Святошинський райсуд Києва не зміг обрати запобіжний захід Коханівському

Святошинський районний суд Києва ввечері 23 жовтня не зміг обрати запобіжний захід лідерові «Добровольчого руху ОУН» Миколі Коханівському. Суддя Іванна Миколаєць ухвалила рішення перенести засідання на 9:00 24 жовтня, активісти, що прийшли підтримати Коханівського, не залишили приміщення суду й не дали вивезти свого лідера до ізолятора тимчасового тримання.

​Уночі 24 жовтня, як стверджують депутати Верховної Ради Ігор Луценко та Ігор Мосійчук, а також сам Микола Коханівський, спецпризначенці застосували сльозогінний газ та намагалися витиснути з приміщення присутніх у залі суду.

​Після нетривалої сутички, яка обійшлася без потерпілих, активісти заблокували за допомогою підручних засобів (столів, стільців) приміщення Святошинського районного суду, де відбувалися нічні події. На кадрах, знятих кореспондентом Радіо Свобода, видно розбите скло у спеціальному блоці, де під час судового засідання зазвичай перебуває затриманий.

Офіційних коментарів поліції щодо нічних подій наразі немає.

Інцидент, унаслідок якого Коханівський опинився в ізоляторі тимчасового тримання, стався в другій половині дня 21 жовтня.

«О 16:50 у чергову частину надійшла інформація, що неподалік станції метро «Академмістечко» відбувається бійка та чути постріли. На місце події терміново направлено наряди поліції. Попередньо встановлено, що там перебував Микола Коханівський з дружиною. У нього виник словесний конфлікт із невідомим, під час якого керівник добровольчого руху «ОУН» (імовірно, з пристрою для відстрілу гумових куль) зробив кілька пострілів у незнайомця», – йшлося в повідомленні київської поліції.

На сторінці «Добровольчого руху ОУН» у Facebook повідомили, що стався «збройний напад» на Коханівського, і що після лікарні його відвезли до райвідділку.

Як провести ротацію ЗСУ на Донбасі і не ослабити оборону – ранковий ефір Радіо Свобода

Суд забрав в Ахметова «Укртелеком» і віддав державі. Кому будуть перепродавати?

Президент анонсував ротацію ЗСУ на Донбасі. Як це позначиться на обороноздатності?

Дружній до України чи Кремля – яким буде майбутній уряд Чехії?


На ці теми говоритимуть ведучий Ранкової Свободи Олександр Лащенко і гості студії: виконувач обов’язків голови Фонду держмайна України Віталій Трубаров, Директор «Інституту соціально-економічної трансформації» Ілля Несходовський; речник АТО Анатолій Стельмах, прес-офіцер 72-ї окремої механізованої бригади ЗСУ Олена Мокренчук, військовий експерт Іван Якубець; старший науковий співробітник Інституту всесвітньої історії НАНУ Максим Ялі, експерт з національної безпеки Тарас Жовтенко.


Vietnam War Medic Receives Medal of Honor

President Donald Trump awarded the Medal of Honor to a retired Army captain during a White House ceremony on Monday. The event occurred as the president is embroiled in a controversy over his condolence call to the widow of an army sergeant recently killed during a mission in the African nation of Niger.

Gary Rose, 69, was awarded the honor for extraordinary heroism during a special forces secret mission in November 1970 against North Vietnamese forces in the Laotian jungle called “Operation Tailwind”. 

Over four days of combat, according to the citation, without stopping to eat or sleep, Rose repeatedly ran into enemy fire to rescue and treat 60 to 70 men, even after being wounded himself by shrapnel. 

“You’ve earned the eternal gratitude of the entire American nation. You faced down the evils of communism, you defended our flag, and you showed the world the unbreakable resolve of the American Armed Forces,” Trump told Rose at the ceremony.

Though Rose was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross the year after his heroic acts. Some believe he was not awarded the Medal of Honor because the mission in Laos was not declassified until many years later. 

Congress passed specific legislation allowing him to finally be awarded the Medal of Honor so many years after the usual five-year limit.

After the ceremony, Rose said the award is a collective medal of his unit and of all the special forces members who died in the conflict in Southeast Asia. 

Amazon Says It Received 238 Proposals for 2nd Headquarters

Amazon said Monday that it received 238 proposals from cities and regions in the United States, Canada and Mexico hoping to be the home of the company’s second headquarters.

The online retailer kicked off its hunt for a second home base in September, promising to bring 50,000 new jobs and spend more than $5 billion on construction. Proposals were due last week, and Amazon made clear that tax breaks and grants would be a big deciding factor on where it chooses to land.

Amazon.com Inc. said the proposals came from 43 U.S. states as well as Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, three Mexican states and six Canadian provinces. In a tweet, the company said it was “excited to review each of them.”

Besides looking for financial incentives, Amazon had stipulated that it was seeking to be near a metropolitan area with more than a million people; be able to attract top technical talent; be within 45 minutes of an international airport; have direct access to mass transit; and be able to expand that headquarters to as much as 8 million square feet in the next decade.

Generous tax breaks and other incentives can erode a city’s tax base. For the winner, it could be worth it, since an Amazon headquarters could draw other tech businesses and their well-educated, highly paid employees.

The seven U.S. states that Amazon said did not apply were: Arkansas, Hawaii, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming.

Ahead of the deadline, some cities turned to stunts to try and stand out: Representatives from Tucson, Arizona, sent a 21-foot tall cactus to Amazon’s Seattle headquarters; New York lit the Empire State Building orange to match Amazon’s smile logo.

The company plans to remain in its sprawling Seattle headquarters, and the second one will be “a full equal” to it, founder and CEO Jeff Bezos said in September. Amazon has said that it will announce a decision sometime next year.

Sierra Leone to Auction Multi-Million Dollar Diamond to Benefit Poor

Sierra Leone hopes to raise millions of dollars for development projects by auctioning a huge uncut diamond, believed to be one of the world’s largest, in New York in December.

It will be the government’s second attempt to sell the 709-carat gem, known as the “Peace Diamond”, after it rejected the highest bid of $7.8 million at an initial auction in New York in May.

Over half of the proceeds from the sale will be used to fund clean water, electricity, education and health projects in Sierra Leone, and particularly in the village of Koryardu, in the Kono region in eastern Sierra Leone, where the diamond was discovered.

“There’s a reason God gave these diamonds to the poorest people in the world and made the richest people want them. This is Tikun Olam [Hebrew for correcting the world], this is making the world a better place,” Martin Rapaport, chairman of Rapaport Group, a network of diamond companies which will manage the auction, told Reuters.

The diamond, which the auctioneers described as the 14th largest in the world, was unearthed in Koryardu in March by a Christian pastor who gave it to the government.

Diamonds fuelled a decade-long civil war in Sierra Leone, ending in 2002, in which rebels forced civilians to mine the stones and bought weapons with the proceeds, leading to the term “blood diamonds.”

Low Inflation Could Slow Fed, but Fiscal Stimulus Unnecessary

The U.S. Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in December and twice next year, according to a Reuters poll of economists, who now worry that the central bank will slow its tightening because of expectations that inflation will remain low.

Most respondents expected the nation’s economy to determine future rate hikes, but a change in regime at the Fed could also affect monetary policy.

U.S. President Donald Trump could decide this week whether to reappoint Fed Chair Janet Yellen, whose term ends in February, since he has concluded interviews with five candidates for that post.

“There is a greater-than-usual degree of uncertainty around monetary policy next year, with the Fed’s leadership up in the air,” wrote RBC economist Josh Nye.

A Reuters poll of economists published last week showed Fed Board Governor Jerome Powell getting the top job, although most said reappointing Yellen would be the best option.

Still, a vast majority of the more than 100 economists in the latest poll expect rate hikes to depend largely on how the U.S. economy performs.

“Despite intense speculation about the next Fed chair, the path of policy rates is still likely to be driven primarily by the data, regardless of who is nominated,” said Christian Keller, head of economics research at Barclays.

Forty of the 50 economists who answered an extra question also said the U.S. economy, which is on a steady growth path, did not need a big fiscal stimulus in the form of sweeping tax cuts.

The dollar rose on Friday after the Senate approved a budget proposal for the 2018 fiscal year that cleared a critical hurdle for a tax-cut package.

But the need for such a large stimulus to boost the U.S. economy at this late stage of its cycle, when the jobless rate is at more than a 16-year low, remains questionable.

“The U.S. needs to return to a sustainable fiscal path, and I have little faith that sweeping tax cuts will generate enough growth to put us on that path,” said Bank of the West economist Scott Anderson.

While recent U.S. economic data has improved, the closely watched core PCE inflation measure has been below its medium-term target of 2 percent for more than five years, despite strong employment growth.

The latest poll, taken Oct. 16-23, showed scant expectations of economic growth lifting off from its current trend or of inflation reaching the Fed’s target before 2019.

That has divided Fed policymakers and raised doubts about the pace of further rate hikes, according to minutes from the Sept. 19-20 meeting.

Still, economists predicted the Fed would raise rates 25 basis points to 1.25-1.50 percent in December. All 100 economists polled expect it to keep policy on hold at its next meeting.

The central bank is projecting three more rate increases in 2018, while economists expect only two next year, which would take the fed funds rate to 1.75-2.00 percent.

But about two-thirds of 52 economists who answered an extra question said risks to those forecasts were skewed more toward a slower pace of rate hikes. Fifteen of those respondents suspected there could be fewer than two increases next year.

The remaining 17 economists said there was a greater chance of faster rate hikes.

Economic growth probably took a hit from the devastation caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

The consensus in the latest Reuters poll was for an annualized expansion of 2.4 percent in the third quarter, down from 2.6 percent in last month’s survey. Growth expectations for this quarter remained at 2.5 percent.

The median full-year forecast was 2.2 percent for 2017 and 2.3 percent for next year.

Predictions for core PCE inflation have not changed much from last month, with the consensus now in a 1.4-1.9 percent range through the end of next year even though the jobless rate has fallen well below 5 percent.


Ivanka Trump to Talk Taxes in Pennsylvania

Ivanka Trump is heading to Pennsylvania to promote the Republican tax overhaul plan.

The White House says Trump will appear at a town hall in Richboro Monday, with U.S. Treasurer Jovita Carranza. The event will be moderated by former Rep. Nan Hayworth.


A key part of the conversation will be the proposal to expand the child tax credit, which the first daughter is backing. Ivanka Trump has been working on the plan to expand the $1,000 credit with the administration and lawmakers. Details on how much the credit should increase to have not been settled, and the president’s daughter has not publicly offered a number.


Later in the day, Fox News Channel will air an interview with Ivanka Trump by host Sean Hannity. She is expected to continue discussing taxes.



Голова Держслужби з безпеки на транспорті отримав у жовтні понад 85 тисяч гривень зарплати – #Точно

Голова Державної служби України з безпеки на транспорті Михайло Ноняк отримав 85 374 гривень заробітної плати у жовтні. Така інформація міститься у Єдиному державному реєстрі декларацій осіб, уповноважених на виконання функцій держави або місцевого самоврядування, повідомляє #Точно, проект Радіо Свобода.

Михайло Ноняк перейшов на державну службу відразу після Революції гідності у 2014 році. Під час Євромайдану Ноняк був сотником «Самооборони», після чого перейшов на посаду заступника міністра з доходів і зборів.

Згодом Михайло Ноняк очолив Державну службу України з безпеки на транспорті. Перебуваючи на цій посаді, Ноняк двічі подавав щорічну електронну декларацію. Відповідно до останньої, він володіє кількома земельними ділянками, магазином і житловим будинком площею 174 квадратних метри у Надвірній (Івано-Франківська область). Крім того, у Михайла Ноняка в користуванні є житлові будинки площею 209 квадратних метрів у Маняві та Надвірній (Івано-Франківська область).

Серед транспортних засобів задекларовано позашляховик Hyundai Santa Fe, що перебуває в нього на праві безоплатного користування. Щодо зарплати, то в 2016 році Ноняк отримав 26 112 гривень на посаді в Міністерстві доходів та зборів, а також 183 367 гривень вже у Державній службі України з безпеки на транспорті.

Секретар міської ради Дніпра подав у відставку

Секретар Дніпровської міської ради В’ячеслав Мішалов подав у відставку. Про це він заявив 23 жовтня на прес-конференції.

«Я вважаю, що сьогодні кількість чуток навколо мого імені і моєї посади перевалило критичну масу», – пояснив причину своєї відставки В’ячеслав Мішалов. Водночас він наголосив, що добровільне складання повноважень не пов’язане зі скандалом з партією «Об’єднання «Самопоміч», від якої він обирався до міськради і з якої потім був виключений.

«Передача справ – трудомісткий процес, тому такі хороші справи добре починати в понеділок», – додав В’ячеслав Мішалов.

Міський голова Дніпра Борис Філатов на своїй сторінці в Facebook зробив офіційну заяву щодо відставки секретаря міськради, заявивши, що «після всіх скандалів в пресі і низки взаємних звинувачень, що прозвучали від депутатів на адресу один одного, це єдино правильне рішення».

21 жовтня на сайті Дніпровської міськради з’явився проект рішення «Про дострокове припинення повноважень секретаря». У преамбулі проекту рішення йшлося про припинення повноважень не за власним бажанням, а за результатами таємного голосування. У березні 2016 року Дніпровська міська рада обрала своїм секретарем 30-річного бізнесмена В’ячеслава Мішалова, представника фракції «Об’єднання «Самопоміч». Його кандидатуру висунув мер, «укропівець» Борис Філатов і підтримала «профілатовська» більшість міськради. 

У квітні 2017 року депутати міськради намагалися, але так і не відправили його у відставку через брак голосів. Цьому передував конфлікт секретаря міськради з партією, від якої він обирався депутатом. За словами керівника фракції партії в міськраді «Об’єднання «Самопоміч» Олександра Лигіна, висловлення недовіри секретареві міської ради В’ячеславові Мішалову, обраному депутатом міськради від цієї політичної сили, ініціювала сама «Самопоміч» після «корупційних скандалів у ЗМІ».

Ще в березні деякі інтернет-видання звинуватили двох депутатів, обраних від «Самопомочі», – секретаря міськради В’ячеслава Мішалова та голову бюджетної комісії Артема Хмельникова – в «корупційних діях». Зокрема, писали про те, що, мовляв, після того, як Мішалов обійняв посаду секретаря міськради, будівельна компанія його батька стала «регулярно отримувати багатомільйонні підряди».

Самі депутати усі звинувачення відкидали, заявляючи про політичну вмотивованість заяв й інформуючи, проти них не відкрито жодного кримінального провадження.

Суд в окупованому Криму залишив під вартою правозахисника Еміра-Усеїна Куку

Підконтрольний Кремлю Верховний суд Криму 23 жовтня залишив чинним рішення суду першої інстанції про продовження до 8 грудня арешту кримського правозахисника, фігуранта «ялтинської справи «Хізб ут-Тахрір» Еміра-Усеїна Куку.

Про це повідомляє сайт Крим.Реалії з посиланням на адвоката кримчанина Олексія Ладіна. За його словами, засідання було закритим, в проведенні аудіозапису захисту суд відмовив.

Дружина Еміра-Усеїна Куку Мер’єм раніше заявила, що її чоловік потребує термінової медичної допомоги.

Обвинувачених у «ялтинській справі «Хізб ут-Тахрір» заарештували 11 лютого 2016 року. Серед них – член Контактної групи з прав людини Емір-Усеїн Куку, алуштинець Муслім Алієв і житель села Краснокам’янка Енвер Бекіров, які працювали будівельниками, а також торговець квітами з Ялти Вадим Сірук.

Захисники заарештованих і засуджених по «справі Хізб ут-Тахрір» кримчан вважають їх переслідування мотивованим за релігійною ознакою.

Представники міжнародної ісламської політичної організації «Хізб ут-Тахрір» називають своєю місією об’єднання всіх мусульманських країн в ісламському халіфаті, але відкидають терористичні методи досягнення цього і кажуть, що піддаються несправедливому переслідуванню в Росії. Верховний суд Росії заборонив «Хізб ут-Тахрір» у 2003 році, включивши цю організацію до списку 15 об’єднань, названих «терористичними».

Taiwan Steps up Asia Business to Reduce Dependence on China

Taiwan is offering visa waivers and setting up overseas investment offices across a swathe of countries to its south, the latest moves to deepen a rebalancing of economic relations away from political foe China.

Officials in Taipei hope to foster more tourism, trade and higher education links with 18 countries covering most of South and Southeast Asia plus Australia and New Zealand. Stronger ties in theory would reduce the role of China, which is Taiwan’s top trading partner now, as the two sides struggle over political differences.

In the latest phase of Taiwan’s effort, called the New Southbound Policy, Philippine citizens may visit Taiwan visa-free for 14 days during a trial period that starts next month and ends in July. Taiwan offered waivers to citizens of Brunei and Thailand in August 2016. Those efforts complement new investment offices, growth in the number of university students in Taiwan and more Taiwanese development aid.

“The purpose of the New Southbound Policy is for us to hold a more advantageous position in international society,” Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen said in a National Day speech earlier this month. “I also want to use this opportunity to tell our friends from around the world that faced with a rapidly changing Asia-Pacific region. Taiwan is ready to play a more important role in shaping regional prosperity and stability.”

Shaky relations with China

Tsai announced the New Southbound Policy after taking office in May 2016 to rebalance relations for Taiwan’s $529 billion economy.

Taiwanese business people traditionally choose China for investment because of its relatively low costs, skilled workforce and cultural links. More than 93,000 Taiwanese businesses invested in China between 1988 and 2016, according to the American think tank Council on Foreign Relations.

But China claims sovereignty over Taiwan despite the island’s democratic self-rule, causing enough friction to stop dialogue under Tsai’s presidency.

How the New Southbound Policy works

Taiwan’s economic affairs ministry has established investment offices in Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines to help investors find projects in those countries based on local needs.

The Taiwan government is offering as well credit guarantees for smaller businesses headed to Southeast Asia, where aid from Taipei will help pay for infrastructure and other major projects in those countries. The visa waivers facilitate travel to Taiwan, another boon to the economy.

Taiwan’s trade with the 18 countries covered by the policy had risen 20 percent this year compared to last, Tsai said in her speech without giving an exact time frame.

Tourist arrivals from New Southbound countries are rising as the headcount from China decreases, official data show. The number of postsecondary students in Taiwan from New Southbound Policy countries went up 10 percent over the six months to March from a year earlier, while the number of non-degree university students from China has eased since mid-2016.

Taiwan’s Investment Commission last year approved 252 applications for projects intended for China last year, down 21.5 percent from 2015.

But China remains Taiwan’s top trading partner thanks to a thriving consumer market and the maturity of its supply chain for the likes of tech and machinery. Imports and exports totaled $117.9 billion in 2016.

Feedback from South and Southeast Asia

Indonesia has been a bright spot for finding new investment projects, especially in agriculture, an economic affairs official in Taipei said earlier in the year. Thailand had already approved 274 Taiwanese investment applications, worth $1.39 billion, from 2010 to 2015.

About 3,500 Taiwanese investors had invested in Vietnam as early as 2011 because costs were rising in China while Vietnam was offering incentives to lure foreign capital.

The restart in May of Taiwanese-owned Formosa Plastics Group’s Vietnam steel plant could draw a “cluster” of related Taiwanese firms, said Liang Kuo-yuan, president of Taipei-based think tank Polaris Research Institute in Taipei. Factory work had stopped over a suspected toxic leak that killed fish.

The Philippines, an investment-thirsty Southeast Asian archipelago, is actively looking for Taiwanese companies, said Jonathan Ravelas, chief market strategist with Banco de Oro UniBank in Metro Manila. Taiwanese electronics firms consider the country an export manufacturing base, he said, while healthcare firms may find partners such as hospitals. The growing consumer base lures others.

“We’re seeing entrepreneurs from Taiwan looking into the Philippines, given that it’s a very big retail market,” Ravelas said.

But one Southeast Asian country, Cambodia, may fear angering China by veering too close to Taiwan. Beijing forbids its allies from establishing formal ties with Taipei. In February Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen declared a ban on raising the Taiwan flag. Two years earlier the government forbid Taiwan from establishing an informal trade office.

Still early days

Similar go-south policies fell flat under former Taiwan president Lee Teng-hui in 1993 and his successor, Chen Shui-bian, after 2000. China in those years was cheaper, with less competition from local companies, in turn drawing Taiwanese investors.

Today’s policy will struggle as Taiwan faces competition in the 18 target counties from other foreign investment sources, Liang said. Competitors include China, India, Japan and South Korea. China and India were less competitive before 2000. Taiwan lacks a material advantage, he said.

“The biggest problem is that Southeast Asia is not a blue ocean market,” Liang said. “There are too many competitors, so Taiwan can’t just use its point of view to go compete in that market. Taiwan after all has what strength?”

US Apologizes After Indonesian General Denied Entry

A U.S. diplomat said Monday “there are absolutely no issues” with the Indonesian military chief’s ability to travel to the United States, after he had been refused entry to attend a conference in Washington.

Indonesian Armed Forces Commander General Gatot Nurmantyo was preparing to board a flight to the U.S. with his wife on Saturday when the airline informed him that U.S. Customs and Border Protection had denied him entry.

U.S. Deputy Ambassador to Indonesia Erin McKee apologized for the situation Monday and said after meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi that the matter had been resolved.

“General Gatot is able to travel. There are no restrictions,” McKee said. “The embassy is working very hard to understand what transpired around this incident, and we hope that it will not happen again.”

Marsudi said U.S. Ambassador Joseph Donovan also conveyed “regret and apology” when the two spoke, but that simply having travel restrictions against the general removed is not enough.

“We still need more clarification why the incident happened,” Marsudi said.

Nurmantyo had been invited to a conference on extremist organizations by U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Joseph Dunford.

Relations between the United States and Indonesia are generally friendly. Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir said that Jakarta’s response to the incident would depend on Washington’s explanation.

Parks Traveler Moved by Sacred Native American Spaces

The U.S. National Park Service helps preserve and protect some of America’s most beautiful and historic land and waterscapes for all to enjoy and learn from, including many sacred Native American spaces. National parks traveler Mikah Meyer got a chance to explore some of those sites — from a variety of perspectives – during a trip to Utah and Arizona. He shared highlights with VOA’s Julie Taboh.

Orange Is the New White? Unique Amber Wine Creates Buzz

The sloping vineyards of New York’s Finger Lakes region known for producing golden-hued rieslings and chardonnays also are offering a splash of orange wine.


The color comes not from citrus fruit, but by fermenting white wine grapes with their skins on before pressing – a practice that mirrors the way red wines are made. Lighter than reds and earthier than whites, orange wines have created a buzz in trendier quarters. And winemakers reviving the ancient practice like how the “skin-fermented” wines introduce more complex flavors to the bottle.  


“Pretty outgoing characteristics. Very spicy, peppery.  A lot of tea flavors, too, come through,” winemaker Vinny Aliperti said, taking a break from harvest duties at Atwater Estate Vineyards on Seneca Lake. “They’re more thoughtful wines. They’re more meditative.”


Atwater is among a few wineries encircling these glacier-carved lakes that have added orange to their mix of whites and reds. The practice dates back thousands of years, when winemakers in the Caucasus, a region located at the border of Europe and Asia, would ferment wine in buried clay jars. It has been revitalized in recent decades by vintners in Italy, California and elsewhere looking to connect wine to its roots or to conjure new tastes from the grapes. Or both. Clay jars are optional.


Aliperti has been experimenting with skin fermenting for years, first by blending a bit into traditional chardonnays to change up the flavor and more recently with full-on orange wines. This fall, he fermented Vignoles grapes with their skins in a stainless steel vat for a couple of weeks before pressing and then aging them in oak barrels.

Orange wines account for “far less than 1 percent” of what is handled by Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits, the nation’s largest distributor with about a quarter of the market, according to Eric Hemer, senior vice president and corporate director of wine education.


Hemer expects orange wines to remain a niche variety due to small-scale production, higher retail prices _ up to $200 for a premium bottle – and the nature of the wine.


“It’s not a wine that’s going to appeal to the novice consumer or the mainstream wine drinker,” Hemer said. “It really takes a little bit more of, I think, a sophisticated palate.”


The wines have caught on in recent years among connoisseurs who like the depth of flavors, sommeliers who can regale customers with tales of ancient techniques and drinkers looking for something different. Christopher Nicolson, managing winemaker at Red Hook Winery in Brooklyn, said the wines hit their “crest of hipness” a couple of years ago, though they remain popular.


“I think they’re viewed by these younger drinkers as, ‘Oh, this is something new and fresh. And they’re breaking the rules of these Van Dyke-wearing, monocled … fusty old wine appreciators,’” Nicolson said.


It’s not for everyone. The rich flavors can come at the expense of the light, fruity feel that some white wine drinkers crave. And first-time drinkers can be thrown by seeing an orange chardonnay in their glasses.


“Actually I wasn’t sure because of the color, but it has a really nice flavor,” said Debbie Morris, of Chandler, Arizona, who tried a sip recently at Atwater’s tasting room. “I’m not a chardonnay person normally, but I would drink this.”

Debate Sharpens in Washington on Nuclear Pact with Iran

Debate is sharpening in Washington on the merits and potential pitfalls, the risks and possible rewards, of the United States possibly pulling out of the international nuclear accord with Iran. VOA’s Michael Bowman reports, the U.S. Congress has decisions to make now that President Donald Trump has withheld certifying Iran’s compliance with the pact co-negotiated by the Obama administration.

Yemeni Journalist Denied Entry to US to Receive Award

Prominent Yemeni journalist Afrah Nasser has been denied entry to the United States to accept an award, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

In September, the CPJ announced that it would present its 2017 International Press Freedom award to Nasser, who has been living in exile in Sweden.

Though she holds Swedish citizenship and has a legitimate reason to travel to the United States, she has been denied a visa – potentially due to U.S. President Donald Trump’s travel ban which includes restrictions on travelers from Yemen.

“While there are good reasons why I should travel to the U.S. and join the CPJ, my two U.S. visa applications to date have been rejected by the American embassy in Stockholm, Sweden. I am currently applying for the third time, and I am not optimistic,” Nasser wrote on her blog Friday.

“The proposed travel ban has gone through various iterations, but what I know for sure is that my visa applications to the U.S. embassy in Stockholm were rejected because of it,” she wrote.

Nasser is hoping to receive the award from the New York-based committee’s award ceremony on November 15. She applied for asylum in Sweden in 2011 after receiving death threats in connection with her blogs and stories critical of the regime in Yemen. She has continued to report on the war in the country from Stockholm for the past six years, according to the CPJ.

Key US Senators Call for More Information on Niger Attack

Key U.S. senators called Sunday for the White House to be more forthcoming about the country’s military involvement in Niger after four U.S. soldiers were killed in an ambush there earlier this month.

In separate interviews on NBC’s “Meet the Press” news show, Republican Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senate leader Charles Schumer said they support an effort last week by Republican Senator John McCain to find out the details of the attack as well as the scope of the U.S. campaign against Islamic State in the west African country. Both Graham and Schumer said they had been unaware of the substantial number of the U.S. troops in Niger.

“I didn’t know there was 1,000 troops in Niger,” Graham said. “This is an endless war without boundaries and no limitation on time and geography. You’ve got to tell us more.

“We don’t know exactly where we’re at in the world militarily and what we’re doing,” Graham said. “So John McCain is going to try to create a new system to make sure that we can answer the question, why were we there, we’ll know how many soldiers are there, and if somebody gets killed there, that we won’t find out about it in the paper.

“I can say this to the families,” Graham said. “They were there to defend America. They were there to help allies. They were there to prevent another platform to attack America and our allies.”

Schumer said, “We need to look at this carefully. This is a brave new world. There are no set battle plans.”

He said that he would favor revisiting the current congressional authorization for overseas military action that is 16 years old, an agreement stemming from the 2001 terror attacks on the U.S.

“There is no easy answer but we need to look at it,” he said. “The answer we have now is not adequate.”

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told Graham and McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, last week that the military is shifting its counter-terrorism strategy to focus more on Africa. The defense chief said military leaders want to expand their ability to use force against suspected terrorists.

U.S. officials believe the Niger attack was launched by a local Islamic State affiliate, but the Pentagon is still investigating the circumstances of how it occurred.


Бойовики упродовж дня стріляли 5 разів, один військовий поранений – штаб

Штаб української воєнної операції на Донбасі заявляє, що підтримувані Росією бойовики від початку доби і до 18-ї години неділі здійснили 5 обстрілів, поранень зазнав один український військовослужбовець. Як йдеться в повідомленні штабу на сторінці у Facebook, сталося ця неподалік Шумів, що на донецькому напрямку.

Згідно з повідомленням, обстріли сьогодні тривали також біля Авдіївки, Станиці Луганської та Водяного.

Раніше сьогодні у прес-центрі штабу АТО повідомили про 14 випадків порушення режиму перемир’я за минулу добу з боку підтримуваних Росією бойовиків.

В угрупованні «ДНР» звинуватили українських військових у 30 обстрілах за минулу добу, луганські сепаратисти заявили, що українська сторона напередодні 12 разів стріляла в бік підконтрольних угрупованню «ЛНР» територій.

Черговий режим припинення вогню, про який заявила 23 серпня Тристороння контактна група, мав почати діяти з 25 серпня, напередодні початку шкільного року, і стати постійним. Про перші його порушення сторони заявили вже через кілька хвилин після настання часу перемир’я.

Про перемир’я в зоні конфлікту на Донбасі домовлялися вже багато разів, досі жодного разу режим припинення вогню не втримувався. При цьому сторони щоразу заперечують свою вину в порушеннях і звинувачують протилежну сторону у провокаціях.

South African Bakery Slices Prices and Sees Sales Skyrocket

A bakery in a low-income area of Johannesburg slashed prices of its popular bread, with unexpected results. What started as a way to help feed the community became a recipe for success as the bakery has a lot more business than ever. VOA’s Arash Arabasadi reports.


Fed’s Powell, Economist Taylor, Yellen on Trump’s Federal Reserve List

President Donald Trump is considering nominating Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell and Stanford University economist John Taylor for the central bank’s top two jobs, in an apparent bid to reassure markets and appease conservatives hungry for change.

Under that scenario, either Powell or Taylor would take the reins from Fed Chair Janet Yellen when her term expires in early February, and the other would fill the vice chair position left vacant when Stanley Fischer retired this month.

“That is something that is under consideration, but he hasn’t ruled out a number of options. He’ll have an announcement on that soon, in the coming days,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters Friday.

​Powell a centrist

Making Powell, a soft-spoken centrist who has supported Yellen’s gradual approach to raising interest rates, the next Fed chief would provide the continuity in monetary policy that investors crave.

The addition of Taylor, who has backed an overhaul of the Fed and embraced a more rigid rule-oriented monetary policy, would be a feather in the cap of conservative Republicans who feel that monetary policy has been too loose under Yellen, who was named as Fed chair by Democratic President Barack Obama and has led the central bank since February 2014.

“I think Powell might be the safer pick insofar as we know what we’re getting,” said Michael Feroli, chief U.S. economist at J.P. Morgan Chase. “He’s a guy who obviously knows the Fed culture, how the (policy-setting) committee operates, so for some of those soft skills we know he would be effective.”

Powell has embraced the Yellen Fed’s monetary policy, keeping the faith that a tighter job market will eventually push wages higher and end a lengthy period of worryingly low inflation.

Taylor has spent the last two decades refining and advocating wider use of a rule that lays out where interest rates ought to be, given certain conditions of inflation and the broader economy. His rule implies that rates should be higher than they are now.

​Yellen’s defense

Yellen, speaking at an economic conference in Washington Friday evening, mounted a strong defense of the tools the Fed has used to fight the sharp economic downturn triggered by the financial crisis and said there was a risk of another crisis in which those “unconventional policies” may be needed again.

Yellen, who Trump has indicated could still be named to another term as Fed chair, was not asked about the Fed job and did not offer any comment on the selection process.

Taylor inflexible?

Although Taylor is highly regarded within the Fed, his rule-based rate-setting position has spurred criticism that he would handcuff U.S. monetary policy.

Taylor pushed back at a meeting at the Boston Fed on Saturday, saying he favored a flexible implementation of policy rules and did not want to tie the Fed’s hands or suggest that he was motivated by a distrust of policymakers.

“I think that’s completely incorrect,” he said. “I trust policymakers; (rules) are an effort to make policy better.”

Some analysts suggest that fears that Taylor would bring an inflexible monetary policy with him to the Fed, as some Republicans in Congress hope, are likely exaggerated.

“There is some scope for disappointment if people think putting Taylor in will just lead to mechanical-based policy,” Feroli said.

Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester, speaking with reporters Friday, seemed to agree.

“Even if you pick a rule, the rule itself would need to be modified given the structure of the economy,” she said. “But I do think being systematic, looking at the kinds of information we look at systematically over time, articulating our strategy for policy and being less discretionary is a good idea.”

Confusing signal

At the same time, there are concerns that the combination of Powell and Taylor atop the world’s most powerful central bank could send a confusing signal to markets.

It is unclear whether Trump, who has criticized Yellen’s stewardship but also said on several occasions that he preferred rates to stay low, wants to dramatically alter the Fed’s direction.

Although he appears to be tilting to Powell and Taylor, in addition to Yellen the Republican president has interviewed his top economic adviser Gary Cohn and former Fed Governor Kevin Warsh for the Fed chief position.

US Warns About Attacks On Energy, Industrial Firms

The Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation warned in a report distributed by email late on Friday that the nuclear, energy, aviation, water and critical manufacturing industries have been targeted along with government entities in attacks dating back to at least May.

The agencies warned that hackers had succeeded in compromising some targeted networks, but did not identify specific victims or describe any cases of sabotage.

The objective of the attackers is to compromise organizational networks with malicious emails and tainted websites to obtain credentials for accessing computer networks of their targets, the report said.

U.S. authorities have been monitoring the activity for months, which they initially detailed in a confidential June report first reported by Reuters. That document, which was privately distributed to firms at risk of attacks, described a narrower set of activity focusing on the nuclear, energy and critical manufacturing sectors.

Department of Homeland Security spokesman Scott McConnell declined to elaborate on the information in the report or say what prompted the government to go public with the information at this time.

“The technical alert provides recommendations to prevent and mitigate malicious cyber activity targeting multiple sectors and reiterated our commitment to remain vigilant for new threats,” he said.

The FBI declined to comment on the report, which security researchers said described an escalation in targeting of infrastructure in Europe and the United States that had been described in recent reports from private firms, including Symantec Corp.

“This is very aggressive activity,” said Robert Lee, an expert in securing industrial networks.

Lee, chief executive of cyber-security firm Dragos, said the report appears to describe hackers working in the interests of the Russian government, though he declined to elaborate. Dragos is also monitoring other groups targeting infrastructure that appear to be aligned with China, Iran, North Korea, he said.

The hacking described in the government report is unlikely to result in dramatic attacks in the near term, Lee said, but he added that it is still troubling: “We don’t want our adversaries learning enough to be able to do things that are disruptive later.”

The report said that hackers have succeeded in infiltrating some targets, including at least one energy generator, and conducting reconnaissance on their networks. It was accompanied by six technical documents describing malware used in the attacks.

Homeland Security “has confidence that this campaign is still ongoing and threat actors are actively pursuing their objectives over a long-term campaign,” the report said.

The report said the attacker was the same as one described by Symantec in a September report that warned advanced hackers had penetrated the systems controlling operations of some U.S.

and European energy companies.

Symantec researcher Vikram Thakur said in an email that much of the contents of Friday’s report were previously known within the security community.

Cyber-security firm CrowdStrike said the technical indicators described in the report suggested the attacks were the work of a hacking group it calls Berserk Bear, which is affiliated with the Russian Federation and has targeted the energy, financial and transportation industries.

“We have not observed any destructive action by this actor,” CrowdStrike Vice President Adam Meyers said in an email.

Turkey Bank Regulator Dismisses ‘Rumors’ After Iran Sanctions Report

Turkey’s banking regulator urged the public on Saturday to ignore rumors about financial institutions, in an apparent dismissal of a report that some Turkish banks face billions of dollars of U.S. fines over alleged violations of Iran sanctions.

“It has been brought to the public’s attention that stories, that are rumors in nature, about our banks are not based on documents or facts, and should not be heeded,” the BDDK banking regulator said in a statement, adding that Turkey’s banks were functioning well.

The Haberturk newspaper on Saturday reported that six banks potentially face substantial fines, citing senior banking sources. It did not name the banks. One bank faces a penalty in excess of $5 billion, while the rest of the fines will be lower, it said.

Asked to comment, a spokesman for the U.S. Treasury, which is responsible for U.S. sanctions regimes, said only: “Treasury doesn’t telegraph intentions or prospective actions.”

Two senior Turkish economy officials told Reuters Turkey has not received any notice from Washington about such penalties, adding that U.S. regulators would normally inform the finance ministry’s financial crimes investigation board.

U.S. authorities have hit global banks with billions of dollars in fines over violations of sanctions with Iran and other countries in recent years.

The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump last week adopted a harsh new approach to Iran by refusing to certify its compliance with a nuclear deal struck with the United States and five other powers including Britain, France and Germany under his predecessor Barack Obama.

Trump argues the deal was too lenient and has effectively left its fate up to the U.S. Congress, which might try to modify it or bring back U.S. sanctions previously imposed on Iran.

Last week, the U.S. Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Sigal Mandelker said Trump’s strategy involved placing additional sanctions on Tehran and that Washington had been “engaging our allies and partners” with the aim of denying funds to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The Haberturk report comes as relations between Washington and Ankara, which are NATO allies, have been strained by a series of diplomatic rows, prompting both countries to cut back issuing visas to each other’s citizens.

U.S. prosecutors last month charged a former Turkish economy minister and the ex-head of a state-owned bank with conspiring to violate Iran sanctions by illegally moving hundreds of millions of dollars through the U.S. financial system on Tehran’s behalf.

President Erdogan has dismissed the charges as politically motivated, and tantamount to an attack on the Turkish Republic.

The charges stem from the case against Reza Zarrab, a wealthy Turkish-Iranian gold trader who was arrested in the United States over sanctions evasion last year. Erdogan has said U.S. authorities had “ulterior motives” in charging Zarrab, who has pleaded not guilty.

Fox Renewed O’Reilly Contract Despite Knowing of Allegations

The Fox News Channel says the company knew a news analyst planned to file a sexual harassment lawsuit against Bill O’Reilly when it renewed the popular personality’s contract in February.

The New York Times reported Saturday the company renewed the TV host’s contract after he reached a $32 million settlement with the analyst.

In a statement, 21st Century Fox defended its decision because it said he had settled the matter personally. It also said O’Reilly and the woman had agreed the financial terms would be kept confidential. 

The company says O’Reilly’s new contract had added protections that allowed Fox to dismiss him if other allegations surfaced.

O’Reilly was ousted months later when it was revealed Fox had paid five women a total of $13 million to keep quiet about harassment allegations.

The news analyst’s allegations included repeated harassment, a nonconsensual sexual relationship and the sending of gay pornography and other sexually explicit material to the woman, according to people briefed on the matter who spoke to The New York Times.

The settlement was by far the largest of a half dozen deals made by O’Reilly or the company to settle harassment allegations against the host, according to the newspaper.

It was reached in January. In February, 21st Century Fox granted O’Reilly’s a four-year extension on a $25 million-a-year contract. In April, it fired him.

O’Reilly has called his firing from the Fox News Channel a “political hit job” and that his network’s parent company made a business decision to get rid of him. He also has said his conscience was clear in how he dealt with women. O’Reilly could not be reached for comment Saturday.

The most-watched figure in cable TV was dismissed by 21st Century Fox nine months after the company removed its founding CEO, Roger Ailes, following harassment charges. The 77-year-old Ailes died in Palm Beach, Florida, last May.

The company said it has taken numerous steps to change its workplace environment.

“21st Century Fox has taken concerted action to transform Fox News, including installing new leaders, overhauling management and on-air talent, expanding training, and increasing the channels through which employees can report harassment or discrimination,” Fox said in a statement emailed to The Associated Press. “These changes come from the top, with Lachlan and James Murdoch personally leading the effort to promote civility and respect on the job, while maintaining the company’s long-held commitment to a diverse, inclusive and creative workplace.”

O’Reilly hosts his “No Spin News” podcast on his website, www.billoreilly.com, contributes to Glenn Beck’s radio program on TheBlaze and continues to write books in his best-selling series of historical “Killing” books, including his newest release, “Killing England: The Brutal Struggle for American Independence.”

Five Former US Presidents Join Forces at Relief Concert Saturday

All five living former U.S. presidents are attending a fundraising concert Saturday to benefit the victims of hurricanes that ravaged homes in the United States and the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands in recent months.

Former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter are attending the concert in College Station, Texas, Saturday. The show known as “Deep from the Heart: the One America Appeal” will take place at Reed Arena at Texas A&M University.

President Donald Trump will not attend the event, but will appear by video to thank people who have contributed to the relief effort. 

In the video, Trump vows that the United States will recover stronger and better than it was before.

In addition to the hurricanes, record-breaking wildfires have ravaged the communities of Northern California, leaving thousands more people homeless.

The organization of ex-presidents is known as the One America Appeal. The office of George H.W. Bush announced on Saturday that the organization has already raised $31 million in tax-deductible private funds from more than 80,000 donors.

Damage estimates from just the hurricanes are already topping $300 billion, the statement says, and recovery is expected to take months and years of rebuilding.

The statement says One America has already distributed nearly $13 million to five designated funds: the Florida Disaster Fund, the Rebuild Texas Fund, the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund, the Fund for the Virgin Islands, and Juntos y Unidos por Puerto Rico.

The concert is expected to feature performances by Lyle Lovett, Robert Earl Keen, Sam Moore, Yolanda Adams and the group Alabama. Country singer Lee Greenwood, known for his hit “God Bless the U.S.A.,” is expected to emcee the event.

The five former presidents have been working together to raise money for hurricane victims since Hurricane Harvey struck the heart of Texas in September. Since then, Hurricane Irma raked through Puerto Rico and Florida, and Hurricane Maria struck a second blow to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Concert organizers say the proceeds from the concert will be collected and distributed through various organizations in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Під стінами Верховної Ради заявили про «ультиматум» президентові

Ввечері 21 жовтня активісти, що кілька днів мітингують під стінами Верховної Ради в Києві, заявили, що оголошують «ультиматум» президентові Петру Порошенку. Відповідну заяву від імені учасників акції зробив чоловік на псевдо «Катана», який виступив на імпровізованій сцені.

За словами активіста, протягом п’яти робочих днів глава держави має внести на розгляд парламенту законопроекти про імпічмент президента та про Антикорупційний суд.

«Якщо наші вимоги не будуть втілені в реальність, ми покажемо, хто ми є і на що ми здатні», – сказав активіст, який також назвався офіцером батальйону «Донбас».

Інші активісти, які виступали на сцені, також повторили раніше озвучені вимоги про створення Антикорупційного суду, зняття депутатської недоторканності та зміну виборчого законодавства.

Депутат від «Самопомочі» Єгор Соболєв на сторінці у Facebook написав, що «ультиматум» президентові – це ініціатива «ветеранів війни за незалежність».

В Адміністрації президента України поки не коментували відповідних заяв.

У перший день, коли під Радою почали збиратися активісти, президент заявив, що мирні демонстрації є важливим елементом демократії, і що він з розумінням ставиться до акцій і з повагою до їхніх учасників. Учора Петро Порошенко зазначив, що організатори акцій показали, що вимоги були «лише димовою завісою, а реальний план їхніх дій – це дестабілізація ситуації».

17 жовтня біля Верховної Ради України розпочалася акція протесту, учасники якої вимагають скасувати депутатську недоторканність, створити Антикорупційний суд і внести зміни до виборчого законодавства. За час акції через сутички постраждали чотири людини, зокрема працівник поліції. Наразі активісти продовжують залишатися під Радою, встановивши намети, інформації про правопорушення немає. Сьогодні, за попередніми даними, активістів під парламентом налічувалось в межах двох сотень.

На Донбасі поранений один військовий ЗСУ – штаб

Штаб української воєнної операції на Донбасі заявляє, що через обстріли з боку підтримуваних Росією бойовиків від початку доби і до 18-ї години суботи один український військовослужбовець зазнав поранення. Як йдеться в повідомленні штабу на сторінці у Facebook, сталося ця в районі населеного пункту Богданівка, на приморському напрямку.

Згідно з повідомленням, обстріли сьогодні тривали також біля Старогнатівки, Кримського і Троїцького.

«Хоча за останні декілька днів противник зменшив активність, повного припинення вогню вздовж лінії розмежування все ж немає», – зауважили у штабі.

Раніше сьогодні у прес-центрі штабу АТО повідомили про 24 випадки порушення режиму перемир’я за минулу добу з боку підтримуваних Росією бойовиків.

В угрупованні «ДНР» звинуватили українських військових у 22 обстрілах за минулу добу, луганські сепаратисти заявили, що українська сторона напередодні 19 разів стріляла в бік підконтрольних угрупованню «ЛНР» територій.

Черговий режим припинення вогню, про який заявила 23 серпня Тристороння контактна група, мав почати діяти з 25 серпня, напередодні початку шкільного року, і стати постійним. Про перші його порушення сторони заявили вже через кілька хвилин після настання часу перемир’я.

Про перемир’я в зоні конфлікту на Донбасі домовлялися вже багато разів, досі жодного разу режим припинення вогню не втримувався. При цьому сторони щоразу заперечують свою вину в порушеннях і звинувачують протилежну сторону у провокаціях.