ЄСПЛ зареєстрував скаргу засудженого в Криму журналіста Семени – адвокат

«Без пріоритету, як рекомендував Євросоюзу, але теж непогано»

Will Bill Cosby, 81, Go to Prison? A judge is Set to Decide

Bill Cosby faced the start of a sentencing hearing Monday at which a judge will decide how to punish the 81-year-old comedian who blazed the trail for other black entertainers and donated millions to black causes but preyed on at least one young woman and perhaps many more.

Cosby was the first celebrity to go to trial in the (hash)MeToo era and could be the first to go to prison — perhaps for the rest of his days — after being convicted in April of drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple University employee Andrea Constand at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004.


Judges can’t help being influenced a little by the “optics” of a case — that it, how it is going to look to the public, said Daniel Filler, dean of Drexel University’s Kline School of Law.


In this instance, “the judge is going to get flak,” he said. “The judge is going to get less flak if they see Bill Cosby walk out in cuffs.”


At the end of the potentially two-day hearing, Montgomery County Judge Steven T. O’Neill could sentence Cosby to as many as 30 years in prison or send him home on probation. The state guidelines for someone like Cosby, with no prior convictions, call for about one to four years behind bars.


“Obviously, the allegations are serious, and, except for his age and poor health, would normally warrant some jail time,” said Samuel Stretton, a veteran defense lawyer not connected to the case.


Cosby is legally blind and uses a cane, something his lawyers are certain to point out along with his achievements and philanthropy. Prosecutors hoped to call some of his other accusers to paint Cosby as a sexual predator deserving of prison.


Whatever the sentence, Cosby is likely to be deemed a sexually violent predator and will have to undergo monthly counseling the rest of his life, in prison or out. Neighbors and schools will be warned he is living nearby.


In the years since Constand first went to police in 2005, more than 60 women have accused Cosby of sexual misconduct, though none of those claims have led to criminal charges.


Two of those women, Lise-Lotte Lublin and Chelan Lasha, said Sunday at a Philadelphia news conference that they want prison for him and hope they get to make impact statements at the sentencing.


“I really think it’s important that he spend some time behind bars,” said Lublin, who said Cosby assaulted her when she was 23 in 1989. “At some point, he should acknowledge what he’s done, and do the time for the crime.”


Monday morning, just a few hours before the sentencing hearing was to begin, Constand tweeted Ephesians 4:26, a Bible verse about letting go of anger: “Be wrathful, but do not sin; do not let the sun set while you are still angry; do not give the Devil an opportunity.”


Cosby, who grew up in public housing in Philadelphia, became the first black actor to star in a prime-time TV show, “I Spy,” in 1965. He remained a Hollywood A-lister for much of the next half-century, hitting his peak in the 1980s with the top-rated “Cosby Show” as the warm, wisecracking dad, Dr. Cliff Huxtable.


But behind the scenes, according to testimony, the married star sought out sexual encounters with young women, including actresses he offered to mentor, models seeking a part on his shows, and flight attendants he met in his travels. He also acknowledged obtaining quaaludes in the 1970s to give to women before sex.


The Associated Press does not typically identify people who say they are victims of sexual assault unless they come forward publicly, which Lublin, Lasha and Constand have done.



Will Bill Cosby, 81, Go to Prison? A judge is Set to Decide

Bill Cosby faced the start of a sentencing hearing Monday at which a judge will decide how to punish the 81-year-old comedian who blazed the trail for other black entertainers and donated millions to black causes but preyed on at least one young woman and perhaps many more.

Cosby was the first celebrity to go to trial in the (hash)MeToo era and could be the first to go to prison — perhaps for the rest of his days — after being convicted in April of drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple University employee Andrea Constand at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004.


Judges can’t help being influenced a little by the “optics” of a case — that it, how it is going to look to the public, said Daniel Filler, dean of Drexel University’s Kline School of Law.


In this instance, “the judge is going to get flak,” he said. “The judge is going to get less flak if they see Bill Cosby walk out in cuffs.”


At the end of the potentially two-day hearing, Montgomery County Judge Steven T. O’Neill could sentence Cosby to as many as 30 years in prison or send him home on probation. The state guidelines for someone like Cosby, with no prior convictions, call for about one to four years behind bars.


“Obviously, the allegations are serious, and, except for his age and poor health, would normally warrant some jail time,” said Samuel Stretton, a veteran defense lawyer not connected to the case.


Cosby is legally blind and uses a cane, something his lawyers are certain to point out along with his achievements and philanthropy. Prosecutors hoped to call some of his other accusers to paint Cosby as a sexual predator deserving of prison.


Whatever the sentence, Cosby is likely to be deemed a sexually violent predator and will have to undergo monthly counseling the rest of his life, in prison or out. Neighbors and schools will be warned he is living nearby.


In the years since Constand first went to police in 2005, more than 60 women have accused Cosby of sexual misconduct, though none of those claims have led to criminal charges.


Two of those women, Lise-Lotte Lublin and Chelan Lasha, said Sunday at a Philadelphia news conference that they want prison for him and hope they get to make impact statements at the sentencing.


“I really think it’s important that he spend some time behind bars,” said Lublin, who said Cosby assaulted her when she was 23 in 1989. “At some point, he should acknowledge what he’s done, and do the time for the crime.”


Monday morning, just a few hours before the sentencing hearing was to begin, Constand tweeted Ephesians 4:26, a Bible verse about letting go of anger: “Be wrathful, but do not sin; do not let the sun set while you are still angry; do not give the Devil an opportunity.”


Cosby, who grew up in public housing in Philadelphia, became the first black actor to star in a prime-time TV show, “I Spy,” in 1965. He remained a Hollywood A-lister for much of the next half-century, hitting his peak in the 1980s with the top-rated “Cosby Show” as the warm, wisecracking dad, Dr. Cliff Huxtable.


But behind the scenes, according to testimony, the married star sought out sexual encounters with young women, including actresses he offered to mentor, models seeking a part on his shows, and flight attendants he met in his travels. He also acknowledged obtaining quaaludes in the 1970s to give to women before sex.


The Associated Press does not typically identify people who say they are victims of sexual assault unless they come forward publicly, which Lublin, Lasha and Constand have done.



СБУ викликає на допит Жириновського і ще двох російських депутатів

Служба безпеки України оприлюднила повістку на ім’я лідера російської Ліберально-демократичної партії, депутата Державної думи Володимира Жириновського. У документі його викликають на допит 27 вересня.

Згідно з документом, датованим 19 вересня, Жириновський має прийти до будівлі СБУ в Києві 27 вересня о 9 ранку, щоб дати свідчення на допиті, отримати повідомлення про підозру та ознайомитися з матеріалами кримінального провадження проти себе.

В разі неявки російському політику загрожує штраф, а в разі злісного ухилення є можливість заочного досудового розслідування і судового провадження, попереджають в СБУ.

Також 27 вересня в СБУ чекають на допит ще двох депутатів Державної думи: Олексія Діденка і Михайла Дєгтярьова.

Читайте також: «ГПУ підозрює у фінансуванні тероризму двох депутатів Держдуми Росії – заява​»

18 вересня Шевченківський районний суд Києва надав дозвіл на спеціальне досудове розслідування стосовно Володимира Жириновського та двох депутатів Державної думи Росії.

Як повідомив тоді речник Генеральної прокуратури Андрій Лисенко, «група під керівництвом Жириновського» на прохання бойовика Михайла Толстих («Гіві») упродовж 2014-2017 років передала угрупованням шість автомобілів, «окремі з яких використовувалися під час вчинення терористичних актів проти військових та правоохоронних підрозділів України, зокрема на території Донецького аеропорту».

US, China Exchange New Round of Tariffs in Trade War

Another set of tit-for-tat tariffs imposed by the United States and China on each other’s goods took effect Monday.

A new round of U.S. imposed duties on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods, and a retaliatory set of tariffs imposed by Beijing on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods, took effect at 12:01 a.m. Washington time. 

The new U.S. duties covers thousands of Chinese-made products, including electronics, food, tools and housewares. The new tariffs begin at 10 percent, then will rise to 25 percent on January 1, 2019. The Trump administration exempted numerous other items from the new tariffs, including smart watches, Bluetooth devices, and infant car seats. 

In an interview with Fox News Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo promised the United States will be victorious in any trade war with China. “We are going to get an outcome which forces China to behave in a way that if you want to be a power, a global power … you do not steal intellectual property,” Pompeo said.

But in a policy statement issued just hours after the dual tariffs took effect, Beijing accused Washington of using tariffs as a means of intimidating other countries to submit to U.S. wishes on economic matters.

The Trump administration has argued tariffs on Chinese goods would force China to trade on more favorable terms with the United States.

It has demanded that China better protect American intellectual property, including ending the practice of cyber theft. The Trump administration has also called on China to allow U.S. companies greater access to Chinese markets and to cut its U.S. trade surplus.

The U.S. has already imposed tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods, and China has retaliated on an equal amount on U.S. goods.

Earlier this month, President Donald Trump threatened more tariffs on Chinese goods — another $267 billion worth of duties that would cover virtually all the goods China imports to the United States.

US, China Exchange New Round of Tariffs in Trade War

Another set of tit-for-tat tariffs imposed by the United States and China on each other’s goods took effect Monday.

A new round of U.S. imposed duties on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods, and a retaliatory set of tariffs imposed by Beijing on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods, took effect at 12:01 a.m. Washington time. 

The new U.S. duties covers thousands of Chinese-made products, including electronics, food, tools and housewares. The new tariffs begin at 10 percent, then will rise to 25 percent on January 1, 2019. The Trump administration exempted numerous other items from the new tariffs, including smart watches, Bluetooth devices, and infant car seats. 

In an interview with Fox News Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo promised the United States will be victorious in any trade war with China. “We are going to get an outcome which forces China to behave in a way that if you want to be a power, a global power … you do not steal intellectual property,” Pompeo said.

But in a policy statement issued just hours after the dual tariffs took effect, Beijing accused Washington of using tariffs as a means of intimidating other countries to submit to U.S. wishes on economic matters.

The Trump administration has argued tariffs on Chinese goods would force China to trade on more favorable terms with the United States.

It has demanded that China better protect American intellectual property, including ending the practice of cyber theft. The Trump administration has also called on China to allow U.S. companies greater access to Chinese markets and to cut its U.S. trade surplus.

The U.S. has already imposed tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods, and China has retaliated on an equal amount on U.S. goods.

Earlier this month, President Donald Trump threatened more tariffs on Chinese goods — another $267 billion worth of duties that would cover virtually all the goods China imports to the United States.

Malawi Moves to Improve its Struggling Tourism Industry

Malawi continues to struggle to develop its tourism industry, despite having several attractions, including national parks, game reserves and mountains. But the government has developed a Tourism Strategic Plan that seeks to address challenges to attracting more tourists. Lameck Masina reports on Malawi’s efforts to develop the industry, after attending a recent tourism street carnival in the country’s commercial capital, Blantyre.

Distractions to Diplomacy as Trump Returns to New York

U.S. President Donald Trump has been uncharacteristically mute just before days of whirlwind of diplomacy during the U.N. General Assembly.

Trump took a rare respite from Twitter amid several pending matters likely to define his presidency.  There have been no substantive tweets from the president since Friday when he commented on his controversial order to declassify documents about the Russia probe (which is now under review) and also accused opposition Democrats of obstructing the confirmation process for his second nominee for a lifetime appointment on the U.S. Supreme Court.

The president is to dine Sunday in New York with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is among a number of world leaders gathering for the 73rd U.N. General Assembly session.

Trump and Abe are certain to discuss trade differences, as well as the situation on the Korean Peninsula, just days after South Korean President Moon Jae-in traveled to Pyongyang and signed agreements with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un.


The U.S. president is also set to meet this week with the leaders of Britain, Colombia, Egypt, France and Israel.

Monday, Trump is to attend an event that is intended to spark global action on international cooperation to curb illegal drug use and cut narcotics’ supply chains.

The following day the president addresses the U.N. General Assembly and he chairs the world body’s security council meeting the following day.

The session at the security council, where the United States currently holds the gavel, was to focus on criticism of Iran, but now will be broadened, according to U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley.

“We were addressing so many issues,” said Haley.  “The administration thought it’d be valuable to expand that.  The president didn’t want it to be limited.  Iran is certainly part of that discussion.”

Trump, in a subsequent tweet last week insisted the meeting will be about Iran.

Already high tension between Washington and Tehran, subsequent to Trump withdrawing from an international accord on Iran’s nuclear weapons freeze, is further tightening following a shooting attack Saturday on an Iranian military parade.

Top Iranian officials, including President Hassan Rouhani, vow revenge and are blaming the United States and Gulf Arab states.

Haley rejects blame for the attack in Ahvaz, which killed at least 29 people.

“Rouhani can blame us all he wants.  The thing he’s got to do is look at the mirror,” Haley told CNN on Sunday.

Rouhani will be at the United Nations this week.

In a speech to a group opposing the Iran government on Saturday, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani predicted the United States will plot a successful revolution in Iran.

“It could be in a few days, months, a couple of years.  But it’s going to happen,”said the former New York City mayor.

“The United States is not looking to do a regime change in Iran,” Haley responded Sunday.  “We’re not looking to do regime change anywhere.”

While in New York confronting Iran and other geo-political challenges, Trump is likely to have one eye firmly fixed on developments in Washington.


The confirmation in the Senate for his Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, continues.

The Senate’s Judiciary Committee this week is to hear from a California psychology professor, Christine Blasey Ford, who accuses Kavanaugh of a sexual assault when they were high school students.

“We made important progress on our call this morning with Senate Judiciary Committee staff members,” said attorneys for Ford in a statement on Sunday. “We committed to moving forward with an open hearing onThursday Sept 27 at 10:00 am.  Despite actual threats to her safety and her life, Dr. Ford believes it is important for Senators to hear directly from her about the sexual assault committed against her.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel has reportedly telephoned Trump to tell him his tweets questioning Ford’s motivations for making the accusation are not helpful to the confirmation process.

Meanwhile, Trump is said to be considering whether to remove the second-in-command at the Justice Department after news reports Rod Rosenstein suggested secretly recording the president last year and discussed the possibility of invoking a constitutional amendment to remove Trump from office.

Rosenstein vehemently denies he “pursued or authorized” the recording of the president.

Rosenstein oversees the special counsel’s investigation of connections between Trump’s 2016 election campaign and Russia as Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the matter.

Distractions to Diplomacy as Trump Returns to New York

U.S. President Donald Trump has been uncharacteristically mute just before days of whirlwind of diplomacy during the U.N. General Assembly.

Trump took a rare respite from Twitter amid several pending matters likely to define his presidency.  There have been no substantive tweets from the president since Friday when he commented on his controversial order to declassify documents about the Russia probe (which is now under review) and also accused opposition Democrats of obstructing the confirmation process for his second nominee for a lifetime appointment on the U.S. Supreme Court.

The president is to dine Sunday in New York with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is among a number of world leaders gathering for the 73rd U.N. General Assembly session.

Trump and Abe are certain to discuss trade differences, as well as the situation on the Korean Peninsula, just days after South Korean President Moon Jae-in traveled to Pyongyang and signed agreements with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un.


The U.S. president is also set to meet this week with the leaders of Britain, Colombia, Egypt, France and Israel.

Monday, Trump is to attend an event that is intended to spark global action on international cooperation to curb illegal drug use and cut narcotics’ supply chains.

The following day the president addresses the U.N. General Assembly and he chairs the world body’s security council meeting the following day.

The session at the security council, where the United States currently holds the gavel, was to focus on criticism of Iran, but now will be broadened, according to U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley.

“We were addressing so many issues,” said Haley.  “The administration thought it’d be valuable to expand that.  The president didn’t want it to be limited.  Iran is certainly part of that discussion.”

Trump, in a subsequent tweet last week insisted the meeting will be about Iran.

Already high tension between Washington and Tehran, subsequent to Trump withdrawing from an international accord on Iran’s nuclear weapons freeze, is further tightening following a shooting attack Saturday on an Iranian military parade.

Top Iranian officials, including President Hassan Rouhani, vow revenge and are blaming the United States and Gulf Arab states.

Haley rejects blame for the attack in Ahvaz, which killed at least 29 people.

“Rouhani can blame us all he wants.  The thing he’s got to do is look at the mirror,” Haley told CNN on Sunday.

Rouhani will be at the United Nations this week.

In a speech to a group opposing the Iran government on Saturday, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani predicted the United States will plot a successful revolution in Iran.

“It could be in a few days, months, a couple of years.  But it’s going to happen,”said the former New York City mayor.

“The United States is not looking to do a regime change in Iran,” Haley responded Sunday.  “We’re not looking to do regime change anywhere.”

While in New York confronting Iran and other geo-political challenges, Trump is likely to have one eye firmly fixed on developments in Washington.


The confirmation in the Senate for his Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, continues.

The Senate’s Judiciary Committee this week is to hear from a California psychology professor, Christine Blasey Ford, who accuses Kavanaugh of a sexual assault when they were high school students.

“We made important progress on our call this morning with Senate Judiciary Committee staff members,” said attorneys for Ford in a statement on Sunday. “We committed to moving forward with an open hearing onThursday Sept 27 at 10:00 am.  Despite actual threats to her safety and her life, Dr. Ford believes it is important for Senators to hear directly from her about the sexual assault committed against her.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel has reportedly telephoned Trump to tell him his tweets questioning Ford’s motivations for making the accusation are not helpful to the confirmation process.

Meanwhile, Trump is said to be considering whether to remove the second-in-command at the Justice Department after news reports Rod Rosenstein suggested secretly recording the president last year and discussed the possibility of invoking a constitutional amendment to remove Trump from office.

Rosenstein vehemently denies he “pursued or authorized” the recording of the president.

Rosenstein oversees the special counsel’s investigation of connections between Trump’s 2016 election campaign and Russia as Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the matter.

Конфлікт між НАБУ і САП: призначене службове розслідування – Ситник

Національне антикорупційне бюро України (НАБУ) призначило службове розслідування щодо конфлікту між працівниками бюро та Спеціалізованої антикорупційної прокуратури (САП), про це журналістам повідомив 23 вересня директор НАБУ Артем Ситник.

«Наскільки я знаю, і пан Холодницький, і я – ми скерували відповідні заяви про порушення кримінального провадження до органів Національної поліції і, мабуть, там уже відкрите провадження і буде проведене розслідування. Сподіваюсь, що розслідування буде об’єктивним», – сказав він.

Ситник додав, що НАБУ у свою чергу проводить власне службове розслідування щодо своїх працівників, які брали участь у конфлікті.

«З іншого боку, НАБУ призначило службове розслідування по цьому інциденту, і матеріали цього службового розслідування, якщо буде цікаво органам слідства, ми передаватимемо, щоб вони були враховані в ході розслідування», – зазначив голова НАБУ.

Ситник додав, що в НАБУ вважають винними у ДТП, яка сталася за участі працівників двох антикорупційних органів, саме представників САП та Управління державної охорони (УДО).

«Причиною зіткнення, на думку НАБУ, стали неправомірні дії в першу чергу працівників антикорупційної прокуратури і співробітників державної охорони, які незаконно заблокували пересування працівників НАБУ, які виконували свої службові обов’язки», – сказав Ситник.

19 вересня Спеціалізована антикорупційна прокуратура заявила про сутички зі співробітниками Національного антикорупційного бюро України. У САП повідомили, що виявили «незаконно встановлені засоби негласного зняття інформації» працівниками НАБУ.

У свою чергу, керівник Національного антикорупційного бюро України Артем Ситник заперечив встановлення апаратури для прослуховування у приміщеннях Спеціалізованої антикорупційної прокуратури.

«Окрім того, поряд із адміністративним приміщенням був виявлений автомобіль марки «FORD» АА2564МВ, в якому перебували працівники НАБ України, здійснюючи незаконні оперативно-технічні заходи. Відповідний автомобіль було заблоковано працівниками Національної поліції України та УДО України з метою проведення невідкладних слідчих та процесуальних дій», – заявили в САП.

Згідно з повідомленням, на місце події прибув силовий підрозділ Національного антикорупційного бюро, який «використовуючи вогнепальну зброю, застосував насильство щодо працівників правоохоронних органів, пошкодив майно громадян, перешкодивши проведенню слідчих дій».

Криза у взаєминах між Спеціалізованою антикорупційною прокуратурою та Національним антикорупційним бюро України загострилася в березні 2018 року. Тоді НАБУ і Генпрокуратура звинуватили очільника САП в дисциплінарних правопорушеннях після того, як оприлюднили записи, зроблені на «жучок» у його робочому кабінеті.

26 липня Кваліфікаційно-дисциплінарна комісія прокурорів оголосила догану, але не звільнила Назара Холодницького з посади керівника Спеціалізованої антикорупційної прокуратури.

Конфлікт між НАБУ і САП: призначене службове розслідування – Ситник

Національне антикорупційне бюро України (НАБУ) призначило службове розслідування щодо конфлікту між працівниками бюро та Спеціалізованої антикорупційної прокуратури (САП), про це журналістам повідомив 23 вересня директор НАБУ Артем Ситник.

«Наскільки я знаю, і пан Холодницький, і я – ми скерували відповідні заяви про порушення кримінального провадження до органів Національної поліції і, мабуть, там уже відкрите провадження і буде проведене розслідування. Сподіваюсь, що розслідування буде об’єктивним», – сказав він.

Ситник додав, що НАБУ у свою чергу проводить власне службове розслідування щодо своїх працівників, які брали участь у конфлікті.

«З іншого боку, НАБУ призначило службове розслідування по цьому інциденту, і матеріали цього службового розслідування, якщо буде цікаво органам слідства, ми передаватимемо, щоб вони були враховані в ході розслідування», – зазначив голова НАБУ.

Ситник додав, що в НАБУ вважають винними у ДТП, яка сталася за участі працівників двох антикорупційних органів, саме представників САП та Управління державної охорони (УДО).

«Причиною зіткнення, на думку НАБУ, стали неправомірні дії в першу чергу працівників антикорупційної прокуратури і співробітників державної охорони, які незаконно заблокували пересування працівників НАБУ, які виконували свої службові обов’язки», – сказав Ситник.

19 вересня Спеціалізована антикорупційна прокуратура заявила про сутички зі співробітниками Національного антикорупційного бюро України. У САП повідомили, що виявили «незаконно встановлені засоби негласного зняття інформації» працівниками НАБУ.

У свою чергу, керівник Національного антикорупційного бюро України Артем Ситник заперечив встановлення апаратури для прослуховування у приміщеннях Спеціалізованої антикорупційної прокуратури.

«Окрім того, поряд із адміністративним приміщенням був виявлений автомобіль марки «FORD» АА2564МВ, в якому перебували працівники НАБ України, здійснюючи незаконні оперативно-технічні заходи. Відповідний автомобіль було заблоковано працівниками Національної поліції України та УДО України з метою проведення невідкладних слідчих та процесуальних дій», – заявили в САП.

Згідно з повідомленням, на місце події прибув силовий підрозділ Національного антикорупційного бюро, який «використовуючи вогнепальну зброю, застосував насильство щодо працівників правоохоронних органів, пошкодив майно громадян, перешкодивши проведенню слідчих дій».

Криза у взаєминах між Спеціалізованою антикорупційною прокуратурою та Національним антикорупційним бюро України загострилася в березні 2018 року. Тоді НАБУ і Генпрокуратура звинуватили очільника САП в дисциплінарних правопорушеннях після того, як оприлюднили записи, зроблені на «жучок» у його робочому кабінеті.

26 липня Кваліфікаційно-дисциплінарна комісія прокурорів оголосила догану, але не звільнила Назара Холодницького з посади керівника Спеціалізованої антикорупційної прокуратури.

Письменники у Львові читали твори Олега Сенцова та інших українських політв’язнів

У рамках Форуму видавців у Львові близько двох десятків письменників з України та інших країн на площі Ринок прочитали уривки з творів українського політв’язня Олега Сенцова, який уже 133-й день голодує в ув’язненні в Росії, а також твори українських дисидентів. Акція відбулась на підтримку всіх українських політв’язнів, яких переслідує Росія.

«Ця акція не покликана достукатись до Олега Сенцова, до Володимира Балуха, до Олександра Кольченка та інших політв’язнів. Ця акція покликана достукатись до нас, наших сердець. Бо політв’язні свій вибір уже зробили, а нам треба достукатись до самих себе», – наголосив під час виступу правозахисник, український дисидент Мирослав Маринович, який зачитав уривок зі свого оповідання, написаного у радянських таборах.

Українські письменники, публіцисти прочитали автобіографію Олега Сенцова, уривки з його творів про дитинство, школу, його заповіт.

«Доля Олега Сенцова, на жаль, не залежить від самого Олега Сенцова і від кожного з нас. Вона залежить від однієї людини – президента Росії Володимира Путіна. Це жахлива істина. Але маємо зрозуміти, що Путін вже програв, а Сенцов вже виграв, яким би не було закінчення цієї жахливої української трагедії», – зауважив публіцист Віталій Портников.

Організатори акції передусім акцентували увагу на тому, що українським політв’язням потрібна підтримка українського суспільства і всього світу, що важливо щодня пам’ятати, що вже 133-й день Олег Сенцов продовжує голодування, що сьогодні тривають десятки слідчих справ проти громадян України.

«Я розумію, що в основі цієї проблеми – Росія, яка знову стала «самодержавием», це боротьба Росії за право знищувати себе, своїх і чужих, якими вони незадоволені. Це той самий старий конфлікт між візантійським сходом і цивілізованим Заходом, але в дуже кривавій і драматичній формі», – наголосив Радіо Свобода письменник Андрій Курков.

Південно-Африканський поет Мпун Гоза дуже емоційно закликав до звільнення Олега Сенцова і всіх політичних в’язнів, які перебувають в Росії.

Український кінорежисер і письменник Олег Сенцов заарештований навесні 2014 року в Сімферополі. Він засуджений до 20 років позбавлення волі у колонії суворого режиму. Політв’язень 14 травня 2018 року оголосив безстрокове голодування, вимагаючи звільнити всіх українських політв’язнів у Росії та на окупованих теренах України.

На сьогодні відомо, що Росія переслідує за політичними мотивами 88 громадян України.

Письменники у Львові читали твори Олега Сенцова та інших українських політв’язнів

У рамках Форуму видавців у Львові близько двох десятків письменників з України та інших країн на площі Ринок прочитали уривки з творів українського політв’язня Олега Сенцова, який уже 133-й день голодує в ув’язненні в Росії, а також твори українських дисидентів. Акція відбулась на підтримку всіх українських політв’язнів, яких переслідує Росія.

«Ця акція не покликана достукатись до Олега Сенцова, до Володимира Балуха, до Олександра Кольченка та інших політв’язнів. Ця акція покликана достукатись до нас, наших сердець. Бо політв’язні свій вибір уже зробили, а нам треба достукатись до самих себе», – наголосив під час виступу правозахисник, український дисидент Мирослав Маринович, який зачитав уривок зі свого оповідання, написаного у радянських таборах.

Українські письменники, публіцисти прочитали автобіографію Олега Сенцова, уривки з його творів про дитинство, школу, його заповіт.

«Доля Олега Сенцова, на жаль, не залежить від самого Олега Сенцова і від кожного з нас. Вона залежить від однієї людини – президента Росії Володимира Путіна. Це жахлива істина. Але маємо зрозуміти, що Путін вже програв, а Сенцов вже виграв, яким би не було закінчення цієї жахливої української трагедії», – зауважив публіцист Віталій Портников.

Організатори акції передусім акцентували увагу на тому, що українським політв’язням потрібна підтримка українського суспільства і всього світу, що важливо щодня пам’ятати, що вже 133-й день Олег Сенцов продовжує голодування, що сьогодні тривають десятки слідчих справ проти громадян України.

«Я розумію, що в основі цієї проблеми – Росія, яка знову стала «самодержавием», це боротьба Росії за право знищувати себе, своїх і чужих, якими вони незадоволені. Це той самий старий конфлікт між візантійським сходом і цивілізованим Заходом, але в дуже кривавій і драматичній формі», – наголосив Радіо Свобода письменник Андрій Курков.

Південно-Африканський поет Мпун Гоза дуже емоційно закликав до звільнення Олега Сенцова і всіх політичних в’язнів, які перебувають в Росії.

Український кінорежисер і письменник Олег Сенцов заарештований навесні 2014 року в Сімферополі. Він засуджений до 20 років позбавлення волі у колонії суворого режиму. Політв’язень 14 травня 2018 року оголосив безстрокове голодування, вимагаючи звільнити всіх українських політв’язнів у Росії та на окупованих теренах України.

На сьогодні відомо, що Росія переслідує за політичними мотивами 88 громадян України.

Україна створить військово-морську базу на Азовському морі – Порошенко

Президент України Петро Порошенко привітав вихід в Азовське море двох українських військових кораблів, які стануть частиною новоствореної військово-морської бази українського флоту на Азові, про це глава держави написав у Facebook.

«Вітаю наші військові кораблі – пошуково-рятувальне судно A500 «Донбас» та морський буксир A830 «Корець» – з виходом в Азовське море. Ці судна стануть частиною новоствореної військово-морської бази українського флоту на Азові», – зазначив Порошенко.

Він також подякував екіпажам суден за бездоганно виконаний наказ.

Раніше сайт волонтерського проекту «Український мілітарний портал» повідомив, що пошуково-рятувальне судно A500 «Донбас» та морський буксир A830 «Корець» пройшли Керченський міст і прямують до Бердянська. Українські кораблі супроводжували два російські патрульні катери, в той час, як ситуацію з повітря вивчають літаки-розвідники США.

Читайте також: Українські кораблі йдуть в Азовське море в супроводі повітряної розвідки США – ЗМІ

20 вересня пошуково-рятувальне судно A500 «Донбас» та морський буксир A830 «Корець» вирушили з походом із Західної військово-морської бази ВМС України в Одесі до Бердянська, де стануть основою новоствореної військово-морської бази українського флоту на Азовському морі.

Обидва згадані кораблі належать до допоміжних, не бойових. Корабель управління «Донбас» A500, до 2001 року плавуча майстерня, збудований 1969 року; буксир «Корець» A830 збудований 1973 року.

На початку вересня Рада національної безпеки і оборони України ухвалила рішення посилити військово-морську присутність в Азовському морі.

Азовське море стало останнім часом місцем численних провокацій із боку російських силовиків, у першу чергу прикордонників, які, користуючись формулюваннями згаданої угоди 2003 року, перепиняють для тривалих перевірок судна, що прямують до українських портів чи з них.

Україна створить військово-морську базу на Азовському морі – Порошенко

Президент України Петро Порошенко привітав вихід в Азовське море двох українських військових кораблів, які стануть частиною новоствореної військово-морської бази українського флоту на Азові, про це глава держави написав у Facebook.

«Вітаю наші військові кораблі – пошуково-рятувальне судно A500 «Донбас» та морський буксир A830 «Корець» – з виходом в Азовське море. Ці судна стануть частиною новоствореної військово-морської бази українського флоту на Азові», – зазначив Порошенко.

Він також подякував екіпажам суден за бездоганно виконаний наказ.

Раніше сайт волонтерського проекту «Український мілітарний портал» повідомив, що пошуково-рятувальне судно A500 «Донбас» та морський буксир A830 «Корець» пройшли Керченський міст і прямують до Бердянська. Українські кораблі супроводжували два російські патрульні катери, в той час, як ситуацію з повітря вивчають літаки-розвідники США.

Читайте також: Українські кораблі йдуть в Азовське море в супроводі повітряної розвідки США – ЗМІ

20 вересня пошуково-рятувальне судно A500 «Донбас» та морський буксир A830 «Корець» вирушили з походом із Західної військово-морської бази ВМС України в Одесі до Бердянська, де стануть основою новоствореної військово-морської бази українського флоту на Азовському морі.

Обидва згадані кораблі належать до допоміжних, не бойових. Корабель управління «Донбас» A500, до 2001 року плавуча майстерня, збудований 1969 року; буксир «Корець» A830 збудований 1973 року.

На початку вересня Рада національної безпеки і оборони України ухвалила рішення посилити військово-морську присутність в Азовському морі.

Азовське море стало останнім часом місцем численних провокацій із боку російських силовиків, у першу чергу прикордонників, які, користуючись формулюваннями згаданої угоди 2003 року, перепиняють для тривалих перевірок судна, що прямують до українських портів чи з них.

Pompeo: US Would Win Trade War with China

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vows the United States will be victorious in any trade war with China, a day before the Trump administration’s latest tariffs on Chinese imports go into effect.

Pompeo told Fox News on Sunday. “We are going to get an outcome which forces China to behave in a way that if you want to be a power, a global power… you do not steal intellectual property.”

The Trump administration has argued tariffs on Chinese goods would force China to trade on more favorable terms with the United States.

It has demanded that China better protect American intellectual property, including ending the practice of cyber theft. The Trump administration has also called on China to allow U.S. companies greater access to Chinese markets and to cut its U.S. trade surplus.

Last week, the United States ordered duties on another $200 billion of Chinese goods to go into effect on September 24 (Monday). China responded by adding $60 billion of U.S. products to its import tariff list.

The Untied States already has imposed tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods, and China has retaliated on an equal amount of U.S. goods.

Earlier this month, President Donald Trump threatened more tariffs on Chinese goods — another $267 billion worth of duties that would cover virtually all the goods China imports to the United States.


Pompeo: US Would Win Trade War with China

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vows the United States will be victorious in any trade war with China, a day before the Trump administration’s latest tariffs on Chinese imports go into effect.

Pompeo told Fox News on Sunday. “We are going to get an outcome which forces China to behave in a way that if you want to be a power, a global power… you do not steal intellectual property.”

The Trump administration has argued tariffs on Chinese goods would force China to trade on more favorable terms with the United States.

It has demanded that China better protect American intellectual property, including ending the practice of cyber theft. The Trump administration has also called on China to allow U.S. companies greater access to Chinese markets and to cut its U.S. trade surplus.

Last week, the United States ordered duties on another $200 billion of Chinese goods to go into effect on September 24 (Monday). China responded by adding $60 billion of U.S. products to its import tariff list.

The Untied States already has imposed tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods, and China has retaliated on an equal amount of U.S. goods.

Earlier this month, President Donald Trump threatened more tariffs on Chinese goods — another $267 billion worth of duties that would cover virtually all the goods China imports to the United States.


Kavanaugh Accuser to Testify Thursday

Lawyers for the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were both high school teenagers say she is “committed” to testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

Lawyers Debra Katz, Lisa Banks and Michael Bromwich issued the statement Sunday on behalf of Christine Blasey Ford after making what they called “important progress” on a call with Senate Judiciary Committee members.

“Despite actual threats to her safety and her life, Dr. Ford believes it is important for Senators to hear directly from her about the sexual assault committed against her,” the statement said. It noted that she has agreed to move forward despite the committee refusing to invite other witnesses “who are essential for a fair hearing.”

Kavanaugh has denied any sexual impropriety and is also expected to testify before the Republican-led committee votes on his nomination.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told Fox News that Ford “will be treated fairly but we’re not going to turn the hearing over to her lawyers.”


Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, Democratic Senator Patty Murray warned of a “tremendous backlash” if Senate Republicans rush to confirm Kavanaugh without fully probing the accusation against him.


“What a horrible message to young girls today, what a horrible message to young men today that they can get away with this [sexual misconduct]. Let’s get this right,” Murray said.


On Friday, U.S. President Donald Trump questioned Ford’s account, posting on Twitter that “if the attack … was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed” with police.

The tweet has prompted an outpouring of testimonials by self-described sexual assault survivors under the hashtag #WhyIDidntReport, and a rebuke from a key Republican.


“We know that allegations of sexual assault are one of the most unreported crimes that exist,” Maine Senator Susan Collins said. “So, I thought that the president’s tweet was completely inappropriate and wrong.”

Trump’s U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, asked about the president’s tweet, said “Every accuser deserves the right to be heard. But at the same time, I think the accused deserves the right to be heard.”


The White House continues to stand by Kavanaugh, a federal appellate judge and Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee.


“Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a man of integrity with impeccable credentials and a proven judicial philosophy,” Vice President Mike Pence told an annual gathering of social conservatives. “And I believe that Judge Brett Kavanaugh will soon be Justice Brett Kavanaugh and take his seat on the Supreme Court of the United States.”


Democrats praised Ford’s courage and echoed her demand that the FBI investigate the accusation.


“What in the hell did she [Ford] have to gain by doing this? At this point she’s faced death threats, her family has been moved out of their home,” Illinois Senator Dick Durbin said on ABC’s This Week. “Dr. Ford has said from the start: let’s have the investigation. Let’s find all the people who might have some knowledge of it. You know, she’s open to the investigation. It’s Judge Kavanaugh, the Department of Justice, and the president who have said no, there will be no investigation.”


Ford alleges that, at a 1982 house party, Kavanaugh, then 17 and “stumbling drunk,” pinned her to a bed and groped her, causing her to fear for her life before she escaped. Kavanaugh has adamantly denied the accusation.


Several people Ford said attended the party have indicated they have no memory of the alleged assault.


Kavanaugh Accuser to Testify Thursday

Lawyers for the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were both high school teenagers say she is “committed” to testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

Lawyers Debra Katz, Lisa Banks and Michael Bromwich issued the statement Sunday on behalf of Christine Blasey Ford after making what they called “important progress” on a call with Senate Judiciary Committee members.

“Despite actual threats to her safety and her life, Dr. Ford believes it is important for Senators to hear directly from her about the sexual assault committed against her,” the statement said. It noted that she has agreed to move forward despite the committee refusing to invite other witnesses “who are essential for a fair hearing.”

Kavanaugh has denied any sexual impropriety and is also expected to testify before the Republican-led committee votes on his nomination.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told Fox News that Ford “will be treated fairly but we’re not going to turn the hearing over to her lawyers.”


Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, Democratic Senator Patty Murray warned of a “tremendous backlash” if Senate Republicans rush to confirm Kavanaugh without fully probing the accusation against him.


“What a horrible message to young girls today, what a horrible message to young men today that they can get away with this [sexual misconduct]. Let’s get this right,” Murray said.


On Friday, U.S. President Donald Trump questioned Ford’s account, posting on Twitter that “if the attack … was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed” with police.

The tweet has prompted an outpouring of testimonials by self-described sexual assault survivors under the hashtag #WhyIDidntReport, and a rebuke from a key Republican.


“We know that allegations of sexual assault are one of the most unreported crimes that exist,” Maine Senator Susan Collins said. “So, I thought that the president’s tweet was completely inappropriate and wrong.”

Trump’s U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, asked about the president’s tweet, said “Every accuser deserves the right to be heard. But at the same time, I think the accused deserves the right to be heard.”


The White House continues to stand by Kavanaugh, a federal appellate judge and Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee.


“Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a man of integrity with impeccable credentials and a proven judicial philosophy,” Vice President Mike Pence told an annual gathering of social conservatives. “And I believe that Judge Brett Kavanaugh will soon be Justice Brett Kavanaugh and take his seat on the Supreme Court of the United States.”


Democrats praised Ford’s courage and echoed her demand that the FBI investigate the accusation.


“What in the hell did she [Ford] have to gain by doing this? At this point she’s faced death threats, her family has been moved out of their home,” Illinois Senator Dick Durbin said on ABC’s This Week. “Dr. Ford has said from the start: let’s have the investigation. Let’s find all the people who might have some knowledge of it. You know, she’s open to the investigation. It’s Judge Kavanaugh, the Department of Justice, and the president who have said no, there will be no investigation.”


Ford alleges that, at a 1982 house party, Kavanaugh, then 17 and “stumbling drunk,” pinned her to a bed and groped her, causing her to fear for her life before she escaped. Kavanaugh has adamantly denied the accusation.


Several people Ford said attended the party have indicated they have no memory of the alleged assault.


Arizona Congressman Blasts Siblings Who Endorsed Opponent

Six siblings of U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar have urged voters to cast their ballots against the Arizona Republican in November in an unusual political ad sponsored by the rival candidate.

The television ad from Democrat David Brill combines video interviews with Gosar-family siblings who ask voters to usher Paul Gosar out of office because he has broken with the family’s values. They do not elaborate.

They previously condemned the congressman’s false accusation in 2017 that wealthy Democratic donor George Soros was a Nazi collaborator in World War II.

“It’s intervention time,” Tim Gosar says in the ad, endorsing Brill. “And intervention time means that you go to vote, and you go to vote Paul out.”

Gosar is a fourth-term congressman for a sprawling district in northwestern and central Arizona. 

Congressman: ‘Stalin would be proud’

He fired back at his brothers and sisters in a series of twitter posts, calling them disgruntled supporters of Hillary Clinton from out of state who put ideology before family.

“My siblings who chose to film ads against me are all liberal Democrats who hate President Trump,” Gosar said. “Stalin would be proud.”

In a separate video segment, the siblings urge voters to hold the congressman accountable on health care, employment and environmental issues.


Paul Gosar’s comments about Soros came in a television interview with Vice News in which he also suggested a 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, might have been a liberal conspiracy.

Why siblings are speaking out

In the new ad, the congressman’s siblings describe their decision to speak out as saddening, horrible and ultimately a matter of pride for the family from Wyoming.


“I think my brother has traded a lot of the values we had at our kitchen table,” says Joan Gosar, an engineer.


Pete Gosar, another sibling who ran unsuccessfully as a candidate for governor of Wyoming in 2014, doesn’t appear in the ad, though he has publicly criticized his brother’s views in the past.

Wisconsin feud

The rift in the Gosar clan is not the only sibling feud to wend its way into campaigning this year for Congress, as Democrats seek to retake majority control of the House and Senate from Republicans.

In the race to replace House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, Democratic congressional candidate Randy Bryce is confronting an ad in which his brother endorses the Republican candidate.

That upset Nancy Bryce, their mother, who has denounced the campaign ad in a letter recently made public.

Arizona Congressman Blasts Siblings Who Endorsed Opponent

Six siblings of U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar have urged voters to cast their ballots against the Arizona Republican in November in an unusual political ad sponsored by the rival candidate.

The television ad from Democrat David Brill combines video interviews with Gosar-family siblings who ask voters to usher Paul Gosar out of office because he has broken with the family’s values. They do not elaborate.

They previously condemned the congressman’s false accusation in 2017 that wealthy Democratic donor George Soros was a Nazi collaborator in World War II.

“It’s intervention time,” Tim Gosar says in the ad, endorsing Brill. “And intervention time means that you go to vote, and you go to vote Paul out.”

Gosar is a fourth-term congressman for a sprawling district in northwestern and central Arizona. 

Congressman: ‘Stalin would be proud’

He fired back at his brothers and sisters in a series of twitter posts, calling them disgruntled supporters of Hillary Clinton from out of state who put ideology before family.

“My siblings who chose to film ads against me are all liberal Democrats who hate President Trump,” Gosar said. “Stalin would be proud.”

In a separate video segment, the siblings urge voters to hold the congressman accountable on health care, employment and environmental issues.


Paul Gosar’s comments about Soros came in a television interview with Vice News in which he also suggested a 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, might have been a liberal conspiracy.

Why siblings are speaking out

In the new ad, the congressman’s siblings describe their decision to speak out as saddening, horrible and ultimately a matter of pride for the family from Wyoming.


“I think my brother has traded a lot of the values we had at our kitchen table,” says Joan Gosar, an engineer.


Pete Gosar, another sibling who ran unsuccessfully as a candidate for governor of Wyoming in 2014, doesn’t appear in the ad, though he has publicly criticized his brother’s views in the past.

Wisconsin feud

The rift in the Gosar clan is not the only sibling feud to wend its way into campaigning this year for Congress, as Democrats seek to retake majority control of the House and Senate from Republicans.

In the race to replace House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, Democratic congressional candidate Randy Bryce is confronting an ad in which his brother endorses the Republican candidate.

That upset Nancy Bryce, their mother, who has denounced the campaign ad in a letter recently made public.

Comcast Outbids Fox With $40B Offer for Sky

Comcast beat Rupert Murdoch’s Twenty-First Century Fox in the battle for Sky after offering 30.6 billion pounds ($40 billion) for the British broadcaster, in a dramatic auction to decide the fate of the pay-television group.

U.S. cable giant Comcast bid 17.28 pounds a share for control of London-listed Sky, bettering a 15.67 offer by Fox, the Takeover Panel said in a  statement shortly after final bids were made Saturday.

Comcast’s final offer was significantly higher than its bid going into the auction of 14.75 pounds, and compares with Sky’s closing share price of 15.85 pounds on Friday.

Brian Roberts, chairman and chief executive of Comcast, coveted Sky to expand its international presence as growth slows in its core U.S. market.

Owning Sky will make Comcast the world’s largest pay-TV operator with around 52 million customers.

“This is a great day for Comcast,” Roberts said on Saturday. “This acquisition will allow us to quickly, efficiently and meaningfully increase our customer base and expand internationally.”

Comcast, which also owns the NBC network and movie studio Universal Pictures, encouraged Sky shareholders to accept its offer. It said it wanted to complete the deal by the end of October.

Comcast, which requires 50 percent plus one share of Sky’s equity to win control, said it was also seeking to buy Sky shares in the market.

A spokesman for Fox, which has a 39 percent holding in Sky, declined to comment.

The quick-fire auction marked a dramatic climax to a protracted transatlantic bidding battle waged since February, when Comcast gate-crashed Fox’s takeover of Sky.

It is a blow to media mogul Murdoch, 87, and the U.S. media and entertainment group that he controls, which had been trying to take full ownership of Sky since December 2016.

It is also a setback for U.S. entertainment giant Walt Disney, which agreed on a separate $71 billion deal to buy the bulk of Fox’s film and TV assets, including the Sky stake, in June and would have taken ownership of the British broadcaster following a successful Fox takeover.

Comcast Outbids Fox With $40B Offer for Sky

Comcast beat Rupert Murdoch’s Twenty-First Century Fox in the battle for Sky after offering 30.6 billion pounds ($40 billion) for the British broadcaster, in a dramatic auction to decide the fate of the pay-television group.

U.S. cable giant Comcast bid 17.28 pounds a share for control of London-listed Sky, bettering a 15.67 offer by Fox, the Takeover Panel said in a  statement shortly after final bids were made Saturday.

Comcast’s final offer was significantly higher than its bid going into the auction of 14.75 pounds, and compares with Sky’s closing share price of 15.85 pounds on Friday.

Brian Roberts, chairman and chief executive of Comcast, coveted Sky to expand its international presence as growth slows in its core U.S. market.

Owning Sky will make Comcast the world’s largest pay-TV operator with around 52 million customers.

“This is a great day for Comcast,” Roberts said on Saturday. “This acquisition will allow us to quickly, efficiently and meaningfully increase our customer base and expand internationally.”

Comcast, which also owns the NBC network and movie studio Universal Pictures, encouraged Sky shareholders to accept its offer. It said it wanted to complete the deal by the end of October.

Comcast, which requires 50 percent plus one share of Sky’s equity to win control, said it was also seeking to buy Sky shares in the market.

A spokesman for Fox, which has a 39 percent holding in Sky, declined to comment.

The quick-fire auction marked a dramatic climax to a protracted transatlantic bidding battle waged since February, when Comcast gate-crashed Fox’s takeover of Sky.

It is a blow to media mogul Murdoch, 87, and the U.S. media and entertainment group that he controls, which had been trying to take full ownership of Sky since December 2016.

It is also a setback for U.S. entertainment giant Walt Disney, which agreed on a separate $71 billion deal to buy the bulk of Fox’s film and TV assets, including the Sky stake, in June and would have taken ownership of the British broadcaster following a successful Fox takeover.

UK PM’s Team Make Plans for Snap Election

British Prime Minister Theresa May’s aides have begun contingency planning for a snap election in November to save both Brexit and her job, the Sunday Times reported.

The newspaper said that two senior members of May’s Downing Street political team began “war-gaming” an autumn vote to win public backing for a new plan, after her Brexit proposals were criticized at a summit in Salzburg last week.

Downing Street was not immediately available to comment on the report.

Meanwhile, opposition Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn said Saturday that his party would challenge May on any Brexit deal she could strike with Brussels, and he said there should be a national election if the deal fell short.

The British government said Saturday that it would not “capitulate” to European Union demands in Brexit talks and again urged the bloc to engage with its proposals after May said Brexit talks with the EU had hit an impasse.

“We will challenge this government on whatever deal it brings back on our six tests, on jobs, on living standards, on environmental protections,” Corbyn told a rally in Liverpool, northern England, on the eve of Labor’s annual conference.

“And if this government can’t deliver, then I simply say to Theresa May the best way to settle this is by having a general election.”

Labor’s six tests consist of whether a pact would provide for fair migration, a collaborative relationship with the EU, national security and cross-border crime safeguards, even treatment for all U.K. regions, protection of workers’ rights, and maintenance of single-market benefits.

UK PM’s Team Make Plans for Snap Election

British Prime Minister Theresa May’s aides have begun contingency planning for a snap election in November to save both Brexit and her job, the Sunday Times reported.

The newspaper said that two senior members of May’s Downing Street political team began “war-gaming” an autumn vote to win public backing for a new plan, after her Brexit proposals were criticized at a summit in Salzburg last week.

Downing Street was not immediately available to comment on the report.

Meanwhile, opposition Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn said Saturday that his party would challenge May on any Brexit deal she could strike with Brussels, and he said there should be a national election if the deal fell short.

The British government said Saturday that it would not “capitulate” to European Union demands in Brexit talks and again urged the bloc to engage with its proposals after May said Brexit talks with the EU had hit an impasse.

“We will challenge this government on whatever deal it brings back on our six tests, on jobs, on living standards, on environmental protections,” Corbyn told a rally in Liverpool, northern England, on the eve of Labor’s annual conference.

“And if this government can’t deliver, then I simply say to Theresa May the best way to settle this is by having a general election.”

Labor’s six tests consist of whether a pact would provide for fair migration, a collaborative relationship with the EU, national security and cross-border crime safeguards, even treatment for all U.K. regions, protection of workers’ rights, and maintenance of single-market benefits.

US-China Tensions Rise as Beijing Summons US Ambassador

Tensions between China and the United States escalated Saturday as China’s Foreign Ministry summoned U.S. Ambassador to China Terry Branstad to issue a harsh protest against U.S. sanctions set for the purchase of Russian fighter jets and surface-to-air missiles.

The move came hours after China canceled trade talks with the U.S. following Washington’s imposition of new tariffs on Chinese goods.

The statement on the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s website called the imposition of sanctions “a serious violation of the basic principles of international law” and a “hegemonic act.” The ministry also wrote, “Sino-Russian military cooperation is the normal cooperation of the two sovereign states, and the U.S. has no right to interfere.” The U.S. actions, it said, “have seriously damaged the relations” with China. 

China had earlier called on the U.S. to withdraw the sanctions, and speaking to reporters Friday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said Beijing had lodged an official protest with the United States.

China’s purchase of the weapons from Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport violated a 2017 U.S. law intended to punish the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin for interfering in U.S. elections and other activities. The U.S. action set in motion a visa ban on China’s Equipment Development Department and director Li Shangfu, forbids transactions with the U.S. financial system, and blocks all property and interests in property involving the country within U.S. jurisdiction.

Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal reported that China had planned to send Vice Premier Liu He to Washington next week for trade talks, but canceled his trip, along with that of a midlevel delegation that was to precede him.

Earlier Friday, a senior White House official had said the U.S. was optimistic about finding a way forward in trade talks with China.

The official told reporters at the White House that China “must come to the table in a meaningful way” for there to be progress on the trade dispute. 

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that while there was no confirmed meeting between the United States and China, the two countries “remain in touch.”

“The president’s team is all on the same page as to what’s required from China,” according to the official.

The Trump administration has argued that tariffs on Chinese goods would force China to trade on more favorable terms with the United States. 

It has demanded that China better protect American intellectual property, including ending the practice of cybertheft. The Trump administration has also called on China to allow U.S. companies greater access to Chinese markets and to cut its U.S. trade surplus.

Earlier this week, the United States ordered duties on another $200 billion of Chinese goods to go into effect on Sept. 24. China responded by adding $60 billion of U.S. products to its import tariff list.

The United States already has imposed tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods, and China has retaliated on an equal amount of U.S. goods.