З початку вторгнення РФ у «дискредитації» російської армії звинуватили понад 470 людей в окупованому Криму – правозахисники

З початку повномасштабної вторгнення РФ в Україну 472 жителів окупованого Криму звинуватили за статтею про «дискредитацію» російської армії, йдеться у доповіді правозахисної організації «Кримський процес».

Згідно з моніторингом правозахисників, у 424 випадках підконтрольний Кремлю суд ухвалив рішення про призначення адміністративного покарання.

У доповіді вказано, що понад 80% від усіх справ про «дискредитацію армії» було порушено через дописи у соцмережах чи усні висловлювання громадян. Більшість рішень виносилася судами по суті автоматично, безпосередньо в день складання протоколу, у закритому режимі та без участі слухачів і преси.

Окремо «Кримський процес» звертає увагу на те, що зі 131 судді, які брали участь у розгляді справ, 69 перебувають у розшуку або можуть бути оголошені у розшук українською владою за підозрою у державній зраді. Ще 25 суддів були переведені до Криму з регіонів Росії, а отже, здійснюють правосуддя з порушенням міжнародного гуманітарного права.

«Норма статті про дискредитацію армії протягом півтора року все більш активно використовується винятково як інструмент для придушення антивоєнних та проукраїнських настроїв на території Криму», – резюмують автори доповіді.

У березні 2022 року в Росії вступили в дію закони про кримінальну та адміністративну відповідальність за так звані фейки про російську армію та дискредитацію її дій. За півтора року за цими статтями влада порушила тисячі адміністративних та сотні кримінальних справ.

American Visitors Help Post-Pandemic Recovery of Britain’s Tourism Industry

Tourism industry watchers say one of the top overseas destinations for US travelers this summer was Britain, where Americans helped the recovery of the British tourism industry after the crisis caused by the COVID pandemic. Marcus Harton narrates this report from Umberto Aguiar in London. (Camera and Produced by Umberto Aguiar)

Латвійські компанії в обхід санкцій постачають Росії мікросхеми для виробництва ракет – розслідування

Латвійські компанії, попри санкції, продовжують постачати російські підприємства військово-промислового комплексу мікросхемами, які, зокрема, використовуються для виробництва балістичних ракет «Іскандер», йдеться у розслідуванні видання The Insider.

Після початку повномасштабного російського вторгнення в Україну, запровадження санкцій та посилення експортного контролю з Латвії до Росії, як зазначає видання, було імпортовано мікросхем на мільйони євро.

У РФ, як уточнюють розслідувачі, ввозилася, зокрема, продукція Ризького заводу напівпровідникових приладів (РЗПП) Alfa. У цього підприємства в Росії є філія ТОВ «Альфа», яка, однак не займалася імпортом ризьких мікрочіпів. Ці товари, за даними розслідувачів, до лютого 2022 року ввозили до Росії дві фірми: ТОВ «Компанія Леста-М» та ТОВ «Альфа-ЛР».

Після початку повномасштабної війни з-поміж імпортерів, які закуповують мікросхеми у РЗПП, залишається «Компанія Леста-М». Тільки в контрагентах у неї тепер ризька компанія ALFA RPAR і дві, ймовірно, китайські фірми: Dalian Stella Trading Co. Ltd та Liaoning Jinhechuang Logistics Co. Ltd. За менш ніж рік військових дій, як наголошують розслідувачі, вони закупили у РЗПП продукції на 1,7 млн дол. Отримані від зазначених фірм мікрочіпи «Компанія Леста-М» постачала підприємствам російського військово-промислового комплексу.

Найважливішим торговим партнером «Компанії Леста-М», згідно з даними держзакупівель, був АТ «НДІ електронних приладів» (НДІЕП), з яким вона уклала контракти на 43 млн рублів. Це підприємство, як уточнюють журналісти, входить до складу Ростеху через концерн «Техмаш». НДІЕП брало участь у розробці балістичних ракет «Іскандер», а також у створенні систем радіолокації для ракет «Кинджал», автоматики для ракет «Точка-У».

Крім того, «Компанія Леста-М» постачала ризькі мікросхеми «Іжевському електромеханічному заводу «Купол», який серед іншого виробляє зенітно-ракетний комплекс «Тор-М2Е».

До клієнтів «Компанії Леста-М» також належать: «Уфімське приладобудівне виробниче об’єднання» (випускає бортові прилади для Су-27), «Уральський оптико-механічний завод» (виготовляє оптико-локаційні станції для бойових літаків), НДІ «Полюс» ім. Стельмаха (виготовляє зброю з лазерним наведенням).

За даними джерел The Insider у ЗСУ, у збитих російських ракетах ризьких мікросхем досі не знаходили. Проте, впевнені розслідувачі, це може статися, оскільки виробництво ракетного озброєння у Росії набирає обертів.

Після початку російського повномасштабного військового вторгнення в Україну США та інші країни запровадили заходи експортного контролю, щоб обмежити доступ Росії до технологій та інших ресурсів, які можуть підтримувати її оборонно-промисловий комплекс. З боку США причетним до закупівель передової західної електроніки та обладнання для військово-промислового комплексу Росії загрожує кримінальна відповідальність.

Britain Invites China to Its Global AI Summit

Britain has invited China to its global artificial intelligence summit in November, with foreign minister James Cleverly saying the risks of the technology could not be contained if one of its leading players was absent.

“We cannot keep the UK public safe from the risks of AI if we exclude one of the leading nations in AI tech,” Cleverly said in a statement on Tuesday.  

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wants Britain to become a global leader in AI regulation and the summit on Nov. 1-2 will bring together governments, tech companies and academics to discuss the risks posed by the powerful new technology.

Britain said the event would touch on topics such as how AI could undermine biosecurity as well as how the technology could be used for public good, for example in safer transport.  

Cleverly, who last month became the most senior minister to visit China in five years, has argued for deeper engagement with Beijing, saying it would be a mistake to try to isolate the world’s second largest economy and Chinese help was needed in areas such as climate change and economic instability.

“The UK’s approach to China is to protect our institutions and infrastructure, align with partners and engage where it is in the UK’s national interest,” Cleverly said on Tuesday.  

London is trying to improve ties with Beijing but there has been growing anxiety about Chinese activity in Britain in recent weeks after it was revealed that a parliamentary researcher was arrested in March on suspicion of spying for China.

The Chinese embassy in London was not immediately able to say if China would attend the AI summit.

Britain has appointed tech expert Matt Clifford and former senior diplomat Jonathan Black to lead preparations for the summit.  

The Financial Times reported that government officials want a less “draconian” approach to regulating the technology, compared with the European Union’s wide-sweeping AI Act.  

Under the incoming EU legislation, organizations using AI systems deemed “high risk” will be expected to complete rigorous risk assessments, log their activities, and make sensitive internal data available to authorities upon request.  

Clifford told Reuters last month that he hoped the UK summit would set the tone for future international debates on AI regulation.

Чехія, Данія та Нідерланди домовилися постачати зброю Україні

Угода дозволить постачати Україні переважно чеське озброєння за фінансової підтримки Данії та Нідерландів

Azerbaijan Announces an ‘Anti-Terrorist Operation’ Targeting Armenian Positions in Nagorno-Karabakh  

Azerbaijan on Tuesday began what it called an “anti-terrorist operation” targeting Armenian military positions in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and officials in the area reported heavy artillery firing around its capital. 

The Azerbaijani defense ministry announced the start of the operation hours after four soldiers and two civilians died in landmine explosions in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The reports raised concerns that a full-scale war over the region could resume between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which fought heavily for six weeks in 2020. 

The ministry did not immediately give details, but said “positions on the front line and in-depth, long-term firing points of the formations of Armenia’s armed forces, as well as combat assets and military facilities are incapacitated using high-precision weapons.” 

The Azerbaijani statement said, “Only legitimate military targets are being incapacitated.” 

But ethnic Armenian officials in Nagorno-Karabakh said in a statement that the region’s capital Stepanakert and other villages were “under intense shelling.” 

Earlier Tuesday, Azerbaijan said six people were killed in two separate explosions in the region that is partly under the control of ethnic Armenian forces. 

A statement from Azerbaijan’s interior ministry, state security service and prosecutor-general said two employees of the highway department died before dawn when their vehicle was blown up by a mine and that a truckload of soldiers responding to the incident hit another mine, killing four. 

Nagorno-Karabakh and sizable surrounding territories were under ethnic Armenian control since the 1994 end of a separatist war, but Azerbaijan regained the territories and parts of Nagorno-Karabakh itself in a six-week war in 2020. That war ended with an armistice that placed a Russian peacekeeper contingent in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

However, Azerbaijan alleges that Armenia has smuggled in weapons since then. The claims led to a blockade of the road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia, causing severe food and medicine shortages in the region. 

Red Cross shipments of flour and medical supplies reached Nagorno-Karabakh on Monday, but local officials said road connections to the region were not fully open. 

The hostilities come amid high tensions between Armenia and its longtime ally Russia. Armenia has repeatedly complained that the 3,000-strong Russian peacekeeping force was unable or unwilling to keep the road to Armenia open even though that duty was stipulated in the agreement that ended the 2020 war. 

Armenia also angered Russia, which maintains a military base in the country, by holding military exercises with the United States this month and by moving toward ratifying the Rome Convention that created the International Criminal Court, which has indicted Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Tuesday denied claims that Russia was informed in advance of Azerbaijan’s intention to mount the operation, saying the peacekeepers were notified only “a few minutes” before it began. 

Шмигаль розповів, скільки коштів Україна очікує від МВФ наступного року

Україна потребуватиме близько 42 мільярдів доларів для наповнення бюджету наступного року, заявив голова уряду

Уряд звільнив уповноваженого з питань зниклих безвісти

Кабмін також призначив двох заступників голови Національної служби здоров’я України

New York Times: Evidence Suggests Errant Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Deaths

Evidence suggests a deadly explosion at a busy market in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kostiantynivka this month was caused by an errant missile fired by Ukraine, the The New York Times reported on Tuesday.

Ukraine has said the Sept. 6 blast, which killed at least 16 people, was caused by a Russian missile.

“Evidence collected and analyzed by The New York Times, including missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts and social media posts, strongly suggests the catastrophic strike was the result of an errant Ukrainian air defense missile fired by a Buk launch system,” the newspaper reported.

It quoted air defense experts as saying missiles such as the one that hit Kostiantynivka can go off course for a variety of reasons, including an electronic malfunction or having a guidance fin that is damaged or sheared off during launch.

It said security camera footage showed the missile flew into Kostiantynivka from the direction of Ukrainian-held territory, not from behind Russian lines.

The New York Times also cited evidence showing that minutes before the strike, the Ukrainian military had launched two surface-to-air missiles towards the Russian front line from the town of Druzhkivka, 16 kilometers northwest of Kostiantynivka.

It quoted two witnesses who said they had seen the missiles being fired from Druzhkivka in the direction of the Russian front line around the time of the strike. One was quoted as saying the missiles went in the direction of Kostiantynivka.

The newspaper said measurements of holes caused by the explosion and fragments found at the scene were consistent with the 9M38 missile, which is fired by the mobile Buk anti-aircraft vehicle.

The Buk system is used both by Ukraine and Russia.

Reuters could not independently verify the report. A Ukrainian presidential aide did not immediately respond to requests by Reuters for comment.

The New York Times quoted a spokesperson for Ukraine’s armed forces as saying the country’s security service was investigating the incident, and under national law could not comment further.

A spokesperson for Ukraine’s military command referred Reuters to that comment cited in the New York Times story.

Міністри закордонних справ ЄС «незабаром» зустрінуться в Києві для дипломатичних переговорів

Зустріч, значення якої буде насамперед символічним, може відбутися протягом першого тижня жовтня, однак Жозеп Боррель не став це підтверджувати

Понад 80% членів Американської торгової палати повністю продовжують діяльність в Україні – опитування

Компанії-учасниці AmCham продовжують підтримувати своїх співробітників під час війни

Italy Toughens Asylum Laws Amid Surge in Migrant Arrivals

Italy’s government passed toughened asylum laws Monday as the country faces a surge in migrant arrivals on its southern shores.

The new measures will allow for the extended detention of migrants awaiting asylum decisions, from the current three months to an initial six months — with the possibility of an extension up to 18 months.

“That will be all the time needed not only to make the necessary assessments, but also to proceed with the repatriation of those who do not qualify for international protection,” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said at the start of the meeting, according to Reuters. The Cabinet also approved the creation of more detention centers in remote areas.

In the past week, almost 10,000 migrants have landed on the small Italian island of Lampedusa, which has a population of 6,000 people. Most have crossed the Mediterranean Sea on small boats from Tunisia, a journey of just over 100 kilometers. Italian authorities say a further 180 migrants arrived on Monday. Conditions are dire, with migrants sleeping on the streets because the reception centers are full.

Claudine Nsoe, a 29-year-old mother of two young children from Cameroon, arrived on Lampedusa on a small boat last week, after an arduous two-day journey.

“I hope that the situation improves and that they let us leave from here, because the living conditions are not easy. We sleep in the open air, in the sun and in the cold. There is no food … and there are children,” Nsoe told Reuters.

EU plan

European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen joined Meloni on a visit to Lampedusa on Sunday and promised a tough response.

“We have an obligation as part of the international community. We have fulfilled it in the past, and we will do so today and in the future. But we will decide who comes to the European Union and under what circumstances, and not the smugglers and traffickers,” von der Leyen told reporters.

The EU commission president outlined a 10-point plan to try to ease the pressure on Italy, including a bigger role for the bloc’s border agency Frontex in identifying and repatriating migrants who don’t qualify for asylum.

The plan is unlikely to have a big effect, said Camino Mortera-Martinez of the Brussels-based policy group the Center for European Reform.

“When it comes to substantive points and content of things that the Commission can do — or the European Union even can do — about this problem, there is absolutely nothing new. We see von der Leyen’s 10-point plan that she offered Italy, and we see the same things that we’ve been seeing for the past 10 years,” Mortera-Martinez told VOA.

Naval mission

Italy’s prime minister said the migrants must be stopped at the source “with a European mission, including a naval one if necessary, in agreement with the North African authorities to stop the departure of the boats.”

“Assess in Africa who is or is not entitled to asylum and accept in Europe only those who actually have the right according to international conventions,” Meloni said in a televised statement on Sunday.

The European Union signed a strategic partnership with Tunisia in July worth $1.1 billion in return for a crackdown on human traffickers and tightened border controls.

Human rights concerns

Human rights groups have expressed concerns over Tunisia’s treatment of refugees and say Europe must offer a more humane response. In 2023, alone, more than 2,000 people have died attempting the crossing between North Africa and Europe, according to the United Nations.

Andrea Costa, manager of the Baobab Experience charity, which offers support to migrants in Italy, said the tightened laws will only force migrants to make riskier journeys.

“The key is to invest in reception rather than rejection. These people have set off on a very difficult and harsh journey with a high mortality rate. You don’t stop them by putting up walls. You don’t stop them by closing borders or with naval blockades. Welcoming them is the best answer you can give,” Costa told Reuters.

EU disunity

EU member states are struggling to agree on a New Pact on Migration and Asylum, which the bloc says would create a “fairer, efficient and more sustainable migration and asylum process.”

Under current EU laws, migrants must apply for asylum in the country where they first arrive, adding to the pressure on front-line states. Several Eastern European countries, such as Hungary and Poland, are refusing to accept refugee quotas to share the burden of countries like Italy.

“We are a continent united in many things. Migration is not one of them. Or if it is, it’s basically on the consensus that we have to protect the borders,” said Mortera-Martinez.

“But if we don’t agree on something beyond that, then we will basically damage our own [European Union] project and that’s going to be, in my view, particularly visible after the elections in 2024,” she said.

With those European elections scheduled for June, analysts say right-wing populist parties are looking to capitalize on voter discontent over Europe’s handling of migration.

Media Lawyers Call on UN to Help Secure Gershkovich’s Release

At the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva Monday, the legal team for jailed American journalist Evan Gershkovich called on member states to prioritize his case.

Speaking to the U.N.’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions, the lawyers and advocacy group Article 19 said that Gershkovich’s “wrongful detention violates his human rights under international law.”

The statement comes one day before a hearing scheduled in Moscow on Tuesday on Gershkovich’s appeal against the extension of his pretrial detention.

The Wall Street Journal reporter’s original pretrial detention was scheduled to expire on May 29 but has since been extended until November 30.

Ahead of that hearing, the U.S. ambassador to Russia visited Gershkovich in jail last Friday, marking the latest in what have been infrequent consular visits since he was detained on espionage charges in March.

The recent consular visit by Ambassador Lynne Tracy is only the fourth such visit granted since Gershkovich’s arrest nearly six months ago.

In a Friday post on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, the U.S. Embassy in Russia said, “He remains strong and is keeping up with the news —including his parents’ appearance at the UN this week.”

On September 13, Gershkovich’s mother, father and sister joined U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield at a press conference, where she called on Moscow to immediately release the journalist.

Thomas-Greenfield urged the international community and U.N. member states to “stand with us, to stand on the side of justice, and to condemn Russia’s flagrant violations of international law.”

During the press conference, Gershkovich’s family members urged global leaders to prioritize Gershkovich’s plight during the U.N. General Assembly, which is taking place this week in New York.

The Russian Embassy in Washington did not respond to VOA’s request for comment.

During the comments at U.N. headquarters on Monday, Article 19 and lawyers representing the Journal urged states to “bring Evan home and condemn Russia for attacking and jailing journalists for doing their jobs.”

The statement was delivered during the interactive dialogue with the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention at the 54th Session of the U.N. Human Rights Council.

“Evan’s wrongful detention violates his human rights under international law, is an affront to the free press, and is designed to stop journalists from exercising their right of free expression,” the statement said. “Each day that Russia continues to wrongfully detain Evan is another day that Russia keeps him from writing the insightful, enlightening and independent journalism that has been the hallmark of his career.”

У Фінляндії заарештували підприємця через постачання в Росію компонентів для БПЛА

У Фінляндії заарештували французького підприємця естонського походження Габріеля Теміна, підконтрольні котрому компанії постачали до Росії обладнання, яке могло використовуватися у виробництві безпілотників, вважає слідство.

Темін заарештований за підозрою у порушенні санкційних правил із обтяжливими обставинами, повідомляє фінська національна телерадіокомпанія Yle.

За версією слідства, серед товарів, що постачали компанії Luminor і Siberica у власності Теміна, були літієві батареї, потужні оптичні фільтри і камери. Всі ці компоненти можуть бути використані для виробництва військових БПЛА.

У середині вересня Темін та обидві його компанії потрапили до списків санкцій США. 18 вересня підприємець у суді відмовився коментувати журналістам висунуті проти нього фінською стороною звинувачення. Темін перебуває у СІЗО.

Разом із Зеленським до США поїхала і перша леді – матиме виступ на полях Генасамблеї ООН та зустріч із родиною Клінтонів

Дружина президента, перша леді Олена Зеленська також перебуває у США, де в неї запланована низка зустрічей, повідомив у фейсбуці президент Володимир Зеленський.

«Олена Зеленська матиме кілька виступів на полях Генасамблеї ООН. Зокрема, розповість про українських дітей і те, що вони змушені переживати через ворожий напад. Обговорить медичне партнерство для України й порятунку життів із генеральним директором ВООЗ. Зустрінеться з родиною Клінтонів – друзями та меценатами, які підтримують Україну, спільно з ЮНЕСКО відкриє виставку, присвячену руйнуванню української культурної спадщини», – повідомив Зеленський.

Сам він раніше зазначив по прибуттю до Нью-Йорка, що зустрінеться з українськими воїнами, які проходять реабілітацію в США. Далі у планах президента – Генеральна асамблея ООН, Саміт цілей сталого розвитку, Рада безпеки ООН. Також у Вашингтоні заплановані переговори з президентом США, з лідерами палат і партій Конгресу, з військовим керівництвом. А ще зустрічі з американським бізнесом, журналістами, громадою.

Востаннє Зеленський відвідував США у грудні 2022 року.

Chinese, Russian Diplomats Open Talks in Moscow

China’s top diplomat, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, hailed his country’s “strategic cooperation” with Russia as he opened talks Monday in Moscow with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, and other officials.

Wang’s visit to the Russian capital came after two days of talks over the weekend in Malta with U.S. President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan. Wang’s talks with Russian officials are expected to last through Thursday.

In his initial remarks, Wang noted Chinese and Russian commitment to a “multipolar world” and a “more just world order,” terms Beijing and Moscow use to counter the perceived domination of world affairs by the United States.

“China and Russia, as leading global powers and permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, bear special responsibility for maintaining global strategic stability and global development,” Wang said. “The more violent the unilateral actions of hegemony and bloc confrontation become, the more important for us to keep up with the times, show a sense of duty as great powers, and further fulfill our international obligations.”

He stressed that Russia-China cooperation “isn’t directed against anyone and isn’t influenced by any other countries.”

China has attempted to straddle a fine line in commenting on Russia’s war on Ukraine, saying that while Ukraine’s territory must be respected, the West needs to consider Russia’s security concerns about NATO expansion. Beijing has accused the U.S. of prolonging the fighting by providing arms to Ukraine, weaponry that the U.S. says Kyiv needs to fight Moscow’s forces.

Lavrov emphasized “the importance of Russian-Chinese cooperation for ensuring justice in world affairs, for ensuring a balance of interests in the processes that are developing in a variety of directions.” He said Russia and China will coordinate their efforts during this week’s U.N. General Assembly and other international forums.

Wang discussed Ukraine in his weekend meetings with Sullivan, although specifics of their talks were not released. Both sides described the talks as candid, substantive and constructive as they try to stabilize their rocky relationship and manage differences over security, trade, technology and human rights.

Some material in this report came from The Associated Press. 

Україна подала до СОТ позови проти Польщі, Словаччини й Угорщини

«Для нас принципово важливим є довести, що окремі держави-члени не можуть забороняти імпорт українських товарів. Тому ми подаємо проти них позови в СОТ»

Erdogan Steps Up Efforts to Save Ukraine Grain Deal at UN

With world leaders gathering in New York for the United Nations General Assembly this week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is stepping up his efforts to save the Ukrainian grain deal and bring Russia back into the agreement. Dorian Jones reports from Istanbul.

У МЗС України відкинули заяви про нібито залученість української сторони до підготовки заколоту в Грузії

«Нинішня грузинська влада вчергове намагається демонізувати Україну, аби вирішити свої внутрішньополітичні питання. Українська держава не втручалася, не втручається і не планує втручатися у внутрішні справи Грузії»

Українська влада і народ мають вирішувати, чи будуть вибори в Україні – сенатор США Келлі

«Один із моїх колег закликав до виборів. Гаразд, я думаю, що це має бути рішення українського народу, українського уряду, українського президента. Ну, це моя думка»

Ex-US Marine on Fighting in Donetsk: ’For Sure, I Was Going to Die’ 

American Bohdan Olinares was born in Ukraine and moved to the U.S. with his parents at age two, but when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, he immediately joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A former U.S. Marine, he spent six months in Ukraine and was almost killed in the Donetsk region. Anna Rice narrates his story. VOA footage and video editing by Bogdan Osyka.

Дуда і Зеленський у Нью-Йорку обговорять питання експорту українського зерна – Польське радіо

Після рішення Єврокомісії не продовжувати обмеження на імпорт української агропродукції Польща, Угорщина та Словаччина оголосили про односторонні обмеження

Karabakh Gets Red Cross Aid Via Two Routes, in Step to Ease Crisis 

Badly needed food and medicines were delivered to Azerbaijan’s breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh on Monday along two roads simultaneously, a step that could ease mounting tension between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said it had sent trucks via the Lachin corridor leading from Armenia into the mountain enclave from the southwest, and the Aghdam road from Azerbaijani government-held territory to the northeast.

“We are extremely relieved that many people reliant on humanitarian aid will finally receive much-needed support in the coming days,” said Ariane Bauer, ICRC’s regional director for Europe and Central Asia.

“People are queuing hours for bread,” she said, adding that she hoped aid convoys would continue “not just today but in the weeks to come, so that we can regularly get aid to those who need it.”

She said the deliveries had been made possible by agreement between the rival authorities.

Azerbaijan had virtually cut traffic from Armenia since December, alleging it was being used to smuggle arms. That triggered food shortages in Karabakh and aggravated tensions with Yerevan.

In a statement on Facebook, the Karabakh administration said around 23 tons of flour as well as medical and hygiene products had arrived in the region.

Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry said in a statement that it had agreed to the ICRC shipments, and that it was ready to ensure the parallel use of the two roads.

Karabakh is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, but has an overwhelmingly ethnic Armenian population that broke from Baku’s control in the early 1990s after a war, relying on support from Armenia through the Lachin corridor.

In another war in late 2020, Azerbaijan recaptured swathes of land in and around Nagorno-Karabakh, establishing effective control over the corridor.

Baku has insisted that Karabakh must reopen an access route from Azerbaijani territory that has been blocked since 1988, and earlier this month a single Russian aid truck entered Karabakh along that road.

Monday’s delivery fulfilled the other side of an agreement between Yerevan and Baku, but wider tensions remain.

The two countries frequently exchange fire along their closed and heavily fortified border and Armenia has in recent weeks repeatedly accused Azerbaijan of massing troops around Karabakh, an allegation Azerbaijan has denied.

The Armenian state news agency Armenpress said on Sunday that one person in Karabakh had been wounded by firing from Azerbaijani positions. Azerbaijan accused Karabakh forces of building fortifications near the front line and said it had taken “urgent measures” to stop them from doing so.

Комітет Ради підтримав пропозицію Зеленського щодо е-декларування

12 вересня пресслужба Зеленського повідомила, що він ветував закон

«Російське суспільство виростило другого Гітлера» – Зеленський про Путіна

Президент України визнав, що український наступ розвивається повільно, але ЗСУ продовжують рух уперед

First 2 Cargo Ships Arrive at Ukrainian Port Since Russia Pulled Out of Grain Deal

Two cargo ships arrived at one of Ukraine’s ports over the weekend, using a temporary Black Sea corridor established by Kyiv following Russia’s withdrawal from a wartime agreement designed to ensure safe grain exports from the invaded country’s ports.

Two Palau-flagged bulk carriers, Aroyat and Resilient Africa, docked Saturday at the seaport of Chornomorsk in the southern Odesa region, according to an online statement by the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority. The vessels are the first civilian cargo ships to reach one of the Odesa ports since Russia exited the grain deal.

Oleksandr Kubrakov, Ukraine’s deputy prime minister, said in an online statement Saturday that the two ships will be delivering some 20,000 tons of wheat to countries in Africa and Asia.

For months, Ukraine, whose economy is heavily dependent on farming, was able to safely export its grain from Black Sea ports under a deal brokered by the United Nations and Turkey to ensure safe shipments. But Russia withdrew from the deal on July 17, with Kremlin officials arguing their demands for the facilitation of Russian food and fertilizer shipments had not been met.

Following the withdrawal, the Russian defense ministry said it would regard any vessels in the Black Sea headed to Ukrainian ports as military targets.

Since then, Kyiv has sought to reroute transport through the Danube River, and road and rail links into Europe. But transport costs that way are much higher. Some European countries have balked at the consequential local grain prices, and the Danube ports can’t handle the same volume as seaports.

The interim corridor in the Black Sea, which Kyiv has asked the International Maritime Organization to ratify, was opened on Aug. 10 as United States and Ukrainian officials warned of possible Russian attacks on civilian vessels. Sea mines also make the voyage risky, and ship insurance costs are likely to be high for operators.

Ukrainian officials said the corridor will be primarily used to evacuate ships stuck in the Ukrainian ports of Chornomorsk, Odesa and Pivdennyi since the war broke out. Kubrakov said Saturday that five vessels have since used the corridor to leave Ukrainian ports.

After tearing up the grain deal, Russia intensified attacks on the southern Odesa region, targeting its port infrastructure and grain silos with missiles and drones.

On Sunday, Ukraine’s Air Force Command reported another attack overnight in which the Odesa region was the main target. Russian forces fired 10 cruise missiles and six Iranian-made Shahed drones, the statement said. All drones and six missiles were downed, while the rest hit an agricultural facility in the Odesa region.