Category: Бізнес

US Adds New Sanctions on Cuba Tourist Attractions

The Trump administration is adding new names to a list of Cuban tourist attractions that Americans are barred from visiting.   The 26 names range from the new five-star Iberostar Grand Packard and Paseo del Prado hotels in Old Havana to modest shopping centers in beachside resorts far from the capital. All are barred because …

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Fuel Shortages the New Normal in Venezuela as Oil Industry Unravels

With chronic shortages of basic goods afflicting her native Venezuela, Veronica Perez used to drive from supermarket to supermarket in her grey Chevrolet Aveo searching for food. But the 54-year-old engineer has abandoned the practice because of shortages of something that should be abundant in a country with the world’s largest oil reserves: gasoline. “I …

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Elon Musk’s ‘Teslaquila’ Faces Clash With Mexican Tequila Industry

Tesla co-founder Elon Musk and Mexico’s tequila producers could be headed for a collision after the agave-based drink’s industry group opposed the flamboyant billionaire’s efforts to trademark an alcoholic drink dubbed “Teslaquila.” One of the world’s richest people and chief executive of Tesla, Musk is known for ambitious and cutting-edge projects ranging from auto electrification …

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In Factory After Factory, Kim Tries to Grow N. Korea Economy

For North Korean factory managers, a visit by leader Kim Jong Un is the highest of honors and quite possibly the most stressful event imaginable. The chief engineer at the Songdowon General Foodstuffs Factory had looked forward to the visit for nearly a decade. His factory churns out tons of cookies, crackers, candies and bakery …

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Gin Up, South Africa: Gin Craze Going Big

A recent proliferation of craft gins and new distilleries has taken over South Africa’s bar scene. But this is not your average gin, distillers say: South African gin is infused with unique local flavors — like fynbos, rooibos, marula, sceletium and other distinctive South African botanicals — that they feel will take the world’s taste …

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Ocean Shock: In Land of Sushi, Squid Moves Out of Reach

This is part of “Ocean Shock,” a Reuters series exploring climate change’s impact on sea creatures and the people who depend on them. Takashi Odajima picked up a cracked and faded photograph and dusted it off with his sleeve. He smiled a little sadly at the image from long ago, back when he was a …

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Study: Millions of Small Asian Farmers Miss Out on Seeds Resilient to Climate Change

Millions of smallholder farmers in South and Southeast Asia are missing out on new, resilient seeds that could improve their yields in the face of climate change, according to an index published Monday. The 24 top seed companies fail to reach four-fifths of the region’s 170 million smallholder farmers for reasons such as poor infrastructure, …

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Amazon HQ Favorites: Similar Basics, Different Vibes

The communities said to be favored to become homes to a pair of big, new East Coast bases for Amazon are both riverfront stretches of major metropolitan areas with ample transportation and space for workers. But there are plenty of differences between New York’s Long Island City and Crystal City in northern Virginia.   Set …

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UK PM May Stares into Brexit Abyss as Domestic Opposition Mounts

Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit strategy came under attack from all sides on Monday, increasing the risk that her plan for leaving the EU will be voted down by parliament and thrust the United Kingdom towards a potentially chaotic “no-deal” Brexit. Less than five months before Britain is due to leave the European Union on …

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Japan’s Abe Calls for Public Works Spending to Help Economy 

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called Monday for a new public works spending program to stimulate the economy amid growing concerns about global risks.  The spending, which is expected in the first half of next fiscal year starting in April, will focus on strengthening infrastructure to withstand earthquakes and frequent flooding, according to a presentation made at …

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Oman Oil Minister: Majority of OPEC and its Allies Support Cut

A majority of OPEC and allied oil exporters support a cut in the global supply of crude, Oman Oil Minister Mohammed bin Hamad al-Rumhi said on Sunday. “Many of us share this view,” the minister said when asked about the need for a cut. Asked if it could amount to 500,000 or one million barrels …

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SWIFT System to Disconnect Some Iranian Banks This Weekend

The Belgium-based SWIFT financial messaging service will be disconnecting some Iranian banks this weekend, said SWIFT chief executive Gottfried Leibbrandt at an event in Paris on Friday. Earlier this week, SWIFT had already stated that it would be suspending some unspecified Iranian banks’ access to its messaging system in the interest of the stability and …

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India’s Royal Enfield Targets Tripling of US Sales This Year

India-based motorcycle brand Royal Enfield expects sales in its new North American business to almost triple this year and is aiming to dominate the market for middleweight bikes into which Harley-Davidson Inc has just shifted in a bid to revive sales. Enfield, originally a classic UK brand but manufactured by India’s Eicher Motors Ltd in …

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Vietnam’s Bamboo Airways Expects to Get Aviation License Next Week

Vietnam’s new carrier Bamboo Airways expects to finally get an aviation license next week and start flying within weeks, the chairman of its parent firm said on Thursday. The airline had to delay its maiden flight on Oct. 10 because it didn’t receive a license in time. “Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has approved the …

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Tesla Says Robyn Denholm of Telstra to be new Board Chair

Tesla said Thursday that its new board chair replacing Elon Musk will be Robyn Denholm of Australia’s Telstra.   The appointment to the full-time position takes effect immediately though Denholm will leave Telstra, Australia’s biggest telecoms company, after a six-month notice period. Denholm already is on Tesla’s board.   Musk agreed to vacate his post …

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China Grants 18 Trademarks in 2 Months to Trump, Daughter Ivanka

The Chinese government granted 18 trademarks to companies linked to President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump over the last two months, Chinese public records show, raising concerns about conflicts of interest in the White House. In October, China’s Trademark Office granted provisional approval for 16 trademarks to Ivanka Trump Marks LLC, bringing to …

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Ocean Shock: Fish Flee for Cooler Waters, Upending Lives in US South

This is part of “Ocean Shock,” a Reuters series exploring climate change’s impact on sea creatures and the people who depend on them. Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Fortunate Son” drifts from Karroll Tillett’s workshop, a wooden shed about half a mile from where he was born. Tillett, known as “Frog” to everyone here, has lived most …

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Brazil Economy Key to Bolsonaro Win, But Will He Deliver?

Key to Jair Bolsonaro’s recent election victory was the support of Brazil’s business community, which coalesced around him because he promised to overhaul Latin America’s largest economy and address its worrying budget deficit. But the president-elect has been stingy with the details, and many wonder if he’ll stick to his recent conversion to market-friendly reforms …

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Amazon Mum on Reports it Will Split New Headquarters

Amazon isn’t commenting on reports that it plans to split its new headquarters between facilities in two cities rather than choosing just one. The New York Times, citing unnamed people familiar with the decision-making process, said the company is nearing deals to locate in Queens in New York City and in the Crystal City area …

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Nigerian Unions, Government Agree Minimum Wage to Avert Strike

Nigerian trade unions and the government agreed to a new minimum wage proposal on Tuesday, in an attempt to avert a planned nationwide strike following threats to shutdown Africa’s biggest economy, a union official said. Unions, which have been discussing with the government a new minimum wage proposal, had planned to commence a strike on …

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In China, Female Pilots Strain to Hold Up Half the Sky

When Han Siyuan first decided to apply for a job as a pilot cadet in 2008, she was up against 400 female classmates in China on tests measuring everything from their command of English to the length of their legs. Eventually, she became the only woman from her university that Shanghai-based Spring Airlines picked for …

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EU-Japan Trade Deal Clears Hurdle on Way to 2019 Start

European Union and Japanese plans to form the world’s largest free trade area cleared a significant hurdle Monday when EU lawmakers specializing in trade backed a deal that could enter force next year. The European Parliament’s international trade committee voted 25 in favor to 10 against to clear the deal for a final vote in …

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China’s Xi Promises to Raise Imports Amid Trade Row With US

Chinese President Xi Jinping promised on Monday to lower tariffs, broaden market access and import more from overseas at the start of a trade expo designed to demonstrate goodwill amid mounting frictions with the United States and others. The Nov. 5-10 China International Import Expo, or CIIE, brings thousands of foreign companies together with Chinese …

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Iraq Fish Farmers Hit by Carp Deaths, Amid Fears Over Pollution

Along the Iraqi banks of the Euphrates river, one question dominates the conversation. What killed the fish? Thousands of tons of freshwater carp have washed up dead this month, leaving Iraqi fish farmers reeling from the significant loss of earnings. Carp is the country’s national dish, commonly barbecued outdoors across restaurants in Baghdad. Agriculture officials …

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Xi Pledges to Open Chinese Market

Chinese President Xi Jinping said Monday that China would take steps to widen access to its markets as he opened a huge trade fair amid criticism from other countries about China’s economic and business practices. Xi said China would lower tariffs, take more action to punish violations of intellectual property rights, and work to boost …

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New Orleans Restaurateur Aims for Inclusivity in New Venture

When employees enter Saba — an Israeli restaurant started by award-winning chef Alon Shaya — they pass by the company’s mission statement, which emphasizes the importance of a safe and comfortable working environment. Only at the end does it really get around to food with the words: “Then, we will cook and serve and be …

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