Author: Fbiz

Automakers Move Toward Automatic Braking at Different Speeds

Big automakers are rushing to launch self-driving cars as early as 2021, but the industry’s major players are moving slowly when it comes to widespread deployment of a less expensive crash prevention technology that regulators say could prevent thousands of deaths and injuries every year. Nissan said on Thursday it would make automatic braking systems …

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House Votes to Roll Back Post-2008 Financial Rules

The Republican-led House approved sweeping legislation Thursday to undo much of former President Barack Obama’s landmark banking law created after the 2008 economic crisis that caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs and homes. The largely party-line vote was 233-186, as Republicans argued the rules designed to prevent another meltdown were making it harder …

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‘Foundation 500’ List of Women CEOs Challenges Stereotypes

From a Peruvian trout farm manager to the head of an Indonesian meatball company, a list of 500 women entrepreneurs in emerging markets was launched Thursday to challenge the stereotype of a typical company boss and inspire women globally. The “Foundation 500” list features the portraits and careers of 500 female entrepreneurs in 11 emerging …

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Mexican Sugar Producers Want Probe of US Corn Syrup Imports

Mexican sugar producers want an investigation into suspected dumping in Mexico by U.S. fructose producers even after a U.S.-Mexico deal on access to the U.S. sugar market, the head of the Mexican sugar industry group said Wednesday. The sugar lobby last month said it had asked the Mexican economy ministry to investigate U.S. high-fructose corn …

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US Small Businesses in Clean Energy Sector Still Hope for Best

Small-business owners who install solar panels or help customers use clean energy don’t seem fazed by President Donald Trump’s plan to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate accord, saying they expect demand for their services will still keep growing. They’re confident in two trends they see: A growing awareness and concern about the environment, …

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World Economy Seen Picking Up, But Political Uncertainty a Risk

A global watchdog says the world economy is picking up speed but faces big political uncertainties and needs to be reformed to make growth work for a broader swath of people. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says in its latest outlook report, published Wednesday, that world growth should accelerate from 3 percent in …

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Trump Chooses Regional Banker as Key Regulator of US Banks

President Donald Trump has chosen a regional banker as his nominee for a key government position in bank regulation.   Trump announced late Monday he is naming Joseph Otting as comptroller of the currency, heading a Treasury Department agency that is the chief overseer for federally chartered banks. If confirmed by the Senate, Otting will …

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AP Explains: House Republicans Take Aim at Financial Regulations

A decade ago, the first inklings of the coming recession emerged as a housing bubble fueled by scant regulation, low interest rates and easy credit gradually began to crater and soon would take the rest of the economy along for the painful ride. By the time the Great Recession ended in June 2009, almost no …

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South Africa’s Economy Falls Into Recession

South Africa’s economy – one of Africa’s biggest – is in recession. A 0.7 percent decline in GDP in the first quarter of this year followed a 0.3 percent contraction in the last quarter of 2016, meeting the definition of a recession as two or more quarters of negative growth, the South African government said …

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Trump Administration Considers Air Blasting in Atlantic in Search for Oil, Gas

The Trump administration is considering letting companies use seismic air guns to look for oil and gas deposits below the Atlantic Ocean, outraging environmentalists and coastal towns and resorts. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says it has gotten five separate requests to carry out the operations. NOAA admits using the high-powered guns may …

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Justices Side With Religious Hospitals in Pension Dispute

Religious hospitals don’t have to comply with federal laws protecting pension plans, a unanimous Supreme Court ruled Monday in a case that affects retirement benefits for roughly a million workers nationwide. The justices sided with three church-affiliated nonprofit hospital systems being sued for underfunding their employee pension plans.   The hospitals — two with Catholic affiliation …

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US Probes Air Bag Computer Failures in 2012 Jeep Liberty

The U.S. government is investigating complaints that air bag control computers in some Jeep Liberty SUVs can fail, preventing the air bag system from operating properly in a crash. The probe covers about 105,000 of the vehicles from the 2012 model year.   The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says in documents posted Monday that …

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Aspiring Chefs Thrive at ‘Restaurant Incubator’

The restaurant business can cause serious heartburn. It’s a mixed salad of bureaucracy, money, and paperwork that keeps some chefs from ever selling that first plate of food. But there may be hope as “restaurant incubators” offer chefs an alternative menu for success. Arash Arabasadi reports from Washington. …

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Oregon Wineries Branch Out to Legal Marijuana

Diversification is a growing trend in some sectors of the agriculture industry. Some winemakers in the northwestern state of Oregon are branching out into marijuana as a new business venture. Faith Lapidus reports. …

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Perry Staying Busy, Gaining in Enthusiasm at Energy Department

Rick Perry twice ran for president and appeared as a contestant on TV’s Dancing with the Stars. But since becoming President Donald Trump’s energy secretary, Perry has kept a low profile and rarely has been seen publicly around Washington. Comedian Hasan Minhaj joked at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner that Perry must be “sitting …

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Many Businesses Critical of Trump Decision to Leave Climate Accord

Dozens of U.S. companies spoke out against President Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord. Analysts say the improving economic case for renewables has boosted support for green energy in the once-skeptical business community; but, as VOA’s Jim Randle reports, some coal companies supported the president’s action. …

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What’s Truly Italian? Food Fight Foils ‘Made in Italy’ Plan

For the Italian government, it seemed like a recipe for success: create an official “Made in Italy” logo to defend the country’s finest food exports from an army of foreign impersonators. On supermarket shelves worldwide, a star-shaped logo would mark out real Italian cheeses, hams, pasta and sparkling wines from those that only look or …

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UN Security Council Sanctions More North Korean Companies, Individuals

The U.N. Security Council increased international pressure on North Korea on Friday to give up its pursuit of a nuclear bomb, adding 14 individuals and four companies to its sanctions lists. The council unanimously voted to impose travel bans and asset freezes following North Korea’s stepped-up ballistic missile launches this year. The tests, including three …

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EU, China Renew Commitment to Fight Climate Change

The European Union and China recommitted Friday to the 2015 Paris climate deal, one day after the United States announced it would withdraw from it. In a joint statement, the EU and China said climate change and clean energy “will become a main pillar” of their bilateral partnership. European Council President Donald Tusk said the …

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US Trade Deficit Rises to Highest Level Since January

The U.S. trade deficit rose in April to the highest level since January. The politically sensitive trade gap with China registered a sharp increase.   The Commerce Department said Friday that the U.S. trade gap in goods and services climbed 5.2 percent to $47.6 billion in April from March. Exports dropped 0.3 percent to $191 …

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Asia’s Mom and Pop Investors Lured by Bitcoin’s Returns

Long the preserve of geeky enthusiasts, bitcoin is going mainstream in Asia, attracting Mrs Watanabe — the metaphorical Japanese housewife investor — South Korean retirees and thousands of others trying to escape rock-bottom savings rates by investing in the cryptocurrency. Asia’s moms and pops, regular investors in stock and futures markets, have been dazzled by …

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Steady, Solid Jobs Market Likely to Continue in May Numbers

Exactly eight years after the Great Recession ended, the U.S. job market has settled into a sweet spot of steadily solid growth.   The 4.4 percent unemployment rate matches a decade low. Many people who had stopped looking for jobs are coming off the sidelines to find them. More part-timers are finding full-time work. About …

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Chinese Maker of Ivanka Trump Shoes Denies Labor Violations

A Chinese company that makes shoes for Ivanka Trump and other brands denied allegations Thursday of excessive overtime and low wages made by three activists who have been arrested or disappeared. The Associated Press reported Tuesday that Hua Haifeng, an investigator for China Labor Watch, a New York-based nonprofit, had been arrested on a charge …

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Conflicting Trends Highlight EU-China Business Ties

The business relationship between China and Europe is showing several contradictory trends as Beijing seeks to protect its own state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and its leaders seek foreign investments promising further liberalization in rules. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang was in Berlin on Wednesday calling for joint efforts to promote trade liberalization and investment facilitation. On the …

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Canada Threatens to Cancel Boeing Order Over Trade Complaint

Canada’s defense minister repeated a threat Wednesday to cancel the purchase of 18 fighter jets from Boeing Co. because of the company’s trade complaint against Canadian plane maker Bombardier.   Harjit Sajjan said Boeing’s action against Bombardier is “unfounded” and not the behavior of a “trusted partner.” He said buying the Super Hornet fighter jets …

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From Home Help to Driver, New Class of Indian Homeowner

When Rajnish Dhall’s driver wanted to borrow money to buy a home, Dhall suggested he go to a bank. But without proof of income or tax returns to show his credentials, the driver said no bank would lend to him. It was the start of a whole new business for Dhall, a former banker whose …

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