Category: Бізнес

Harvesting Power from Slow-Flowing Rivers

Scientists and engineers are constantly looking for more efficient ways to harvest energy from sustainable sources, such as the sun, wind, ocean waves and river flows. Researchers from Brown University have teamed up with a company from Rhode Island to build an innovative power generator suitable for slow-flowing rivers and tidal canals. VOA’s George Putic …

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Solutions for China’s Rust Belt Remain Elusive Amid Economic Slowdown

Keeping the Chinese economy steaming ahead is a priority for China’s Communist Party leaders. That issue and others will be topics in the coming days when China hosts high-level political meetings in Beijing. To better understand some of the challenges the world’s second-largest economy faces, VOA’s Bill Ide visited Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning Province …

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China’s Defense Budget to Rise 7 Percent

China says its defense budget will increase by about 7 percent this year, marking the second year in a row China has kept its military spending to a single digit percentage increase. The exact number for defense spending in 2017 will be released Sunday when parliament begins its annual session. China’s neighbors, however, have become …

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Federal Agents Search Caterpillar’s Illinois Facilities

Federal law enforcement agents have searched three facilities of the American heavy-equipment manufacturer Caterpillar Incorporated in the U.S. Midwest. Caterpillar spokeswoman Corrie Heck Scott said in an email that the company, the world’s largest manufacturer of mining and construction equipment, was cooperating with law enforcement, but she gave no further details about the searches Thursday. …

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L.A.’s Legalization of Street Vending Helps Immigrants Stay on Right Side of Law

Street vendors are a part of the life of many American cities. They’re not always regulated and many are immigrants. Los Angeles is a prime example. Street vending is has been illegal. A number of the vendors there are undocumented immigrants. With hopes to protect them from deportation for breaking the law, the city recently …

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Mobile Wallets Offer Consumers Safety, Other Benefits

Smartphones have replaced lots of other accessories — cameras, flashlights, calculators. But many people are still reluctant to swap the wallets in their pockets for their digital counterparts. A key reason consumers are hesitant to adopt mobile payment systems like Apple Pay and Android Pay, surveys say, is fear about security: High-profile retailer data breaches …

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Singled Out by Trump, Harley Davidson Opposed Higher Tariffs

Motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson, which President Donald Trump singled out Tuesday when discussing foreign trade barriers, warned earlier this year against responding to such restrictions by imposing higher American tariffs.   Trump said in his speech to Congress that executives from Harley-Davidson told him they have trouble selling motorcycles outside of the United States because of …

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Mexico’s Cemex Willing to Provide Quotes for Border Wall Cement

Mexico’s Cemex, one of the world’s largest cement producers, is open to providing quotes to supply the raw materials for U.S. President Donald Trump’s promised border wall, its chairman told Reforma newspaper on Wednesday. Trump repeated on Tuesday a vow that he would soon start building a barrier along the nearly 2,000-mile (3,200-km) U.S.-Mexico border …

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Why Deporting Undocumented Immigrants Could Slow US Economy

If President Donald Trump’s hardline stance on illegal immigration leads to large-scale deportations, among those hurt could be the U.S. economy. That’s the view of many economists, who say the United States can’t afford to suddenly lose vast numbers of the immigrants who work illegally picking fruit and vegetables, building houses, busing tables, staffing meat-packing …

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EU Presses Vietnam to Improve Human Rights Ahead of Trade Deal

Vietnam is coming under pressure from lawmakers in Europe to improve its human rights record before ratification of an EU free trade deal that the Communist government prizes after the loss of a major U.S.-led agreement. European Parliament members voiced concerns in late February about Vietnam as its Subcommittee on Human Rights traveled to the …

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More Austerity Looms as Greece, Lenders Resume Bailout Talks

Greece and its lenders resumed a long-stalled review of its bailout Tuesday, with the government in Athens braced to commit to yet more austerity in exchange for the funds the country needs to remain solvent. The review has dragged on for months, partly because of a rift between the European Union and the International Monetary …

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Closed Pakistan-Afghan Border Causes Pain, Trade Losses

Pakistan’s decision to close the border with Afghanistan was a largely symbolic act aimed at forcing its neighbor to take action against extremist groups blamed for fomenting cross-border terror attacks. It’s a hard reality for the travelers and traders trapped for nearly two weeks on both sides of the dusty crossings at Torkham, Ghulam Khan …

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US Economy Grew at Weak 1.9 Percent Rate in 4th Quarter

The U.S. economy grew at an anemic 1.9 percent rate in the fourth quarter, unchanged from an initial estimate, although consumers performed better than first thought. The Commerce Department says that the gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic health, increased at an annual rate of 1.9 percent in the October-December quarter. That is …

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Trump Says ‘Revved Up Economy’ Will Pay for Budget Proposals

President Donald Trump said he believes the extra $54 billion he has proposed spending on the U.S. military will be offset by a stronger economy as well as cuts in other areas. “I think the money is going to come from a revved up economy,” Trump said in a Fox News interview broadcast on Tuesday, …

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South Korean Prosecutors to Indict Samsung’s De Facto Chief

South Korean special prosecutors said they would indict Samsung’s de facto chief Tuesday on bribery, embezzlement and other charges linked to a political scandal that has toppled President Park Geun-hye. The planned indictment of Samsung Electronics vice chairman Jay Y. Lee is a huge hit for the largest and most successful of the big businesses …

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Juncker to Offer EU ‘Pathways’ to Post-Brexit Unity

European Union chief executive Jean-Claude Juncker will propose to national leaders next month a handful of options for shoring up unity once Britain launches a withdrawal that some fear could trigger a further unraveling of the bloc. The European Commission president wants some states to be able to deepen cooperation further and faster without the …

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FDI Slippage, Trump’s Currency Threats Put Pressure on China

U.S. President Donald Trump has revived China’s fears by once again calling it a currency manipulator, weeks after many felt the issue had been shelved. Trump reemphasized his stand last week, hours after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin indicated China would not be singled out for adverse treatment on the currency issue. “Well they, I think, they’re …

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Kenya Doctors’ Strike Takes Deadly Toll on Poor

Doctors in Kenya’s public health facilities have refused to work since December. They are demanding the government implement an agreement it signed in 2013 to raise salaries and improve working conditions. However, the strike is taking a deadly toll on the nation’s poor. Jared Ochieng lost his son Lamarck to complications from leukemia. “If it …

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Aggressive Cuts to Obama-era Green Rules to Start Soon, EPA Chief Says

President Donald Trump’s administration will begin rolling back Obama-era environmental regulations in an “aggressive way” as soon as next week, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency said Saturday — adding that he understood why some Americans wanted to see his agency eliminated. “I think there are some regulations that in the near term need …

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French Startups Venture Abroad for Chance at Global Recognition, Investment

Launching a startup is no easy feat. Launching one outside your native country is even harder. But for certain French startups, the French government is there to help. A government-sponsored competition that began last year offers startups marketing and promotional assistance.   The Creative Next Challenge is a series of competitions sponsored by Business France, …

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EPA Delays Rule on Funding Mine Pollution Cleanup 

Facing pushback from industry and Republicans in Congress, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency delayed Friday a proposal that would require mining companies to show they have the financial wherewithal to clean up their pollution so taxpayers aren’t stuck footing the bill. Contaminated water from mine sites can flow into rivers and other waterways, harming aquatic …

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‘Made in Paraguay’ — a Cheaper Label for Some Brazilian Manufacturers

When toymaker Estrela decided to move manufacturing capacity back to Latin America from China, it sank $2 million into a new factory not in its native Brazil – the region’s largest economy – but in its tiny southern neighbor Paraguay. The plant, which opened this month in the border town of Hernandarias, stands near a …

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Trump: Republican Border Tax Could Boost US Jobs

President Donald Trump on Thursday spoke favorably about a potentially export-boosting border adjustment tax being pushed by Republicans in the U.S. Congress, but did not specifically endorse it. Trump, who has lashed out at U.S. companies who have moved operations to countries like Mexico, has previously sent mixed signals on the proposal at the heart …

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Will US Workers Have Right Skills for Jobs of the Future?

President Donald Trump told the heads of more than 20 of the largest U.S. manufacturers Thursday that he planned to bring millions of factory jobs back to the United States. Trump said the United States had lost one-third of its manufacturing jobs since the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed, and that 70,000 American …

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Mnuchin Says Goal Is to Pass US Tax Reform by August

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Thursday the administration is committed to getting major tax reform legislation through Congress by August. He predicted that President Donald Trump’s economic proposals will be able to boost growth significantly to annual rates above 3 percent. Mnuchin said that tax reform is the administration’s top economic priority and the goal …

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Activists Urge Unilever to Press Myanmar, Help Rohingya

Activists are urging Unilever, a major investor in Myanmar, to speak out against the country’s treatment of its Rohingya minority, which the U.N. has said may be called “crimes against humanity.” More than 10,000 people have joined the Facebook group for the campaign, known by the #WeAreAllRohingyaNow, and hundreds have signed on. A letter sent …

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