US Spy Agency Triples Capture of Phone Records from Americans

The U.S. National Security Agency gathered more than 534 million records of telephone calls and text messages from Americans last year, more than three times the number collected in 2016, according to a new report.

The report, released Friday by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, shows the dramatic increase occurred during the second full year of a new surveillance system that was unveiled after Congress passed legislation in 2015 that attempted to limit the NSA’s ability to collect such records in bulk.

The spike in the agency’s collection of records coincided with increased use of other surveillance methods, sparking concern about potential government intrusion into the lives of American citizens.

Despite the sharp increase in the total number of records captured in 2017, they are far less than the billions of records collected each day under the NSA’s previous bulk surveillance system, which was uncovered by former agency contractor Edward Snowden, who leaked classified information.

The NSA records include phone numbers and the time a call or text message was made but not the content of the communications.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence did not explain the reasons behind the sharp increase, leaving many privacy advocates confused and alarmed.

“The intelligence community’s transparency has yet to extend to explaining dramatic increases in their collection,” said Robyn Greene, an attorney with the Washington-based Open Technology Institute.

Office of the Director of National Intelligence spokesman Timothy Barrett said the federal government “has not altered the manner in which it uses its authority to obtain so-called detail records, telecom data logging who and when contact was made.

The NSA said numerous factors may impact the number of records collected, according to Barrett. They include the number of court-approved selection terms, which could be a phone number of someone who is a potential subject of an investigation, or the amount of historical data retained by phone service providers.

The report also said there was an increase in the number of foreigners living outside the U.S. who were singled out under a warrantless Internet surveillance program that lawmakers renewed earlier this year. That program is known as Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Just over 129,000 foreigners were targeted in 2017, an estimated 45 percent increase over the past five years.

U.S. intelligence agencies maintain Section 702 is vital to the country’s security but privacy advocates contend the program captures an unknown number of incidental communications from U.S. citizens who were not being targeted.

Порошенко спрогнозував термін створення Антикорупційного суду

Президент України Петро Порошенко висловив упевненість, що процес створення Антикорупційного суду буде завершено найближчим часом.

«Ми прагнемо прискорити процес утворення Антикорупційного суду. Я переконаний, що нам це вдасться в першій половині року, можливо, ще у травні. І тоді ми отримаємо наступний транш», ‒ заявив він в інтерв’ю німецькому виданню «Фокус» під час обговорення питання співробітництва України з Міжнародним валютним фондом, інформує прес-служба голови української держави.

Порошенко зазначив, що разом із позицією щодо необхідності подальшого посилення боротьби з корупцією МВФ відзначає значне економічне зростання України та проведення реформ у державі.

«Я пишаюся тим, що вдалося покращити інвестиційний клімат. Ми за чотири роки досягли більше, аніж за 25 років перед цим», ‒ наголосив президент, зауваживши, що це є оцінкою не лише МВФ, а й Світового банку.

«Ми у рейтингу Doing Business з місця 137-го у 2013 році піднялися на позицію 76-у. Темпи економічного розвитку в цьому році, очевидно, зростуть на 3,5%. Покажіть мені ще країну, якій таке вдалося в умовах війни», ‒ додав він.

Давно очікуване, але досі не здійснене створення спеціального Антикорупційного суду є вимогою до України з боку її західних партнерів і однією з передумов подальшого надання фінансової допомоги ‒ зокрема, з боку МВФ.

1 березня Верховна Рада України підтримала президентський законопроект № 7440 про Антикорупційний суд у першому читанні. Перед цим голова Верховної Ради Андрій Парубій закликав депутатів підтримати цей законопроект. Він зауважив, що всі рекомендації і зауваження до документа депутати зможуть розглянути до другого читання.

Загалом у парламенті були зареєстровані чотири законопроекти про антикорупційний суд.

Раніше Міжнародний валютний фонд наголошував на важливості невідкладного схвалення закону про Антикорупційний суд в Україні, і «щоб при цьому під час його розгляду в парламенті були враховані поправки, необхідні для приведення остаточного тексту закону в повну відповідність із передбаченими програмою зобов’язаннями і рекомендаціями Венеційської комісії Ради Європи».

Створення Антикорупційного суду передбачає закон про судоустрій і статус суддів, ухвалений 2016 року. Проте досі не схвалений спеціальний закон щодо такого суду.

Rights Groups Seek Help Keeping Messaging Apps ‘Disguised’

Digital civil rights groups are writing to Congress next week to ask for help persuading internet giants Google and Amazon to reverse decisions they made that will make it harder for people to get around censorship controls worldwide.

At issue is the ongoing cat-and-mouse game between governments, such as Russia, Iran and China, and internet and messaging communications technology like Telegram and Signal, which are used to communicate outside of censors’ oversight.

In this case, encrypted messaging apps, such as Telegram and Signal, have been using a digital disguise known as “domain fronting.”

​Disguising the final destination

As the encrypted message moves through networks, it appears to be going to an innocuous destination, such as by routing through a Google server, rather than its true destination.

If a government acts against the domain, it conceivably shuts down access to all services offered by the internet giant for everyone in the country.

Russia crackdown

Russia did just that in mid-April when it sought to crack down on Telegram.

But hackers can also use this disguise to mask malware, according to ZDNet. 

In recent weeks, first Google and then Amazon Web Services said they would close the loopholes that allowed apps to use the disguise.

“No customer ever wants to find that someone else is masquerading as their innocent, ordinary domain,” said Amazon in a press release announcing better domain protections. Neither Google or Amazon responded for a request to comment.

Companies vote against being a disguise

Matthew Rosenfield, a co-author of the Signal protocol, said that “the idea behind domain fronting was that to block a single site, you’d have to block the rest of the internet as well. In the end, the rest of the internet didn’t like that plan.” 

Amazon sent Signal an email telling it that its use of circumvention was against Amazon’s terms of service. In Middle East countries, such as Egypt, Oman and Qatar, Signal disguised itself as, Amazon’s Arabic e-commerce platform.

​Letter to Congress

The letter being sent to Congress will remind members of their stated support for encrypted communication tools and call on them to contact the technology giants to change their decision, according to sources.

Access Now, a digital-rights organization based in New York, identified about a dozen “human rights enabling technologies” that rely on domain fronting using Google.

Peter Micek, general counsel of Access Now, said in a statement that Google and Amazon have an obligation “to meet their human rights responsibilities and protect users at risk.”

“The market leaders that have the resources to fight for human rights must be just that — leaders,” he said.

US Bolsters Naval Presence in Atlantic in Response to Russia

The U.S. Navy is reinforcing its presence in the Atlantic Ocean with the resurrection of a naval command in response to increasing assertiveness by Russia’s military.   

The Pentagon announced Friday the Navy was re-establishing the 2nd Fleet, almost seven years after it was disbanded for cost-savings and organizational reasons.

“This is a dynamic response to the dynamic security environment,” Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson told reporters aboard the carrier George H. W. Bush. “So as we’ve seen this great power competition emerge, the Atlantic Ocean is as dynamic a theater as any and particular the North Atlantic.”

The 2nd Fleet, which will be based in the mid-Atlantic waterfront city of Norfolk, Virginia and begin operations on July 1, was disbanded in 2011. Since then, there has been a sharp increase in Russian naval activity in the North Atlantic and in the Arctic. Russia has also become more assertive in conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, resulting in escalating tensions between Washington and Moscow.

Earlier this year, the Pentagon announced a new national defense strategy that prioritizes Russia and China. It was the latest sign of shifting priorities after more than 15 years of fighting terrorism.

The Pentagon also said Friday it has offered to host a proposed NATO Joint Force Command at its naval base in Norfolk. A new logistics command is expected to be located in Germany.

A blueprint of the plan was approved by NATO defense ministers at a February meeting, as part of a larger effort to protect the security of sea lanes and communication lines between Europe and North America.

Порошенко хоче «тісної співпраці» з ЄС і США щодо миротворців і санкцій

Україна сподівається на тісну співпрацю Європейського союзу і США у питанні запровадження миротворчої місії Організації Об’єднаних Націй на окупованій частині Донецької та Луганської областей, заявив президент Петро Порошенко.

Як повідомляє прес-служба президента, він сказав про це в інтерв’ю німецькому виданню «Фокус», відповідаючи на питання, чого він очікує від зустрічі з канцлером Німеччини Анґелою Меркель і президентом Франції Емманюелем Макроном, яка відбудеться 10 травня в Аахені.

«Канцлер відіграла надважливу роль у боротьбі за нашу незалежність і підтримувала нас у важкі часи. Обидва лідери щойно відвідали Сполучені Штати, і я сподіваюся на тісну співпрацю США з ЄС у питанні створення миротворчої місії ООН, а також кращу координацію у питанні санкцій», – сказав президент.

За його словами, санкції є «важливим важелем», який змусить Росію сісти за стіл переговорів і перейти до виконання Мінських домовленостей.

Порошенко наголосив, що у питанні встановлення миру в Україні й відновлення її територіальної цілісності «справді потрібен прорив». «Цю мету допомогла б виконати миротворча місія, яка б утворила необхідне безпекове середовище, аби сприяти проведенню вільних і чесних виборів на сході України. І, будь ласка, Росія, ми нічого неправильного від вас не вимагаємо, але поверніться до цивілізованого діалогу і відведіть свої війська», – сказав президент.

Росія прагне створити місію ООН на Донбасі в обмеженому форматі – тільки для охорони беззбройних працівників Спеціальної моніторингової місії ОБСЄ. Україна і Захід, зокрема й Німеччина, відкидають такий підхід і домагаються створення місії, що взяла б під контроль усю окуповану частину українського Донбасу, включно з кордоном із Росією, і мала б широкий мандат і повноваження.

Представник української громади Угорщини незаконно їздив у Крим – посол

Посольство України в Угорщині закликає українську громаду в цій країні дати «належну оцінку» візиту одного з представників української громади в Угорщині до анексованого Росією Криму в обхід українського законодавства. Відповідне звернення на своїй сторінці у Facebook виклала посол України в Угорщині Любов Непоп.

Як йдеться в заяві, депутат Державного самоврядування українців Угорщини, голова самоврядування українців ХХ району Будапешта Анатолій Бурий у травні 2017 року їздив до Алушти, де просував ідею налагодження контактів між Угорщиною й окупаційною владою Криму і давав інтерв’ю місцевим ЗМІ. При цьому, за інформацією посольства, на заходах в анексованому Криму він виступав як «голова» угорської делегації мерії Будапешта.

«Територіальна цілісність держави – це те питання, в якому немає місця для компромісів і напівтонів. Будь-яке виправдання чи намагання зрозуміти російську агресію проти України толеруватися не може і не буде. Коли така неповага до нашої держави виказується з боку людини, що себе ідентифікує як українець, – це подвійна зрада, яка заслуговує на адекватні дії і публічне засудження», – написала посол.

Вона надіслала відповідне звернення до державного і столичного самоврядування українців Угорщини, а також до угорських колег.

Українське зовнішньополітичне відомство неодноразово застерігало іноземних громадян і осіб без громадянства від незаконних поїздок в анексований Крим.

Міжнародні організації визнали окупацію і анексію Криму незаконними і засудили дії Росії. Країни Заходу ввели низку економічних санкцій. Росія заперечує окупацію півострова і називає це «відновленням історичної справедливості». Верховна Рада України офіційно оголосила датою початку тимчасової окупації Криму і Севастополя Росією 20 лютого 2014 року.

US Trade Delegation to Brief Trump After Talks in China

The U.S. and China ended the second day of high level talks Friday aimed at avoiding a possible trade war.

The U.S. delegation, headed by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, will brief President Donald Trump Saturday and “seek his decision on next steps,” the White House said in a statement, adding that the administration had “consensus” for “immediate attention” to change the U.S.-China trade and investment relationship.

“We will be meeting tomorrow to determine the results, but it is hard for China in that they have become very spoiled with U.S. trade wins!” Trump said in a Twitter post late Friday.

“Both sides recognize there are still big differences on some issues and that they need to continue to step up their work to make progress,” China said in a statement released by Xinhua state news agency.

An editorial Saturday by China’s ruling Communist Party newspaper, the People’s Daily, however, said that “in the face of the U.S.’s fierce offensive of protectionism, China resolutely defends its national interest,” adding that Beijing “will never trade away its core interests and rejects the U.S.’s demand for an exorbitant price.”

The announcement followed comments by Mnuchin earlier in the day that the two sides were having “very good conversations.”

Trump has threatened to levy new tariffs on $150 billion of Chinese imports while Beijing shot back with a list of $50 billion in targeted U.S. goods.

US Unemployment Rate 3.9 Percent, Lowest Since 2000

President Trump reveled in the 3.9 percent U.S. unemployment rate Friday, following the release of figures by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But some say that these numbers don’t tell the whole story. From Washington, VOA’s Jill Craig has more.

Trump Demands China Slash Trade Surplus, Tariffs

The Trump administration has drawn a hard line in trade talks with China, demanding a $200 billion cut in the Chinese trade surplus with the United States, sharply lower tariffs and advanced technology subsidies, people familiar with the talks said Friday.

The lengthy list of demands was presented to Beijing before the start of talks Thursday and Friday between top-level Trump administration officials and their Chinese counterparts to try to avert a damaging trade war between the world’s two largest economies.

A White House statement did not mention specific demands, but said the U.S. delegation “held frank discussions with Chinese officials on rebalancing the United States-China bilateral economic relationship, improving China’s protection of intellectual property, and identifying policies that unfairly enforce technology transfers.”

The statement gave no indication that U.S. President Donald Trump would back off on his threat to impose tariffs on up to $150 billion in Chinese goods over allegations of intellectual property theft.

​Trump, delegation to meet Saturday

The delegation was returning to Washington to brief Trump and “seek his decision on next steps,” the White House said, adding that the administration had “consensus” for “immediate attention” to change the U.S-China trade and investment relationship.

Trump said he would meet with the delegation Saturday.

China’s state-run Xinhua news agency described the talks as “constructive, candid and efficient” but with disagreements that remain “relatively big.”

Tariff threats have roiled stock markets in recent weeks, but the inconclusive outcome of the Beijing talks did little to stop a rally in U.S. shares prompted by jobs data that eased fears of faster Federal Reserve rate hikes. Stocks in Shanghai ended 0.5 percent lower while they fell 1.3 percent in Hong Kong.

Trump told reporters in Washington that he was determined to bring fairness to U.S.-China trade.

“We will be doing something one way or the other with respect to what’s happening in China,” Trump said. He added that he had “great respect” for China’s President Xi Jinping. “That’s why we’re being so nice, because we have a great relationship.”

​Intellectual property

China during the meetings asked that the United States ease crushing sanctions on Chinese telecom equipment maker ZTE Corp, people with knowledge of the matter said.

Washington’s demand for a $200 billion cut from China’s U.S. goods trade surplus doubles Trump’s previous request for a $100 billion cut. China had a record U.S. goods trade surplus of $375 billion in 2017.

Trump has also demanded “reciprocity” between U.S. and Chinese tariffs, frequently complaining about China’s 25 percent car tariff while the U.S. equivalent is 2.5 percent.

The U.S. team, led by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, demanded that China lower tariffs to levels no higher than those imposed by the United States, two people familiar with the demands said. The delegation also asked China to halt subsidies for advanced technology linked to its “Made in China 2025,” the sources said.

At the heart of the dispute are U.S. allegations that Chinese joint venture requirements and other policies force American companies to turn over their intellectual property, costing them billions of dollars annually and giving China’s state enterprises an edge in the race to develop new industries crucial to future growth.

China denies such coercion. Its 2025 industrial plan seeks to upgrade China’s manufacturing sector to more advanced products, including information technology, semiconductors and aircraft.

“I think the U.S. is asking for the impossible. Reducing the deficit by $200 billion by 2020 is quite an unrealistic demand, but it may also be a negotiation tactic to start high first,” said Tommy Xie, economist at OCBC Bank in Singapore.

Beijing offers

China offered to increase U.S. imports and lower tariffs on some goods, including cars, according to the sources.

But Beijing asked the United States to treat Chinese investment equally under national security reviews, refrain from new restrictions on investments and halt a proposal to impose 25 percent tariffs under its “Section 301” intellectual property probe.

China also offered to reconsider anti-dumping duties on U.S. sorghum, according to a proposal it submitted.

Xinhua said there had been exchanges of opinion on intellectual property protections, expanding U.S. exports and bilateral services trade. It gave no indication of what actions might be taken but said the two sides committed to resolve their trade disputes through dialogue.

U.S. negotiators agreed to bring up the ZTE sanctions with Trump after new representations from the Chinese side, Xinhua said. ZTE was hit last month with a seven-year ban on American companies’ selling components and software to it after the U.S. Commerce Department found ZTE failed to comply with an agreement to settle breached U.S. sanctions on Iran.

“My impression was that (the talks) didn’t go well given the rhetoric,” said Kevin Lai, senior economist at Daiwa Capital markets in Hong Kong. “I think the divide is still very big.”

China Horse Club Seeks to Breed Winners

A Malaysian businessman and his Chinese partners have set their sights on a traditional American pastime — horse racing. As VOA’s Abby Sun reports, two horses partly owned by the China Horse Club are among the top contenders to win this weekend’s Kentucky Derby. Robert Raffaele narrates.

Nigerian, Chinese Central Banks Agree to Currency Swap

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Peoples Bank of China (PBoC) have agreed on a currency swap worth $2.5 billion to reduce their reliance on the U.S. dollar in bilateral trade.

CBN Governor Godwin Emefiele led Nigerian officials, while the PBoC governor, Yi Gang, led the Chinese team to the signing ceremony in Beijing last week.

The agreement is aimed at providing sufficient local currency liquidity for Nigerian and Chinese industrialists and other businesses and to reduce difficulties as they search for a third currency.

The deal, purely an exchange of currencies, also will make it easier for Chinese manufacturers seeking to buy raw materials from Nigeria to obtain naira, the Nigerian currency, from Chinese banks to pay for their imports.

According to Nigerian economist Yusha’u Aminu, excluding United States in the agreement would help to lower the exchange rates between both countries.

This report originated in VOA’s Hausa service.

Iowa Governor Signs Strictest Abortion Regulation in US

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds on Friday signed a law banning most abortions if a fetal heartbeat can be detected, or at around six weeks of pregnancy, marking the strictest abortion regulation in the nation — but setting the state up for a lengthy court fight.

The Republican governor signed the legislation in her formal office at the state Capitol as protesters gathered outside chanting, “My body, my choice!” Reynolds acknowledged that the new law would likely face litigation, but said: “This is bigger than just a law, this is about life, and I’m not going to back down.” Reynolds has previous said she was “proud to be pro-life.”

The ban, set to take effect July 1, has propelled Iowa to the front of a push among conservative statehouses jockeying to enact restrictive regulations on the medical procedure. Mississippi passed a law earlier this year banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, but it’s on hold after a court challenge.

The Iowa law provides for some exemptions that allow abortions during a later pregnancy stage to save a pregnant woman’s life or in some cases of rape and incest.

Maggie DeWitte, who leads the group Iowans for Life, called Reynolds’ move “historic.”

“We couldn’t be more pleased,” DeWitte said Friday. “She is following through on her pledge to the people of Iowa that she is 100 percent pro-life.”

The bill signing came shortly after the Iowa affiliates of Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union warned that they would sue the governor if she signed the bill, which the Republican-controlled Legislature quickly approved in after-hours votes earlier in the week.

“We will challenge this law with absolutely everything we have on behalf of our patients because Iowa will not go back,” Suzanna de Baca, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, said in a statement.

Backers of the so-called heartbeat bill — which didn’t get a single Democratic vote in the Legislature during final passage — expressed hope it could challenge Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that established women have a right to terminate pregnancies until a fetus is viable. Conservatives say an influx of right-leaning judicial appointments under President Donald Trump could make it a possibility.

Critics argued the bill would ban abortions before some women even know they’re pregnant. That likely sets the state up for a legal challenge, including from the same federal appeals court that three years ago struck down similar legislation approved in Arkansas and North Dakota.

In Iowa, the same Republican-majority Legislature passed a 20-week abortion ban last year. It’s now in effect, though a provision requiring a three-day waiting period to get an abortion is tied up in a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. Still, Republican lawmakers indicated they would push for more restrictions this session.

Outside of Reynolds’ office earlier Friday, critics of the bill began leaving coat hangers by her staff’s desks. The protests followed the morning rally outside of the Capitol where more than 100 people showed up to oppose the legislation. One of them was Georgia Jecklin, a retired teacher who drove in from Davenport.

“As a 66-year-old woman, I feel very strongly that women have a right to their own body decisions,” she said.

A Look at Career of Rudy Giuliani    

As U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York in the 1980s, Rudy Giuliani earned a reputation as a tough prosecutor in going after white-collar crime and members of the American mafia. Today, Giuliani finds himself in an opposite role, a member of President Donald Trump’s legal team as special counsel Robert Mueller investigates Russia’s alleged involvement in the 2016 presidential campaign.

The former New York mayor was an informal adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign, and he was a frequent spokesman. Giuliani was the first person to be mentioned by Trump in the latter’s election acceptance speech. “He’s unbelievable,” Trump said. “He’s traveled with us and he went through meetings, and Rudy never changes.”

Giuliani, an attorney, was considered for secretary of state in Trump’s administration and often was mentioned as a possible attorney general. Giuliani’s past legal and consulting work, which raised concerns about his overseas business relationships, thwarted his efforts to become America’s top diplomat.

Giuliani and Trump have known each other for decades and share an aggressive rhetorical style and similar policy beliefs — including support for law enforcement in ways that have marginalized minorities, and adopting forceful positions on immigration enforcement. 

In the early 1990s, Giuliani became the first Republican elected mayor of New York City in two decades. Giuliani served two terms as mayor and during his tenure, which ended in 2001, crime in the city fell significantly. Later, he became known as “America’s Mayor” for his efforts to unite the city following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, which destroyed the World Trade Center towers.

Giuliani’s political ambitions included running for the U.S. Senate seat that was vacated by then retiring four-term Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan. After medical, marital and other personal issues, Giuliani withdrew from the race in 2000.

In 2002, the former mayor founded Giuliani Partners, a security consulting firm that had Qatar’s Ministry of the Interior on its roster of clients. The contracts with the ministry were managed by Minister Abdullah bin Khalifah Al Thani, a member of Qatar’s royal family. Abdullah bin Khalifah Al Thani was said to have hosted Osama bin Laden on two visits to the royal family member’s farm, a charge that was repeated in a 2007 Congressional Research Service study.

In 2016, Giuliani began working for the influential law firm Greenberg Traurig, where he led the firm’s global cybersecurity and crisis management team, and served as a senior adviser to executive chairman Richard Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum announced in April that Giuliani would take a leave of absence “to handle matters unrelated to the law firm or its clients.” Giuliani’s work with the firm involved the Turkish government and a Turkish-Iranian businessman who was convicted in connection with a scheme to help Iran evade U.S. sanctions.

Giuliani is a one-time presidential hopeful who sought the Republican candidacy for the White House in 2008, but lost the nomination to Arizona Senator John McCain.

Giuliani has been married three times and reports say his current wife, Judith Nathan, filed for divorce in April. The couple have been married for 15 years. 

Giuliani is a Brooklyn, New York, native. He turns 74 later this month.

МЗС: Україна засуджує будь-які прояви нетерпимості чи публічні антисемітські заклики

«Подібні ганебні провокації часто інспіровані кремлівським режимом»

ЮНІСЕФ: війна на сході України завдає руйнівної шкоди освіті

Збройний конфлікт на сході України завдає руйнівної шкоди освіті, заявляє Дитячий фонд ООН (ЮНІСЕФ).

За даними організації, через конфлікт понад 200 тисяч дітей змушені навчатися у воєнізованому середовищі.

«Діти навчаються в школах з дірками від куль у стінах та мішках з піском у вікнах, бомбосховищами та шрапнеллю на подвір’ях… Діти надзвичайно нервуються через обстріли, і вчителі намагаються їх заспокоїти, але це для них складно», – розповіла представниця ЮНІСЕФ в Україні Джованна Барберіс.

В організації також заявили, що школи й дитячі садки по обидва боки від лінії зіткнення перебувають у небезпеці через близькість військових об’єктів, включно з базою, складами та пунктами пропуску.

Збройний конфлікт на Донбасі почався навесні 2014 року після російської анексії Криму. Україна і Захід звинувачують Росію у збройній підтримці сепаратистів. Кремль відкидає ці звинувачення і заявляє, що на Донбасі можуть перебувати хіба що російські «добровольці». За даними ООН, унаслідок конфлікту загинули понад 10 300 людей.

НАБУ розслідує незаконне збагачення депутата від провладної партії

Національне антикорупційне бюро України розслідує кримінальне провадження щодо незаконного збагачення та декларування недостовірної інформації депутатом від партії «Блок Петра Порошенка».

Про це свідчить ухвала Солом’янського районного суду Києва, яку опублікували 2 травня на сайті Єдиного державного реєстру судових рішень. 

У матеріалах суду не вказали конкретне прізвище депутата, щодо якого НАБУ веде провадження, однак зазначили, що він набув депутатських повноважень 29 березня 2016 року.

На сайті Верховної Ради України повідомляють, що того дня повноважень депутатів набули Олександр Бригинець і Дмитро Білоцерківець.

«Народний депутат України ОСОБА_3 (дата набуття депутатських повноважень – 29 березня 2016 року) у щорічній декларації особи… не зазначив інформації про членів сім’ї суб’єкта декларування, не задекларував майно, яке належить таким особам, не задекларував інформацію про інше майно, яким суб’єкт декларування та члени його сім’ї володіли або користувалися у відповідний період», – йдеться в ухвалі суду.

Суд задовольнив клопотання НАБУ і дав дозвіл детективам агентства на доступ до декларації нардепа за 2017 рік, а також до інформації про мобільні переговори дружини депутата із 2015 року. 

НАБУ створене 16 квітня 2015 року. Бюро є правоохоронним органом, якому підслідні корупційні злочини, вчинені, зокрема, президентом України, повноваження якого припинено, прем’єр-міністром, народними депутатами, генеральним прокурором та державними службовцями категорія «А».

US Adds Modest 164,000 Jobs; Unemployment Down

U.S. employers stepped up hiring modestly in April, and the unemployment rate fell to 3.9 percent, evidence of the economy’s resilience amid the recent stock market chaos and anxieties about a possible trade war.

Job growth amounted to a decent 164,000 last month, up from an upwardly revised 135,000 in March. The unemployment rate fell after having held at 4.1 percent for the prior six months largely because fewer people were searching for jobs.

The overall unemployment rate is now the lowest since December 2000. The rate for African-Americans — 6.6 percent — is the lowest on record since 1972.

Many employers say it’s difficult to find qualified workers. But they have yet to significantly bump up pay in most industries. Average hourly earnings rose 2.6 percent from a year ago.

The pace of hiring has yet to be disrupted by dramatic global market swings, a recent pickup in inflation and the risk that the tariffs being pushed by President Donald Trump could provoke a trade war.

Much of the economy’s strength, for the moment, comes from the healthy job market. The increase in people earning paychecks has bolstered demand for housing, even though fewer properties are being listed for sale. Consumer confidence has improved over the past year. And more people are shopping, with retail sales having picked up in March after three monthly declines.

Workers in the private sector during the first three months of 2018 enjoyed their sharpest average income growth in 11 years, the Labor Department said last week in a separate report on compensation. That pay growth suggests that some of the momentum from the slow but steady recovery from the 2008 financial crisis is spreading to more people after it had disproportionately benefited the nation’s wealthiest areas and highest earners.

The monthly jobs reports have shown pay raises inching up. At the same time, employers have become less and less likely to shed workers. The four-week moving average for people applying for first-time unemployment benefits has reached its lowest level since 1973.

The trend reflects a decline in mass layoffs. Many companies expect the economy to keep expanding, especially after a dose of stimulus from tax cuts signed into law by Trump that have also increased the federal budget deficit.

Inflation has shown signs of accelerating slightly, eroding some of the potential wage growth. Consumer prices rose at a year-over-year pace of 2.4 percent in March, the sharpest annual increase in 12 months. The Federal Reserve has an annual inflation target of 2 percent, and investors expect the Fed to raise rates at least twice more this year, after an earlier rate hike in March, to keep inflation from climbing too far above that target.

The home market, a critical component of the U.S. economy, has been a beneficiary of the steady job growth. The National Association of Realtors said that homes sold at a solid annual pace of 5.6 million in March, even though the number of houses for sale has plunged. As a result, average home prices are rising at more than twice the pace of wages.

Brothers Dump Basketball to Create Highlight-Reel Sports Site

Twin brothers Brandon and Bradley Deyo used a camera to highlight their basketball skills while they were in high school and posted the videos online, hoping to draw the attention of college recruiters. They ended up creating a sports site for young athletes and their fans, with backing from NBA stars Lebron James, Kevin Durant, and others.

The brothers, now 26, established the web-based channel Mars Reel in 2010 to showcase the skills of high school basketball players. Some of the best around the United States are featured in the weekly Top 10 of high school game highlights, helping to make the local players “public figures,” Brandon Deyo said. 

“Other 12- to 24-year-olds are looking up to them and following them on Instagram,” he said, or following them through Mars Reel’s channels and feeds on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat.

It started with an idea of showing college recruiters what the twins could do. 

College hoop dreams

“My mom was a single parent,” Bradley Deyo said, “so we had to get creative.” They couldn’t afford expensive basketball camps, he said, so they bought a camera “to film our own games and … send it to colleges and see what happens.”

The brothers enrolled at the University of Maryland, but dropped out to start their business, adopting the name Mars Reel to suggest something out of this world. Today, they contract with 800 reporters and video journalists to cover games around the country and say the exposure makes a difference to prospects whose games aren’t being featured on the TV sports channels. 

“If you’re in a small town like Spartanburg, South Carolina,” Bradley Deyo said, “you’re not going to have a big ESPN truck come to your game unless you’re the best thing since Lebron (James) and Michael Jordan.”

Among the athletes featured on Mars Reel is 17-year-old Zion Williamson of Spartanburg. He is rated one of the top basketball prospects in the United States.

25 million views a month

Mars Reel’s videos have 25 million online views each month, mostly on mobile devices, and in February, the brothers expanded their reach through a partnership with the USA Today Sports Media Group.

They have also created a segment that allows young athletes to share their stories, using action cameras to showcase the athletes at home, at practice and at school.

The young entrepreneurs are now expanding to college games and plan to cover football, soccer and other sports, offering millennials — those young people born in the decade before the start of the century — news about community games and local heroes.


Майже 900 мільйонів гривень виплатили партіям від початку державного фінансування – #Точно

Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції з грудня 2015 року до сьогодні виплатило 866 882 640 гривень чотирьом партіям на статутну діяльність. Така інформація міститься на порталі використання публічних коштів, повідомляє #Точно, проект Радіо Свобода.

Зокрема, «Народний фронт» отримав найбільше – 230 мільйонів гривень. Трохи менше «Блок Петра Порошенка» – 226,7 мільйона гривень. «Самопоміч» – 203,5 мільйонів гривень. Радикальна партія Олега Ляшка – 77,4 мільйона гривень. «Опозиційний блок» – 76,6 мільйона гривень. «Батьківщина» – 52,6 мільйона гривень. 

У 2015 році Верховна Рада ухвалила закон, який передбачає фінансування партій з держбюджету і вимагає від партій звітувати про надходження і використання коштів. Наразі державне фінансування отримують лише парламентські партії, а з наступних виборів до Верховної Ради – всі політичні сили, які пройдуть бар’єр у 2% від всіх голосів виборців. Тобто партія може не потрапити до парламенту, але матиме можливість отримувати на розвиток кошти з держбюджету. 

У квітні у НАЗК розповіли, скільки грошей отримають партії у другому кварталі 2018 року. «Блок Петра Порошенка» отримає 32,5 мільйони гривень. «Народний фронт» – 33 мільйони гривень. «Опозиційний блок» – 14 мільйонів гривень. Радикальна партія Олега Ляшка – 11,1 мільйона гривень. «Батьківщина» – 8,4 мільйона гривень. «Самопоміч» – 16,3 мільйона гривень і додатково 12,8 мільйона гривень «за дотримання передбаченого законодавством гендерного принципу».

У НАЗК повідомили, що загальна сума державного фінансування на 2018 рік, розподілена між політичними партіями, становить 513 671 000 гривень.

Brothers Find Success with Youth Sports Site Mars Reel

A new media channel created by two brothers who are athletes is shining the spotlight on young basketball players and gaining growing attention in the sports world. Mike O’Sullivan spoke with Bradley and Brandon Deyo, the creators of web-based channel Mars Reel.

«Нехай щастить!» – прикордонники відмовили двом росіянам у в’їзді через «георгіївську стрічку»

«На прохання прикордонників зняти цю символіку громадяни РФ відреагували негативно»

Augmented Reality Film Gives Audiences Power to Accept or Reject Muslim Travelers

Every day, U.S. customs officers have the power to decide which travelers will be allowed into the country and which won’t. But what if you had to make that decision? Attendees at the Tribeca Film Festival had a chance to see for themselves in an augmented reality documentary set in an airport screening room. The 12-minute interactive film, “Terminal 3” by Pakistani filmmaker Asad Malik, conveys what some travelers face when they enter the United States. VOA Reporter Aunshuman Apte has more.

Ліга чемпіонів. Україна готова до фінальних матчів – ранковий ефір Радіо Свобода

Україна в НАТО. Війна на Донбасі – не перешкода

«Північний потік-2». Україна та США домовилися протидіяти

Ліга чемпіонів. Україна готова до фінальних матчів

На ці теми говоритимуть ведучий програми Радіо Свобода «Ранкова Свобода» Юрій Матвійчук і гості студії: експерт з проблем національної безпеки Тарас Жовтенко, колишній представник України в НАТО Петро Гаращук та голова Громадянської ліги «Україна-НАТО» Сергій Джердж; президент Центру глобалістики «Стратегія ХХІ» Михайло Гончар, політолог Віктор Савінок та президент DiXi Grouр Олена Павленко; заступник голови КМДА Олексій Резніков, спортивний журналіст Денис Трубецький та директор Департаменту комунікації Національної поліції Ярослав Тракало.

Venezuela to Take Over Major Bank; 11 Execs Arrested

Venezuela said on Thursday it would take over the country’s leading private bank, Banesco, for 90 days and announced the arrest of 11 top executives for “attacks” against the country’s rapidly depreciating bolivar currency.

The detentions came on the heels of last month’s shock arrests of two Venezuelan executives working in the country for U.S. oil company Chevron Corp.

Oil-rich Venezuela is suffering from hyperinflation and a steady collapse of the bolivar currency, which President Nicolas Maduro has attributed to an “economic war,” but critics blame on incompetence and failed socialist policies.

Maduro’s foes say he is cracking down on the business sector to try to shore up support and halt price increases ahead of a controversial May 20 presidential election, which key opposition parties have boycotted as a sham.

Chief Prosecutor Tarek Saab announced the arrests in a televised press conference, but did not provide evidence of wrongdoing or take any questions.

“We have determined the [executives’] presumed responsibility for a series of irregularities, for aiding and concealing attacks against the Venezuelan currency with the aim of demolishing the Venezuelan currency,” said Saab, a former ruling party governor.

State television late on Thursday broadcast a statement announcing the temporary takeover of Banesco, which the government said was designed to ensure the bank continues operating.

The government also said it would be appointing a board of directors led by the country’s vice finance minister, Yomana Koteich.

Banesco’s president, Juan Carlos Escotet, who lives in Spain, earlier blasted the arrests as “disproportionate” and said he was flying to Venezuela to try to free the 11 executives, who include Chief Executive Oscar Doval.

“In the next few hours, I’m taking a plane for Venezuela. We’re going to knock on every door so that this problem is cleared up and they are freed as they deserve to be,” Escotet, who was born in Venezuela to Spanish parents and holds both nationalities, said in a video posted on Twitter.

Escotet has been a frequent target of criticism by ruling party heavyweight Diosdado Cabello, who recently announced that the government was buying Banesco. Escotet denied any sale.

Escotet temporarily excused himself from his role as chairman of Galicia-based bank ABANCA, the bank said in a statement to Spain’s stock market regulator on Thursday.

‘More crisis and misery’

Venezuela’s opposition said the arrests were another sign of Maduro’s turn to authoritarianism.

“The irresponsible government … continues to deny its responsibility in the destruction of our bolivar. Now they’re attacking Banesco. [This] … will only spawn more crisis and misery,” tweeted opposition lawmaker Carlos Valero.

Venezuela maintains exchange controls under which the government is meant to provide hard currency at a steadily weakening official rate, currently 69,000 bolivars per dollar.

But the dollar is fetching around 800,000 bolivars in unofficial trade, which government officials have for years harshly criticized but broadly tolerated.

Hyperinflation has turned once-powerful banks into warehouses of unwanted and mostly useless cash worth a total of only $40 million, according to a recent Reuters analysis of regulatory data.

Ex-Volkswagen Boss Indicted in Emissions Scandal

A federal grand jury in Detroit has indicted former Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn with conspiracy and wire fraud in the car builder’s scheme to rig diesel emissions tests.

“If you try to deceive the United States, then you will pay a heavy price,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday. “The indictment unsealed today alleges that Volkswagen’s scheme to cheat its legal requirements went all the way to the top of the company.”

Winterkorn is alleged to have conspired with other top Volkswagen bosses to defraud the U.S. government and consumers with false claims that the company was complying with the Clean Air Act.

Volkswagen already admitted it installed devices on diesel models designed to turn on pollution control devices during emissions tests and turn them off when the car is driven on actual highways.

Volkswagen was fined $2.5 billion and ordered to recall the affected cars.

Winkerton is the ninth Volkswagen executive or employee to be charged. However, he currently lives in Germany, which has no extradition treaty with the United States, and is unlikely ever to see the inside of the U.S. courtroom.

US Trade Deficit Narrows Sharply; Labor Market Tightening

The U.S. trade deficit narrowed sharply in March as exports increased to a record high amid a surge in deliveries of commercial aircraft and soybeans, bolstering the economy’s outlook heading into the second quarter.

While other data on Thursday showed a modest increase in new applications for jobless benefits last week, the number of Americans receiving unemployment aid fell to its lowest level since 1973, pointing to tightening labor market conditions.

Wage growth is also rising, with hourly compensation accelerating in the first quarter, more evidence that inflation pressures are building.

“The good news is that we are exporting more, but with the labor markets incredibly tight, labor costs are accelerating as well,” said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors in Holland, Pennsylvania. “The rise in labor costs will undoubtedly factor into policymakers’ thinking when they meet again in June.”

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday left interest rates unchanged. The Fed said policymakers expected “economic activity will expand at a moderate pace in the medium term and labor market conditions will remain strong.”

The Commerce Department said the trade deficit tumbled 15.2 percent to $49.0 billion in March, the lowest level since September. The trade gap widened to $57.7 billion in February, which was the highest level since October 2008.

March’s decline ended six straight monthly increases in the trade deficit. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the trade gap narrowing to $50.0 billion in March.

The politically sensitive goods trade deficit with China dropped 11.6 percent to $25.9 billion, which will probably do little to ease tensions between the United States and China.

U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened tariffs on up to $150 billion worth of Chinese goods to punish Beijing over its joint-venture requirements and other policies Washington says force American companies to surrender their intellectual property to state-backed Chinese competitors.

China, which denies it coerces such technology transfers, has threatened retaliation in equal measure, including tariffs on U.S. soybeans and aircraft. A U.S. trade delegation arrived in China on Thursday for trade talks.

Trump, who claims the United States is being taken advantage of by its trading partners, has already imposed broad tariffs on imported solar panels and large washing machines. He recently slapped 25 percent import duties on steel and 10 percent on aluminum.

The Trump administration argues that the perennial trade deficit is holding back economic growth. The government reported last week that trade contributed 0.20 percentage point to the first quarter’s 2.3 percent annualized growth pace. The economy grew at a 2.9 percent rate in the fourth quarter.

Brightening prospects

Prospects for the economy are brightening. In a separate report, the Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment benefits rose 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 211,000 for the week ended April 28.

Claims remained near a more than 48-year low of 209,000 touched during the week ended April 21. The labor market is considered to be near or at full employment. The unemployment rate is at a 17-year low of 4.1 percent, close to the Fed’s forecast of 3.8 percent by the end of this year.

The number of people receiving benefits after an initial week of aid dropped 77,000 to 1.76 million in the week ended April 21, the lowest level since December 1973. With labor conditions tightening, wage growth is picking up.

A second report from the Labor Department showed hourly worker compensation accelerated at a 3.4 percent rate in the first quarter after rising at a 2.4 percent pace in the October-December period. It increased at a 2.5 percent rate compared to the first quarter of 2017.

Prices for U.S. Treasuries were trading higher, while the dollar was little changed against a basket of currencies. U.S. stocks were lower.

In March, exports of goods and services increased 2.0 percent to an all-time high of $208.5 billion, lifted by a $1.9 billion increase in shipments of commercial aircraft. There were also increases in exports of soybeans, corn and crude oil. Real goods exports were the highest on record.

Exports to China jumped 26.3 percent in March.

Imports of goods and services fell 1.8 percent to $257.5 billion, in part as the boost from royalties and broadcast license fees related to the Winter Olympics faded. Imports of capital goods fell by $1.5 billion, weighed down by declines in imports of computer accessories, telecommunications equipment and semiconductors.

Imports of consumer goods decreased by $0.9 billion. Crude oil imports dropped by $0.5 billion in March. Imports from China fell 2.1 percent.

Another report from the Commerce Department showed factory goods orders rose 1.6 percent in March after a similar increase in February. The department, however, revised March orders for non-defense capital goods excluding aircraft, which are seen as a measure of business spending plans, to show them falling 0.4 percent instead of dipping 0.1 percent as reported last month.

Orders for these so-called core capital goods rose 1.0 percent in February. Shipments of core capital goods, which are used to calculate business equipment spending in the gross domestic product report, declined 0.8 percent in March instead of the 0.7 percent drop reported last month.

March’s drop in core capital goods orders and shipments suggest business spending on equipment is slowing.