EU China to Promote WTO Rules Upgrade

As Washington and Beijing teeter on the brink of a possible trade war, the European Union and China have agreed to launch a working group to promote reform at the World Trade Organization. The move is part of an effort to upgrade the global trade system’s toolbox and ward off growing threats to the multilateral trade system and body.

According to a top EU official, the reform group would look at ways to modernize regulations and address the problem of state subsidies and other unfair trade practices.

How willing a participant Beijing will be in that effort is unclear as most of the EU’s proposed upgrades are connected to unfair trade measures, practices and policies that exist in China. The same concerns are driving the administration of President Donald Trump to press forward with the possible threat of heavy tariffs on some $34 billion in Chinese goods.

The Trump administration announced Monday that it is also mulling restrictions on foreign investments in technology. 

European Union Vice President Jyrki Katainen admits that the effort to try and promote reform of WTO rules will not be easy. He said it would take time and that China would have different views on priorities. 

But, Katainen added that if nothing is done, “the environment for multilateral trade will vanish.”

State media in China has portrayed Monday’s meetings with EU officials, a high-level dialogue ahead of next month’s EU-China summit, as the two teaming up to combat “unilateralism and protectionism” and promote globalization and protecting the global economy.

The European Union wants the reform effort to address issues such as industrial subsidies and unfair trade practices such as the forced transfer of technology in exchange for market access. 

“The two issues together are some of the reasons why, not the only reasons but some of the reasons why the president of the United States is taking unilateral action,” Katainen said, adding that the issue instead has to be solved in an orderly manner.

The basic idea is to update the WTO so that it is better suited to the current realities of the modern world, he said.

“The EU is not siding with any party or any country, the only thing we are siding with is rules-based trade,” Katainen said.

Chinese state media have portrayed the effort as a sign that Washington’s trade actions are creating a united front between the EU and China. A report in the Beijing-based newspaper Global Times called the joint effort to combat “unilateralism” and “protectionism” a “clear rebuttal of punitive U.S. tariffs on European and Chinese goods” and defense of the “multilateral trade system.” 

A report in the China Daily highlighted how trade frictions were bolstering closer trade ties between the EU and China. 

At the release of a survey on the business climate in China last week, the head of a top European businesses lobby noted that some companies, perhaps one or two, have already seen benefits from the ongoing trade dispute. 

Mats Harborn, president of the European Chamber of Commerce, said that it was not possible to tell if that is a trend but added that trade tensions are not good for business. 

“We don’t want companies to benefit from this trade war, we would like to see that we are all competing on a level playing field in China,” Harborn said.

In remarks following meetings with Katainen on Monday, Vice Premier Liu He did not mention the reform working group proposal for the WTO specifically. He did say that both countries agreed to pay attention to market access issues facing businesses on both sides and that they agreed to “reform the multi-lateral trade system and keep it advancing with the times.”

At a so-called “press conference” with Katainen, where journalists were not allowed to ask questions, Liu said “unilateralism and trade protectionism” was on the rise and that the European Union and China agreed to prevent such practices from impacting the world economy or dragging it into recession. 

Monday’s high-level dialogue was held in preparation for the EU-China Summit, which will be held next month on July 16-17th. During that meeting the two are looking to move forward a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment and to exchange market access offers. 

EU China to Promote WTO Rules Upgrade

As Washington and Beijing teeter on the brink of a possible trade war, the European Union and China have agreed to launch a working group to promote reform at the World Trade Organization. The move is part of an effort to upgrade the global trade system’s toolbox and ward off growing threats to the multilateral trade system and body.

According to a top EU official, the reform group would look at ways to modernize regulations and address the problem of state subsidies and other unfair trade practices.

How willing a participant Beijing will be in that effort is unclear as most of the EU’s proposed upgrades are connected to unfair trade measures, practices and policies that exist in China. The same concerns are driving the administration of President Donald Trump to press forward with the possible threat of heavy tariffs on some $34 billion in Chinese goods.

The Trump administration announced Monday that it is also mulling restrictions on foreign investments in technology. 

European Union Vice President Jyrki Katainen admits that the effort to try and promote reform of WTO rules will not be easy. He said it would take time and that China would have different views on priorities. 

But, Katainen added that if nothing is done, “the environment for multilateral trade will vanish.”

State media in China has portrayed Monday’s meetings with EU officials, a high-level dialogue ahead of next month’s EU-China summit, as the two teaming up to combat “unilateralism and protectionism” and promote globalization and protecting the global economy.

The European Union wants the reform effort to address issues such as industrial subsidies and unfair trade practices such as the forced transfer of technology in exchange for market access. 

“The two issues together are some of the reasons why, not the only reasons but some of the reasons why the president of the United States is taking unilateral action,” Katainen said, adding that the issue instead has to be solved in an orderly manner.

The basic idea is to update the WTO so that it is better suited to the current realities of the modern world, he said.

“The EU is not siding with any party or any country, the only thing we are siding with is rules-based trade,” Katainen said.

Chinese state media have portrayed the effort as a sign that Washington’s trade actions are creating a united front between the EU and China. A report in the Beijing-based newspaper Global Times called the joint effort to combat “unilateralism” and “protectionism” a “clear rebuttal of punitive U.S. tariffs on European and Chinese goods” and defense of the “multilateral trade system.” 

A report in the China Daily highlighted how trade frictions were bolstering closer trade ties between the EU and China. 

At the release of a survey on the business climate in China last week, the head of a top European businesses lobby noted that some companies, perhaps one or two, have already seen benefits from the ongoing trade dispute. 

Mats Harborn, president of the European Chamber of Commerce, said that it was not possible to tell if that is a trend but added that trade tensions are not good for business. 

“We don’t want companies to benefit from this trade war, we would like to see that we are all competing on a level playing field in China,” Harborn said.

In remarks following meetings with Katainen on Monday, Vice Premier Liu He did not mention the reform working group proposal for the WTO specifically. He did say that both countries agreed to pay attention to market access issues facing businesses on both sides and that they agreed to “reform the multi-lateral trade system and keep it advancing with the times.”

At a so-called “press conference” with Katainen, where journalists were not allowed to ask questions, Liu said “unilateralism and trade protectionism” was on the rise and that the European Union and China agreed to prevent such practices from impacting the world economy or dragging it into recession. 

Monday’s high-level dialogue was held in preparation for the EU-China Summit, which will be held next month on July 16-17th. During that meeting the two are looking to move forward a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment and to exchange market access offers. 

Trump Meets Jordan’s Abdullah as US Prepares to Unveil Middle East Peace Plan

As the U.S. prepares to roll out its Middle East peace plan, President Donald Trump meets with King Abdullah of Jordan about stalled Israeli-Palestinian negotiations on a deal. So far the White House has not disclosed details about the peace process. White House correspondent Patsy Widakuswara has more from the White House.

Migrant Detainees to Be Housed at 2 Bases in Texas

U.S. defense officials say the Trump administration has chosen two military bases in Texas — Fort Bliss and Goodfellow Air Force Base — to house detained migrants.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the record about a pending announcement.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis had said Sunday that two bases had been selected but he would not identify them.

One official said unaccompanied children detained after crossing the U.S. border would be sheltered at one of the bases and the other base would house families of migrant detainees. Under the arrangement, the Defense Department would provide the land but the operations would be run by other agencies.

Trump Again Assails Court Hearings for Illegal Border Crossers

U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday again assailed judicial review for illegal border crossers, contending that the migrants ought to immediately be sent back to their homelands.

The American Civil Liberties Union said Sunday that the U.S. leader’s call to end legal hearings for undocumented immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. was unconstitutional. But Trump rejected that view in a pair of new Twitter comments.

“Hiring many thousands (sic) of judges, and going through a long and complicated legal process, is not the way to go – will always be dysfunctional (sic),” he said. “People must simply be stopped at the Border and told they cannot come into the U.S. illegally.”

He contended that if children and their parents are sent home, “illegal immigration will be stopped in it’s (sic) tracks – and at very little, by comparison, cost. This is the only real answer – and we must continue to BUILD THE WALL!”

Trump’s latest comments echoed his thoughts Sunday when he first called for ending judicial review of asylum claims, saying “when somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came.”

“We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country,” he said. “Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order.” Trump claimed that the U.S. immigration law is “laughed at all over the world, is very unfair to all of those people who have gone through the system legally and are waiting on line for years!”

The ACLU said what Trump is suggesting “is both illegal and unconstitutional. Any official who has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and laws should disavow it unequivocally.”

The United States for years has granted court hearings to migrants fleeing violence in Mexico and Central American countries and from elsewhere in the world, and who are looking for better economic fortunes in the United States.

Trump’s demand to end that legal process would face stiff opposition in Congress, which for years has been stalemated on changes to U.S. immigration policies and has been unable to enact new migration laws.

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is planning to vote this week on comprehensive immigration policy changes after last week defeating a tougher version of new immigration controls.

Also last week, Trump signed an executive order maintaining his “zero tolerance” policy of detaining and prosecuting everyone entering the country illegally, but ending the practice of separating immigrant parents and children.

Logistical questions about those being detained have sent multiple government agencies in search of solutions, including how to provide housing.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters traveling with him on a trip to China that the Pentagon is working closely with the Department of Homeland Security to build temporary camps on two military bases. Mattis said he could not yet name them, but promised to provide those details Monday.

He said military personnel do not play any enforcement role that is carried out by DHS, but have experience in supporting refugees and victims of natural disasters.

“This is something that we can do again — whether it be refugee boat people from Vietnam, people who have been knocked out of their homes by a hurricane — absolutely it’s appropriate the military provide logistics support however it’s needed,” Mattis said.

The U.S. says it knows the location of 2,053 children it is holding who were separated from their parents in recent weeks as they entered the country illegally along its southern border with Mexico. The U.S. said it is now working to reunite the families. The Department of Homeland Security said over the weekend it has returned 522 children to their parents, with many of them held together in detention centers while awaiting court proceedings to consider their bids for asylum.

But how quickly the remaining reunifications might occur remains an open question. A processing center in the southwestern state of Texas has been set up for the reunifications, which could lead to the deportation of some of the families.

Герасим’юк подала заяву про відставку з посади заступниці голови Нацради

Ольга Герасим’юк просить звільнити її з посади заступниці голови Національної ради з питань телебачення і радіомовлення. Про це вона повідомила Радіо Свобода.

Герасим’юк також надала Радіо Свобода фотокопію своєї заяви. У ній журналістка пише, що в Нацраді «створено неприйнятні для незалежної регуляторної діяльності умови».

«Склалася негативна морально-етична атмосфера, що унеможливлює прозоре колегіальне ухвалення рішень, які би сприяли розвитку та зміцненню інформаційної сфери в державі. Робота незалежного регулятора помітно політизується. Стало можливим поширення з Національної ради офіційним шляхом спотвореної та зманіпульованої інформації, яка носить наклепницький характер», – зазначає Герасим’юк.

Вона підкреслює, що «така ситуація руйнує головну мету, якій треба служити – під загрозу ставиться сама суть свободи слова, яка навпаки сьогодні потребує піклування й захисту».

У Нацраді наразі офіційно не коментували заяву журналістки.

Герасим’юк призначена членом Національної ради України з питань телебачення і радіомовлення 4 липня 2014 року. Працювала позаштатним кореспондентом ВВС, автором-ведучою на телеканалі «1+1», згодом стала генеральним продюсером ТРК «Студія «1+1». Була народним депутатом п’ятого і шостого скликань Верховної Ради.

Згідно із законодавством, заяву Герасим’юк про звільнення має розглянути Нацрада.

ГПУ: одному з найближчих соратників Лазаренка повідомили про підозру

Правоохоронці повідомили про підозру одному з найближчих соратників колишнього прем’єр-міністра України Павла Лазаренка, повідомив заступник генерального прокурора України Євген Єнін в інтерв’ю агентству «Укрінформ».

«Паралельно ми ведемо розслідування щодо спільників Павла Лазаренка, причетних до розкрадання державних коштів. Буквально 22 червня ми проводили обшуки та оголосили про підозру у відмиванні коштів, здобутих злочинним шляхом, одному з найближчих соратників Лазаренка, який легковажно розраховував, що українські правоохоронці забули про 16 мільйонів доларів на його рахунках у Швейцарії», – сказав Єнін.

Він не назвав імені посадовця, однак зазначив, що ця людина раніше вже була фігурантом кримінального провадження щодо розкрадання державної власності в особливо великих розмірах, однак була звільнена від кримінальної відповідальності за нереабілітуючих обставин, оскільки сплив термін давності.

Відповідаючи на питання, коли можна очікувати на завершення процесу в США над колишнім прем’єром Лазаренком і повернення до України частини коштів, Єнін сказав, що «між усіма зацікавленими сторонами підтримується постійний діалог щодо погоджених дій, спрямованих на якомога швидше завершення процесу».

«Останні контакти з цього питання ГПУ мала буквально кілька тижнів тому», – розповів заступник генерального прокурора України, додавши, що на рахунках Лазаренка та пов’язаних із ним структур заарештовано близько 280 мільйонів доларів у п’яти різних юрисдикціях.

Павло Лазаренко втік із України 1999 року і врешті опинився у США, де без успіху домагався притулку й натомість був засуджений більш ніж на вісім років позбавлення волі, значного штрафу і конфіскації майна за звинуваченнями, пов’язаними з відмиванням коштів. 2012 року він вийшов на волю після закінчення терміну і, за повідомленнями, отримав право на мешкання у США, де й живе з родиною – другою дружиною, своєю колишньою перекладачкою на судах у США, і їхніми трьома дітьми. Тим часом правоохоронні органи США далі продовжують з’ясовувати подробиці щодо відмитих ним коштів.

US VP to Focus on Venezuela in 3rd Trip to Latin America

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will visit Brazil this week, but the focus of his trip will be the deteriorating humanitarian situation in neighboring Venezuela.

It’s the vice president’s third trip to the region, and previous visits also emphasized efforts to isolate the socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro.


The trip also comes at a time when U.S.-Brazil relations are in a holding pattern. The South American country is reeling from a colossal corruption scandal, struggling to recover from a deep recession and trying to look beyond the remaining months of President Michel Temer’s lame duck administration ahead of October elections.




Понад 10 тисяч кримчан звернулися за закордонними паспортами в Херсонську область – ДМС

За п’ять місяців 2018 року Державна міграційна служба України в Херсонській області отримала від кримчан понад 10 тисяч запитів на оформлення закордонних паспортів, повідомила головний спеціаліст зі зв’язків із громадськістю ДМСУ в регіоні Вікторія Магдич в ефірі проекту Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії.

«За п’ять місяців 2018 року ми видали 1 259 паспортів нового зразка – книжку ми не виготовляємо, це біометричні ID-картки. За закордонними паспортами звернулися вже понад 10 тисяч кримчан за той же період, а з початку окупації ми надали понад 150 тисяч адміністративних послуг жителям півострова. Сюди входять і заміна паспортів, і вклеювання фото, і закордонні паспорти», – зазначила Магдич.

11 червня 2017 року набрала чинності візова лібералізація для українців при короткотермінових подорожах до країн ЄС і «шенгену» (до 90 днів протягом кожних 180 днів без права працевлаштування). Безвізовий режим стосується всіх держав-членів Європейського союзу, крім Великої Британії й Ірландії, а також країн «шенгенської зони» з-поза меж ЄС. Цей режим наразі не стосується так званих «заморських володінь» Нідерландів і Франції.

Щоб скористатися безвізовим режимом з ЄС, українцям треба мати біометричний паспорт і, якщо попросять прикордонники – довести мету й умови поїздки, свою платоспроможність.

11 червня 2018 року в ДПСУ повідомили, що за рік існування безвізового режиму до країн Європейського союзу вирушили майже 20,3 мільйона українців, з яких майже 4,8 мільйона мали біометричні паспорти та понад 555 тисяч громадян скористалися передбаченою спрощеною процедурою перетину кордону.

Uber Argues it Should Remain in Business in London

Uber argued Monday that is should be allowed to keep driving on the streets of London, telling a court that the ride-hailing app has made significant changes since a regulator refused to renew the company’s operating license last year.


Lawyers for the company opened their case in an effort to overturn Transport for London’s ruling in September that Uber was not a “fit and proper” company after repeated lapses in corporate responsibility. Uber attorney Tom de la Mare said the ruling led to “wholesale change” at the company.


“It’s profound and very much for the better,” he said at the Westminster Magistrates Court.


The regulator had raised a number of concerns about Uber, including driver vetting, the way it reports serious criminal offences and the use of technology that allegedly helps the company evade law enforcement officials.


Since then, De la Mare argued, three Transport for London inspections have shown a “perfect record of compliance.” Uber has said it has also made significant changes to its leadership and has been proactively reporting serious incidents to the Metropolitan Police.


De la Mare argues the measures show a “change of a business that grew very fast to one that has grown up.”


Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot will rule whether Uber is “fit and proper” to hold a license in the capital now, as opposed to whether transport authorities made the right decision September.




Uber Argues it Should Remain in Business in London

Uber argued Monday that is should be allowed to keep driving on the streets of London, telling a court that the ride-hailing app has made significant changes since a regulator refused to renew the company’s operating license last year.


Lawyers for the company opened their case in an effort to overturn Transport for London’s ruling in September that Uber was not a “fit and proper” company after repeated lapses in corporate responsibility. Uber attorney Tom de la Mare said the ruling led to “wholesale change” at the company.


“It’s profound and very much for the better,” he said at the Westminster Magistrates Court.


The regulator had raised a number of concerns about Uber, including driver vetting, the way it reports serious criminal offences and the use of technology that allegedly helps the company evade law enforcement officials.


Since then, De la Mare argued, three Transport for London inspections have shown a “perfect record of compliance.” Uber has said it has also made significant changes to its leadership and has been proactively reporting serious incidents to the Metropolitan Police.


De la Mare argues the measures show a “change of a business that grew very fast to one that has grown up.”


Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot will rule whether Uber is “fit and proper” to hold a license in the capital now, as opposed to whether transport authorities made the right decision September.




Harley, Stung by Tariffs, Shifts Some Production Overseas

Harley-Davidson, facing rising costs from new tariffs, will begin shifting the production of motorcycles heading for Europe from the U.S. to factories overseas.


The famed motorcycle maker said in a regulatory filing Monday that European Union tariffs on its motorcycles exported from the U.S. jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent.


Harley-Davidson Inc. said that it will not raise its prices due to “an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region.”



Harley, Stung by Tariffs, Shifts Some Production Overseas

Harley-Davidson, facing rising costs from new tariffs, will begin shifting the production of motorcycles heading for Europe from the U.S. to factories overseas.


The famed motorcycle maker said in a regulatory filing Monday that European Union tariffs on its motorcycles exported from the U.S. jumped from 6 percent to 31 percent.


Harley-Davidson Inc. said that it will not raise its prices due to “an immediate and lasting detrimental impact to its business in the region.”



Trump Threatens New Tariffs on Trading Partners

President Donald Trump has issued a warning to U.S. trading partners that unless they remove restrictions placed on American goods, they will face “more than Reciprocity by the U.S.A.”

“The United States is insisting that all countries that have placed artificial Trade Barriers and Tariffs on goods going into their country, remove those Barriers & Tariffs or be met with more than Reciprocity by the U.S.A. Trade must be fair and no longer a one way street!” Trump tweeted Sunday.

Trump has already annoyed major U.S. trading partners, including China, Canada, Mexico, the European Union and India, by imposing tariffs on steel, aluminum and other products from those countries.

On Friday, Trump threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on vehicles assembled in the European Union and shipped to the United States, in retaliation for European tariffs on American imports.

That threat was in response to EU tariffs on billions of dollars’ worth of American goods — including jeans, bourbon and motorcycles, which in turn were in response to trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum.

The U.S. is scheduled to start taxing more than $30 billion in Chinese imports in two weeks.

Like the EU, China has promised to retaliate immediately, putting the world’s two largest economies at odds.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce senior Vice President John Murphy was cited by the Associated Press as saying he estimates that $75 billion in U.S. products could be subjected to new foreign tariffs by the end of the first week of July.

Separately, a spokesman for China’s Commerce Ministry said, “The U.S. is abusing the tariff methods and starting trade wars all around the world.”

During his presidential campaign, Trump promised to apply tariffs because he said countries around the world had been exploiting the U.S.


Trump Threatens New Tariffs on Trading Partners

President Donald Trump has issued a warning to U.S. trading partners that unless they remove restrictions placed on American goods, they will face “more than Reciprocity by the U.S.A.”

“The United States is insisting that all countries that have placed artificial Trade Barriers and Tariffs on goods going into their country, remove those Barriers & Tariffs or be met with more than Reciprocity by the U.S.A. Trade must be fair and no longer a one way street!” Trump tweeted Sunday.

Trump has already annoyed major U.S. trading partners, including China, Canada, Mexico, the European Union and India, by imposing tariffs on steel, aluminum and other products from those countries.

On Friday, Trump threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on vehicles assembled in the European Union and shipped to the United States, in retaliation for European tariffs on American imports.

That threat was in response to EU tariffs on billions of dollars’ worth of American goods — including jeans, bourbon and motorcycles, which in turn were in response to trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum.

The U.S. is scheduled to start taxing more than $30 billion in Chinese imports in two weeks.

Like the EU, China has promised to retaliate immediately, putting the world’s two largest economies at odds.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce senior Vice President John Murphy was cited by the Associated Press as saying he estimates that $75 billion in U.S. products could be subjected to new foreign tariffs by the end of the first week of July.

Separately, a spokesman for China’s Commerce Ministry said, “The U.S. is abusing the tariff methods and starting trade wars all around the world.”

During his presidential campaign, Trump promised to apply tariffs because he said countries around the world had been exploiting the U.S.


Celebration, Defiance Mix at NYC Gay Pride Parade

Celebration and pride mixed with defiance in New York City on Sunday as throngs of people crowded the streets, rainbow flags waving, for the annual gay pride march.


Tennis legend Billie Jean King was one of the grand marshals, along with transgender advocate Tyler Ford and civil rights organization Lambda Legal. The event, and others like it around the country, commemorated the riots that erupted in response to a police raid at a New York gay bar called the Stonewall Inn in June 1969.


Onlookers and participants in New York noted those origins at Sunday’s event, which was both a celebration of the diversity of LGBT culture and a statement against anti-LGBT policies promoted by President Donald Trump, such as the Republican president’s attempt to ban all transgender people from serving in the military. They also spoke out against policies aimed at other communities, like immigrants and minorities.


“We’re making a statement that we’re here, everybody. Whether it’s immigrants, whether it’s queer people or people of color, we’re not going to put up with what this administration is doing,” said Diego Molano, of Queens, at his second pride parade. “You can’t just cage everybody up.”


Olivia Nadler, a Connecticut resident attending her third parade, said, “People that are oppressed are not going to go away, they’re not going to be quiet, they’re not going to be ignored.”


Among the signs people were carrying in the parade were phrases like, “Black and brown and trans lives matter” and “No more guns.”


Ohemaa Dixon, 20, from Brooklyn, teared up as she spoke about what the parade meant to her and the joy she felt in seeing everyone come out to attend.

“It’s okay to be who you are and love who you love and dress how you want to dress and do what you want to do because I think it’s so important to be who you are and who you love,” she said. “I’m getting emotional about it because I think it’s so beautiful when people are who they are. That’s why I love coming to these things. I think it’s really cool that people come and they are exactly who they want to be.”


 Elected officials, including New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, were among those attending the march.


Before it started, Cuomo officially unveiled a New York state memorial to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people that honors victims of intolerance. Placed in Hudson River Park, it has nine boulders with pieces of glass installed in them that can act as prisms and reflect rainbows in sunlight.


Cuomo formed the commission to come up with an LGBT memorial after the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando that left 49 people dead.


The theme of this year’s march was “Defiantly Different.” Eighty floats and tens of thousands of marchers were expected.


In San Francisco, a weekend of gay pride events was finishing with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Parade and March through the city.


Organizers expected large crowds for the event, which included more than 240 contingents. This year’s theme was “Generations of Strength.


Celebration, Defiance Mix at NYC Gay Pride Parade

Celebration and pride mixed with defiance in New York City on Sunday as throngs of people crowded the streets, rainbow flags waving, for the annual gay pride march.


Tennis legend Billie Jean King was one of the grand marshals, along with transgender advocate Tyler Ford and civil rights organization Lambda Legal. The event, and others like it around the country, commemorated the riots that erupted in response to a police raid at a New York gay bar called the Stonewall Inn in June 1969.


Onlookers and participants in New York noted those origins at Sunday’s event, which was both a celebration of the diversity of LGBT culture and a statement against anti-LGBT policies promoted by President Donald Trump, such as the Republican president’s attempt to ban all transgender people from serving in the military. They also spoke out against policies aimed at other communities, like immigrants and minorities.


“We’re making a statement that we’re here, everybody. Whether it’s immigrants, whether it’s queer people or people of color, we’re not going to put up with what this administration is doing,” said Diego Molano, of Queens, at his second pride parade. “You can’t just cage everybody up.”


Olivia Nadler, a Connecticut resident attending her third parade, said, “People that are oppressed are not going to go away, they’re not going to be quiet, they’re not going to be ignored.”


Among the signs people were carrying in the parade were phrases like, “Black and brown and trans lives matter” and “No more guns.”


Ohemaa Dixon, 20, from Brooklyn, teared up as she spoke about what the parade meant to her and the joy she felt in seeing everyone come out to attend.

“It’s okay to be who you are and love who you love and dress how you want to dress and do what you want to do because I think it’s so important to be who you are and who you love,” she said. “I’m getting emotional about it because I think it’s so beautiful when people are who they are. That’s why I love coming to these things. I think it’s really cool that people come and they are exactly who they want to be.”


 Elected officials, including New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, were among those attending the march.


Before it started, Cuomo officially unveiled a New York state memorial to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people that honors victims of intolerance. Placed in Hudson River Park, it has nine boulders with pieces of glass installed in them that can act as prisms and reflect rainbows in sunlight.


Cuomo formed the commission to come up with an LGBT memorial after the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando that left 49 people dead.


The theme of this year’s march was “Defiantly Different.” Eighty floats and tens of thousands of marchers were expected.


In San Francisco, a weekend of gay pride events was finishing with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Parade and March through the city.


Organizers expected large crowds for the event, which included more than 240 contingents. This year’s theme was “Generations of Strength.


Protests Continue Over Migrant Detentions, Despite Policy Change

Protests continue over the treatment of migrants detained in Texas for entering the United States illegally, although the Trump administration on Wednesday reversed its controversial practice of separating detained children and parents at the border.

On Sunday, about 30 parents who have been separated from their children by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol were released. U.S. officials had dropped criminal charges against the parents, who had been apprehended entering the country illegally.

Annunciation House, an El Paso, Texas, organization that aids immigrants, said it would be receiving the parents. It was not known how or when they might be reunited with their children.

Annunciation House Director Ruben Garcia said, “It is my understanding the charges were not dismissed by a judge, but rather they were withdrawn by the government.”

Garcia said the immigrants were given little guidance, other than an 800 number to call, to try to get information about their children. Some of the 30 parents were being held in the El Paso County facilities, he said.


Still, thousands of migrants remain in detention awaiting their court cases, and many are still apart from their children. As the dramatic story unfolds, Americans are hearing conflicting narratives.

On Sunday, about 100 people had gathered in Tornillo, Texas, where a children’s tent encampment has been built to deal with the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy. Protesters chanted, “Free the children now!” according to the El Paso Times.

At an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center in Otay Mesa, California, near the U.S.-Mexico border, protesters on Friday chanted “immigrants are welcome” and demanded the release of the families detained in Texas.

“They’ve got a big mess right now, families that are separated that can’t even talk to each other, connect with each other, make sure that everybody in the family is still okay,” said protester Jan Denny. “We’re not even sure yet how they’re going to get all these people reunited,” she added of the confusion surrounding the shifting policy.

At the White House on Friday, President Donald Trump highlighted other families whose loved ones had been killed by illegal immigrants. “These are the families the media ignores,” he said, as he introduced people holding photos of their loved ones.

“Respect this country. Respect the laws of this country, and then you can come in, like my family did,” said Agnes Gibboney, the mother of a son killed by an illegal immigrant.

The Trump administration says 500 of the more than 2,000 separated children have been reunited with their families.

Protesters in California say Trump is following a pattern of blaming migrants for the nation’s problems.

“Whether these are Chinese immigrants, whether these are Mexicano immigrants, and now Central American immigrants,” said a protester named Myron of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, “there has always been an excuse to blame others.”

Trump critics

Among those raising their voices at the rally was Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris of California.

Harris, a frequent Trump critic, toured an adult detention center, where she met with mothers separated from their family members and children. “This is a fight,” she said, “born out of knowing who we are and fighting for the ideals of our country.”

Julian Castro, a former San Antonio mayor and secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the Obama administration, told demonstrators in Tornillo Sunday that it’s an issue “about what is right and what is wrong.”

Trump has demanded better border security and a merit-based system of immigration. Protesters say he wants to bar immigrants from the developing world, who already face a hard path to entry and huge backlog of cases.

“We have a broken immigration system,” said Angelica Salas of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights. “This is not news to anybody.”

The immigration issue is divisive, but Andrew Pappas of Cincinnati, Ohio, told the Associated Press that he believes Trump’s goal “was not to tear families apart” but “to make Congress act on immigration reform.”

One California border protester, Ellen Montanari, said the issue is close to her heart because her adopted daughter is Latina, like most families in detention.

“We do need sane members of Congress to sit down and talk about what a reasonable immigration policy looks like,” Montanari said, although she worries that in this year of congressional elections, there will instead be more posturing.


Protests Continue Over Migrant Detentions, Despite Policy Change

Protests continue over the treatment of migrants detained in Texas for entering the United States illegally, although the Trump administration on Wednesday reversed its controversial practice of separating detained children and parents at the border.

On Sunday, about 30 parents who have been separated from their children by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol were released. U.S. officials had dropped criminal charges against the parents, who had been apprehended entering the country illegally.

Annunciation House, an El Paso, Texas, organization that aids immigrants, said it would be receiving the parents. It was not known how or when they might be reunited with their children.

Annunciation House Director Ruben Garcia said, “It is my understanding the charges were not dismissed by a judge, but rather they were withdrawn by the government.”

Garcia said the immigrants were given little guidance, other than an 800 number to call, to try to get information about their children. Some of the 30 parents were being held in the El Paso County facilities, he said.


Still, thousands of migrants remain in detention awaiting their court cases, and many are still apart from their children. As the dramatic story unfolds, Americans are hearing conflicting narratives.

On Sunday, about 100 people had gathered in Tornillo, Texas, where a children’s tent encampment has been built to deal with the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy. Protesters chanted, “Free the children now!” according to the El Paso Times.

At an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center in Otay Mesa, California, near the U.S.-Mexico border, protesters on Friday chanted “immigrants are welcome” and demanded the release of the families detained in Texas.

“They’ve got a big mess right now, families that are separated that can’t even talk to each other, connect with each other, make sure that everybody in the family is still okay,” said protester Jan Denny. “We’re not even sure yet how they’re going to get all these people reunited,” she added of the confusion surrounding the shifting policy.

At the White House on Friday, President Donald Trump highlighted other families whose loved ones had been killed by illegal immigrants. “These are the families the media ignores,” he said, as he introduced people holding photos of their loved ones.

“Respect this country. Respect the laws of this country, and then you can come in, like my family did,” said Agnes Gibboney, the mother of a son killed by an illegal immigrant.

The Trump administration says 500 of the more than 2,000 separated children have been reunited with their families.

Protesters in California say Trump is following a pattern of blaming migrants for the nation’s problems.

“Whether these are Chinese immigrants, whether these are Mexicano immigrants, and now Central American immigrants,” said a protester named Myron of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, “there has always been an excuse to blame others.”

Trump critics

Among those raising their voices at the rally was Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris of California.

Harris, a frequent Trump critic, toured an adult detention center, where she met with mothers separated from their family members and children. “This is a fight,” she said, “born out of knowing who we are and fighting for the ideals of our country.”

Julian Castro, a former San Antonio mayor and secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the Obama administration, told demonstrators in Tornillo Sunday that it’s an issue “about what is right and what is wrong.”

Trump has demanded better border security and a merit-based system of immigration. Protesters say he wants to bar immigrants from the developing world, who already face a hard path to entry and huge backlog of cases.

“We have a broken immigration system,” said Angelica Salas of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights. “This is not news to anybody.”

The immigration issue is divisive, but Andrew Pappas of Cincinnati, Ohio, told the Associated Press that he believes Trump’s goal “was not to tear families apart” but “to make Congress act on immigration reform.”

One California border protester, Ellen Montanari, said the issue is close to her heart because her adopted daughter is Latina, like most families in detention.

“We do need sane members of Congress to sit down and talk about what a reasonable immigration policy looks like,” Montanari said, although she worries that in this year of congressional elections, there will instead be more posturing.


Адвокат Сенцова оприлюднив документ, у якому Росія називає режисера українським громадянином

«Засуджений Сенцов О.Г. Громадянин Республіки Україна. Прибув етапом 09.10.2017», – йдеться в документі, який адвокат оприлюднив у Facebook

Адвокат Сенцова оприлюднив документ, у якому Росія називає режисера українським громадянином

«Засуджений Сенцов О.Г. Громадянин Республіки Україна. Прибув етапом 09.10.2017», – йдеться в документі, який адвокат оприлюднив у Facebook

Americans Hit the Road in Their Own ‘Homes’

For many Americans, the ultimate embodiment of their love for cars and freedom is renting or owning recreational vehicles, or RVs, which made their mass debut in the U.S. in 1930s, only to become more popular in ensuing decades. Today, more than nine million Americans own RVs and love traveling and spending their vacations in these miniature homes. Mariia Prus explains how it is possible to have everything needed for a comfortable trip in one vehicle or towed trailer. Steve Baragona narrates.

Americans Hit the Road in Their Own ‘Homes’

For many Americans, the ultimate embodiment of their love for cars and freedom is renting or owning recreational vehicles, or RVs, which made their mass debut in the U.S. in 1930s, only to become more popular in ensuing decades. Today, more than nine million Americans own RVs and love traveling and spending their vacations in these miniature homes. Mariia Prus explains how it is possible to have everything needed for a comfortable trip in one vehicle or towed trailer. Steve Baragona narrates.

UK Minister Tells Companies to Stop Brexit Warnings

A British minister accused Airbus and other major companies of issuing “completely inappropriate” threats and undermining Prime Minister Theresa May in a sign of growing tensions with businesses leaders over Brexit.

Aircraft manufacturer Airbus last week issued its strongest warning over the impact of Britain’s departure from the European Union, saying a withdrawal without a deal would force it to reconsider its long-term position and put thousands of British jobs at risk.

Other European companies with major operations in Britain have also started to speak out two years on from the Brexit vote, voicing concerns over a lack of clarity on the terms of trade when Britain leaves next March.

“It was completely inappropriate for businesses to be making these kinds of threats for one very simple reason — we are in an absolutely critical moment in the Brexit discussions and what that means is that we need to get behind Theresa May,” Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt told the BBC.

“The more that we undermine Theresa May the more likely we to end up with a fudge which will be absolute disaster for everyone,” he added.

German carmaker BMW has warned the company would have to make contingency plans within months if the government did not soon clarify its post-Brexit position and German

industrial group Siemens said it urgently needs clarity on how its operations would have to be organized.

The leaders of five major business lobby groups also warned the prime minister over the weekend that the ongoing uncertainty about Brexit could cost the economy billions of pounds.

Hunt, a senior figure in the government who is viewed as a potential future prime minister, dismissed “siren voices” who say Brexit negotiations are not going well and said people should ignore them.

With only nine months until Britain is due to leave the EU on March 29, little is clear about how trade will flow as May, who is grappling with a divided party, is still trying to strike a deal with the bloc.

Business leaders are increasingly concerned that their concerns are being ignored and are stepping up their contingency plans in case Britain crashes out of the EU without a deal.

The foreign minister Boris Johnson was quoted in the Telegraph newspaper by two sources over the weekend as dismissing business leaders’ concerns about the impact of Brexit, using foul language in a meeting with EU diplomats.

A spokesperson for the foreign office disputed whether Johnson had used bad language and said he had been attacking business lobbyists.

Around 100,000 supporters of the EU marched through central London on Saturday to demand that the government hold a final public vote on the terms of Brexit, organizers said.

UK Minister Tells Companies to Stop Brexit Warnings

A British minister accused Airbus and other major companies of issuing “completely inappropriate” threats and undermining Prime Minister Theresa May in a sign of growing tensions with businesses leaders over Brexit.

Aircraft manufacturer Airbus last week issued its strongest warning over the impact of Britain’s departure from the European Union, saying a withdrawal without a deal would force it to reconsider its long-term position and put thousands of British jobs at risk.

Other European companies with major operations in Britain have also started to speak out two years on from the Brexit vote, voicing concerns over a lack of clarity on the terms of trade when Britain leaves next March.

“It was completely inappropriate for businesses to be making these kinds of threats for one very simple reason — we are in an absolutely critical moment in the Brexit discussions and what that means is that we need to get behind Theresa May,” Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt told the BBC.

“The more that we undermine Theresa May the more likely we to end up with a fudge which will be absolute disaster for everyone,” he added.

German carmaker BMW has warned the company would have to make contingency plans within months if the government did not soon clarify its post-Brexit position and German

industrial group Siemens said it urgently needs clarity on how its operations would have to be organized.

The leaders of five major business lobby groups also warned the prime minister over the weekend that the ongoing uncertainty about Brexit could cost the economy billions of pounds.

Hunt, a senior figure in the government who is viewed as a potential future prime minister, dismissed “siren voices” who say Brexit negotiations are not going well and said people should ignore them.

With only nine months until Britain is due to leave the EU on March 29, little is clear about how trade will flow as May, who is grappling with a divided party, is still trying to strike a deal with the bloc.

Business leaders are increasingly concerned that their concerns are being ignored and are stepping up their contingency plans in case Britain crashes out of the EU without a deal.

The foreign minister Boris Johnson was quoted in the Telegraph newspaper by two sources over the weekend as dismissing business leaders’ concerns about the impact of Brexit, using foul language in a meeting with EU diplomats.

A spokesperson for the foreign office disputed whether Johnson had used bad language and said he had been attacking business lobbyists.

Around 100,000 supporters of the EU marched through central London on Saturday to demand that the government hold a final public vote on the terms of Brexit, organizers said.

Суд розгляне клопотання про умовно-дострокове звільнення Володимира Балуха – правозахисники

У Залізничному районному суді Сімферополя 25 червня відбудеться судове засідання, на якому мають розглянути клопотання захисту про умовно-дострокове звільнення голодуючого в СІЗО українського активіста Володимира Балуха.

Про це повідомляє «Кримська правозахисна група» в Facebook, інформує проект Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії.

«Балух свою провину не визнав. Суддя при повторному розгляді знову проігнорувала докази невинуватості українця та факти фальсифікації доказів у справі проти нього… Щодо Балуха справи мають явні ознаки політичного переслідування. Початок засідання об 11 годині», – йдеться в повідомленні правозахисників.

Володимир Балух 22 червня написав листа президенту України Петру Порошенку, в якому висловив надію, що цивілізований світ візьме до уваги «гіркий досвід історії» і зупинить агресивні дії Росії.

Балух продовжує безстрокове голодування, яке він оголосив 19 березня 2018 року через незгоду з судовими переслідуваннями, які називає сфальсифікованими – за його словам, щоб висловити своє «особисте презирство до окупаційного режиму та його жалюгідних намагань». Пізніше, на 25-й день голодування, після консультації з його громадським захисником архієпископом Климентом Володимир Балух вирішив перейти на інший режим протесту, щоб «максимально виключити ймовірність насильного годування»: він пив вівсяний кисіль і чай та з’їдав на день 50–70 грамів сухарів із чорного хліба, щоб підтримувати «балансування на нульовій позначці». Адвокат Ольга Дінзе повідомляла, що український активіст за час голодування втратив понад 30 кілограмів ваги.

Федеральна служба безпеки Росії затримала Володимира Балуха 8 грудня 2016 року в його будинку в селі Серебрянка Роздольненського району в окупованому Росією Криму. Співробітники ФСБ стверджували, що знайшли на горищі будинку, де живе Володимир Балух, 90 патронів і кілька тротилових шашок. Російська влада на півострові висунула Балухові обвинувачення у зберіганні боєприпасів, його засудили до 3 років і 5 місяців позбавлення волі в колонії-поселенні та до штрафу в розмірі 10 тисяч рублів (нині це майже 4200 гривень).

Згодом проти Балуха порушили ще одну справу – через заяви начальника ізолятора тимчасового тримання в селищі Роздольному, який стверджує, що Балух його побив. При цьому сам активіст і його захист заявляють, що це тюремник напав на нього.

Захист Балуха і правозахисники стверджують, що він став жертвою репресій за свою відверту проукраїнську позицію. Він, зокрема, мав прапор України на щоглі на подвір’ї свого будинку, а на стіні табличку «вулиця Героїв Небесної сотні».