for China’s biggest online retailer to buy $1.2 billion of American beef and pork.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has said such business deals “are a good example” of how the United States “can productively build up our bilateral trade.”

Trump also met Thursday with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, whose position is similar to that of a prime minister.

Trump and his wife, Melania, were received with great pageantry on their arrival to China. The Trumps also were treated to a private visit to the Forbidden City, China’s ancient imperial palace. They also viewed an outdoor opera featuring costumes, music and martial arts.

The U.S. president arrived in Beijing a day after delivering a speech in Seoul, South Korea, in which he called on other nations to unite and “isolate the brutal regime of North Korea.”

Trump is on a 12-day, five-nation tour of Asia that will take him to Danang,Vietnam, on Friday, where he will speak at a meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

Bill Ide, Marissa Melton contributed to this report.

Zuckerberg Nears End of US Tour, Wants to Boost Small Business

What’s Mark Zuckerberg’s biggest takeaway as he wraps up a year of travel to dozens of U.S. states? The importance of local communities.

To this end, Facebook’s CEO is announcing a program to boost small businesses and give people technical skills on and off Facebook. The move shows how intertwined Facebook has become not just in our social lives, but in entrepreneurs’ economic survival and growth. Facebook says 70 million small businesses use its service. Only 6 million of them advertise.


Called Community Boost, the program will visit 30 U.S. cities next year and work with local groups to train people in skills such as coding, building websites – and naturally, using Facebook for their business.


Zuckerberg says the effort is not just about Facebook’s business but its core mission.


West Virginia Signs Investment Pact with China Energy

West Virginia officials announced an agreement on Thursday with China Energy Investment Corp. Ltd. for the company to invest $83.7 billion in shale gas development and chemical manufacturing in West Virginia over 20 years.

State Commerce Secretary Woody Thrasher and China Energy President Ling Wen signed the memorandum in Beijing as part of the U.S.-China trade mission and an overall $250 billion of planned Chinese investments in the U.S. It during President Trump’s visit to Beijing.


West Virginia commerce officials said project planning is already underway and will focus on power generation, chemical manufacturing and underground storage of natural gas liquids and derivatives. The state was chosen for its position as an energy producer and its large underground shale gas reserves.


“West Virginia has actively sought direct foreign investment to strengthen and diversify our economy,” Thrasher said. Toyota, Hino Motors, Gestamp, Sogefi and other corporations with international parent companies have created jobs and generated income in the state, and they expect China Energy to bring mutual benefits, he said.


West Virginia University since 2002 has been jointly researching coal liquefaction with mining company Shenhua Group, which merged with energy company Guodian Group to form China Energy.


The university said it will work closely with state officials to help coordinate the investment,with funding focused on developing the proposed Appalachia storage and trading hub.


In August, the university released a study by researchers from the geological surveys in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio of geologic formations that could be used by developers to build underground facilities to store natural gas liquids from natural gas wells.


Last year, the university and Shenhua signed a partnership agreement to establish West Virginia as the priority area the company’s U.S. investments, natural gas power plant development, shale gas development and upstream and downstream businesses, technologies in clean coal and power and training.


Brian Anderson, director of WVU’s Energy Institute, called Thursday’s memorandum “a game changer for the state.”


The Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition and other environmental groups oppose the storage hub, saying it would create a major petrochemical region with public health dangers and contribute to global warming.



У МЗС Росії вважають, що Україна запроваджує «режим тотальної цензури»

У Міністерстві закордонних справ Росії заявляють, що новий український закон про умови проведення гастролів для громадян Росії свідчить про запровадження «режиму тотальної цензури».

Як вважає офіційний представник МЗС Росії Марія Захарова, в Україні «набирає обертів черговий виток антиросійської істерики».  

«Днями він (президент України Петро Порошенко – ред. ) підписав закон про гастрольну діяльність в Україні, відповідно до якого російським діячам культури можна буде демонструвати своє мистецтво в цій країні лише з благовоління «цінителів прекрасного» з СБУ. Таким чином, в Україні запроваджується режим тотальної цензури з боку нинішніх українських силовиків», – заявила Захарова.

7 листопада президент України Петро Порошенко підписав закон щодо особливостей проведення гастрольних заходів за участю громадян Росії. Документ, серед іншого, передбачає, що організатор гастролей у випадку, якщо їх учасником є громадянин держави-агресора, має не пізніше, ніж за 30 днів до дня проведення заходу подати до Служби безпеки України запит на отримання інформації про наявність або відсутність законних підстав для недопущення громадянина держави-агресора до участі в гастролях.

Відповідно до підписаного закону, СБУ протягом 10 днів після одержання запиту розглядає його та надає відповідь.

За інформацією Держприкордонслужби України станом на липень цього року, близько 70 артистів стали нев’їзними в Україну через підтримку окупації української території або відвідування цих регіонів в обхід офіційних прикордонних пунктів.

Paradise Papers Add to Indonesian To-Do List for Asset Recovery

The “Paradise Papers,” millions of confidential documents on offshore investments that were leaked this week, have shed light on the financial affairs of world leaders such as Queen Elizabeth II and the president of Colombia. They also cite several prominent politicians in the world’s fourth largest country, Indonesia, including children of its famously corrupt late dictator Suharto, who skimmed over $30 billion in his lifetime.

The documents cite Suharto’s daughter Mamiek and son Tommy, a playboy businessman and convicted murderer; Sandiaga Uno, an entrepreneur and the current deputy of Jakarta; and Prabowo Subianto, a businessman, former army general, and current opposition coalition leader who narrowly lost the 2014 presidential election.

“We found 215 Indonesian names in total,” said Wahyu Dhyatmika, who was the only Indonesian member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) team that shared the documents. He said the remaining names — 200 individuals and 15 companies — would become public as the complete documents are shared in coming weeks. The Indonesian names that have been released so far are only a small, albeit prominent, sample.

The documents are drawn from the offshore law firm Appleby in Bermuda, corporate services providers Estera and Asiaciti Trust, and business registries in 19 tax havens worldwide. They list over 120,000 names of people engaged in offshore investments.

Prominent names

According to the documents, Prabowo was director of a company called Nusantara Energy Resources that opened in Bermuda in 2001 and closed in 2004. Tommy Suharto was director of a company registered in Bermuda called Asia Market Investment, which opened in 1997 and closed in 2000.

Sandiaga, whose name also came up in last year’s Panama Papers leak in relation to shell companies in the British Virgin Islands, was shown to have worked with a Canadian oil and gas exploration company called NTI Resources.

It is difficult to penalize the offshoring of assets as it is rarely illegal. But in Indonesia, the revelations have come during a year of aggressive crackdowns on tax evasion from the Finance Ministry.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani told reporters this week that she would examine the records of everyone named in the Paradise Papers, although a spokesperson for the ministry said they could not comment on their findings until the remaining 215 Indonesian names have surfaced.

Tommy Suharto showily declared over $910 million last year in the minister’s flagship tax amnesty program to recover overseas assets, more than doubling the revenue at that point.

“As a journalist, I just want people to know how the world works,” said Drew Sullivan, one of the leaders of the ICIJ effort. “Countries like Russia, China. Brazil and Indonesia have too much of their economies, their industries, their wealth and assets moving through opaque structures that hide corruption and wealth. That is not good. You can’t do business in the dark because it’s dangerous and helps corruption thrive.”

“We will try to obtain more comprehensive and detailed data on the individuals named in the Papers as part of efforts to ensure taxpayer compliance,” said Hestu Yoga Saksama, spokesman for the Directorate General of Taxation.

“We’re not shocked by the names that have surfaced,” said Firdaus Ilyas of Indonesia Corruption Watch. “Particularly for the Suhartos — there have historically been very few consequences for that family.” “And Prabowo and Sandi are prominent figures, but they usually campaign on identity politics,” he said, so corruption allegations are unlikely to seriously impact their image or electability.

The challenge of accountability

The offshoring implied by the Paradise Papers is “very typical” of Indonesian business, said Wayne Forrest, who leads the American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce. “The companies registered probably were established in the 1990s… keeping money offshore is standard practice when your currency can devalue,” as it did during the Asian financial crisis and the fall of Suharto.

“Frankly we’re not sure the Directorate General of Taxes is brave enough to investigate the Paradise Papers further; we still haven’t even heard any follow-up to the Panama Papers,” said Firdaus. “[Finance Minister] Sri Mulyani is the best hope for now.”

But there are high costs to investigating the claims: Tommy Suharto once plotted the murder of a judge who served him a corruption charge in 2000; Prabowo organized the kidnappings of pro-democracy activists in 1997 and 1998.

“There is low incentive for Indonesian journalists to follow up on these figures, even though it is the crucial next step” said Andreas Harsono, a former journalist and current researcher with Human Rights Watch in Jakarta. “We need to connect the companies cited in the Papers with the acts they did within Indonesia. Otherwise they are just names.”

Harsono cited the example of Goerge Aditjondro, a journalist who made it his mission  to surface the details of Suharto family wealth in the late 1990’s.

“It was a lonely quest, and he died with hardly a penny to his name,” said Harsono. “The fact that he did it is amazing. But working on asset recovery in Indonesia is usually a thankless task.”



Сили АТО очолив командувач Десантно-штурмових військ Забродський

Командувач Десантно-штурмових військ Збройних сил України генерал-лейтенант Михайло Забродський призначений командувачем сил Антитерористичної операції на Донбасі, повідомив Радіо Свобода речник Міністерства оборони України з питань АТО Андрій Лисенко.

Він зазначив, що призначення пов’язане з плановою ротацією.

«Багато командувачів різних родів, об’єднань проходять службу на посаді командувача сил АТО деякий час», – сказав Лисенко.

Він додав, що терміни ротації не розголошуються.

У серпні 2014 року Забродському вручили звання Героя України «за здійснення визначного геройського вчинку в ході проведення АТО». У прес-службі президента України Петра Порошенка зазначали, що підрозділам під керівництвом Забродського «вдалося у стислий термін, без втрат захопити та утримувати оперативно важливий пункт – гору Карачун».

У червні 2014-го поблизу селища Селезньовка військам під командуванням Забродського вдалося знищити два блокпости сепаратистів і зірвати спробу прориву до 200 бойовиків зі Слов’янська.

Через кілька місяців, у грудні, його призначили командувачем Високомобільних десантних військ, які в листопаді 2017 року перейменовують у Десантно-штурмові війська.

У серпні 2015-го президент України Петро Порошенко присвоїв Забродському звання генерал-майора України «на знак високої оцінки ратного подвигу Високомобільних десантних військ та їхнього командування».

Бойові дії на Донбасі тривають від квітня 2014 року. Тоді влада України оголосила проведення антитерористичної операції на частині територій Донецької і Луганської областей. Низка населених пунктів Донбасу, зокрема Донецьк і Луганськ, окуповані підтримуваними Росією бойовиками. Від квітня 2014 року, за даними ООН, на Донбасі загинули понад 10 тисяч людей.

Литва надавала і за потреби надаватиме Україні летальну зброю – міністр оборони

Литовський уряд надавав Україні летальні озброєння і за можливості продовжуватиме таку підтримку, заявив міністр оборони Литви Раймундас Каробліс.

«Щодо летального озброєння, ми вже надавали його Україні кілька років тому, і наша позиція щодо цього незмінна: ми маємо намір далі надавати цей вид озброєння і в майбутньому. Звичайно, в залежності від наших можливостей», – заявив Каробліс у штаб-квартирі НАТО, де тривають чергові зустрічі міністрів оборонних відомств 29 країн-союзниць.

Голова литовського міністерства оборони пояснює, що з часу російської агресії, Україна отримала й продовжує отримувати від його держави й іншу військову допомогу.

«Насамперед, серед наших пріоритетів – надання тренувальної підтримки і допомога в реформі української системи оборони. Литва входить до дорадчої групи, куди входять п’ять держав: США, Велика Британія, Канада, Литва й Польща. Ми надаємо інструкторів і навчальну допомогу українським сухопутним військам, силам спеціального призначення та військовій поліції. Крім цього, ми також допомагаємо у лікуванні та реабілітації поранених військових», – пояснив Радіо Свобода Раймундас Каробліс, додаючи, що Литва намагається у цьому сенсі надавати українцям всю можливу підтримку. 

Литва нещодавно виступила з ініціативою впровадження для України «плану Маршалла» – так званого «Нового європейського плану для України». Литовці пропонують наступні роки з так званого «Європейського зовнішнього інвестиційного плану», де закладено 88 мільярдів до 2020 року, частину грошей використати на розвиток України.




Puerto Rico Reports Increase in Overall Deaths After Storm

The pace of deaths quickened on Puerto Rico immediately after Hurricane Maria — well beyond the number of deaths officially attributed to the Category 4 storm.

Officials in the U.S. territory on Wednesday reported the island had an average of 82 deaths a day in the two weeks before Maria hit Sept. 20. The average increased to 117 deaths a day through the rest of the month, but the rate then fell below usual in October.

“The truth is, that’s not normal,” said Jose Lopez Rodriguez, a demographer with the island’s Demographic Register. “We saw a difference, and it was a significant difference.”

The territory’s government has said 55 people died during the hurricane or later as a direct result of the storm, which knocked out power across the island.

The overall daily death figures hint that the storm could have caused other, harder-to-detect fatalities as well, though officials at the government’s forensic institute said they did not have evidence to attribute them to Maria. They also rejected some media reports that suggested hundreds of people had died as a direct result of the hurricane.

“Those figures of 200, 400, 1,000 — no. Those deaths have not been reported to the institute,” said Edwin Crespo, director of the island’s Bureau of Forensic Science. “The institute has no reason to hide bodies.”

Crespo said death certificates sent to his agency involving natural deaths didn’t state whether a lack of power could have been a factor. “If the hospital or doctor didn’t make the connection,” he said, then paused before adding: “We weren’t there.”

Hector Pesquera, secretary of Puerto Rico’s Department of Public Safety, acknowledged that some deaths classified as natural possibly might have been linked to the hurricane.


“Yes, they could have occurred,” he said. “We cannot deny that categorically.”

Wanda Llovet, director of the Demographic Register, said a total of 2,838 deaths were reported for September, a 20 percent increase from the 2,366 deaths reported for the same month in 2016 and up from 2,242 in September 2015.

But, she said, the number of deaths last month totaled 2,119, which was down about 10 percent from 2,353 in October 2016 and 2,379 in October 2015.

Pesquera said the government does not plan to investigate whether any deaths should have been classified as having a link to the hurricane.

“Why would there be an investigation?” he asked, saying a doctor would not risk losing his license by signing an erroneous death certificate.


EU Pushes Cut in Car Emissions, Boost for Electric Vehicles

The European Commission said Wednesday it wants to cut emissions of carbon dioxide from cars by 30 percent by 2030 and boost the use of electric vehicles by making them cheaper and easier to charge.


The proposal stops short of imposing fixed quotas for emission-free vehicles and is more modest than goals already set out by some EU members. Still, European automakers said the commission’s targets were too drastic, and Germany’s foreign minister warned against the proposal.


Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic insisted that the plan is the most “realistic” compromise between Europe’s ambitions to blaze trails on clean energy and the costs that the continent’s powerful car manufacturers will have to bear to overhaul workforces and production.


Current targets require automakers to achieve the average permitted emission for new models in the European Union of 95 grams of CO2 per kilometer for cars, or 147 grams for light commercial vehicles by 2021.


The new proposal foresees a further reduction of 15 percent by 2025 and 30 percent by 2030, compared to 2021 levels.


Car companies that fail to meet those targets face substantial fines of 95 euros ($110) per excess gram of carbon dioxide – per car. Automakers that manage to equip at least 30 percent of their new cars with electric or other low-emission engines by 2030 will be given credits toward their carbon tally.


The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association, an industry body, criticized the 2025 target, saying “it does not leave enough time to make the necessary technical and design changes to vehicles, in particular to light commercial vehicles given their longer development and production cycles.”


The lobby group also said the targeted cut of 30 percent by 2030 was “overly challenging” and called for a 20 percent reduction instead, saying that was “achievable at a high, but acceptable, cost.”


“The current proposal is very aggressive when we consider the low and fragmented market penetration of alternatively-powered vehicles across Europe to date,” the group’s secretary general, Erik Jonnaert, said.


Germany’s foreign minister wrote to the commission last week to say the new rules shouldn’t “suffocate” the ability of automakers to innovate.


In a letter obtained by The Associated Press, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said all European countries benefit from the jobs the auto industry creates and warned that the time frame for emissions cuts “mustn’t be too restrictive.”


The letter caused friction within the German government, which is currently hosting a two-week United Nations meeting on implementing the 2015 Paris climate accord.


“The contents of this letter weren’t coordinated within the Cabinet,” a spokeswoman for Germany’s environment ministry, Friederike Langenbruch, told reporters in Berlin.


Germany is predicted to fall short of its own climate goals, in large part due to continued high emissions from coal-fired electricity plants and vehicle traffic.


The European executive’s plan also includes 800 million euros in funding for the expansion and standardization of electric charging stations Europe-wide.


Cost to Visit Some US National Parks to Double

America’s national parks are a popular destination for tourists and vacationers from across the country and around the world. More than 330 million people visited them in 2016, enjoying the spectacular scenery and natural wonders… and increasing the need for road repairs, additional park staff and habitat restoration.

For over a century, the federal government has paid to protect the parks through subsidies, plus entry fees at the most popular parks, fees that have remained relatively low and unchanged for more than 50 years. That may change next year, when the National Park Service plans to more than double the cost of a day pass at the most popular parks, including Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.

The great outdoors

Although not as well-known as Yellowstone and Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountain National Park is the fourth most visited park in the country, with more than 4.5 million visitors last year.

An entry fee of $30 lets a carload of visitors in for a week.  Many pay just for an afternoon to drive through the 100,000 hectare wilderness and admire the snow-capped mountains and pristine meadows. The park includes a huge network of hiking trails and an abundance of wildlife.

As children from Pueblo, Colorado, skip through a pine forest back to their car, their father says he’s enjoyed their visit. “We just came, like I said, to tour around a little bit.”

But when he learns that next year, the entry fee might jump to $70 a car, this dad lets out a gasp. “That’s pretty pricey. . . . Just to drive up and down and just look at a view. But increasing it? I think that’s a little bit too much.”


It would also be too much for a Houston, Texas, couple, who are finishing their first-ever mountain hike. The husband says a fee of more than $30 or $40 “would start scaring me away.”


Money for the parks, nearby businesses

What’s scaring park officials is the prospect of budget cuts. Next year, federal funding for the parks is expected to drop 10 percent, a cut of $300 million. The plan to raise entry fees at 17 of the nation’s most popular parks won’t replace that money, but it might generate an additional $70 million a year. The parks plan to use those funds to slowly help with an $11 billion backlog in overdue maintenance for aging roads, bridges, campgrounds, waterlines, bathrooms, and other wear and tear caused by visitors who sometimes love Nature to death.


The increased fees will also impact businesses in towns near those parks, where tourism is the economic engine. In Estes Park, Colorado, just up the road from Rocky Mountain, large crowds amble in and out of picture-perfect shops that offer everything from fancy jewelry to year-round Christmas ornaments and candied apples.

Jewelry shop manager Norma Wiggins gives a thumbs up to higher entry fees. “We’re thinking it will be a good thing,” she says, predicting that people will not be upset with the rate hike “because you can pack up a car, a full car, and I believe the amount is $70. Correct? And I think people will pay it.”


Down the street, coffee shop owner Richard Mazza wonders whether higher entry fees are a strategy to increase revenue while reducing overcrowding. “Disney World, I guess it was maybe about a year back when they had raised the prices from wherever it was to about $100 a day to get in. And I think it was part of a control mechanism to decrease the amount of people coming into the park so that it would increase the experience. Over the years, we’re moving up to five million visits in the Rocky Mountain National Park. And you know I think it’s being used quite heavily.”


Back inside Rocky Mountain National Park, a reduction in visitors is exactly what a nature lover from Fort Collins Colorado fears. Coupled with the administration’s proposed budget cut, she worries that the nation’s commitment to the parks will weaken. “The National Parks are the soul of this country. Truly so. And it almost makes me cry.”


But a couple from Pennsylvania is more optimistic, at least about themselves. “Whatever it takes, I’m willing to pay to enjoy the scenery and nature,” the husband says. But his wife has a different perspective. “We’re able to do that,” she points out. “But I’m a little concerned it would be cost prohibitive, for families that can’t afford $70 to come into the park.” Her husband admits, “That’s a good point,” as she nods knowingly.


The National Park Service is taking comments on their website about the proposals until Thanksgiving.

Emerging Nations Urge Wealthy Countries to Kick-start Climate Pact Before 2020

Emerging nations pressed developed countries Wednesday to step up cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 to kick-start the Paris climate agreement, saying the rich were wrongly focused on 2030 goals.

“We came here needing to hit the accelerator, not the brakes,” Brazil’s chief negotiator Antonio Marcondes told Reuters on the sidelines of the November 6-17 negotiations in Germany on limiting global warming.

In 2015, almost 200 governments agreed on the Paris accord to end the fossil fuel era by 2100 and remained united last year in declaring action “irreversible” after Donald Trump, who has called man-made climate change a hoax, won the U.S. presidential election.

But that unity is fraying.

Under the Paris Agreement, most governments set targets for cutting emissions by 2030, with little focus on shorter-term milestones.

Brazil and nations including India, China and Iran now want to fill the gap with more action by 2020 to cut greenhouse gas emissions, especially by the rich, which have burned the most fossil fuels since the Industrial Revolution.

“While action on [the] post-2020 period under the Paris Agreement has gained momentum, the discussions on pre-2020 actions have lagged behind,” India’s chief negotiator Ravi S. Prasad said this week.

Actions defended

Developed nations say they are acting. European Union officials pointed to proposals on Wednesday for tougher car emissions targets, including a credit system for carmakers to encourage the rollout of electric vehicles.

Nazhat Shameem Khan, chief negotiator for Fiji, which is presiding at the meeting, said: “Clearly, there is strong appetite for a constructive and focused discussion on pre-2020.

“I think it’s a generalized view … that there hasn’t been enough discussion” about what to do before 2020, she said.

Overall, she said, the talks, also working on a detailed rule book for the Paris Agreement, were advancing well and that the United States delegation was being “constructive and helpful.”

Trump said in June that he would pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement, a process that will take effect in 2020, and instead promote coal and oil.

A pullout will isolate the United States since Syria, the only other nation outside the pact, said Tuesday that it would join.

Under the Paris Agreement, the period to 2020 is a gap partly because backers of the 2015 pact assumed it might take years for parliaments to ratify it. The deal entered into force in record time last November.

Camilla Born, of the E3G think tank, said the Paris Agreement was now a victim of its own success. “It’s right now to shine the spotlight on more action by 2020,” she said.

Trump’s Low Approval Rating Masks His Support Among Likely Voters

President Donald Trump is more popular with likely voters than he is with the general public, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that underscores why Republican lawmakers have largely stuck with the polarizing president despite his plunging approval ratings.

The poll, released Wednesday, shows he polls better among people who voted in the 2016 presidential election than with the overall U.S. adult population – a group that includes both voters and non-voters. Only about 60 percent of the voting-age public took part in last year’s election.

In October, for example, 44 percent of 2016 voters said they approved of Trump’s performance in office, compared with 37 percent of the general population.

Among Republicans, 82 percent of voters approved of Trump in October, compared with 75 percent of all Republicans. Some 85 percent of those who voted for Trump in 2016 said they would do so again, the poll found.

The findings suggest that Republican candidates in the 2018 congressional elections who shun the president risk alienating his followers, Republican strategists and political scientists said. At the same time, those who embrace him in the early primary races that choose party candidates risk losing moderate voters in the general election.

“It’s very difficult for any Republican candidate to distance themselves from Trump,” said Michael McDonald, an expert on voter turnout at the University of Florida.

That dilemma played out in Virginia on Tuesday, when Ed Gillespie, the Republican candidate in the governor’s race, was soundly beaten by his Democratic opponent. Gillespie had adopted some of Trump’s hardline positions but had avoided campaigning with the unpopular president.

Gillespie’s strategy had been closely watched within the party to see if it could provide a template for other Republican candidates in 2018, when control of the House of Representatives and the Senate will be up for grabs.

Gillespie’s loss sparked debate among Republicans on the way forward on Wednesday. Trump suggested in a tweet that the outcome could have been different had Gillespie fully embraced him, but critics pointed out that exit polls showed that a third of Virginian voters had turned out to signal displeasure with Trump, double the number who cast ballots to express support for the president.

Tuesday’s results clearly signal that opposition to Trump has grown, even though he remains popular among 2016 Republican voters, said Elaine Kamarck, an expert in presidential politics at the Brookings Institution.

For Republicans, “the hurdle won’t be with getting out the base,” Kamarck said. “It will be in getting anyone else to vote for you” in elections where Republican voters are outnumbered.

Trump’s demographic

Reuters/Ipsos was able to compare the opinions of voters with the general public by creating two separate surveys: a poll of voters and a poll of the public.

For the voter poll, Reuters/Ipsos reconnected with people who took its exit poll on November 8, 2016, the day of the U.S. presidential election. Those voters were sent additional questionnaires in May, July and October that asked if they approved or disapproved of the president.

Their responses were then compared with the results of a separate survey – the Reuters/Ipsos national tracking poll – that surveys all adults in the United States.

In May and July, the results of both polls were nearly

identical, with about 40 percent of voters and the general adult population expressing approval for the president.

The two polls diverged in October, however, with voters expressing stronger levels of approval than the general public.

Jan Leighley, an expert on political behavior at American University, said it makes sense that Trump is more popular among people who voted in the 2016 election. They were more likely to be white and less likely to identify with Democrats than the general public, she said.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll is conducted online in English throughout the country. Some 1,206 of those 2016 voters took the survey between May 10-12, followed by 1,296 who took the July 11-12 survey and 1,195 who took the survey between October 18-19.

Individual responses were weighted so they would reflect the latest population estimates, as well as the support their presidential pick received in the election. Each of the voter polls had a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points for the entire group and 5 percentage points for Republican voters.

CBO: Republican Tax Plan Would Add $1.7 Trillion to National Debt

An independent analysis has concluded the U.S. tax overhaul being advanced by Republican leaders in the House of Representatives would add $1.7 trillion to the country’s debt during the next decade, about $259 billion more than previously assumed.

The Congressional Budget Office analysis was released Wednesday as lawmakers continue to consider an array of proposals aimed at cutting the country’s corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent and trimming tax rates for many, but not all, middle-class families, broadly defined in the United States as those with an annual household income of $49,000 to $86,000.

The new analysis from the agency that is considered to be the independent scorekeeper for congressional financial policies could complicate Republican plans for the House to adopt the tax overhaul before the country’s Thanksgiving holiday on November 23.

Republican lawmakers had pledged the tax cuts over the next decade would not add any more than $1.5 trillion to the country’s current and growing long-term debt of more than $20 trillion.

With the CBO’s estimate the tax changes would cost more, the majority Republicans in the House would have to change their proposals to keep the additional costs within the $1.5 trillion limit they have imposed on themselves.

The tax overhaul could be the country’s first substantial changes to its labyrinth tax code in more than three decades. Senate Republicans are expected to unveil their tax change proposals on Thursday, which are likely to be widely different than the House proposals.

President Donald Trump has called for the tax overhaul, but both chambers of Congress would have to approve identical pieces of tax legislation before he could sign the measure.

Рада Європи визнала Росію відповідальною за виконання Мінських угод

«Дякую за високу оцінку українських реформ та підтримку у боротьбі з агресією Росії» – президент України

В ООН застерігають про можливу гуманітарну катастрофу через бої на Донбасі

В ООН висловлюють занепокоєння, що посилення бойових дій біля інфраструктури водопостачання на Донбасі може призвести до витоку смертельного газу хлорину.

8 листопада координатор ООН з гуманітарних питань Ніл Волкер заявив, що упродовж останніх днів були обстріляні дві фільтрувальні станції по обидва боки лінії розмежування.

«В ООН надзвичайно занепокоєні щодо можливого витоку небезпечного газу хлорину, який зберігається на обох станціях. У разі ураження одного 900-кілограмового контейнера, кожен у радіусі 200 метрів може отримати фатальну дозу отруйного газу», – мовиться у заяві.

В ООН зазначають, що упродовж останніх шести днів Донецьку фільтрувальну станцію обстрілювали три ночі поспіль, тоді як Верхньокальміуську – 12 разів упродовж однієї ночі.

В ООН також застерігають, що посилення бойових дій загрожує руйнуваннями життєво важливої інфраструктури на Донбасі.

Черговий режим припинення вогню, про який заявила 23 серпня Тристороння контактна група, мав почати діяти з 25 серпня, напередодні початку шкільного року, і стати постійним. Про перші його порушення сторони заявили вже через кілька хвилин після настання часу перемир’я.