Foreign Visitors to US Fall Sharply From 2016

The number of international visitors to the United States through June fell sharply from last year, according to government data released Wednesday.

And the number of business travelers fell by much more than the drop in tourists, according to the monthly report from the Commerce Departments National Travel and Tourism Office.

Total foreign visitors fell four percent compared to the first six months of last year, with travelers from Mexico down more than nine percent and from Britain down six percent, but visits from Canada up nearly five percent.

Excluding Canada and Mexico, overseas visitors fell nearly six percent, but business travel dropped nearly nine percent compared to a 5.6 percent decline in tourists.

President Donald Trump in his first year in office repeatedly promised to build a wall on the border with Mexico, and has ordered bans on visitors from several Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and Africa.

Visits from the Middle East plunged 30 percent in the first half of the year, and from Africa dropped 27 percent. There also were double-digit declines in visitors from South and Central America, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe.

Among the top 20 countries with the most visitors, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil and India saw travelers fall well over 10 percent.

In contrast, arrivals from South Korea jumped 18 percent, while Ireland saw a 4.7 percent increase, Italy was up 4.2 percent, Spain 3.5 percent and France 1.5 percent, according to the monthly data.

Один військовий загинув, двоє травмовані минулої доби на Донбасі – штаб

Упродовж минулої доби підтримувані Росією бойовики на Донбасі 27 разів обстрілювали позиції українських військовослужбовців, один боєць ЗСУ в результаті обстрілів загинув, ще двоє зазнали бойових травм. Як повідомили у прес-центрі штабу АТО, напередодні бойовики продовжили «провокувати» українських військовослужбовців до збройних протистоянь на Світлодарській дузі.

«У вечірній час, здебільшого із піхотного озброєння, противник обстрілював оборонців Зайцева, Новолуганського та декілька разів Травневого. Нагадаємо, що ще зранку у цьому районі бойовики вели вогонь на підступах до оборонних укріплень українських захисників з мінометів, гранатометів, стрілецької зброї та озброєння БМП між населеними пунктами Зайцеве і Гладосове. Цими провокаціями незаконні збройні формування зірвали візит спостерігачів СММ ОБСЄ і представників місії ООН, які планували провести моніторинг гуманітарної ситуації у Травневому і Гладосовому», – йдеться в повідомленні.

Крім того, обстріли упродовж вівторка бойовики вели біля Трьохізбенки, Жовтого, Новоолександрівки, Катеринівки, Авдіївки, Березового, Гнутова, Водяного та Широкина.

В угрупованні «ЛНР» заявили, що ЗСУ стріляли по захоплених луганськими бойовиками територіях 10 разів. В угрупованні «ДНР» звинуватили українську сторону в обстрілі Горлівки.

Черговий режим припинення вогню, про який заявила 23 серпня Тристороння контактна група, мав почати діяти з 25 серпня, напередодні початку шкільного року, і стати постійним. Про перші його порушення сторони заявили вже через кілька хвилин після настання часу перемир’я.

П’ять шляхів «контрабасу» на ОРДЛО – ранковий ефір Радіо Свобода

Хто «кришує» незаконну торгівлю з окупованою частиною Донбасу? Зима близько, і синоптики знають якою вона буде. Чи можуть Україна і Росія одночасно бути в ПАРЄ?

На ці теми говоритимуть ведучий Ранкової Свободи Юрій Матвійчук і гості студії: голова секретаріату Незалежного антикорупційного комітету з питань оборони (НАКО) Олена Трегуб, аналітик НАКО Артем Давиденко та учасник АТО, волонтер Андрій Римарук; завідувач відділу кліматичних досліджень і довгострокових прогнозів метеорологічного інституту НАН України, професор Вазіра Мартазінова і народний синоптик Леонід Горбань; старший науковий співробітник відділу проблем зовнішньої політики та міжнародної безпеки Національного інституту стратегічних досліджень Валерій Кравченко та посол України в ПАРЄ Дмитро Кулеба.

Who is Irwin Steven Goldstein?

Irwin Steven Goldstein, President Donald Trump’s nominee for under secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs, is a communications and marketing executive with experience at large corporations as well as in government.

Goldstein is the senior vice president of BP Global Solutions, a New York consulting firm.

According to the bio on his company’s website, Goldstein “has a passion for building compelling brands and developing and executing communications strategies that connect diverse audiences.”

In a written statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after his nomination, Goldstein wrote, “Those who seek to undermine America do so by spreading misinformation about our people and our objectives. We can fight these efforts by inspiring the world with our shared humanity and our great compassion.”

Moira Whelan, who served as the deputy assistant secretary for digital strategy at the State Department during the Obama administration, said Goldstein would be a potential lead in the fight to combat Russia’s dissemination of false information about the United States.

In an article last month in Foreign Policy magazine she wrote: “In September, U.S. President Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Irwin Steven Goldstein as under secretary for public diplomacy at the State Department. He would be a key player in the effort to push back against Russian disinformation efforts around the world and in the United States.”

Goldstein’s qualifications do match those of his predecessors — former White House senior adviser Karen Hughes during George W. Bush’s administration and the former Time editor Richard Stengel during Obama’s.

His experience includes seven years as executive vice president and chief communications officer for TIAA, a Fortune 100 financial services firm providing retirement security to individuals in the not-for-profit sector.

Goldstein served as vice president and chief communications officer for Dow Jones/The Wall Street Journal during the period following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In the administration of President George H.W. Bush, he was an assistant to the secretary and the director of public affairs at the U.S. Department of the Interior. He previously was a press secretary and chief of staff on Capitol Hill.

As senior vice president of BP Global Solutions, he advises start-up technology ventures in the transportation and health care spaces.

US Ethanol Makers, Looking to Reduce Biofuel Glut, Call on Mexico, India

U.S. ethanol producers, looking to relieve a growing domestic glut, are hunting for new international fuel markets to replace China and Brazil after trade disputes slashed exports to those top buyers.

Without new markets, U.S. producers may have to pare output after spending hundreds of millions of dollars on biofuel production plants in recent years. Currently, the most promising potential destinations for U.S. fuel exports appear to be Mexico and India, industry executives said.

China and Brazil accounted for 41 percent of the 1.17 billion gallons the United States exported last year. Shipments to the two shriveled in September, making U.S. exports for that month the smallest in more than a year.

“There are only so many times you can replace your top market,” said Tom Sleight, president of the U.S. Grains Council, which officials said has been calling on potential buyers in Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria.

China’s demand plummeted by more than 100 million gallons this year after it removed a preferential tariff rate. Brazil’s imports tumbled after it put a quota on imports in September to protect its domestic producers.

Selling points

To drum up new customers, Illinois-based ethanol producer Marquis Energy has sent executives to India, China, Thailand and the Philippines, promoting the corn-based fuel additive as a smog- and oil-import fighter.

“I’ve had a lot of people over there almost nonstop over the last three months,” the company’s chief executive, Mark Marquis, said of the hunt for buyers in Asia. Archer Daniels Midland Co and Flint Hills Resources also have stepped up efforts to sell into Mexico, traders said.

U.S. ethanol prices have slid to nearly a two-year low as daily domestic production last week hit a record 45.1 million gallons, making the search for new export markets more urgent.

Output this year could reach about 16 billion gallons, nearly triple that of 2007.

U.S. exports fell since hitting 2.5 million gallons per day in the first eight months this year. Shipments to Brazil sank to 19 million gallons in September, the smallest monthly volume in more than a year. Exports to China through September were just 60,880 gallons, a precipitous drop from 198 million gallons a year earlier, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data.

The marketing effort could pay off in Mexico, whose energy regulatory commission (CRE) is to vote soon to ease the flow of fuel imports through state-run Pemex facilities to several Mexican states bordering the United States.

If approved, significant new volumes of gasoline blended with 10 percent ethanol could begin flowing in 2018 into Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas states, CRE Commissioner Luis Guillermo Pineda told Reuters.

“The largest supplier is logically the United States, but it can be from anywhere,” Pineda said of the ethanol blend.

Import prediction

Ray Young, ADM’s finance chief, last month told analysts Mexico could be importing 200 million gallons annually by 2019.

U.S. ethanol exports to Mexico last year totaled about 30 million gallons.

U.S. inventories reached 920 million gallons in the week ended November 17, up 16 percent from a year earlier, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said. Ethanol futures have fallen to $1.36 per gallon on the Chicago Board of Trade, down 20 percent from their 2017 high in April.

U.S. producers are pitching China and India on ethanol’s smog-fighting potential. This month, United Airlines canceled flights to India’s capital, New Delhi, citing heavy smog as a public health emergency. China ordered Beijing and more than two dozen other cities to start meeting limits on airborne pollution starting this month.

Ted McKinney, a USDA official interviewed during a biofuel-promotion trip to India, expressed optimism that country could import much more U.S. ethanol for cars and trucks. But others were not so sure.

India’s government wants to promote biofuel production using its own agricultural waste, said Jai Asundi, research coordinator at a Bengaluru-based think tank, the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy.

“There is a potential for producing ethanol from locally available sources without depending on imports,” Asundi said.

Air Force: Failure to Report Texas Shooter’s Conviction ‘Not Isolated Incident’

The Air Force’s failure to report the Texas shooter’s domestic abuse offenses to civilian law enforcement was not an isolated incident, the military branch said Tuesday.

Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said Tuesday preliminary findings from a review after this month’s deadly shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, by a disgraced former airman showed similar reporting lapses occurred at other Air Force bases.

The Air Force did not report the airman’s 2012 domestic violence conviction into the FBI’s database, as required by federal law and the Pentagon. Authorities say that measure, had it been properly entered, should have stopped the shooter from legally buying the rifle he used in the massacre.

“Although policies and procedures requiring reporting were in place, training and compliance measures were lacking,” Stefanek said.

The Air Force said it has implemented corrective measures to “prevent future occurrences,” and will implement additional actions in the next few weeks.

Among the new procedures is a leadership requirement to verify that information from applicable cases is registered with the FBI’s National Crime Information Center’s Interstate Identification Index.

The Air Force added that officials are correcting all identified failures to report to civilian law enforcement as they are discovered.

The disgraced former airman, Devin Kelley, murdered 26 people at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs on Sunday. He shot himself in the head after being wounded by a neighbor and chased by the neighbor and police.

Trump Administration Permits ENI to Drill for Oil Off Alaska

Eni US could begin work on oil exploration in federal waters off Alaska as soon as next month after the Trump administration on Tuesday approved permits for leases the company has held for a decade, the Interior Department said.

The department’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, issued Eni US, a unit of Italy’s Eni, a permit to explore for oil from an artificial island in the Beaufort Sea. Eni is the first company allowed to explore for oil in federal waters off Alaska since 2015.

The approval is part of the Trump administration’s policy to maximize output of fossil fuels for domestic use and for exporting.

Scott Angelle, the BSEE director, said developing Arctic resources responsibly is a “critical component to achieving American energy dominance.”

Environmentalists say exploring for oil in the Arctic is dangerous.

“The Trump administration is risking a major oil spill by letting this foreign corporation drill in the unforgiving waters off Alaska,” said Kristen Monsell, the legal director for oceans at the Center for Biological Diversity nonprofit group.

Eni wants to drill into the Beaufort from the island using extended wells more than 6 miles (10 km) long. Eni US did not immediately respond to a request for comment about when it would start drilling.

In April President Donald Trump signed a so-called America-First Offshore Energy Strategy executive order to extend offshore drilling to areas in the Arctic and other places that have been off limits.

Eni’s leases, which were set to expire by the end of the year, were outside of an area protected by former President Barack Obama weeks before he left office. The company’s plan to move ahead with risky and expensive drilling in the Arctic comes despite years of low oil prices and plentiful sources of crude in the continental United States.

Royal Dutch Shell Plc quit its exploration quest offshore of Alaska in 2015 after a ship it had leased suffered a gash in mostly uncharted waters and environmentalists discovered an existing law that limited the company’s ability to drill.

Republicans are eager to drill elsewhere in Alaska. A tax bill passed by the Senate budget committee Tuesday contained a provision to open drilling in a portion of Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Conservationists say the refuge is one of the planet’s last paradises.

The bill, which Republicans hope to pass in the full Senate this week, faces an uncertain future.

Опитування: до Вакарчука як політика прихильно ставиться 37% українців

До музиканта, колишнього народного депутата України Святослава Вакарчука прихильно ставляться 37% українців, свідчать результати опитування, оприлюдненого 28 листопада аналітичним центром США International Republic Institute (IRI).

Відповідаючи на запитання про те, якої думки вони про Вакарчука, про «дуже прихильне» ставлення заявили 10% опитаних, про «дещо прихильне» – 27%, про неприхильне – 38%.

На другому місці – керівник партії «Громадянська позиція» Анатолій Гриценко (23%). При цьому про неприхильне ставлення до нього заявили 55% опитаних. Далі йде лідерка «Батьківщини» Юлія Тимошенко – 20% опитаних заявили про прихильне, 69% – про неприхильне ставлення до неї.

Про прихильність до президента України Петра Порошенка заявили 15% опитаних, неприхильно до нього ставляться 74%. Таку ж оцінку отримав прем’єр Володимир Гройсман.

Згідно з опитуванням, найменш прихильно серед політиків українці ставляться до екс-прем’єра Арсенія Яценюка. 5% опитаних заявили про прихильне ставлення до нього, 85% – про неприхильне.

Щодо методології проведення опитування, то в IRI повідомили, що його провела група Gfk Ukraine на замовлення інституту/ Дані збирали по всій території України, крім окупованих територій Криму і частини Донбасу, від 14 вересня до 10 жовтня за допомогою інтерв’ювання респондентів у них вдома. В опитуванні взяли участь 2,4 тисячі жителів України віком від 18 років із правом голосу.

Минулого тижня чотири впливові соціологічні компанії України оприлюднили дані опитування, згідно з яким, якби вибори президента відбулися найближчим часом, у трійку лідерів увійшов би музикант Святослав Вакарчук (12,1%). На першому місці, за цим опитуванням, – Петро Порошенко (16,1% тих, хто визначився з вибором). На другому – Юлія Тимошенко із 14,4%.

Вакарчук наразі не заявляв про те, чи має президентські амбіції.

Чергові вибори президента в Україні мають відбутися у кінці березня 2019 року.


Trump Heading to Capitol Hill to Rally Support for Tax Vote

U.S. President Donald Trump is heading to Capitol Hill to meet Tuesday with Republican senators as he rallies support for a tax reform bill set to come to a vote later this week.

After talks with the president on Monday, Senate leaders confirmed their intention to vote on the massive plan that would permanently cut corporate taxes, temporarily cut income taxes, and add more than $1 trillion to America’s national debt.

“The current plan this week is to vote on the Senate tax bill,” said Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas. “The goal is to get the economy growing again.”

Cornyn and other Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee had a working lunch with President Trump at the White House amid furious efforts to round up at least 50 votes for the tax plan in the 100-member chamber.

Republicans have a two-seat majority, and no Senate Democrat has come out in favor of the bill. In the event of a 50-50 tie, Vice President Mike Pence would cast the deciding vote to pass the bill.

“We intend to get to 50 [votes],” said Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch of Utah.


One Republican senator, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, has declared he opposes the tax plan in its current form. News reports quote aides to another, Steve Daines of Montana, as saying the legislation is weighted too heavily in favor of large corporations. Several other Republican senators have expressed grave concerns about adding to the national debt, but have not said how they will vote.

Trump himself seemed to acknowledge a need to fine-tune the tax plan, tweeting that “middle class and job producers” would benefit from “just a few changes, some mathematical.”

The House of Representatives approved a different version of tax reform earlier this month. Should the Senate bill pass, the two versions would have to be reconciled into a unified bill and win passage in both chambers before the president could sign it into law.

Democrats, meanwhile, are working furiously to oppose the tax initiative.

“Republicans are trying to jam through a tax plan that would raise taxes on millions of middle-class Americans,” tweeted Virginia Senator Tim Kaine. “Call your Senators and tell them you oppose this bill.”


Democrat Ron Wyden noted that the Senate version of the tax plan would eliminate a key Obamacare provision requiring Americans to purchase health care insurance or pay a penalty.

“The #GOPTaxPlan is not just an awful tax plan — it’s an ATTACK on your health care,” the Oregon senator tweeted. “It’s time we make our voices heard and STOP this bill.”

On Sunday, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office concluded in a new report that the Senate bill would substantially benefit those earning more than $100,000 a year, while disadvantaging the country’s poorest taxpayers.

Ken Bredemeier contributed to this report.


Росія працює над фальсифікацією виборів в Україні у 2019 році – СБУ

Росія веде цілеспрямовану роботу з фальсифікації виборів в Україні у 2019 році, заявив заступник голови Служби безпеки України Віктор Кононенко.

«На сьогодні основна загроза – це підрив ситуації всередині. Те, що ми бачимо, основні зусилля російських спецслужб зараз йдуть всередину країни. Вже ніхто не вірить у швидку і блискавичну війну, всі розраховують на те, що владу можна поміняти зсередини шляхом підкупу, шляхом домовленостей. І йде цілеспрямована робота – підготовка до виборів 2019 року», – сказав Кононенко.

За його словами, СБУ вживає заходів для «зриву цих планів супротивника».

Влітку у Службі безпеки повідомляли про «істотну активізацію російських спецслужб» в Україні. Наприкінці жовтня секретар Ради національної безпеки й оборони Олександр Турчинов повідомив про плани посилити антитерористичний і контррозвідувальний режими в країні.

Чергові вибори президента України заплановані на 31 березня 2019 року, народних депутатів – на 27 жовтня 2019 року.

До суду передали матеріали щодо екс-депутата Криму в справі про держзраду – прокуратура

Прокуратура Криму при ГПУ передала до суду обвинувальний акт щодо колишнього депутата Верховної Ради Криму за вчинення державної зради.

«У ході розслідування кримінального провадження отримано беззаперечні докази того, що у березні 2014 року вказаний депутат Верховної Ради Автономної республіки Крим надав допомогу та сприяв окупації Криму. Зокрема, за його безпосередньої участі незаконно ухвалено ряд постанов, в результаті чого було створено нелегітимне державне утворення «Республіка Крим»,– йдеться в повідомленні прокуратури.

Згідно з повідомленням, обвинуваченому загрожує покарання у вигляді позбавлення волі від 12 до 15 років.

На сьогодні слідчими і прокурорами до судів скеровано 59 обвинувальних актів відносно колишніх депутатів кримського парламенту та 7 обвинувальних актів щодо екс-депутатів Севастопольської міської ради.

Верховна Рада України офіційно оголосила 20 лютого 2014 року початком тимчасової окупації Криму і Севастополя Росією. 7 жовтня 2015 року президент України Петро Порошенко підписав закон про це. Міжнародні організації визнали окупацію і анексію Криму незаконними і засудили дії Росії. Країни Заходу запровадили низку економічних санкцій. Росія заперечує окупацію півострова і називає це «відновленням історичної справедливості».

НАЗК відмовилося проводити повну перевірку декларацій судді Ємельянова

Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції відмовило у проведенні повної перевірки декларацій за 2015 та 2016 роки судді Вищого господарського суду Артура Ємельянова. Підставою для відмови у відомстві назвали те, що «зокрема, інформація не містить фактичних даних, що можуть бути перевірені, а також містить твердження про недостовірність відомостей у декларації без будь-яких пояснень невідповідності таких відомостей дійсності».

У зверненні до НАЗК наводилася інформація, яку раніше оприлюднила програма «Схеми» (спільний проект Радіо Свобода та каналу «UA:Перший»), про те, що дружина Артура Ємельянова у 2011 та 2013 роках придбала квартири за кордоном, однак у деклараціях Ємельянова за 2015 та 2016 роки статки дружини не вказані. 

Як удалося з’ясувати «Схемам», Світлана Ємельянова володіє елітною нерухомістю за кордоном. 

​У 2011 році Світлана Ємельянова придбала віллу в комплексі Seashell Belek Elite Villas на березі Середземного моря в Анталії в Туреччині за 350 тисяч турецьких лір, або, згідно з курсом на той час, понад 250 тисяч доларів США. Про це свідчить виписка з турецького земельного кадастру, опублікована журналістами.


​У 2013 році, за даними виписки з земельного департаменту Об’єднаних Арабських Еміратів, Світлана Ємельянова придбала апартаменти у комплексі Palm Jumeirah/North Residences у Дубаї за ціною 1 мільйон 300 тисяч дирхамів, або понад 350 тисяч доларів США на той момент.


​Більшість знайденого журналістами іноземного майна Світлани Ємельянової було придбане до 2014 року включно, тобто в період, поки вона перебувала в офіційному шлюбі з українським суддею. При цьому, згідно з даними української податкової, які програма «Схеми» отримала від своїх джерел, за період протягом 2001-2014 років вона офіційно заробила всього близько 3 мільйонів гривень.


​Світлана Ємельянова та Артур Ємельянов офіційно перебували у шлюбі понад 20 років, але наприкінці 2014 року розлучилися.

Журналісти «Схем» наголошують, що розірвання шлюбу може мати фіктивний характер задля уникнення необхідності декларувати елітне майно, оформлене на тепер уже колишню дружину.  

Так, суддя регулярно відвідує Відень, де мешкає його колишня дружина разом із їхніми дітьми. Крім того, «Схеми» виявили дані про щонайменше чотири спільні закордонні поїздки пари на відпочинок уже після розлучення протягом 2015-2016 років. Вони літали на новорічний відпочинок до Відня, Берліна та Амстердама, літали на день народження сина Артура в Женеву, згодом відпочивали в турецьких Стамбулі та Анталії. І кожного разу вони вилітали та поверталися до Києва разом одним рейсом.


​Артур Ємельянов пообіцяв дати відповіді на запитання журналістів, однак у визначений день він відмовився від коментарів і пообіцяв відреагувати на запит «Схем» після повернення з відпустки.Світлана Ємельянова не відповіла на запит журналістів із переліком запитань для інтерв’ю.

Суддя Вищого господарського суду України Артур Ємельянов є фігурантом кримінального провадження щодо незаконного втручання в діяльність судових органів. Однак досі розгляд справи по суті до суду не дійшов. У ГПУ «Схемам» раніше повідомили, що провадження щодо Ємельянова готується до завершення.

US Arming of Syrian Militias to Wind Down After Defeat of IS

The White House said Monday that with the defeat of Islamic State the United States is winding down its military support for the local groups fighting the militants. The news of the policy change first came last week from Turkey, which has long complained of the US support for Kurdish YPG militia that Ankara considers a terrorist organization. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke reports.

Washington Post Says It Was Target of Failed Sting to Print Phony Roy Moore Story

The Washington Post says it was targeted by a conservative sting operation that tried to get it to print a dramatic but phony story about Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore and a pregnant teenager.

The Post broke the story about alleged sexual misconduct by Moore and his reported pursuit of teenage girls when he was in his 30s and an Alabama district attorney. Several woman gave similar accounts to the newspaper. Moore has denied the allegations and threatened to sue the newspaper.

The Post said late Monday a woman identifying herself as Jaime Phillips told a reporter that Moore impregnated her when she was 15 and forced her to have an abortion.

She told the reporter she wanted the Post to guarantee Moore would lose the election to the U.S. Senate if she told her story.

But the newspaper found numerous holes and inconsistencies in her account and her background and declined to publish her sordid tale.

Further investigation by The Post revealed that Phillips may have been working for Project Veritas — a New York organization that targets and tries to discredit mainstream media outlets and left-wing groups.

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe declined to answer any questions from The Washington Post Monday, including questions whether Phillips worked for her.

Telephone calls to Phillips went unanswered, but she had denied working for any such group during a second meeting with Post reporters.

“We always honor ‘off-the-record’ agreements when they’re entered into in good faith,” Washington Post executive editor Martin Baron said.

“But this so-called ‘off-the-record’ conversation was the essence of a scheme to deceive and embarrass us. The intent by Project Veritas clearly was to publicize the conversation if we fell for the trap. Because of our customary journalistic rigor, we weren’t fooled and we can’t honor an ‘off-the-record’ agreement that was solicited in maliciously bad faith.”

There have been earlier attempts at debunking the charges leveled against Roy Moore as reported by The Post, including allegations the newspaper paid the women for telling it Moore sexually molested them as teens.

The Post says it never pays anyone for information.

Moore is running for the Alabama Senate seat formerly held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Polls in Alabama show him trailing his Democratic opponent Doug Jones.

Give Women Greater Role in Industry to Cut Poverty, Urges UN Executive

Women need to be given a greater role in industries in poorer nations to meet the global goal of cutting poverty by 2030, the head of the United Nations industrial development agency said on Monday after being voted in for a second term.

Li Yong said empowering women will be a priority in his second four-year stint as director general of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), which oversees about 860 projects to boost economic growth and tackle poverty.

Data shows about half of the world’s women are in the labor force compared with about 75 percent of men, hold less senior roles and earn on average 60 to 75 percent of what men make.

But studies repeatedly show that more women working accelerates economic growth, while women also invest more of their income into families to educate children and end poverty.

“We need to look at how our projects help women’s empowerment and job creation,” Li, formerly of China’s Ministry of Finance, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview at UNIDO’s 17th General Conference in Vienna.

“Lots of projects like agro-industry are related to women’s empowerment … and one part of our evaluation is to look at women’s empowerment, at training, at jobs, all those things that are very concrete measures.”

Li was widely praised in his first term in office for re-establishing UNIDO as a key development organization in the U.N. system with a mission to promote industry as a driver to create jobs, boost prosperity, and reduce poverty.

Some countries had questioned the purpose and effectiveness of UNIDO, one of 15 specialized U.N. agencies, and some nations withdrew funding in the past decade including Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada and France.

Climate Change

Representatives of UNIDO’s 168 member states, however, said Li had changed the focus to support developing countries and find ways to build sustainable, environmentally friendly businesses using fewer resources, less energy and generating less waste.

He had also encouraged public and private, local and international partnerships such as setting up agro-industrial parks and introducing clean tanning technology to India’s leather industry.

One of the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals, an agenda to be reached by 2030, acknowledges industrialization as a key driver of sustained economic sustainability and prosperity.

Li said UNIDO’s core mission had never been more relevant.

He said poverty, employment and hunger remain major challenges, exacerbated by climate change, resource depletion, environmental degradation and the potential impact of new technology which will cut jobs, with women to be worst hit.

Africa remained a priority, but climate change meant thinking differently about manufacturing, particularly in low-lying small island nations with limited resources, he said.

Such nations import expensive crude oil to generate power, he said.

“I said to them ‘Open your eyes. Expand your vision.'” said Li. “If they could use renewable power, like solar or maybe tidal … they can manage their fishing industry, or tourism, and expand job creation.”

He said the Pacific island nations of Kiribati and the Marshall Islands had joined UNIDO in the past two years and others were keen to follow suit.

“Our work is very relevant to their economic development,” he said.

Diplomats Search for Way to Save Trade System After US Vetoes Judges

Diplomats are searching for ways to prevent the global trade dispute resolution system from freezing up, after the Trump administration blocked appointments to the body that acts as the supreme court for global trade.

U.S. President Donald Trump has vetoed the appointment of judges to fill vacancies on the seven-member Apellate Body of the World Trade Organization, which provides final decisions in arguments between countries over trade.

“Members are already having a conversation about what to do with this situation,” WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo told reporters. “They are floating ideas, they are discussing. We have to see how that evolves.”

The WTO normally has seven judges and needs three to sign off on every appeal ruling. But two have left and another goes in December, leaving only four — just one above the minimum — to deal with a growing backlog of trade disputes.

Azevedo said he did not think the situation was a threat to the WTO’s survival but it was already having an impact, and the longer it went on the more acutely it would be felt.

In a confidential note sent to all WTO members on Monday, a copy of which was reviewed by Reuters, the Appellate Body said departing judges would continue working after they left on appeals filed before their terms ended. The United States has objected to that practice in the past.

Appointments to the Appellate Body are meant to be unanimously agreed by all 164 members, like all decisions at the WTO. The fine print says the WTO can switch to majority voting if necessary, but diplomats are reluctant to do that for fear of unravelling a system that relies on consensus as a bulwark to protectionism.

Azevedo said the Trump administration had made clear it had misgivings about the way the world trade system has functioned, although it had not linked any specific demands for reform with the decision to halt appointments to the appeals panel.

The Trump administration has not publicly explained why it is blocking the appointment of judges to the trade panel. The U.S. mission to the WTO in Geneva declined to comment.

‘True emergency’

Several trade experts said the move seemed to fit Trump’s ideology of favoring bilateral trade deals over the multi-lateral system embodied by the WTO.

Pieter Jan Kuijper, professor of law at the University of Amsterdam, said Trump’s trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, preferred the pre-WTO practice of negotiating the outcome of trade disputes rather than being bound by WTO rulings.

Although Trump regularly says Washington has been hurt by trade disputes, WTO experts mainly say the United States has actually been a big winner at the WTO. But negotiating the outcome of trade disputes rather than leaving them to judges might tip the balance further in Washington’s favor.

Kuijper compared Trump’s stance to that of Zimbabwe’s former president Robert Mugabe killing off the court of the Southern African Development Community by blocking new judges when the court became too troublesome.

“That example doesn’t make one optimistic,” he said. “We are in a true emergency where we should take into account that the end of the Appellate Body may come, either by design or by accident.”

Possible solutions

At a panel discussion Monday for trade officials and diplomats, Kuijper and other trade experts discussed possible ways to avert a crisis if more vacancies come open.

One solution would be to switch to majority voting for appointing judges. Another would be for the judges to change their own working procedures, refusing to take any more appeals until there are more judges.

Nicolas Lockhart, a trade lawyer at Sidley Austin LLP, suggested the WTO could use its arbitration process more to resolve disputes and rely less on appeals.

All three approaches have drawbacks, including the risk of further alienating the United States.

“A process that could lead to a situation where the United States leaves the WTO in a huff is actually a situation where everyone loses, and the last thing we should be aiming for,” said Alice Tipping, a former New Zealand trade diplomat now at the International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development.

New Venezuela Oil Boss to Give Military More PDVSA Posts

A general appointed at the weekend to run Venezuela’s energy sector will name more military officers to senior management posts at state oil company PDVSA as part of a shakeup the government says is aimed at fighting corruption, two company sources told Reuters on Monday.

In a surprise move, unpopular leftist President Nicolas Maduro on Sunday tapped Major General Manuel Quevedo to lead PDVSA and the Oil Ministry, giving the already powerful military control of the OPEC nation’s dominant industry.

Besides the corruption scandals, Quevedo will have to tackle an attempted debt restructuring, within the context of a deep recession and debilitating U.S. sanctions.

Sources in the sector said Quevedo’s appointment could quicken a white-collar exodus from PDVSA and worsen operational problems at a time when production has already tumbled to near 30-year lows of under 2 million barrels per day.

About 50 officials at state oil company PDVSA have been arrested since August in what the state prosecutor says is a “crusade” against corruption.

Sources within PDVSA and the oil industry said Maduro’s administration was using corruption allegations to sideline rivals and deepen its control of the industry, which accounts for over 90 percent of export revenue.

“The order given is to militarize PDVSA in key areas,” said a PDVSA employee, asking to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

A second source said he was told military officials would take over key production divisions in Venezuela’s east and west.

Venezuela’s president, a former bus driver and union leader whose popularity has plummeted during the economic crisis, has gradually handed the military more power in his cabinet and in key sectors such as mining.

Unlike his popular predecessor Hugo Chavez, Maduro does not hail from the military. The opposition says he has been forced to buy the loyalty of the army, historically a power broker in Venezuela, giving them top posts and juicy business contracts while turning a blind eye to corruption.

PDVSA did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but an internal company message seen by Reuters called on workers to come to Caracas on Tuesday for Quevedo’s swearing in.

“Let’s all go to Caracas to consolidate the deepening of socialism and the total, absolute transformation of PDVSA,” the message read.

Increasing Military Sway

Quevedo, a former housing minister with no known energy experience, is not a heavyweight in Venezuela’s political scene, although two sources close to the military told Reuters he was a Maduro ally.

Opposition lawmaker Angel Alvarado predicted the appointment would worsen PDVSA’s operations.

“They’re getting rid of the old executives, who although socialist and working under catastrophic management, at least knew about oil,” he said. “Now we’re going to have totally inexperienced hands.”

Although military appointees had been on the rise within the oil industry too, Quevedo’s appointment is the first time in a decade and a half that a military official has taken the helm of the oil industry.

PDVSA so far had been led by chemist Nelson Martinez and the Oil Ministry by engineer Eulogio Del Pino, both of whom rose in the ranks under previous PDVSA president and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez.

Later demoted to become Venezuela’s representative at the United Nations in New York, Ramirez recently criticized Maduro for not reforming Venezuela’s flailing economy, in what insiders say is a power struggle between the two rivals.

Oil Companies Worry

The opposition has also accused Quevedo of violating human rights during the National Guard’s handling of anti-Maduro protests, in which stone-throwing hooded youths regularly clashed with tear gas-firing soldiers.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio included Quevedo on a 2014 list of Venezuelan officials whom he said should be named in U.S. sanctions, although Quevedo does not appear in the list released by the U.S. Treasury Department.

Venezuela’s government denies abuses, saying protesters were in fact part of a U.S.-promoted “armed insurrection” designed to sabotage socialism in Latin America.

Quevedo’s appointment has worried foreign oil companies in Venezuela, including U.S. major Chevron and Russian state oil giant Rosneft, according to industry sources.

Venezuela is also trying to pull off a complex restructuring of foreign debt, including $60 billion in bonds, about half of which have been issued by PDVSA. Bondholders were invited to Caracas for a meeting with the government two weeks ago, but market sources say there has been no concrete progress or proposals since.

PDVSA said on Friday it was making last-minute payments on two bonds close to default, including one backed by shares in U.S.-based Citgo, a Venezuelan-owned refiner and marketer of oil and petrochemical products, due on Monday, and called for “trust” as it seeks to maintain debt service amid the crisis.

Quevedo’s position on the debt issue is not publicly known.

Суд призначив розгляд по суті обвинувального акту в справі Насірова на 7 грудня

Шевченківський районний суд Києва призначив на 10:00 7 грудня розгляд обвинувального акту по суті в справі відстороненого голови Державної фіскальної служби України Романа Насірова та керівника департаменту погашення боргу ДФС Володимира Новікова.

Також суд задовольнив клопотання прокурорів і продовжив до 25 січня 2018 року термін дії процесуальних зобов’язань для обвинувачених.

Під час засідання Насіров заявив, що задоволений можливістю розгляду його справи в суді по суті.

«Це можливість прокоментувати справу та можливість розказати суспільству, розказати саме суду по суті так званого надуманого обвинувачення, розказати, що відбувалося у справі останні 7 місяців. І остаточно довести невинуватість», – сказав Насіров.

За даними слідства, голова ДФС причетний до так званої «газової схеми Онищенка» і упродовж 2015 року ухвалив низку «безпідставних і незаконних рішень» про розстрочення сум платежів з рентної плати за користування надрами для задіяних у схемі компаній на загальну суму понад мільярд гривень. Слідство вважає, що такими рішеннями державі завдано збитків на суму майже 2 мільярди гривень.

Захист Насірова і він сам ці звинувачення заперечують.

На початку березня суд арештував Насірова з можливістю застави в 100 мільйонів гривень, яку внесли його дружина і тесть. Після цього відсторонений голова ДФС вийшов із СІЗО. Пізніше запобіжний захід продовжили.

Наразі відсторонений голова ДФС зобов’язаний носити електронний браслет, здати закордонний паспорт, утриматися від спілкування зі свідками й фігурантами справи, приходити до детектива, прокурора чи до суду на першу вимогу. Також Насіров не може без дозволу виїжджати з Києва.

White House Official Says Trump Won’t Campaign for Moore

President Donald Trump will not campaign for Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore before the Dec. 12 special election, a White House official said Monday.

Despite public statements in which he raised doubts about the accounts of women who have accused Moore of sexual misconduct, Trump will not to travel to Alabama on Moore’s behalf, said the official, who was not authorized to discuss the president’s plans publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.


The president held the door open to campaigning for Moore last week, when he all but endorsed Moore’s candidacy and attacked his Democratic opponent, Doug Jones


The announcement comes as Trump continued to wade into race over the weekend, taking to Twitter to bash Jones.


Trump said electing the Democrat as Alabama’s next senator “would be a disaster,” warning of damage to his legislative agenda.


“The last thing we need in Alabama and the U.S. Senate is a Schumer/Pelosi puppet who is WEAK on Crime, WEAK on the Border, Bad for our Military and our great Vets, Bad for our 2nd Amendment, AND WANTS TO RAISES TAXES TO THE SKY,” Trump wrote from Florida, referring to Democrats’ congressional leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.


Trump has declined to follow the path of other mainstream Republican leaders, who have called on Moore to step aside. Republican lawmakers are considering expelling Moore should he win the seat.


For weeks, accusations that Moore, now 70, sexually molested or assaulted two teens, ages 14 and 16 – and tried to date several others – while he was in his 30s have taken center stage in the heated Alabama race. Moore denied the allegations of misconduct and said he never dated “underage” women.


Trump’s words could be a boost to the Moore camp, since Democrats’ hopes in the race partly depend upon peeling away Republican support from Moore in the deeply red state.


Moore’s campaign quickly touted Trump’s comments on social media and in a fundraising email to supporters that lashed out at Republican leaders as much as it did Jones.


“President Trump calls them like he sees them. And, he’s got my opponents in D.C. scrambling,” Moore wrote in a fundraising email.


The Republican candidate has made limited public appearances since the allegations surfaced earlier this month.


Jones, speaking to reporters in Birmingham, shrugged off Trump’s criticisms, saying he would not be a partisan voter. He said Alabamians are focused on issues such as the economy, education and health care.


“My record speaks for itself … I think I am very strong on the issues that the people of Alabama care for,” Jones said.


Jones, a former federal prosecutor, said he would be an independent voice in the U.S. Senate, similarly to his political mentor, the late U.S. Sen. Howell Heflin, who represented the state for nearly 20 years.


Jones’ campaign issued a more biting statement saying, “Roy Moore was unfit for office even before nine Alabama women served as witnesses to all Alabamians of his disturbing conduct.”


Trump’s comment in the race signaled that the success of his legislative agenda outweighs widespread concerns from national Republicans, many of whom are repulsed at the prospect of seating Moore.


Top Republicans in Congress, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, have called for Moore to leave the race, and the Republican National Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee have pulled their support for his campaign.


GOP Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina said the Dec. 12 election has become a referendum on “the character of the country” that transcends partisan politics.


“In my opinion, and in the opinion of many Republicans and conservatives in the Senate, it is time for us to turn the page because it is not about partisan politics. It’s not about electing Republicans versus Democrats,” Scott said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”


Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who has also called for Moore to step down, said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Trump is “definitely trying to throw a lifeline to Roy Moore.”


But when it comes to Moore, Graham said it’s unclear “what winning looks like.”


“If he wins, we get the baggage of him winning and it becomes a story every day about whether or not you believe the women or Roy Moore, should he stay in the Senate, should he be expelled. If you lose, you give the Senate seat to a Democrat at a time we need all the votes we can get,” he said, referring to Republicans’ current 52-48 majority in the Senate.


“The moral of the story is: Don’t nominate somebody like Roy Moore who could actually lose a seat that any other Republican could win,” Graham said.


Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, the No. 3 Republican in the Senate, said he’d like to see Trump “come out and support what many of us have said and that is that Roy Moore needs to step aside” and “allow somebody else to be a write-in candidate.”


He said on “Fox News Sunday” that if Moore ends up winning and comes to Washington in January, he will be the immediate subject of an ethics investigation, “which is going to be a cloud that he’ll be operating in and it’s going to be a distraction for us and for our agenda.”


Trump backed incumbent Sen. Luther Strange in the Alabama Republican primary but moved quickly to embrace Moore after he won. The seat opened up after Republican Jeff Sessions was tapped as U.S. attorney general.

В Одесі суд залишив у силі арешт фігуранта «справи 2 травня» Долженкова

Апеляційний суд Одеської області залишив у силі арешт фігуранта справи про масові заворушення 2 травня 2014 року в Одесі Сергія Долженкова, повідомляє прокуратура регіону.

Суд ухвалив таке рішення 27 листопада, підтвердивши ухвалу Приморського районного суду, який 13 листопада залишив Долженкова під вартою ще на два місяці – до 12 січня.

За даними прокуратури, запобіжний захід другому фігуранту справи, росіянину Євгену Мефьодову, був продовжений 15 листопада.

Громадянина Росії Євгена Мефьодова і українця Сергія Долженкова, яких 18 вересня суд у Чорноморську Одеської області виправдав у «справі 2 травня», того ж дня затримали за новим обвинуваченням (частиною 2 статті 110 КК України – посягання на територіальну цілісність і недоторканність України)

Суд у Чорноморську визнав невинуватими 19 обвинувачених у справі про події в Одесі 2 травня 2014 року (у частині подій на Грецькій площі) за статтею про «масові заворушення». Суд оголосив вирок 19 проросійським активістам, п’ятеро з яких перебували у СІЗО, це – Сергій Долженков, Сергій Корчинський, Владислав Романюк та громадяни Росії Євген Мефьодов і Максим Сакаулов.

Цей епізод стосується сутичок українських і проросійських активістів зі стріляниною, що сталися на Грецькій площі Одеси 2 травня 2014 року і призвели до загибелі шістьох людей.

Чорноморський суд розглядав «справу 2 травня» з червня 2017 року. Починаючи з осені 2014 року, справу слухали в трьох одеських районних судах. Проте через різні причини, зокрема, відводи, відпустки, лікарняні і процедурні особливості, в Одесі не залишилося суддів, які б могли розглядати «справу 2 травня».

Загалом 2 травня 2014 року під час сутичок у центрі Одеси загинуло 48 людей, також близько 200 були поранені.

Analysts: US Cyber Monday Sales Could Set New Online Spending Record

In the United States, it’s Cyber Monday, a day when holiday shoppers could set a new spending record for online purchases from work, home or anywhere with their cellphones.

With rising wages in the U.S., low unemployment and strong consumer confidence, research firm Adobe Analytics predicted shoppers could spend $6.6 billion on Monday, more than a 16 percent jump over last year’s record-setting total.

Online shopping has been increasing steadily in the U.S. for years as many consumers stay away from traditional brick-and-mortar stores in favor of the convenience of shopping from laptop computers, hand-held devices or, to the dismay of their employers, workplace computers.

Black Friday

Black Friday, the day after last week’s Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., is traditionally the biggest holiday shopping day of the year, coming a few weeks ahead of gift-giving at Christmas and Hanukkah. Equity firm Consumer Growth Partners estimated Friday’s sales, both in stores and online, at about $33 billion, a 4.8 percent advance over 2016.

Even as shoppers, lured by discounted prices, thronged to stores on Friday to buy the latest tech gadgets, toys and clothing, retailers reported that overall, the number of shoppers in their stores dipped a bit, an indication that many buyers were instead shopping online.

The National Retail Federation is predicting that U.S. consumer spending in November and December could climb 4 percent over a year ago to $682 billion, which would make this the strongest holiday shopping season since 2014.


Two of the biggest online retailers in the U.S., and Wal-Mart Stores, are about even in offering the lowest prices on a large array of consumer items, a Reuters survey showed. A year ago, products bought through Amazon were typically 3 percent cheaper, but the news agency said its survey showed that Wal-Mart has now narrowed the gap to three-tenths of 1 percent.

The boost in consumer spending, which accounts for 70 percent of the U.S. economy, the world’s largest, is buoyed by a falling jobless rate. The unemployment rate was 4.1 percent in October, the lowest level in 17 years, and employers hired another 261,000 workers.












US Targets IS in Somalia Airstrike

One terrorist was killed in a targeted airstrike in Somalia conducted by U.S. forces in coordination with Somalia’s government, the U.S. military said Monday.

The strike against Islamic State fighters was carried out around 3pm local time on Monday in northeastern Somalia, U.S. Africa Command said in a statement.

“U.S. forces will continue to use all authorized and appropriate measures to protect U.S. citizens and to disable terrorist threats. This includes partnering with AMISOM and Somali National Security Forces (SNSF) in combined counterterrorism operations and targeting terrorists, their training camps, and their safe havens throughout Somalia and the region,” the statement read.

Monday’s strike brings the total number of U.S. airstrikes in Somalia this year to 30 – 28 of them having been carried out against al-Shabab. It is the second targeted at Islamic State fighters, the first having been carried out earlier this month.

Intensified airstrikes and renewed battles between government forces and militants have forced over 10,000 people to flee from their homes in Somalia, according to the Norwegian Refugee Council.

In a statement, the NRC said new ground fighting in the Middle and Lower Shabelle regions has displaced thousands of people

“We are seeing a spike in families fleeing fighting that are arriving in overcrowded camps in Mogadishu. The camps are already overfilled with people affected by drought.” Victor Mose, the NRC’s country director in Somalia, said in a statement Monday.

Moses said people affected by both the conflict and drought “have to endured multiple crisis at once and this can push them over the brink.”

According to the United Nations, half of Somalia’s population is in need of humanitarian aid as parts of the country try to cope with a severe drought.

Abdulaziz Osman of VOA’s Somali Service contributed to this report.

Hawaii on Frontlines of Preparing for Nuclear Attack

As tensions escalate between North Korea and the United States, Hawaii finds itself on the frontlines in preparing for a nuclear attack. Whether or not North Korea has developed the capability of hitting the islands with a missile, state officials aren’t taking any chances.

Starting in December, Hawaii will be testing its “Attack Warning” siren for the first time since the Cold War in the 1980s. The state is adding the signal to its monthly “Attention Alert” test, which warns people of an incoming tsunami or hurricane.

While the wailing siren could be used to warn of a nuclear strike from North Korea, Vern Miyagi, administrator of the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA), said he thinks an attack is unlikely.

“If North Korea launches against us or our allies, the retaliation would be complete and they would defeat North Korea’s ambition to continue its regime. So if they did launch an attack against us, the regime would be probably end,” said Miyagi.

Nevertheless, HI-EMA is ramping up efforts to educate the state’s 1.4 million residents and also visitors on how to prepare for a nuclear attack.

“Hawaii is a likely target, ‘cause we’re in the Pacific, we’re closer in to North Korea than most of the continental United States,” Miyagi pointed out, “so it’s something we need to prepare for. As we track the news and we see the tests, both missile launches and nuclear tests, it’s the elephant in the room. We can’t ignore it.”

That’s why the state has posted guidelines online to prepare people for a nuclear attack. It’s also getting the word out through community meetings and public service announcements.

Echoes of Dec. 7, 1941

World War II veteran Ted Tsukiyama recalled hearing the air-raid warning sirens after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

“Sirens were installed all over the city after the war started. And they would test them every now and them. I remember hearing the sirens going off. The radio would give us a warning, ‘this is only a test,’ don’t get alarmed and all that,” said Tsukiyama.

Tsukiyama, who’s now in his late 90s, said he isn’t surprised the sirens are coming back because Hawaii has long been a defense outpost. It’s home to the U.S. Pacific Command, the military’s headquarters for the Asia-Pacific region. “I suppose that’s necessary as a precaution, but I don’t think North Korea is gonna attack. They’d be foolish to threaten South Korea, or Japan, or the U.S.,” he said.

Make a plan

U.S. officials estimate a North Korean missile could reach Hawaii in about 20 minutes. It would take 5 minutes for authorities to determine its target, which would leave about 12-15 minutes to warn the public.

Despite the state’s public outreach and education efforts, Miyagi said there are still misconceptions.

“The first one that I’ve heard is that we shouldn’t prepare, we shouldn’t plan because it’s never going to happen, so we’re wasting our time. But again, when you see all of the things in the news, and the tests, missile launches, I can’t ignore it. So we have to continue planning as if it’s there and it may happen.”

The second misconception, he said, is fatalistic. “’There’s no use preparing, no use planning because if it’s a nuclear attack we’re all going to die.’ But based on what the threat is right now, if there is an impact there’ll be many, many survivors, 80 percent, 90 percent survivors.”

So Miyagi encouraged everyone to have a plan and know where to “shelter in place” ahead of time. Officials also recommend having enough food and water to survive for 48 hours, and supplies to last up to 14 days… just in case.

В Одесі вимагають відставки регіональних очільників поліції і прокуратури

В Одесі активісти 27 листопада вимагали звільнити прокурора і керівника поліції Одещини – Олега Жученка і Дмитра Головіна. Як повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода, на акцію біля управління поліції Одещини прийшли декілька десятків людей.

Активісти заявили про «репресії проти тих, хто 18 листопада повстав на захист Літнього театру».

«Останнім часом Одеса перетворилася на джерело дестабілізації в країні. Якщо центральна влада хоче зберегти спокій в місті, то має ухвалити вольове рішення – звільнити прокурора і начальника поліції», – зазначив один зі спікерів мітингу юрист Артем Карташов.

У поліції переслідування за «активну громадянську позицію» і упередженість щодо активістів заперечили. «Усі громадяни України рівні перед законом. Йдеться про конкретні правопорушення», – мовиться в заяві прес-служби ГУНП України в Одеській області.

За кілька кварталів від поліцейського управління відучора триває пікетування прокуратури Одеської області. Як передає кореспондент Радіо Свобода, біля будівлі встановлений намет, складовані шини, цілодобово чергують активісти, в металевій бочці горить багаття.

18 листопада заздалегідь анонсований мирний протест одеситів проти приватної забудови Літнього театру, що в Міському саду, переріс у сутички з поліцією. Було застосовано сльозогіний газ, піротехніку, каміння. За даними поліції, постраждали близько 30 правоохоронців, у тому числі очільник поліції Одещини Дмитро Головін.

За звинуваченням «у масових заворушеннях» (стаття 294 Кримінального Кодексу України) двох активістів заарештували на 60 діб: Сергія Стерненка – із правом на внесення застави в 600 тисяч гривень, Дем’яна Ганула – без права на заставу. Суд над третім, Ігорем Резуном, триває.

27 листопада голова Одеської обласної державної адміністрації Максим Степанов вніс за Сергія Стерненка заставу 600 тисяч гривень. Як повідомив адвокат Вадим Оксюта, найближчим часом його підзахисний вийде зі слідчого ізолятора. Водночас готується апеляційна скарга на рішення Приморського районного суду Одеси. 

India’s Global Entrepreneurial Summit to Focus on Women

Startup founders, investors and tech leaders from around the world are heading to Hyderabad, India for the 8th annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit, co-hosted by the U.S. and Indian governments.

Ivanka Trump, adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump and his daughter, will join host Prime Minister Narendra Modi in kicking off the three-day event, which will focus on women in business. More than 1,500 participants from 150 countries are expected at the event, which runs from November 28 through 30.


It had not been clear whether the Trump administration would continue the annual summit that was launched at the White House by the Obama administration in 2010. Trump has focused on domestic growth and U.S. job creation with an “America first” message.

But in June, Prime Minister Modi, while visiting the White House, announced that the two countries would co-host the summit.


America first, global partners


The gathering comes as the U.S. and India appear to be working to strengthen ties.


Having an “America first” economic policy is “not exclusive of collaboration, partnership and strong economic security and social relationships around the world,” said a senior administration official, speaking anonymously.


The summit is “a testament to the strong friendship between our two people and the growing economic and security partnership between our two nations,” said Ivanka Trump during a news conference this week.

Participants at this year’s summit will represent four industry sectors — energy and infrastructure, health care and life sciences, financial technology and digital economy, and media and entertainment.


Women in majority


In a first for the event, women will represent 52 percent of the attendees. Ten countries, including Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, are sending all female delegations.


In advance of the summit, the Indian state of Telangana, where Hyderabad is located, has been working to clean up the city, and there have been reports of beggars being relocated.

“We know that the Indian government is really firmly committed to raising individuals out of poverty and to create economic opportunity for its large and diverse population and we think they are making great progress,” said another U.S. official.

Advocates say Texas Exploiting Day Laborers After Harvey

Guillermo Miranda Vazquez starts his day in a parking lot near the Home Depot where he easily finds work alongside other day laborers who are cleaning up Houston after Hurricane Harvey.

Some days, he clears rotted drywall and hauls out furniture and carpet destroyed by Harvey’s floodwaters. Other days, he chops fallen trees or helps to lay the foundations for new homes. He ventures daily into homes wearing a T-shirt, work pants and tennis shoes, often while surrounded by the pungent stench and raw sewage that flowed into homes during the flooding.


“I always wash and scrub myself, and I use alcohol or something similar so that I don’t get infected,” said Miranda, a native of Guatemala. “I haven’t gotten sick yet.”


Hundreds of day laborers like Miranda have quietly become an integral part of the recovery from Harvey, toiling in dangerous conditions amid the fear of being picked up by immigration authorities.


Harvey damaged or destroyed 200,000 homes and flooded much of Houston and smaller coastal communities with record amounts of rain and high winds. In a construction industry that already had labor shortages before the storm, it created a massive demand for the kind of work that day laborers have long performed after hurricanes and tropical storms.

Day laborers interviewed by The Associated Press said they’ve been hired by a mix of individual homeowners, work crews from out of state, and subcontractors working on residential and commercial buildings. Mostly immigrants, they operate in plain sight, gathering early in the morning in parking lots near construction stores and gas stations, and waiting to be offered work.


Advocates from the National Day Laborer Organizing Network recently fanned out to these sites with pens and clipboards to survey the workers about the conditions they’re experiencing. Interviews suggested most are routinely exposed to mold and contamination, and aren’t aware of legal protections they have even if they’re not in the country legally. Advocates have been passing out flyers with information and holding worker trainings.

About a quarter of the more than 350 workers surveyed said they had been denied wages promised for cleanup work after Harvey, sometimes by employers who abandoned them at work sites after they had completed a job, according to a report on the survey by Nik Theodore, a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Around 85 percent had not received safety training.


More than 70 percent of the day laborers are in the U.S. illegally, some of them having previously been deported, the survey found. Their wages have stayed at around $100 a day, according to the survey, though some individual laborers said they were being paid more after the hurricane.

The problems they face have cropped up after every major recent storm. Day laborers were an integral part of Houston’s rebuilding after Hurricane Ike in 2008 and more recent storms that flooded neighborhoods in 2015 and 2016. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, one survey found that workers without legal authorization were being paid less and were less likely to have protective equipment than those who were in the country legally.


But while the federal government temporarily suspended some work-authorization laws after Katrina, the Trump administration ramped up immigration-related arrests this year and resumed field operations after Harvey. And Texas this year passed a law that prohibits police departments from stopping their officers from asking people about their legal status or cooperating with federal immigration authorities. Much of the law took effect a month after Harvey hit, when an appeals court overruled a federal judge’s ruling against it.


Martin Mares, a native of Mexico who settled in Houston in 1995, said he’s not worried about police stopping him or turning him over to immigration authorities while in the city, which joined several others in fighting the new law in court. But he said he’s concerned about working in the suburbs or outlying areas, where law enforcement was more supportive of it.

The demand for labor has also drawn in people who are unaccustomed to the work and untrained in basic safety measures, Mares said. He recently saw a pregnant woman cleaning an apartment building that had flooded without wearing gloves.


“People don’t analyze it. They don’t see the consequences,” Mares said. “They go to work without knowing whether the business will even pay them.”


In Houston, which has an estimated 600,000 residents who are in the country illegally, community leaders worry about the impact of immigration policies on worker safety. Even day laborers without legal residency are entitled to federal protections against wage theft and safety hazards.


“These people are scared,” said Stan Marek, who owns a Houston-based construction company and has long pushed for a program to legalize workers. “They’re not going to go to the police if they get robbed. It’s a formula for disaster in our community.”


Sitting on the curb outside the Home Depot recently, Miranda said he has often dealt with employers — or “patrones” — who didn’t pay what they promised, but that he hadn’t reported anyone to the police.


“This is a country where I’m here as an immigrant. I don’t have anything,” Miranda said. “The day they catch me, they’ll deport me.”