Trump Pulls Out of Summit With N. Korea: What’s Next?

U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement Thursday canceling a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has sparked reactions from disappointment to approval. Trump said the angry rhetoric from Pyongyang makes the meeting on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula inappropriate at this time. Critics say recent statements by Vice President Mike Pence and National Security Adviser John Bolton were not helpful. But as VOA’s Zlatica Hoke reports, some analysts say there may be another reason.

Макрон спитав Путіна про Сенцова. Путін сказав про Вишинського

Президент Франції Емманюель Макрон 24 травня під час переговорів у Санкт-Петербурзі з російським лідером Володимиром Путіним порушив тему ув’язнення в Росії українського режисера, кримчанина Олега Сенцова.

«Ми говорили про права людини під час наших переговорів, були згадані багато питань, в тому числі пан Сенцов… Я говорив президенту, що це два дуже чутливих питання для нашої країни (друге – переслідування російського режисера Кирила Серебренникова – ред.), оскільки інтелектуальна еліта дуже стурбована», – сказав Макрон на брифінгу за підсумками переговорів.

Путін у відповідь на питання французького журналіста сказав, що Олег Сенцов «був засуджений за підготовку терактів», і нагадав про затриманого в Україні Кирила Вишинського.

З 14 травня Олег Сенцов оголосив безстрокове голодування з вимогою звільнення всіх українських політв’язнів у Росії. Сенцов заявив, що або він загине, або його вимоги почнуть виконувати. За словами адвоката, власного звільнення він не вимагає.

Читайте також: «Він піде до кінця»: Олег Сенцов оголосив безстрокове голодування

Російські спецслужби затримали Олега Сенцова в анексованому Криму в травні 2014 року. Суд засудив Сенцова до 20 років колонії суворого режиму. Сенцов визнаний правозахисним рухом «Меморіал» політичним в’язнем.

17 травня Херсонський міський суд заарештував керівника «РИА Новости Украина» Кирила Вишинського до 13 липня без права застави. Затриманому 15 травня в Києві Вишинському, який має громадянство України й Росії, інкримінують державну зраду і проведення підривної інформаційної діяльності проти України. Йому загрожує до 15 років позбавлення волі в разі визнання винним.

За даними Служби безпеки України, журналіст за завданням Москви готував спочатку інформаційні матеріали в Криму для виправдання анексії Росією українського півострова, а потім у Києві – для підтримки угруповань «ДНР» і «ЛНР». Він щомісяця отримував на цю діяльність 53 тисячі євро, гроші для цього, як заявили в СБУ, надходили з Росії через Сербію.

Через висвітлення діяльності підтримуваних Росією бойовиків на Донбасі Вишинський був внесений в базу українського сайту «Миротворець», а в 2014 році після анексії Криму журналіста нагородили в Росії медаллю «за об’єктивне висвітлення подій у Криму».

China Snaps up US Oil, Straining Capacity to Export It

The U.S. oil export infrastructure is straining to keep up as the country’s crude oil exports hit new highs and China snaps up more of it than ever before.

U.S. crude production has surged to a record 10.7 million barrels a day, driven largely by growth from the Permian shale patch in West Texas, which pumps more than 3 million barrels per day.

However, the infrastructure to move it abroad is lagging, even as U.S. prices are well below the Brent benchmark, a discount that sits just off three-year highs at $8.09 per barrel. 

U.S. crude exports peaked at 2.6 million bpd two weeks ago, but are expected to keep rising.

What is US export capacity?

No definitive data are available on how much crude the United States can export, though analysts estimate a nationwide capacity of 3.5 million to 4 million bpd. Most terminal operators and companies do not disclose capacity, and the U.S. Energy Department does not track it.

“So far, export capacity is keeping pace, but we are walking a tightrope,” said Bernadette Johnson, vice president at Drilling Info.

That capacity may begin to be tested next month, as Sinopec, Asia’s largest refiner, bought a record 16 million barrels, or about 533,000 bpd of U.S. crude, to load in June, two sources with knowledge of the matter said Wednesday.

For the last six months of available data, ending in February, the United States exported about 332,000 bpd to China.

Terminals designed for imports

Analysts are concerned about how quickly the crude terminals at Gulf Coast ports, many initially designed for imports, can shift to handling exports. Only the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port can handle supertanker exports, but it only started testing in February. The supertankers, known as VLCCs or very large crude carriers, can handle about 2 million barrels of oil, the amount preferred by Asian buyers with bigger ports.

“There’s only one dock on the Gulf Coast that can handle a VLCC deepwater, and that’s LOOP. And the LOOP has only started to export,” said Sandy Fielden, director of research in commodities and energy at Morningstar. 

Port of Corpus Christi in Texas is developing its Harbor Island port, which will accommodate 120 VLCCs per year, said Jarl Pedersen, chief commercial officer at the port, with a targeted completion of late 2020.

Kpler, a cargo tracking service, Thursday estimated that up to 4.8 million bpd can be moved from the top crude-exporting ports of Corpus Christi, Houston, Port Arthur and New Orleans. Their estimate in October was 3.2 million bpd.

PIRA Energy Group put the U.S. overall crude export capacity at 3.5 million bpd, while Morningstar’s estimate is 3.8 million bpd at most.

Pipelines lacking, too

In addition to port constraints, inadequate pipeline space has created a glut of supply in West Texas, pushing the principle cash grade there to a $13 discount to benchmark U.S. crude futures this month, the biggest in 3½ years.

“The constraint is really the pipeline coming down from the Permian to Corpus Christi,” Pedersen said. However, the ship channel still needs to be deepened, a $320 million project in development with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

There is 3.4 million bpd of pipeline capacity, while total output from tight oil and legacy production from vertical wells in the Permian is at more than 4.2 million bpd, according to energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie.

“The combined volumes mean that the infrastructure is crammed full — there’s little or no room for incremental volumes,” R.T. Dukes, head of U.S. Lower 48 oil supply at Wood Mackenzie said in a note.

About 300,000 bpd of new pipeline capacity is to come on by the end of January, but “it’s really from next summer that we’ll see big new capacity,” Dukes said.

In the second half of 2019, another 1.25 million bpd will be added, lifting total capacity up to 5 million bpd, he said.

“That’s when the big discount of WTI at Midland will narrow,” Dukes said.

Адвокат: Сенцов є «впертою людиною», він не піде «на жодні компроміси»

Адвокат ув’язненого в Росії українського режисера, кримчанина Олега Сенцова, який оголосив безстрокове голодування 14 травня, Дмитро Дінзе заявляє, що його підзахисний є «дуже впертою людиною», і не піде «на жодні компроміси».

«Він домовлятися ні про що не буде. Я не думаю, що він навіть помилування у когось проситиме – це просто закінчиться поганим результатом і може мати довгострокові наслідки», – сказав він в коментарі проекту Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії.

Адвокат має намір під час зустрічі зі своїм підзахисним в російській колонії передати йому листи підтримки та лист від політв’язня Олександра Кольченка.

«Я йому передам лист Кольченка, листи підтримки … Доведу до його відома, яка розгорнулася кампанія навколо його рішення, і далі він сам буде вирішувати, чи продовжувати йому голодування. Він повинен вирішувати сам. Оскільки правові заходи в цьому випадку, дійсно, не працюють, він обрав крайні заходи», – сказав адвокат, коментуючи намір відвідати свого підзахисного найближчим часом.

16 травня адвокат повідомив, що 14 травня Олег Сенцов оголосив безстрокове голодування з вимогою звільнення всіх українських політв’язнів у Росії. Сенцов заявив, що або він загине, або його вимоги почнуть виконувати. За словами адвоката, власного звільнення він не вимагає.

Читайте також: «Він піде до кінця»: Олег Сенцов оголосив безстрокове голодування

Сенцова утримують у колонії в Лабитнангі – місті в Ямало-Ненецькому автономному окрузі Росії, розташованому північніше Північного полярного кола.

Російські спецслужби затримали Олега Сенцова й активіста Олександра Кольченка в анексованому Криму в травні 2014 року. Їх звинуватили в організації терактів на півострові. Суд засудив Сенцова до 20 років колонії суворого режиму. Кольченко отримав 10 років колонії. Обвинувачені свою провину не визнали.

Сенцов і Кольченко визнані правозахисним рухом «Меморіал» політичними в’язнями.

Україна позбавила Йосипа Кобзона всіх звань та нагород

Україна позбавила російського співака Йосипа Кобзона всіх звань та державних нагород. Про це йдеться в додатку до рішення Ради національної безпеки та оборони України, оприлюдненому на сайті президента України Петра Порошенка.

Згідно з документом, стосовно співака прийняті й інші обмеження:

блокування активів – тимчасове обмеження права особи користуватися та розпоряджатися належним їй майном;
запобігання виведенню капіталів за межі України;
відмова в наданні та скасування віз, застосування інших заборон в’їзду на територію України;
інші санкції, що відповідають принципам їх застосування, встановленим законом.

Зазначені обмеження діють безстроково.

26 липня 2017 року депутати Слов’янської міської ради в Донецькій області позбавили Йосипа Кобзона звання «Почесний громадянин міста».

Йосип Кобзон публічно підтримує проросійські угруповання «ДНР» і «ЛНР» і неодноразово приїжджав на непідконтрольну українській владі територію Донбасу.

Збройний конфлікт на Донбасі триває від 2014 року після російської анексії Криму. Україна і Захід звинувачують Росію у збройній підтримці сепаратистів. Кремль відкидає ці звинувачення і заявляє, що на Донбасі можуть перебувати лише російські «добровольці». За даними ООН, за час конфлікту загинули понад 10 тисяч людей.

Trump Lauds NFL Policy Banning Kneeling for National Anthem

President Donald Trump praised an NFL policy banning kneeling during the “The Star-Spangled Banner,” saying that “maybe you shouldn’t be in the country” if you don’t stand for the anthem.

Trump spoke to “Fox & Friends”‘ in an interview that aired Thursday. The policy forbids players from sitting or taking a knee on the field during the anthem but allows them to stay in the locker room. Any violations of the new rules would result in fines against teams.


“I think that’s good,” Trump said in the interview that taped Wednesday. “I don’t think people should be staying in the locker rooms, but still I think it’s good. You have to stand proudly for the national anthem. Or you shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there. Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country.”


Trump last fall called on team owners to fire players who followed former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s lead by kneeling during the national anthem. During a rally, he referred to an NFL player making a gesture during “The Star-Spangled Banner” as a “son of a bitch” who should be fired.


The president’s comments spurred a national conversation about patriotism and the nation’s symbols and the use of peaceful protest. Trump said in the interview that he thought “the people” pushed for the new policy.


“I brought it out. I think the people pushed it forward,” Trump said. He added: “you know, that’s something ideally could have been taken care of when it first started, it would have been a lot easier, but if they did that, they did the right thing.”



РНБО запровадила санкції проти «РИА Новости Украина», сайт мають заблокувати

17 травня суд заарештував керівника «РИА Новости Украина» Кирила Вишинського до 13 липня без права застави

Російське посольство знову пікетують на підтримку Сенцова (трансляція)

Під стінами російського посольства у Києві мітингують на підтримку українця Олега Сенцова, який вже одинадцятий день голодує у колонії у Лабитнангі на півночі Росії.

Як раніше повідомляли організатори, під час проведення акції планують також провести мистецький перформенс.

16 травня 2018 року адвокат Сенцова повідомив, що його підзахисний оголосив безстрокове голодування. У такий спосіб Олег Сенцов вимагає звільнити всіх українських політв’язнів, які перебувають у російських тюрмах.

На підтримку Сенцова в Україні увесь цей час відбуваються акції. 22 травня, зокрема, правозахисники і митці пікетували Адміністрацію президента з вимогою вжити заходів для його звільнення і прозоро звітувати про роботу щодо звільнення політв’язнів.

На 1 і 2 червня запланована під час футбольного чемпіонату глобальна акція на його підтримку.

Затриманий разом із Олегом Сенцовим Олександр Кольченко також заявив, що, ймовірно, також оголосить голодування з вимогою звільнення політв’язнів. Його адвокат Світлана Сидоркіна говорить про величезну небезпеку у такому разі для здоров’я кримчанина, оскільки його вага і зараз є меншою за норму.

Ще один кримчанин Володимир Балух голодує з 19 березня.

За даними української правозахисної ініціативи LetMyPeopleGo, наразі Росія із політичних мотивів тримає у неволі 64 українців.

Buffalo: City With a Magnificent Past Fallen on Hard Times

Even though the United States is one of the richest and most technologically advanced countries in the world, about 45 million Americans live below the poverty line. In Buffalo, New York, a once-prosperous city that has fallen on hard-times, one-third of its residents live in poverty. As Olga Loginova reports, the city offers an example of what happens when a once-powerful industrial sector declines and well-paying jobs become scarce.

Federal Prosecutors Deal a Blow to Mexican Mafia

The Los Angeles County jails are run by the sheriff, but the Mexican Mafia wields the power in the underworld behind bars.

The organization made up of leaders from various Latino gangs operated like an illegal government, collecting “taxes” on smuggled drugs, ordering hits on people who didn’t follow their rules and even calling the shots on street crimes, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.

Their clout was diminished as 83 members and associates were charged in a pair of sweeping federal racketeering conspiracies that alleged drug dealing, extortion, violent assaults and murders.

“We just delivered a blow to a cold-blooded prison gang and their associates,” U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna said during a news conference.

New leaders inevitable​

In an effort to disrupt the gang’s stronghold, the suspects will be held in federal facilities, and those in custody in state prisons will be moved, authorities said.

Sheriff Jim McDonnell acknowledged that others will follow in their wake, as leadership in the gang that operates in most prisons and jails in the state is always changing.

“There will be new leaders, that’s kinda how the whole system works. It’s hierarchical,” McDonnell said. “When one goes to jail or passes away then someone else backfills their spot just like any multilevel organization.”

Started in 1950s in juvenile jail

The so-called “gang of gangs” — an organization of imprisoned Latino street gang leaders who control operations inside and outside California prisons and jails — started in the 1950s at a juvenile jail and grew to an international criminal organization that has controlled smuggling, drug sales and extortion inside the nation’s largest jail system.

“These Mexican Mafia members and associates, working together to control criminal activity within (LA County jails), have become their own entity or enterprise and effectively function as an illegal government,” an indictment said.

The gang was also able to control street crime by using wives, girlfriends and lawyers to help relay orders to be carried out by members who were not incarcerated, an indictment said.

In some instances, gang members would deliberately get arrested on low-level charges so they could smuggle drugs into the jail and be released days later.

‘Operation Dirty Thirds’

Because the Mexican Mafia controlled drug trafficking in the jails, they got the first shot to sell their supply of methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin or marijuana, prosecutors said. Other groups had to wait and give a third of their contraband to the Mexican Mafia leadership.

The fee, known as a “thirds” tax, gave the name “Operation Dirty Thirds” to the investigation that led to the indictments and arrest of 32 people Wednesday. Another 35 defendants were in custody and 16 were fugitives.

The gang enriched itself through drug sales, taxes on drugs and even collected a share of purchases on candy bars, deodorant and other items at the jail commissary, the indictment said, adding that the gang was able to exert control by threatening and carrying out violence if people didn’t pay up or follow the rules.

The gang members were accused of committing vicious beatings, stabbings, kidnappings and murders in retaliation, Hanna said.

The indictment alleges crimes between 2012 and 2016, when a grand jury was convened and before President Donald Trump took office.

Trump has focused on gang violence but has singled out MS-13, pointing to the gang’s gruesome crimes in a push for stronger immigration policies.

While MS-13 is associated with the Mexican Mafia, the majority of the crimes listed in the indictments Wednesday are alleged to have been committed by members affiliated with other street gangs.

​Mostly US citizens

The jail indictment said Jose Landa-Rodriguez and two now-deceased members of the Mexican Mafia controlled operations in the jail between 2012 and 2016.

Landa-Rodriquez, 55, is accused of sanctioning murders, assaults and the kidnapping and planned murder of a relative of a gang member who defied him, prosecutors said.

Landa-Rodriguez is not a U.S. citizen, though nearly all of the other defendants charged in the indictment are citizens, Hanna said.

A second higher-up, Luis Vega, 33, ordered a murder and directed assaults against those who showed disrespect or didn’t obey rules, the indictment said.

One of the group’s facilitators was attorney Gabriel Zendejas-Chavez, who was able to carry messages to the gang members while operating under the shield of attorney-client privilege, the indictment said. He is also accused of enabling a plot to extort $100,000 from the Mongols outlaw motorcycle gang.

Zendejas-Chavez was arrested Wednesday. A woman who answered the phone at his office was unaware of the arrest and didn’t comment.

Розслідувачі катастрофи MH17 оприлюднять нові дані

Очолюване Нідерландами міжнародне розслідування катастрофи літака рейсу MH17, Спільна слідча група (JIT), оприлюднить 24 травня в місті Утрехт нові дані своєї роботи. Також очікується, що слідчі звернуться до громадськості із запитом про допомогу в деяких питаннях.

Раніше міжнародна Спільна слідча група під керівництвом прокуратури Нідерландів дійшла висновку, що літак збили з зенітно-ракетного комплексу «Бук». За версією слідства, озброєння доставили з Росії. Ракету випустили із зони, підконтрольної сепаратистам, на сході України. Поки не встановлено, чи був напад їхньою ініціативою, а чи його координували російські військові. Імена підозрюваних досі не оприлюднили.

Також цього тижня, 25 травня, очікується оприлюднення нової доповіді розслідувальної групи Bellingcat, яка використовує цифрові методи для аналізу відкритих аудіо- та відеоданих.

У грудні 2017 року Bellingcat і російське видання The Insider опублікували спільне розслідування, в якому ідентифікували одну з ключових фігур, що може бути причетна до збиття у небі над Донбасом «Боїнга» «Малайзійських авіаліній» у липні 2014 року. Експерти стверджують, що особа на псевдо «Дельфін» – це генерал-полковник російської армії в запасі, чинний головний інспектор Центрального військового округу Міністерства оборони Росії Микола Ткачов.

За даними розслідувачів, після початку конфлікту на сході України Ткачов вирушив на підконтрольну сепаратистам частину Луганської області, в місто Краснодон, де координував співпрацю збройних сепаратистів і російських військових.

Літак «Боїнг-777» «Малайзійських авіаліній», що виконував рейс із Амстердама в Куала-Лумпур, був збитий над зоною збройного конфлікту на сході України 17 липня 2014 року. Загинули 298 людей – усі, хто перебував на борту.

Росія заперечує втручання у внутрішні справи України, попри переконливі докази того, що Москва здійснює військову, економічну та політичну підтримку сепаратистів, які протистоять Києву. Росія та сепаратисти заперечують причетність до збиття літака рейсу MH17 і запропонували кілька інших теорій для пояснення цього інциденту, всі з яких були відхилені слідчими.

Officials: New Top US Commander for Afghanistan Being Considered

Lieutenant General Scott Miller is the expected nominee to command U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan, a U.S. official with knowledge of the process told VOA.

U.S.-led international forces in Afghanistan are currently being commanded by U.S. General John Nicholson. He has served as commander since March 2016.

Miller’s consideration must be finalized by a White House nomination, followed by confirmation by the Senate.

The general currently leads the military’s secretive Joint Special Operations Command.

If nominated and confirmed, Miller will be the ninth American general in 17 years to oversee the Afghanistan war. The Pentagon declined to confirm Miller’s selection.

“We have nothing to announce at this time,” Pentagon spokesman Adrian Rankine-Galloway told VOA.

Miller, a decorated special operations soldier, earned a Bronze Star for his service in Somalia and has also served in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Wall Street Journal first reported Miller’s selection as the expected nominee.

VOA’s Jeff Seldin contributed to this report.

Trump: We’ll Know Fate of N. Korea Summit by Next Week

President Donald Trump says the U.S. will know by next week whether his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will be held on June 12 in Singapore as scheduled.

“It could very well be June 12th,” Trump said Wednesday. “If we go, it’ll be a great thing for North Korea.”

North Korea has indicated it might call off the meeting due to disagreements on conditions by the United States for unilateral denuclearization.

Trump on Tuesday, during a meeting with visiting South Korean President Moon Jae-in, said the summit might not be held next month.

“If it doesn’t happen, maybe it will happen later,” Trump said.

The president said, “There are certain conditions that we want. I think we will get those conditions.”

Asked about the conditions, Trump replied, “I’d rather not say.” But he stated that the denuclearization of North Korea “must take place.”

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who has twice met with Kim in Pyongyang in preparation for the Singapore summit, said Wednesday, “Our posture will not change until we see credible steps taken toward the complete, verifiable denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.”

МЗС: існує загроза життю Балуха та Сенцова

Існує загроза життю Володимира Балуха та Олега Сенцова, які позбавлені волі російським судом, заявила речниця Міністерства закордонних справ України Мар’яна Беца.

«Продовжують голодування Сенцов та Балух – політв’язні РФ. Існує загроза життю. Вимагаємо від РФ їхнього звільнення», – написала Беца у Twitter.

Засуджений у Криму активіст Володимир Балух голодує з 19 березня на знак протесту проти вироку. Сенцов оголосив голодування з 14 травня. Режисер вимагає звільнити всіх українських політв’язнів, які перебувають у російських тюрмах.

US Excludes China From Military Drill Over South China Sea Actions

The United States has disinvited China from a major international maritime exercise, saying Beijing’s “destabilizing behavior” in the South China Sea is inconsistent with the principles of the U.S.-led drill.

“China’s continued militarization of disputed features in the South China Sea only serve to raise tensions and destabilize the region,” read a statement from Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Logan, a Pentagon spokesman.

The statement said that disinviting China from the 2018 RIMPAC is an “initial” response to Beijing’s South China Sea activities. It did not specify what other steps may be taken.

Since 2014, China has taken part in RIMPAC, the world’s largest international maritime drill, which is held every two years in Hawaii. It’s a reflection of expanding U.S.-China military ties, despite tensions over Beijing’s construction of man-made islands in the South China Sea, some of which have been militarized.

“We have strong evidence that China has deployed anti-ship missiles, surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems, and electronic jammers to contested features in the Spratly Islands region of the South China Sea. China’s landing bomber aircraft at Woody Island has also raised tensions,” the Pentagon statement said.

“We have called on China to remove the military systems immediately and to reverse course on the militarization of disputed South China Sea features,” the statement added. “We believe these recent deployments and the continued militarization of these features is a violation of the promise that (Chinese) President Xi (Jinping) made to the United States and the World not to militarize the Spratly Islands.”

China claims virtually the entire South China Sea, despite overlapping claims by Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, the Philippines and Vietnam. The area is rich in fish, oil and natural gas resources. It’s also a vital shipping lane. About $5.3 trillion worth of goods moves through the sea every year, according to the U.S. Department of Defense.

U.S. ships and aircraft have conducted regular “freedom of navigation” operations (FONOPS) near some of the Chinese installations. But the Pentagon’s decision to boot Beijing from RIMPAC suggests U.S. officials realize the FONOPS were not enough to deter China, says Harry Kazianis, director of Defense Studies at the Center for the National Interest.

“China should never, ever have been invited to RIMPAC. Period,” Kazianis said. “Considering their aggressive approach to dominate the Asia-Pacific region, turn the South China Sea into their own personal lake, as well as diminish America’s position in the region, this move on the Trump administration’s part makes sense.”

The decision comes at a particularly sensitive moment in U.S.-China relations. Washington and Beijing are engaged in negotiations aimed at averting a trade war. Those talks have been complicated by plans for a nuclear summit with North Korea, a major ally of Beijing.

Post-Mugabe, Zimbabweans Still Waiting for Economic Uptick

This week marks six months since Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa took office, after Robert Mugabe gave in to military pressure and resigned.

During the weekend, the 75-year-old Mnangagwa told supporters that since he took over, a lot had improved.

He says Zimbabwe’s annual foreign direct investment had been around $400 or 500 million, but for the past five months it has gone to more than $15 billion committed to investment in the country, with international companies and countries such as Canada, South Africa, China, Britain and the United States coming to invest in power generation and water.

Last Tuesday, the British gave $100 million to aid toward trying to eliminate Zimbabwe’s cash crisis, Mnangagwa said.

The country’s methane gas reserves have improved as well, he added.

“After about three and half years, we should be able to produce eight million liters of fuel per day,” Mnangagwa said. “The country only consumes five million [liters] per day — three million surplus per day.  Zimbabwe will prosper, it is going to develop. Zimbabwe will shine not only in SADC [Southern African Development Community], but also in Africa because Zimbabwe is in good hands. Our political party ZANU-PF is a revolutionary party, it caters for the interests of the people.”

Chido Masasai, an unemployed former media student, says Zimbabwe’s people have yet to see the money the president is talking about. She says there is still a shortage of cash, and the black market continues to operate.

What she does see is a greater expression of political views — a significant change from the Mugabe era when authorities regularly harassed the president’s critics and opponents.

“But in terms of freedom of expression, a lot more people are liberal with their views and opinions. You find that there are a lot of political parties that have come into the fore,” Masasai said.

Harare-based economist John Robertson says it is too early for Zimbabwe’s economy to fully recover from Mugabe’s populist policies, which drove away most foreign investment.

“The economy is still in great difficulty, but remember that the difficulties we face were built slowly into the system by 38 years of very badly chosen economic policies, and I think that the media is largely responsible in increasing the expectations of the population beyond what was reasonably possible within a short period of time,” he said.

Robertson added that Mnangagwa might make major policy changes, such as compensating white farmers for land that was confiscated during the Mugabe years, and ensuring that black farmers can get bank loans instead of depending on government handouts.

“I think this is why the president is waiting for the elections,” he said. “Behind him he would have increased amounts of courage to make changes that will prove unpopular to the people who thought they achieved what they were expecting.”

The president is expected to announce a date for the elections soon, which could place in July or August.  

МЗС: українця Шаройка засудили в Білорусі до 8 років позбавлення волі

Павло Шаройко працював корепондентом «Українського радіо» в Білорусі. 25 жовтня 2017 року в Мінську його затримали співробітники КДБ

Ethiopia Opens Telecoms Sector to Limited Competition

Ethiopia’s state-run telecoms monopoly has agreed to allow some local firms to provide internet services through its infrastructure, a move seen as spurring competition and expanding the data market, officials said.

Ethio Telecom has more than 16 million subscribers of internet services in the country of over 100 million people.

It generated over 27.7 billion birr ($1 billion) in revenues in the first nine months of 2017/18, 70 percent of which was earned from mobile services and 18 percent from internet.

“Our objective of signing VISP [virtual internet service provider] agreements is to increase subscriptions,” said Abdurahim Ahmed, the company’s head of communications.

“There may be price reductions. There will be competition among themselves — that is the core idea,” he told Reuters.

Abdurahim said eight firms have signed up to provide the services, which include different internet packages. Foreign companies were not allowed to provide services, he said.

Ethiopia is one of few African countries to still have a state monopoly in telecoms. The companies that signed agreements with Ethio Telecom have either just been established to sign up for this new business or they were previously doing other business.

Addis Ababa has ruled out liberalizing the telecoms sector, saying the revenue it generates was being spent on infrastructure projects such as railways.

Abdurahim said the decision to allow private companies to sell services was not a precursor to fully liberalizing the sector.

“This has nothing to do with that. They will be providing downstream services,” he said, referring to data sent from an existing network service provider.

While Ethio Telecom has consistently increased annual revenue, vast parts of the country — including the capital — still suffer from occasionally patchy mobile reception and internet service.

The low internet penetration and poor quality of service in Ethiopia is often a drag on businesses and is especially seen as an obstacle to technology startups such as those that have thrived in neighboring Kenya.

Ethiopia maintains a tight grip on several other industries, with foreign firms also barred from the banking and retail sectors.

Turkish Currency Hits Record Low Amid Erdogan Concerns

Turkey’s currency has fallen to a record low against the dollar amid concerns about an outflow of investor capital and the country’s ability to manage the situation.

The lira weakened to over 4.80 per dollar on Wednesday, down some 5 percent since the previous day.


The drop puts pressure on the Turkish Central Bank to sharply increase rates before a scheduled monetary policy meeting on June 7. But it is seen to be reluctant as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants rates low.


Higher rates can support a currency and ease inflation, but also hinder economic growth by making borrowing more expensive.


The lira has lost more than 20 percent of its value against the dollar since the start of the year. The risk is that will increase the price of imports, making Turkish people effectively poorer. It could also encourage more investors to pull their money out if they expect that the value of their investments to drop as the currency declines.


Turkey’s market jitters in part reflect a global trend in which the currencies of emerging economies have come under pressure. Economists say that is partly because the U.S. Federal Reserve is raising interest rates, encouraging investors to place their money in the U.S. instead of other economies.


Because Turkey is particularly dependent on foreign capital, its markets are one of those to have suffered most. Other countries that have seen sharp drops in their currencies include Brazil and Argentina.


But Turkey’s currency has been hit particularly hard because of the complicated political backdrop. While a central bank is in theory independent from the government, Erdogan has put pressure on it to not raise rates as he prepares for early presidential and parliamentary elections next month.


Jason Tuvey, an economist with Capital Economics in London, says that if the central bank “continues to bow to pressure from Erdogan and refrains from raising interest rates, that would lead to an even sharper fall in the currency.”


Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag on Wednesday cast the lira’s drop as a foreign plot to harm Erdogan and affect the results of the polls.


“Those who believe that by manipulating the dollar they will lead to results that will harm the nation and their pockets and change the election result, are mistaken,” the state-run Anadolu Agency quoted Bozdag as saying.


Muharrem Ince, the main opposition party’s candidate who is challenging Erdogan at the June 24 presidential race, called on the Turkish leader to urgently halt interfering in the central bank’s monetary policy and to ease concerns over fiscal discipline, warning that the “economy is about to hit the wall.”




Крим: затримали делегата Курултаю кримських татар, ФСБ заперечує свою участь

Поблизу села Піонерське в Сімферопольському районі Криму затримали делегата Курултаю кримськотатарського народу Асана Егіза, повідомляє проект Радіо Свобода «Крим. Реалії» з посиланням на депутата Верховної Ради Рефата Чубарова та кримського адвоката Айдера Азаматова.

За словами Азаматова, чоловіка затримали невідомі на автомобілі з мигалкою. Рефат Чубаров натомість у своєму пості на Facebook чітко вказує на відповідальність за затримання російських силовиків.

Ті офіційно ще нічого не коментували. Але, як пізніше заявив Айдер Азаматов у коментарі«Крим. Реалії», у ФСБ участь їхніх співробітників у затриманні Егіза заперечують, а про місце перебування делегата Курултаю нічого не знають.

«Ми були в головному управлінні ФСБ. Нам усно сказали, що його немає і сьогодні не привозили. Ми залишили заяву і зараз (станом на 16:50 – ред.) їдемо в «Центр-Е», може там дізнаємося. Якщо і там не буде, то поїдемо в Головне управління безпеки дорожнього руху – може там є якась інформація», – сказав він.

Після анексії в Криму російська влада практикує масові обшуки у незалежних журналістів, громадських активістів, активістів кримськотатарського національного руху, членів Меджлісу кримськотатарського народу, а також кримських мусульман, підозрюваних у зв’язках із забороненою в Росії організацією «Хізб ут-Тахрір».

Body of Pakistani Girl Killed at Texas School Arrives in Karachi

The body of a 17-year-old Pakistani exchange student killed in a mass shooting at a high school in Texas has arrived in the port city of Karachi, where her family lives.

Sabika Sheikh was among 10 students and staff slain Friday at Santa Fe High School. The alleged shooter is 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis, who is being held on capital murder charges.

Sabika had planned to return home in a few weeks for Eid al-Fitr, the three-day holiday marking the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. 

Her body reached her hometown before dawn Wednesday and she was to be buried later in the day.

Sabika was her family’s oldest child and began classes at Santa Fe High School last August.  

Pompeo: US Working to Bring Home US Hostages from Iran

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vowed Tuesday to bring home American hostages in Iran, saying “the entire United States government” is working “diligently” and is utilizing “every avenue” and “mechanism.” 

“I mentioned a handful of names yesterday. There are more around the world I didn’t identify in yesterday’s remarks,” said the chief American diplomat during his first appearance at the State Department briefing.  

In his first major foreign policy address on Monday, Pompeo said Iran had failed to free American detainees, including Baquer Namazi, Siamak Namazi, Xiyue Wang and Bob Levinson, even during a time when Washington gave Tehran sanctions relief under the 2015 nuclear deal.

Pompeo drew a comparison with the U.S.’ “frosty relations” with North Korea a few months ago, where three American detainees were later released.

“We are working diligently along every avenue that we can develop to get these folks to return back home, back to their families,” he said, responding to a question posed by VOA.

Trump’s decision worries families

Families of several American hostages are worried that the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal will make it harder to get their loved ones home safely.

On May 8, U.S. President Donald Trump announced Washington would withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Under terms of the 2015 accord, Iran agreed to take a number of steps to limit its nuclear program, in exchange for sanctions relief. 

The Untied States has been calling for an immediate and unconditional release of Americans detained or missing in Iran.

One of them is Namazi, who is 81 and said to be in poor health. 

“We have been alarmed for some time at his declining health. We know that he’s in urgent need of sustained medical care,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in February. She added that Washington had also renewed its call that Tehran release Baquer Namazi’s son, Siamak Namazi, who is also being held.

Change in approach needed?

In August 2016, Wang, a naturalized American citizen from China, was arrested in Iran while researching Persian history for his doctoral thesis at Princeton University. He was sentenced to 10 years on an espionage charge.

Levinson is a former FBI agent who has been missing in Iran for more than a decade.  

Iranian officials said they could be open to discussing the prisoner release if the U.S. changed its hostile approach and engaged with Iran in a respectful way. 

New Eruptions in Hawaii Send Lava Closer to Power Plant

Workers raced Tuesday to cap wells at a geothermal plant threatened by lava pouring from Hawaii’s erupting Kilauea volcano.

The lava flow entered the 800-acre (330-hectare) property of the Puna Geothermal Venture Plant on Monday and destroyed a warehouse, but stalled about 300 yards from the nearest underground well. On Tuesday, the lava began advancing again.

The plant was shut down shortly after Kilauea began spewing lava on May 3. 

Officials feared that if the lava breached uncapped wells, it could release hydrogen sulfide, a toxic and flammable gas. 

County, state and federal authorities are monitoring the flow and working with the power plant “to ensure the safety of the surrounding communities,” the county civil defense agency said in a statement. It added that nearby residents should be prepared to leave the area with little notice because of gas or lava inundation.

Kilauea’s eruption, which has already produced nearly two dozen lava-spewing fissures, entered a more violent phase over the weekend, producing larger volumes of molten rock from fissures.

On Sunday, the first serious injury was reported when a man was hit by “lava spatter” — projectile molten rock — while sitting on his balcony.

“It hit him on the shin and shattered everything there down on his leg,” County of Hawaii government spokeswoman Janet Snyder said.

Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and one of five on the Big Island. Since May, about 2,000 people have been forced to evacuate, and lava has destroyed more than 47 buildings.

Scientists do not expect fatalities in the event of a large eruption because most of the exposed residential communities have been evacuated, and the southeastern part of the island where the volcano is located is sparsely populated.

Most of the Big Island and the rest of the state’s island chain have not been affected by the volcanic activity. Officials said flights to and from the Big Island and the rest of the state have not been affected.

Official: Trump Administration to Publish Proposed Rule Changes for Gun Exports

The Trump administration is preparing to publish on Thursday long-delayed proposed rule changes for the export of U.S. firearms, a State Department official said on Tuesday.

The rule changes would move the oversight of commercial firearm exports from the U.S. Department of State to the Department of Commerce.

The action is part of a broader Trump administration overhaul of weapons export policy that was announced in April.

Domestic gun sales drop

Timing for the formal publication of the rule change and the opening of the public comment period was unveiled by Mike Miller the acting secretary for the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, the State Department’s body that currently oversees the bulk of commercial firearms transfers and other foreign military sales.

He was speaking at the Forum on the Arms Trade’s annual conference at the Stimson Center, a Washington think tank.

Reuters first reported on the proposed rule changes in September as the Trump administration was preparing to make it easier for American gun makers to sell small arms, including assault rifles and ammunition, to foreign buyers.

Domestic gun sales have fallen significantly after soaring under President Barack Obama, when gun enthusiasts stockpiled weapons and ammunition out of fear that the government would tighten gun laws.

A move by the Trump administration to make it simpler to sell small arms abroad may generate business for gun makers American Outdoor Brands and Sturm, Ruger & Company in an industry experiencing a deep sales slump since the election of President Donald Trump.

Remington recovers from bankruptcy

Remington, America’s oldest gun maker, filed for bankruptcy protection in March, weeks after a shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, killed 17 people and triggered intensified campaigns for gun control by activists. Remington emerged from bankruptcy last week.

The expected relaxing of rules could increase foreign gun sales by as much as 20 percent, the National Sports Shooting Foundation has estimated. As well as the industry’s big players, it may also help small gunsmiths and specialists who are currently required to pay an annual federal fee to export relatively minor amounts of products.

Парубій вважає, що завтра потрібно почати розгляд законопроекту про антикорупційний суд

Голова Верховної Ради Андрій Парубій вважає за необхідне завтра, 23 травня, почати розгляд у другому читанні законопроекту про антикорупційний суд.

«Моя особиста думка – завтра входити й розглядати», – сказав він.

За словами Парубія, апарат Ради готує порівняльну таблицю до законопроекту, вона буде готова завтра вранці.

Комітет Верховної Ради з питань правової політики й правосуддя 21 травня підготував законопроект до другого читання. Як повідомив голова комітету Руслан Князевич, серед іншого, врахована пропозиція вилучити з тексту законопроекту згадки про проведення експертизи на поліграфі.

За його словами, також погоджена позиція, що для початку роботи суду необхідне призначення 35 суддів, з яких 10 повинні бути суддями апеляційної інстанції.

Читайте також: Чи готова влада відмовитись від контролю над Антикорупційним судом?

У Міжнародному валютному фонді минулого тижня наголосили на важливості схвалення законопроекту про антикорупційний суд. Представник МВФ вказав, що остаточна версія цього закону має повністю відповідати зобов’язанням України в рамках програми співпраці, а також рекомендаціям Венеціанської комісії.

1 березня Верховна Рада України підтримала президентський законопроект № 7440 про Антикорупційний суд у першому читанні. Як заявив тоді голова Верховної Ради Андрій Парубій, всі рекомендації і зауваження до документа депутати зможуть розглянути до другого читання.

14 травня громадські активісти заявили про «штучне затягування» розгляду законопроекту про антикорупційний суд. За даними активістів, уже 5 засідань поспіль профільний парламентський комітет не розглядає законопроект про антикорупційний суд.

Створення Антикорупційного суду передбачає закон про судоустрій і статус суддів, ухвалений 2016 року. Проте досі не схвалений спеціальний закон щодо такого суду.

US, China Near Rescue Deal for Chinese Telecom Firm ZTE

U.S. President Donald Trump said Tuesday “there is no deal” yet to lift the seven-year ban on the sale of American-made components to the giant Chinese telecommunications company ZTE, but that there might be a settlement as part of ongoing trade talks between the world’s two biggest economies.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he could envision a $1.3 billion fine against ZTE for violating the U.S. ban on trading with Iran and North Korea, the replacement of ZTE’s management and board of directors and imposition of “very, very strict security” to prevent the theft of U.S. intellectual and national security secrets.

“We caught them doing bad things,” he said.

Trump said Chinese President Xi Jinping asked him to look into the fate of ZTE after the firm said it had to shut its production because the U.S. banned sale of American-made components ZTE uses to manufacture an array of technology products until 2025. Trump said he also heard protests from the U.S. companies selling goods to ZTE.

Trump declared he was “not satisfied” with the state of U.S.-China trade talks after last week’s negotiations in Washington. China agreed to “substantially reduce” the $375 billion annual trade surplus it has over the U.S. by buying more American goods, but there was no mention of any specific import and export targets in the statement agreed to by the two countries.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is headed to China next week for further trade talks.

Trump commented on the ZTE case as U.S. news accounts quoted officials as saying a deal was near.

His suggestion of a $1.3 billion fine was slightly more than the $1.2 billion penalty the U.S. imposed last year on ZTE after uncovering its trade ban violations.

On Sunday, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said, “Do not expect ZTE to get off scot-free. Ain’t going to happen.”

Congressional opposition

But some U.S. lawmakers voiced opposition to settling the case.

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, who lost the 2016 Republican presidential nomination to Trump, contended that Washington had “surrendered” to Beijing. The Florida lawmaker said he would try to block it.

“Making changes to their board and a fine won’t stop them from spying and stealing from us. But this is too important to be over. We will begin working on veto-proof congressional action,” Rubio said on Twitter.

Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer said, “The proposed solution is like a wet noodle,” contending ZTE’s technology devices threaten to steal U.S. national security secrets.

Rescuing ZTE

Trump last week called for rescuing ZTE “to get back into business, fast.” He said “too many jobs in China” were being lost after the U.S. banned the sales of American-made components to ZTE. The U.S. leader said, “Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

While some U.S. officials said the penalties against ZTE — the fine and the ban on sale of U.S. components until 2025 — were a law enforcement action, Trump linked the issue to ongoing trade and tariff disputes with China. The two countries over the weekend called off the threat of imposing higher tariffs on billions of dollars of each other’s exports while their negotiations continue.

Meanwhile, China announced Tuesday that on July 1 it will cut tariffs on most imported cars from 25 percent to 15 percent, still well above the 2.5 percent levy the U.S. imposes on cars imported from overseas.

The announcement by China’s finance ministry follows a pledge by Xi last month to lower the import duties and to ease foreign ownership restrictions for the Chinese auto industry.

Trump repeatedly has mentioned the 25 percent automobile tariff as a key trade barrier between the two countries.

On Monday, Trump said new trade between China and the U.S. will especially benefit U.S. farmers.

“Under our potential deal with China, they will purchase from our Great American Farmers practically as much as our Farmers can produce,” he said on Twitter.