Уряд зацікавлений розвивати мережу мобільних ЦНАПів – міністр розвитку громад і територій

В уряді зацікавлені розвивати мережу центрів надання адміністративних послуг громадянам, зокрема мобільних, повідомила в програмі «Суботнє інтерв’ю» на Радіо Свобода міністр розвитку громад і територій Альона Бабак. За її словами, цього тижня два мобільних ЦНАПи були передані в громади Дніпропетровської та Хмельницької областей.

«Позиція нашого уряду сьогодні – послуги, яких людина максимально потребує, повинні бути надані там, де вона проживає. Саме ці мобільні центри надання адміністративних послуг є першими «ластівками», які ми отримали за допомогою міжнародної програми ЄС «U-LEAD з Європою» уряду Швеції. Цьогоріч вони планують передати додатково ще шість таких мобільних центрів, а наступного – допоможуть нам модернізувати й облаштувати практично 600 центрів надання адміністративних послуг», – повідомила Альона Бабак.

За її словами, розвиток мережі мобільних ЦНАПів дозволить надавати щонайменше 20-50 видів адміністративних послуг громадянам.

Альона Бабак додала, що завдання уряду – до кінця цього року мати оптимальну мережу центрів надання адміністративних послуг.

«Ми розробили стандарти надання різних сервісів і послуг: медичних, освітніх, культурних, спортивних і адміністративних. У нас вже є ці стандарти, відповідно до них, ми завершуємо до середини грудня формування цієї оптимальної мережі», – додала міністр.

Перші ЦНАПи (центри надання адміністративних послуг) почали з’являтися в Україні у 2013 році. Ці державні установи працюють за принципом «єдиного вікна» та «прозорого офісу».

Climate Activists Invade East German Coal Mines in Protest

Climate activists protested at open-pit coal mines in eastern Germany, pouring onto the premises to urge the government to immediately halt the use of coal to produce electricity.The news agency dpa reported that police estimated more than 2,000 people took part Saturday at sites near Cottbus and Leipzig and that some of the demonstrators scuffled with police. Three officers were reported slightly injured at the Janschwaelde mine near Cottbus. The mine operators, Leag und Mibrag, filed police reports asking for an investigation and possible charges.Burning coal releases carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas blamed by scientists for global warming. The German government plans to end the use of coal by 2038 and spend 40 billion euros ($44 billion) on assistance for the affected mining regions.

London Attacker Had Been Convicted on Terrorism Charges

British security officials said police are not looking for any more suspects in the stabbing attack in London Friday that killed two people and left three victims in the hospital.London police were called to Fishmongers’ Hall, at the north end of London Bridge, in the early afternoon where Cambridge University was holding a symposium on prisoner rehabilitation entitled “Learning Together.”The BBC reports that the suspect, 28-year-old Usman Khan, who had been convicted in 2012 on terrorism offenses and was released on probation in December 2018, attended the event and began his blitz inside the building before moving onto London Bridge, where he was confronted and killed after stabbing several people.Police say the knife-welding Khan was wearing a fake suicide device when he began his attack.A number of civilians apparently fought Khan, tackling him and snatching the knife away from him.Amateur video posted on Twitter shows police converging on the London Bridge struggle and an individual being dragged off by police. Police then shot Khan dead at close range.A police officer patrols the site of the deadly stabbings at London Bridge, in London, Nov. 30, 2019.Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu of London’s Metropolitan Police told reporters the incident has been deemed a terrorist attack.British media, citing unnamed government sources, said Khan had links to Islamic extremist groups. Officials would not confirm the information. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, however, said: “It is a mistake to allow serious and violent criminals to come out of prison early, and it is very important that we get out of that habit.”He tweeted earlier that anyone responsible for the attack will be “hunted down and will be brought to justice.”London Mayor Sadiq Khan condemned the incident. Speaking outside Scotland Yard, the mayor appealed to Londoners to remain united in the face of terrorism. He said, “Those who seek to attack us and divide us will never succeed.”The mayor also praised the “breathtaking heroism” of the civilians and the first responders who ran toward danger “not knowing what confronted them,” calling them “the very best of our humanity.”

Protests, Warnings, US Retreat Add Urgency to UN Climate Talks

Mass protests, a last-minute venue change and talk of climate tipping points are adding some unplanned drama to this year’s international talks on tackling global warming.Delegates from almost 200 countries had planned to put the finishing touches to the rules governing the 2015 Paris accord, ironing out a few wrinkles left over from last year’s conference in Katowice, Poland, and setting the scene for a major review of their efforts in 2020.But then Brazil pulled its offer of hosting the talks and stand-in Chile, rattled by anti-government protests, canceled five weeks before the meeting. Next, President Donald Trump served formal notice that the United States was quitting the Paris accord, delivering a symbolic blow to one of his predecessor’s signature achievements.And scientists? Well, they didn’t have any good news either. Study after study published in recent months has underscored the rapid pace of global warming and the need to cut emissions of greenhouse gases as soon as possible.Against that backdrop, the Dec. 2-13 meeting in Madrid has gained fresh urgency.Spain’s Energy and Environment Minister Teresa Ribera poses before an interview with Reuters at the ministry headquarters in Madrid, Nov. 25, 2019.“We have to do more in less time,” said Spain’s environment minister Teresa Ribera, whose country stepped in on short notice to host the talks, saying it wanted to support “constructive multilateralism” in the wake of Chile’s announcement and the U.S. withdrawal.Organizers expect around 25,000 visitors, including heads of state, scientists, seasoned negotiators and activists to attend the two-week meeting.Carbon marketsThe main items on the agenda include finalizing rules on global carbon markets and agreeing how poor countries should be compensated for destruction largely caused by emissions from rich nations.Proposals to create a worldwide market for emissions permits have been around for decades. The idea is that putting a price on carbon dioxide — the main greenhouse gas — and gradually reducing the available permits will encourage countries and companies to cut their emissions, notably by shifting away from fossil fuels toward renewable energy sources.The European Union and some other jurisdictions already operate limited emissions trading systems, but efforts to roll these out worldwide have been hampered by fears that the lack of robust and transparent rules could corrupt the market.“It would be great news to finalize this issue,” said Ribera. But she warned that the “solvency and integrity of the system” was a concern. “If we cannot complete it correctly, it’s better to lay the ground for later completion.” That view was echoed by Yamide Dagnet, a former EU climate negotiator now with the Washington-based environmental think tank World Resources Institute.Loss and damageThe question of compensating poor countries for environmental destruction, technically referred to as loss and damage, is also likely to be sensitive, Dagnet said. Attributing specific weather disasters such as hurricanes and floods, or slow but irreversible changes like sea level rise and desertification, to climate change remains a delicate issue given the potential sums involved.Concerns about the cost of climate change are growing on all fronts. Trump cited financial demands on the United States as one of the reasons for quitting the Paris accord; European countries have hesitated to raise fuel prices for fear of sparking yellow vests-style protests like those seen in France; meanwhile, businesses are beginning to consider the price not just of reducing emissions but also of failing to do so.Scientists say the time to act is now, if the world wants to meet the goal set in Paris of keeping global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit), ideally 1.5C by the end of the century. By some measures average temperatures have already increased by one degree Celsius since pre-industrial times, with the sharpest rise occurring in the last few decades.Tipping points“Global warming is going faster,” said Johan Rockstrom, co-director of Germany’s Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. “Climate impacts are occurring earlier and we are approaching potentially irreversible thresholds earlier than we previously thought.”Rockstrom and several colleagues recently warned that the world is heading for several “tipping points” that could sharply accelerate the pace of climate change. They include deforestation in the Amazon and the decline of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.Ribera, whose formal title is interim minister for ecological transition, indicated that European Union leaders may try to send a strong signal during the meeting that the bloc is prepared to make sharper cuts to its emissions than previously pledged. A recent proposal to aim for “climate neutrality” by 2050 failed to win support from all of the EU’s 28 member states, including the host of last year’s talks, Poland.

Apple проведе аудит позначення спірних територій через позначення окупованого Криму «російським»

Американська корпорація Apple після ситуації з позначенням в додатках окупованого Криму територією сусідньої Росії, почала проводити аудит політики визначення спірних територій. Про це повідомляє Reuters.

Прес-секретар корпорації Труді Мюллер повідомила, що це може спричинити зміни в політиці Apple.

«Ми вивчаємо міжнародне право, а також відповідні закони США та інших країн перед тим, як ухвалювати рішення щодо позначення територій на наших Картах і вносити зміни, якщо цього вимагає закон. Ми більш детально вивчимо, як ми справляємося зі спірними кордонами в наших сервісах, і в результаті можемо внести зміни в майбутньому», – цитує Reuters Мюллер.

Прес-секретар додала, що співробітники компанії вже працюють над докладним вивченням питання про майбутнє позначенні спірних кордонів у багатьох додатках.

В той же час міністерство фінансів США обіцяє перевірити, чи підпадають дії компанії Apple під режим санкцій через позначення Криму «російським».


Представництво президента України в АР Крим звернулося до компанії Apple через позначення Криму «російським» в додатках.

Раніше повідомлялося, що компанія Apple на території Росії почала відображати Крим і Севастополь «російською» територією в своєму додатку «Погода». При цьому на материковій частині України і на анексованому півострові Севастополь, Сімферополь, Керч та інші міста не відображаються ні частиною України, ні частиною Росії.

Голова комітету Держдуми Росії з безпеки і протидії корупції Василь Піскарьов 27 листопада заявив, що «Apple повністю усунула претензії Держдуми щодо показу Криму в своїх сервісах».

Офіційних коментарів американської компанії з цього приводу поки немає.

У травні цього року Apple не відображала територіальну приналежність міст Криму у своїх додатках як з материкової України, так і з півострова.

Раніше Держдума Росії дала Apple термін до 25 квітня, а потім продовжила його до 10 травня. Москва вимагала «усунення неточностей при відображенні географічної приналежності Криму і Севастополя в додатку».

Вирок у справі Енвера Сейтосманова можуть винести до середини грудня – адвокат

Вирок у справі Енвера Сейтосманова винесуть до середини грудня, судове засідання відбудеться у Південному окружному військовому суді. Про це кореспонденту проєкту Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії повідомив адвокат Еміль Курбедінов під час зустрічі громадського об’єднання «Кримська солідарність».

«4 грудня відбудеться останнє засідання у справі Сейтосманова, далі, думаю, буде вирок. Мій підзахисний не зламався, він нікого не обмовляв. Тримається молодцем, хоча йому загрожує аж до довічного ув’язнення», – зазначив адвокат.

Братів Ернеса і Енвера Сейтосманових російські силовики затримали 10 травня 2018 року після обшуків.

Ернеса згодом відпустили. Енверу інкримінували статтю про «тероризм».

На початку липня суд в російському Ростові-на-Дону на шість місяців продовжив арешт Енверу Сейтосманову – до 20 грудня. А наприкінці липня його етапували з Сімферополя в СІЗО російського Ростова-на-Дону.

У серпні в російському Північно-Кавказькому окружному військовому суді (нині Південний окружний військовий суд Росії) відбулося перше засідання по суті щодо севастопольської «справи Хізб ут-Тахрір», фігурантом якої є Енвер Сейтосманов.

5 і 6 вересня суд в Росії допитав у справі Енвера Сейтосманова двох засуджених за севастопольською «справою Хізб ут-Тахрір» – Нурі Примова і Ферата Сайфуллаєва.

After Devastating Earthquake, Albania Begins to Bury Victims

Albanians began the week on a high note, as they prepared to celebrate the country’s Independence Day, and finished it in heartbreak, Friday burying loved ones who perished in the worst earthquake to hit the Balkan country in decades.Forty-nine people died, including seven children ages 2 to 8, and 900 were injured; 5,200 people are without shelter; and 1,200 buildings were destroyed in the 6.4-magnitude quake Tuesday. The panic has been palpable as people refuse to go home. They also have been rattled by several aftershocks, including one that registered at 5.0.Seismologist Rexhep Koçi told VOA that while there was the likelihood for more aftershocks, they would be increasingly weaker.The port city of Durrës, 33 kilometers west of the capital, Tirana, saw the highest death toll, with 25 people killed. Farther north, in the small town of Thumanë, the quake killed 23 people, six of whom belonged to one family, and all but one younger than 30. They were buried Friday. One person also died in the nearby small town of Kurbin.WATCH: A vigil for quake victims in Tirana
Vigil for quake victims in Tirana, Nov 29 video player.
Embed” />Copy LinkTirana residents turned out in the city center to honor the victims, placing candles in a makeshift memorial by the statue of Albanian national hero Gjergj Kastrioti, known as Skanderbeg.The state of emergency declared Wednesday for Durrës and Thumanë was extended to the heavily damaged town of Laç. Prime Minister Edi Rama said he made the decision after opposition leader Lulzim Basha suggested it. Rama appeared to put on hold the acrimony often on display between the two political rivals.“In this case, our concerns and ideas converge,” Rama said, inviting the opposition to participate in the Committee for Earthquake Relief.For Rama, the tragedy hit close to home as his office confirmed that among the dead was his son Gregor’s fiancée, Kristi Reçi, who died along with her parents and brother in Durrës.Volunteers distribute food at a makeshift camp in Durres, after an earthquake shook Albania, Nov. 29, 2019.Helping handsAs search-and-rescue operations were closing, with one person unaccounted for in Durrës, providing aid to survivors has become the focus.WATCH: Drove Video of Aid Distribution in Durres, Albania
Embed” />Copy LinkPhysician Shkëlqime Ladi said doctors are on hand to help with immediate needs.“We are focusing more on the psychological aspect of the affected. Their psychological state is aggravated,” she told VOA in Laç.In Durrës, volunteers and residents are offering condolences and support.“We feel very bad for the families, people who have lost their lives. If needed, we can take people in. We have a house, it is not a problem at all,” Durrës resident Hysen Mnalla told VOA.Erald Peposhi is one of a group of students from Tirana who went to Durrës to help. They delivered 180 meals and 300 sandwiches.“We are here to help those who are left homeless. As you can see, there are people that need food, and we hope the situation improves soon,” he said Friday.A rescue dog is seen on a collapsed building in Durres, after an earthquake shook Albania, Nov. 29, 2019.For the second time since the earthquake, the European Union has activated its Civil Protection Mechanism to help Albania.Right after the earthquake, EU sent crews from Greece, Italy and Romania to help with search and rescue and now the government has asked for experts to help assess the damage.EU Ambassador to Albania Luigi Soreca said Friday that the European Union and its member states are standing with Albania and working nonstop to provide assistance “in this very difficult moment.”“It is a week of deep sorrow and tragedy for Albania,” Soreca said in a statement. “Our heartfelt condolences go once again to the Albanian people and especially to the families, friends and communities of those who have lost their lives.”Neighboring Kosovo, Italy, Greece and Montenegro have sent in crews. The United States has also offered help.A woman carries her belongings from a damaged house in Thumane, western Albania, Nov. 29, 2019.‘Repaying the help I received in 1999’Her voice trembling and in tears, Emine Imeri, a volunteer from the Drenica region in Kosovo, told VOA in Thumanë the situation reminded her of 20 years ago when Albania welcomed thousands from Kosovo as they fled ethnic cleansing by Serbian forces in the Balkans conflict.“The entire Drenica, the entire Kosovo, has mobilized. We regret that we had to repay the favor in such circumstances. We would have preferred to repay what they did for us 20 years ago for a happy occasion,” she said.She also said she hoped the aid they brought would help.“People took their coat off their back to send it here,” she said.It was just one example of the outpouring of help from the new country, 90% of whose population are ethnic Albanians.People spontaneously came from Kosovo, operated mobile kitchens, gathered donations and opened their homes for those in Albania wanting to find shelter or to escape the aftershocks. On Friday alone, individuals and businesses from Kosovo delivered 100 tons of much needed necessities.Kosovo’s Security Force sent troops across the border to help, and outgoing Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj allocated 500,000 euros for earthquake relief. He visited Durrës on Friday, as did his likely successor, Albin Kurti.Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi visited Thumanë the day after the tragedy.Subdued independenceThe earthquake struck two days before Albania’s 107th anniversary of independence. There was no celebration, but a show of solidarity gave solemnity to the day.Albanian President Ilir Meta and Prime Minister Rama, who have been fighting bitterly over political matters, appeared together in Vlora Thursday, where independence was declared.The Independence Day coincided this year with the U.S. Thanksgiving Day, and many Albanian Americans rallied to collect donations, holding several fundraisers to help one of the poorest countries in Europe.“I am so heartbroken for my people back home, for those who have lost lives and loved ones,” New York City Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, an Albanian American, told VOA.Marko Kepi, of the Albanian American organization Albanian Roots, organized a fundraiser that raised nearly $1 million in less than a day.“This fundraiser is simply to help those who have lost their homes and to help those families who lost their loved ones, do whatever we can so they can have some sort of peace of mind, that they are not alone, they have support and they are not going to be left out in the street,” he said.Armand Mero reported from Tirana, Ilirian Agolli reported from Durrës, Pëllumb Sulo reported from Laç.

Dutch Police: 3 People Wounded in Hague Stabbing

Three people were wounded in a stabbing in The Hague’s main shopping district Friday night, and police were searching for at least one suspect, authorities said.Police spokeswoman Marije Kuiper told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that it was still too early to say where a terror motive was to blame for the attack. The area was busy at the time as shoppers looked for Black Friday holiday deals.Kuiper said it was unclear whether any of the injuries were life-threatening. All the victims reportedly were minors and are receiving treatment in hospital, police said in a statement, adding that their families have been informed.The Hague police said in a statement that they were looking for a man, about 45 to 50 years old, in a grey jogging suit.The stabbing happened in the heart of The Hague shopping district where supermarket chains and luxury shops were all lit up with early Christmas decorations. Adding to the festive spirit was the lure of Black Friday, when retailers offer consumers special discounts at a time when many are seeking family presents.Police sealed off a wide perimeter behind which onlookers were kept at bay. There was no hint of panic among the public soon after the stabbing.The Netherlands had already been shocked by a similar stabbing in Amsterdam a year ago when two Americans were injured in a knife attack that prosecutors say had a “terrorist motive.”Earlier Friday in London, a man wearing a fake explosive vest stabbed several people, killing two, before he was tackled by members of the public and then fatally shot by officers on London Bridge, authorities said.

France Summons Turkish Envoy Over Erdogan jab at Macron

The French government summoned the Turkish ambassador Friday to seek explanations after his president described French President Emmanuel Macron as “brain dead.”Ahead of a NATO summit next week that both men will attend, tensions have mounted around Turkey’s military operation in Syria, and its role within the trans-Atlantic defense alliance, which is also a member of the fight against so-called Islamic State.Macron, complaining of a U.S. leadership vacuum, recently lamented the “brain death” of NATO and says the allies need “a wake-up call.” And on Thursday, he reiterated criticism of Turkey’s operation in northeast Syria against Kurdish fighters who were crucial in the international fight against IS extremists.“I respect the security interests of our Turkish ally … but one can’t say that we are allies and demand solidarity, and on the other hand, present allies with a fait accompli by a military intervention which jeopardizes the action of the coalition against IS,” Macron said at a meeting with the NATO chief, Jens Stoltenberg.The comments angered Turkey’s leadership and prompted President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to shoot back Friday: “You should get checked whether you’re brain dead.”“Kicking Turkey out of NATO or not, how is that up to you? Do you have the authority to make such a decision?” Erdogan asked, characterizing Macron as “inexperienced.”Turkey also criticized Macron for agreeing to talks with a Syrian Kurd politician whom Ankara considers an extremist.The French Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Ambassador Ismail Hakki Musa was summoned Friday to explain “unacceptable statements … that have no place in Turkish-French relations and cannot substitute for the necessary dialogue between the two countries.”An official in Macron’s office said that NATO allies are expecting “clear answers” from Turkey about its intentions in Syria.The Macron-Erdogan spat comes amid other problems within NATO that are expected to come to the fore at next week’s summit in London, including U.S. President Donald Trump’s complaints that other members don’t spend enough on defense and differences over the alliance’s post-Cold War mission.

Президент Радіо Свобода розповів про зустріч із президентом Зеленським

«Спроби політиків нападати на журналістів чи демонізувати їх є неприйнятними» –
Джеймі Флай

Суд скасував арешт майна «Кузні на Рибальському»

Київський апеляційний суд скасував арешт нерухомого майна та корпоративних прав «Заводу «Кузня на Рибальському». Відповідне рішення ухвалене 19 листопада і було оприлюднене 28 листопада в Єдиному реєстрі судових рішень.

Ухвала набрала законної сили з моменту проголошення і оскарженню не підлягає.

У вересні 2018 року з’явилась інформація, що Петро Порошенко продає свій «Завод «Кузня на Рибальському». У жовтні Антимонопольний комітет дозволив політику і голові групи «ТАС» Сергієві Тігіпку купити акції «Заводу «Кузня на Рибальському» через кіпрську компанію.

У липні 2019 року Державне бюро розслідувань викликало Порошенка на допит у справі про продаж заводу. У вересні Печерський районний суд Києва заарештував майно компанії.

Spain: Sunbathers Help Migrants Arriving to Beach by Boat

Sunbathers have assisted two dozen exhausted migrants who arrived by boat to a beach in Spain’s Canary Islands.
The boat landed early Friday at a beach in San Bartolome de Tirajana on the island of Gran Canaria, one of Spain’s seven Canary Islands located off the northwest coast of Africa.
Television images showed bathers giving the migrants water and food and wrapping them in towels.
Emergency services said the Spanish Red Cross later looked after the migrants _ 12 men, eight women and three children _ six of whom were treated at a local hospital. None were reported to be in serious condition.
Private Spanish news agency Europa Press said the North African and sub Saharan migrants had been aboard the boat for several days.

«Нафтогаз» заявив про «перший крок» до продовження транзиту газу з Росії

Український «Нафтогаз» заявив про «перший крок» до продовження транзиту газу з Росії.

«Ми нарешті отримали від росіян їхні коментарі по договору про приєднання мереж (interconnection agreement), який має бути укладений у відповідності до європейських правил. Проєкт такого договору керівник ОГТСУ (оператора газотранспортної системи – ред.) передав «Газпрому» ще на тристоронній зустрічі у вересні, але досі жодної відповіді ми не мали. Такий договір є першим кроком до продовження транзиту, хоча до кінцевого рішення ще далеко», – повідомив «Нафтогаз».

У компанії пояснили, що тристоронню зустріч, заплановану на 29 листопада, перенесли саме для того, щоб фахівці обох операторів проаналізували коментарі й дійшли згоди про текст угоди.

«Ми наполягаємо на укладанні таких договорів інтерконекту з усіма операторами ГТС сусідніх країн Євросоюзу, з Молдовою та Росією. Вони є невід’ємною частиною європейських правил газового ринку, які впровадила Україна», – розповів «Нафтогаз».

Термін дії укладеного 2009 року контракту на постачання газу спливає 1 січня 2020 року. Україна, Росія та Європейський союз досі не домовилися щодо умов транзиту російського газу українськими газогонами до ЄС.

Виконавчий директор НАК «Нафтогаз України» Юрій Вітренко заявив, що у випадку припинення транзиту українська компанія «стягуватиме гроші», і «європейські партнери також, скоріш за все, будуть позиватися».


Over 160 Nations Agree to Speed Landmine Clearing

The 164 signatory countries to the Mine Ban Treaty (MBT) agreed Friday to accelerate the work to achieve the goal of a “mine-free” world in 2025, Norway’s foreign ministry said.”Countries have now agreed that it is necessary to speed up mine clearance over the next five years,” Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Soreide said in a statement following a meeting in Oslo.According to Landmine Monitor, an annual report by the Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, 6,897 people were killed or injured by mines and other explosive remnants of war in 2018 and the report noted that it was the fourth year in a row with “exceptionally high numbers of recorded casualties.”Of those, 3,789 were victims of so-called improvised mines, the highest recorded number to date.Under the Oslo Action Plan, adopted Friday, states undertake to “identify mined areas and put in place national plans for mine clearance.”They also commit to measuring their progress in the final stretch before 2025, the goal set by the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention or Ottawa Treaty in 1997, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.FILE – Zimbabwean citizens work on a mined beach in Stanley, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Oct. 11, 2019.The meeting in Oslo this week was the last in a series of five-year meetings to implement the treaty drafted in 1997, which helped to put an end to virtually all mine use by governments, including those that did not sign it.Armed groups are, however, increasingly using improvised anti-personnel mines.According to Landmine Monitor, non-state groups used this type of weapon last year in at least six countries: Afghanistan, India, Burma, Nigeria, Pakistan and Yemen.Since the treaty’s adoption, nearly 58 million mines have been removed by clearing minefields and destroying stockpiles, according to the Norwegian ministry.Efforts to rid the world of these weapons were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, which was given to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and U.S. citizen Jody Williams.

Міжбанк: гривня йде на новий рекорд щодо долара

На українському міжбанківському валютному ринку короткочасне посилення долара знову змінилося послабленням американської валюти. Як повідомляє сайт Finance.ua, станом на 13:25 котирування становили 23 гривні 94–96 копійок.

Опівдні посилення гривні частково відбив Національний банк України у своєму довідковому значенні курсу 23 гривні 98 копійок, що на 6 копійок менше за офіційний курс на 29 листопада і є повторенням зафіксованого раніше цього тижня рекордного за 46 місяців значення.

«Торги по долару ближче до обіду на піку активності. Йдуть операції по лотах до 1 мільйона доларів при зростанні пропозиції валюти в останні 30 хвилин сесії, що поки не відбилося на котируваннях», – вказують фахівці сайту «Мінфін».


Надмірне посилення гривні щодо долара є не менш небезпечним, ніж стрімка девальвація національної валюти. Зокрема, посилення понад рівень, закріплений у розрахунках уряду, ставить під загрозу виконання дохідної частини державного бюджету. Саме через це НБУ, викуповуючи надлишок пропозиції долара, намагається не допустити більшого посилення гривні.

Reporter’s Notebook: They Do Things Differently in Russia

Everyone overlooks them as they scurry about in their luminescent orange uniforms at all hours of the day and night, armed only with small brushes and the the type of long-handled lobby dustpans a concierge might use in New York or London to tidy up an entrance.Moscow’s army of road sweepers keeps the Russian capital pretty spotless, but Muscovites hardly notice.Most of the nearly 30,000 sweepers in the city appear to be Central Asian migrants — they are underpaid and the thankless drudgery offers few, if any, fringe benefits.“If you fall sick, you get nothing,”  said Sukhrab, a father of three from Kyrgyzstan, whose dark hair is flecked with gray and whose worn face makes him look considerably older than his 39 years. A few months ago he suffered a stroke, but returned to sweeping as soon as he could struggle to his feet. The city apparently has more than 6,000 single-seat vacuum trucks but tends only to deploy them, along with sprinkler trucks, sparingly, and then generally in swankier boulevards and districts in the center.The machines are expensive to run and maintain and break down frequently. “We are cheaper,” Sukhrab said.The average monthly road-sweeping salary is $346 a month. Sukhrab, a veteran, earns around $500.With a huge pool of Central Asian migrants in Russia — at least 11 million — there are plenty of workers available. Migrants are at the bottom of a strictly observed street-cleaning hierarchy and tend to be the drudges. Team supervisors and managers invariably are Russian. The bosses are corrupt. “To keep our jobs we have to give the supervisors gifts,” he said. Moscow’s road sweepers can be out in the streets even in the middle of the night, regardless of the weather, now starting to turn bitterly cold.“They can send us out at any time,” Sukhrab said, adding, “Orders are sent by WhatsApp.”  A street sweeper walks past St. Basil’s Cathedral at Red Square in Moscow, Russia, January 15, 2016. REUTERS/Maxim Zmeyev TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – GF20000095901Putin’s fateWill Vladimir Putin finally relinquish the reins of power when his current presidential term ends in 2024? The guessing game is now a dinner-party favorite, of course, and no doubt is a key question Western diplomats based here are struggling to answer for their political masters back home. Western think tanks certainly are free with their forecasts, holding forums to focus on what will follow Putin. Former Putin adviser Gleb Pavlovsky, one of those responsible for the whole architecture of the Kremlin’s media management during Putin’s first two presidential terms, said he doubts very much his old boss is going anywhere.“I think it’s quite possible, he’ll remain president,” Pavlovsky said. That, of course, would require rewriting the Russian constitution, which limits a president to two consecutive terms, but allows a return to the Kremlin after a break of at least a term. In 2008 Putin did a job swap with his doggedly loyal prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, while beefing up the powers of the premiership. It didn’t work out, too, well — factional strife within the Kremlin flared and Medvedev started to harbor ambitions of serving a second presidential term — an aspiration Putin disabused him of sharply, according to insider reports.Putin won’t want to repeat that exercise, Pavlovsky said in his office a 15 minute walk from the Kremlin. He broke with Putin in 2011, upset with Putin’s decision to push Medvedev aside. He thinks, though, that Putin still is “looking for a successor,” hoping to repeat what his predecessor Boris Yeltsin managed when he plucked him from obscurity to take over.“He wants to repeat this exercise, but it is not possible,” Pavlovsky said. He said he believes it is much more complicated now because “Putin has accrued too much informal authority to be passed on to a successor.”  He says “the system” that Putin has helped shape while in power won’t let him quit. All the various Kremlin factions “will try to make him stay at any price,” fearing otherwise they could lose out.“Maybe I’m wrong, but in my opinion, a successor is not possible at all,” and “so I think Putin will try to stay, probably by deleting four words from the Constitution. It is not a big correction — a small one.” That would  prompt a crisis, Pavlovsky said. Eventually “the system” will cross a red line and prompt a fierce public backlash, he said. Whether that happens in 2024, if Putin continues in power, Pavlovsky would not forecast.“It is like Russian roulette,” he said, “Some people play Russian roulette 10, 20 times and it doesn’t kill them, and it seems like they can play forever.”  All the speculation about whether Putin will go is a useful political distraction for the Kremlin, he adds.ComedyThe Economist recently bewailed the gagging of comedy in Russia, starting its article with a 1980s joke by the Ukrainian-born comic Yakov Smirnoff: “Many people are surprised to hear that we have comedians in Russia, but they are there. They are dead, but they are there.”It isn’t that bad nowadays, but The Economist argued political humor has been blunted in Russia compared to the perestroika period of the 1980s and the anything-goes decade of the 1990s. That’s thanks to the television channels’ fear of offending the government, the magazine said.However, 37-year-old comedian Vyacheslav Vereschaka, a keen student of late-night American comics, especially Jimmy Fallon, and the work of British comics stretching back to Tommy Cooper, disagrees. He says the picture is more complicated than the one The Economist paints.First, he said, television-based comics are cracking some sharp political jokes. He pointed to a recent broadcast by the long-running Comedy Club program on Russia’s TNT-channel, owned by the Kremlin-linked energy giant Gazprom, during which the established comedian Pavel Volya ripped into the government, joking that his quips would no doubt lead to drugs being planted on him by the police or tax inspectors showing up at his door. Maxim Galkin, a performer on state-owned Russia One channel has also not been pulling his punches.Vereschaka said he doesn’t feel restricted in his stand-up performances.“I make jokes about Putin and I have routines about politics,” he said. He portrays politicians as drunks.The bigger question, he added, concerns what audiences want from comics. “Humor is universal but there are also cultural differences,” he said, and the appetite for political humor isn’t as developed in Russia as it is in the U.S. or Britain.He focuses his routines on his wife and children; he began his comedy career at 14 and his 13-year-old daughter is following in his footsteps with a YouTube channel of her own. People want comedy that connects with their daily lives, he said. Political satire is supplied more by political bloggers either in their blogs or on monologues they post on YouTube. Another cultural difference, he said, is how audiences respond to humor.“Russian audiences aren’t like Western ones, and appreciate jokes by laughing inside rather than guffawing loudly,” he said.“They will applaud politely to show appreciation of a joke,” although that’s beginning to change with younger Russians, who are more expressive, he said.The difference can be highly off-putting for visiting foreign comedians.He recalled that one Irish comic was appalled when the audience sat stony-faced during his routine, and was nonplussed by the polite applause. “What am I doing wrong?” he bewailed.

Black Friday Frenzy Goes Global – And Not Everyone’s Happy

People don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in France, or Russia, or South Africa – but they do shop on Black Friday.The U.S. sales phenomenon has spread to retailers across the world in recent years with such force that it’s prompting a backlash from some activists, politicians and even consumers.Near Paris, climate demonstrators blocked a shopping mall and gathered in from of Amazon’s headquarters to protest over-production they say is killing the planet. Workers at Amazon in Germany went on strike for better pay. Some French lawmakers want to ban Black Friday altogether.Consumer rights groups in Britain and some other countries say retailers use Black Friday as a slogan to lure in shoppers, but it’s not always clear how real or big the discounts are. Other critics say it hurts small businesses.Globalized commerce has brought U.S. consumer tastes to shoppers around the world, from Halloween candy to breakfast cereal and peanut butter, sometimes even supplanting local traditions.To French activists, Black Friday is the epitome of this shift, a purely commercial event designed to boost U.S. retailers ahead of the Christmas holidays, the symbol of capitalism run amok.”The planet burns, oceans die, and we still want to consume, consume, and therefore produce, produce – until we eradicate all living things? … We will not betray our children for a 30% discount!” reads a manifesto by groups holding “Block Friday” protests around Paris.In Britain, where the big winter sales have traditionally been held on the day after Christmas, companies have adopted Black Friday marketing campaigns since about 2010. After a rise in business on the day in the first years, the volume of shopping has leveled off, with most of it happening online over multiple days.Research by a U.K. consumer association found that 61% of goods advertised in Black Friday deals last year were cheaper or about the same price both before and after the event.That echoes similar warnings in other countries. Russia’s consumer watchdog published detailed tips on how to avoid getting fooled, like checking whether prices were raised before Friday to make deals look good or whether delivery costs are inflated.The Black Friday advertising push has extended beyond the one day to Cyber Monday, with retailers in several countries spreading them across what’s often called “Black Week.”In the Czech Republic, one electronics chain encourages shoppers – in English, of course – to “Make Black Friday Great Again,” in an ad featuring a suited man wearing the distinctive red cap used by U.S. President Donald Trump’s election campaign.While the phenomenon is less widespread in Asia, some major companies like Japan Airlines use it as a slogan.Broadcasters in South Africa showed people waiting in line to shop in one of the world’s most socially and economically unequal nations. The respected weekly Mail & Guardian newspaper decried in a scathing editorial how Black Friday is used to enrich big retailers.”Like no other day, this Friday shows how broken the world we have built is,” it said.
Black Friday has meanwhile had to adapt to cultural norms. Egyptians, for example, have taken on all aspects of the occasion – except the name, because Friday is a sacred day of worship for Muslims. Rather than scrap the event, many retailers decided to rename it White Friday or Yellow Friday.The term Black Friday comes from retailers’ claim that it was the day when they went from being loss making for the year – in the red – to making a profit – in the black.Among other concerns is that Black Friday could hurt small businesses that do not have the vast marketing budgets and online sales presence of big retail chains or multinationals.In Italy, for example, Black Friday falls outside the season’s strictly defined schedule for when the winter shop sales can be held. This year, sales cannot be held from Dec. 5 until Jan. 4, when stores are allowed to clear out stock. The fashion industry has warned that can hurt smaller retailers in a country that relies on them heavily.A French legislative committee passed an amendment Monday that proposes prohibiting Black Friday because it causes “resource waste” and “overconsumption.” France’s e-commerce union, whose members are aggressively marketing Black Friday sales throughout November, has condemned the measure.Dozens of French activists blocked the Amazon warehouse in Bretigny-sur Orge on Thursday, spreading hay and old refrigerators and microwaves on the driveway. They held signs in front of the warehouse gates reading “Amazon: For the climate, for jobs, stop expansion, stop over-production!”
The activists were later dislodged by police.

Українські військові збиватимуть російські безпілотники з анексованого Криму – командування

Українські військові збиватимуть російські безпілотники, які будуть залітати з боку анексованого Криму, зенітно-ракетними комплексами Бук-М1, заявив проєктові Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії речник командування повітряних сил України Юрій Ігнат.

«Якщо говорити про безпілотники квадрокоптерного поля бою, то досить стрілецької зброї – кулеметами його збити. Якщо мова про серйозні БПЛА типу «Орлан» або «Форпост», то тоді вже застосовуються зенітні ракети. Бук-М1 часто застосовувався до цих безпілотників, тому що була істотна загроза нашим військам (на Донбасі – ред.). Були випадки, коли безпілотники ворожі збивали і вертольоти армійської авіації – Мі-24», – розповів Ігнат.

Безпілотники марок «Орлан» і «Форпост» дислокуються на авіабазах в анекосованому Криму, і Бук-М1 ефективний для знищення цих російських БПЛА, додав Юрій Ігнат.

Раніше повідомлялося, що загін кораблів Чорноморського флоту Росії на чолі з фрегатом «Адмірал Ессен» біля берегів Криму вчиться відбивати атаку авіації умовного противника.

Після анексії Криму в 2014 році Росія проводить регулярні військові навчання на півострові. У Генштабі України дії російських військових в Криму називають незаконними.

Мер Львова вимагає повернути вулицю єпископа Йосафата Коциловського у Перемишлі

Міський голова Львова Андрій Садовий звернувся до президента міста Перемишль Войцеха Бакуна з відкритим листом, щоб польські депутати повернули вулиці назву єпископа Йосафата Коциловського.

«Для громади Львова наявність у партнерському місті Перемишлі вулиці імені єпископа Коциловського є важливою запорукою дружніх відносин між Львовом і Перемишлем. Вулиця імені єпископа Йосафата Коциловського є принципово важливою позицією міста в продовженні партнерських відносин із містами, а рішення Ради Перемишля про перейменування вулиці, в свою чергу, ставить їх під загрозу», – йдеться  у відкритому листі Садового.

Мер Львова закликав повернути вулиці назву, висловивши сподівання, що «це лише прикре непорозуміння».

28 листопада депутати міської ради Перемишля ліквідували назву вулиці єпископа Йосафата Коциловського, приєднавши її до прилеглої вулиці греко-католицького єпископа Івана Снігурського. Таке рішення обурило українську громаду у Перемишлі. Посольство України у Польщі ту Польщі назвало «поспішним і необачним» рішення міської ради Перемишля.

Вулиця блаженного Йосафата Коциловського у Перемишлі була завдовжки до 70 метрів і на ній розташовувалась курія Перемишльсько-Варшавської єпархії УГКЦ. На честь єпископа її назвали у 2013 році. 

Йосафат Коциловський (1876-1947) – священник, доктор філософії і теології, єпископ Перемишльської єпархії УГКЦ (1917-1947). Після Другої світової війни він був двічі  заарештований польською комуністичною владою і примусово переданий радянській владі у 1946 році. У 1947 році помер у таборі біля Києва, зазнавши перед тим знущань. У 2001 році за участі папи Івана Павла ІІ у Ватикані відбулося проголошення декрету мучеництва Йосафата Коциловського і визнання його блаженним.

Депутатка від «Слуги народу» заявила, що в Україні «пора б приглушити» свободу слова

Депутат Верховної Ради України від владної партії «Слуга народу» Ольга Василевська-Смаглюк заявила, що в Україні необхідно обмежити свободу слова. Свою заяву вона зробила під час розмови в ефірі телеканалу «Настоящее время» (проєкт Радіо Свобода і «Голосу Америки») ввечері 28 листопада.

«Мені здається, що в нашій країні настільки сильна свобода слова, що її пора б уже трохи приглушити – з поваги до інституту президентства фільтрувати свою мову», – сказала вона.


Так Василевська-Смаглюк висловилася під час обговорення обшуків у квартирі блогерки Олени Біленької, відомої як Маруся Звіробій, у справі про погрози президенту України. За словами Василевської-Смаглюк, висловлювання блогерки були «реальною загрозою» Володимиру Зеленському. Вона також висловилася за проведення розслідування щодо Звіробій.


«На підтвердження її слів, у неї вдома знайшли три одиниці вогнепальної зброї. Необхідно перевірити, чи має вона на них дозвіл», – сказала вона.

Василевська-Смаглюк майже 15 років пропрацювала в журналістиці на телеканалі «1 + 1». У 2019 вона пройшла до Верховної Ради від партії чинного президента України Володимира Зеленського «Слуга народу».

28 листопада співробітники Державного бюро розслідувань прийшли з обшуком до квартири Олени Біленької, яка відома як блогерка Маруся Звіробій. За два дні до того, ДБР направило до Генпрокуратури проєкт підозри народній депутатці від «Європейської солідарності» Софії Федині та Марусі Звіробій.

На думку слідства, 26 жовтня під час стріму в соцмережах Федина та Звіробій висловлювали погрози вбивством, адресовані президенту Зеленському. Обидві підозрювані відкидають звинувачення.


Маруся Звіробій (справжнє ім’я Олена Біленька) – нагороджена волонтерською відзнакою «Народний герой України»; учасниця Революції гідності, ініціаторка проєкту «Допомога пораненим Майдану»; влітку 2014 року на волонтерський засадах організувала полігон, на якому інструктори навчали початковій військовій підготовці тих, хто добровільно йшов на фронт; пізніше полігон став центром підготовки контрактників десантно-штурмових військ, а його випускників почали називати «Марусиними ведмедями»; військовослужбовець ЗСУ та Національної гвардії України; звільнена в запас за станом здоров’я.

Проросійським представникам Криму не дали виступити на форумі ООН у Женеві

На 12-й сесії форуму з питань меншин, який відбувається в Женеві під егідою Ради ООН з прав людини, «представників Криму» з російської делегації – депутата Держдуми від анексованого півострова Руслана Бальбека і голову російської громадської організації «Українська громада Криму» Анастасію Гридчину позбавили права виступити зі своїми доповідями 28 листопада. Про це російському державному агентству новин ТАСС повідомила Гридчина.

За її словами, виступи зірвали представники української делегації.

«Українська делегація перервала стукотом табличок виступ Руслана Бальбека і направила протест проти нашої делегації в секретаріат. Секретар позбавив права слова офіційного делегата від Росії», – сказала Гридчина.

Виступ самої Гридчиної також не відбувся. Вона сподівається виступити з доповіддю про права людини на освіту мовами національних меншин 29 листопада.

Про зрив виступів проросійських представників Криму на форумі також повідомляє агентство «Укрінформ».

«Український дипломат за процедурою почав заперечувати проти виступу Бальбека, підкреслюючи, що це фейковий делегат, він порушує резолюції ГА ООН і взагалі не має права представляти Росію. А я, в рамках загальноприйнятих парламентських процедур, не порушуючи правил, почав голосно стукати по столу, псуючи виступ колаборанта», – розповів агентству колишній постійний представник президента України в АРК Борис Бабін, який бере участь в заході.

Напередодні в МЗС України заявили про нелегітимність участі «представників Криму» в форумі ООН.


11 вересня цього року на конференції ОБСЄ з питань людського виміру у Варшаві українська делегація не дала виступити двом російським «представникам Криму». Пізніше, за даними російських ЗМІ, на конференції зміг виступити член громадської палати Росії від анексованого Криму, глава підконтрольної Росії «болгарської громади Криму» Іван Абажер.

NATO at 70: Internal Tensions, External Threats as Leaders Set to Gather

NATO leaders are preparing to gather in London for a two-day meeting Tuesday to mark the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the alliance, but growing tensions among members could overshadow the celebrations.The war in Syria and the ongoing Russian threat will serve as the backdrop to the summit. Fellow NATO members the United States and Turkey came close to confrontation in northern Syria last month, rattling the alliance.”The position of Turkey in the North Atlantic alliance is a difficult one,” said Jonathan Eyal of the Royal United Services Institute in London in an interview with VOA this week.”Turkey’s decision to become involved in military operations in the Middle East against the wishes of most of its allies, including the United States, [and] Turkey’s decision to buy Russian military equipment … [are] riling with many countries in Europe.”NATO members say it’s better to have Turkey inside than outside the alliance.”NATO is about European security, it’s not about coordinating policies in the Middle East,” Eyal said.Where American troops once kept the peace, Russian forces now patrol northern Syria. The U.S. withdrawal has fueled concerns over America’s commitment to NATO. French President Emmanuel Macron recently called the alliance “brain dead” and urged Europe to create its own security architecture. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, left, is welcomed by French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace in Paris, Nov. 28, 2019.The comments elicited a sharp rebuke from NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg this week.”European unity cannot replace transatlantic unity. We need both. And we have to also understand that, especially after Brexit, the EU cannot defend Europe,” Stoltenberg told reporters.Europe still sees Russia as the biggest threat following its 2014 forceful annexation of Crimea and ongoing campaigns of espionage, cyberwarfare and disinformation.European concerns over the U.S. commitment to Article 5 of the NATO treaty, on collective defense, are not borne out by facts on the ground, Eyal said.”The reality is the Pentagon’s spending in Europe is increasing, the number of U.S. troops is increasing.”The deployment of U.S. troops in Europe is seen differently in Moscow.”Some of the Eastern European nations are trying to get American boots on the ground despite the fact that Article 5 should cover their security, which suggests that they trust the United States more than they trust NATO,” Andrey Kortunov of the Russian Council on International Affairs in Moscow told VOA in a recent interview.U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly demanded that European NATO members “share the burden.” Germany on Wednesday pledged to meet the NATO defense spending target of 2% of GDP, but only by the 2030s.”The U.S. president should be credited with actually banging the table hard enough for the United States to be heard,” Eya said, “This is, and it’s important sometimes to repeat the cliché, the most successful alliance in modern history.”NATO will hope that is cause for celebration as leaders gather for its 70th anniversary.

Aftershocks Rattle Albania, Leaving Residents on Edge

Residents remained on edge Thursday in the earthquake-stricken areas of Albania, as aftershocks continued to rattle the area.Thursday afternoon, another 5.0-magnitude quake was registered near the city of Thumane just hours after authorities called off search-and-rescue operations in the area after recovering the bodies of the last people who had been reported missing.The 6.4-magnitude temblor that struck Tuesday caused the most devastation in Thumane, where 23 people were killed, including seven from one family.“God let us keep two (members of the family) but took seven from us,” survivor Sul Cara told VOA. “Now we are focused on paying our respects to the dead, as honor and tradition demands of us. We will try our best to show strength as we send off seven loved ones to burial. This is a heavy tragedy to bear, but at the same time we have found strength in the outpouring of support, not just from this town but from the whole country.”Albanians sit at a makeshift camp in Durres, Nov. 28, 2019, after an earthquake shook Albania.The death toll rose to 47 as search operations continued in other locations, but rescuers are increasingly pessimistic survivors will be found.Residents in many neighborhoods remain in tents or have chosen to move in with relatives in other towns, as authorities warn that buildings remain unsafe.Dangerous aftershocksAlbanians should heed the warnings, Stanford University geophysics professor Ross Stein told VOA’s Albanian Service.Stein said that the days, even months after a major earthquake, aftershocks are a very serious threat.“The risk of another large shock today is much higher than it was a few days ago before the 6.4 struck. The likelihood of a large aftershock is much higher than the likelihood of the same shock had there not been a main shock at all,” he said.Stein, who has extensively studied seismic activity in the Balkans, said Tuesday’s earthquake was not a surprise from a geological point of view. He said Albania is “the most seismically active part of the Balkan region,” which has exhibited historically “larger and more frequent earthquakes even than Italy.”The seismic activity is the reason for Albania’s natural beauty, he said.“The reason why Albania is so beautiful is because it has this wonderful hill-valley topography and that is produced because the region is being compressed to the east and west. Think of a carpet and you’re a pushing a carpet across the floor and you’re producing folds,” Stein said.A rescue dog searches for survivors in a collapsed building in Durres, Nov. 28, 2019, after an earthquake shook Albania.Quake preparationBut despite the area’s history of earthquakes, scientists can’t predict where and when the next one will strike.The only possible thing people can do, he said, is have a good preparation strategy.He said there is a need to prioritize earthquake protections, “and the region around Tirana and along the coast of Albania have the highest hazard and indicate to us, in a broad sense, this is where we need to focus our attention.”Thursday marked Albania’s 107th independence anniversary. President Ilir Meta called on his countrymen to use the moment “to help heal the wounds caused by the earthquake.”

UK Police Explain Decision on Prince Andrew Case

London police are defending the decision not to pursue a full investigation of allegations made against Prince Andrew by a woman who says she was trafficked by the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.Police acknowledged Thursday that they received a complaint in 2015 from a woman alleging she was the victim of trafficking for sexual exploitation.The woman, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, has said she was trafficked by Epstein and had sex three times with Prince Andrew starting in 2001, including once in London. She says she was 17 when they first had sex.Metropolitan Police Commander Alex Murray said police concluded in 2016 after looking into the matter and consulting prosecutors that the London-based force was the wrong agency to investigate.“Following the legal advice, it was clear that any investigation into human trafficking would be largely focused on activities and relationships outside the U.K.” he said.The London police, he added, would not be the “appropriate authority” to investigate.Epstein, a wealthy financier, died in prison in August in what the New York City coroner ruled as a suicide. He faced trafficking charges.The Met’s Murray said police reviewed its decision after Epstein’s death and decided not to change policy.Andrew, 59, has repeatedly denied the allegations, most recently during a televised interview broadcast nearly two weeks ago in which he lost public support by defending his friendship with Epstein and by not expressing sympathy for Epstein’s many young female victims. The prince has since stepped down from royal duties because of the scandal.A television interview with Giuffre is scheduled to be broadcast Monday in Britain. She has said Andrew must take responsibility for what he’s done.Murray also said that London police have not received a formal request for assistance from other law enforcement agencies investigating the case.U.S. officials are still looking into the case and a number of civil lawsuits against Epstein’s estate are in progress. 

Germany to Tighten Laws Against Anti-Semitic Crimes

Germany intends to strengthen its laws against anti-Semitic crimes as part of the government’s response to a deadly attack in the eastern part of the country. Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht told parliament Thursday of her planned amendment to the country’s current law that would make anti-Semitism an aggravating factor for hate crimes in the nation’s criminal code.Currently, discrimination against particular groups is considered an aggravating factor, but the law does not specifically refer to Jews. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) defines hate crimes or “bias crimes” as those “motivated by intolerance towards certain groups in society.” “We have to send a clear signal against anti-Semitism,” Lambrecht told lawmakers. 
A proposed change to the law would need to be approved by parliament, where the government holds a majority of seats.  Halle attackThe change is part of the government’s strategy to tackle anti-Semitism in the country following a deadly October attack in Halle, Germany. A gunman opened fire on a kebab shop after failing to storm a synagogue on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur. The shooter killed a customer in the shop and a passerby. FILE – An apparent explosives cache is seen in a bag inside the vehicle used by a gunman in an attack on a synagogue in Halle, Germany, Oct. 9, 2019, in this still image taken from the gunman’s helmet camera video stream.The shooter confessed to German police that he was motivated by right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism. Other elements of the plan are stricter gun control measures and requirements for social media companies to report hate speech to authorities. The police plan to establish a new department that would collect the reported content and the internet addresses of the posters. The attack was part of a greater trend of crimes against Jews in the country. 
Anti-Semitic offenses rose by almost 10 percent in Germany last year, with violent attacks going up more than 60 percent, according to preliminary police data released in February. Police recorded 1,646 violations motivated by hatred against Jews, the highest level in a decade. Perceived rise in anti-SemitismIn addition to rising hate crimes, studies show a perceived increase in anti-Semitism in German society. After the Halle attack, a survey sponsored by public broadcaster ARD showed 59% of voting-age Germans believed that anti-Semitism was spreading in their communities. More than a quarter of Germans hold anti-Semitic beliefs, according to a study by the World Jewish Congress. “I am ashamed that Jews in Germany no longer feel safe and that so many are even thinking of leaving the country,” said Lambrecht. 

У Мін’юсті планують дозволити роботу приватних СІЗО

Міністерство юстиції розглядає запуск приватних слідчих ізоляторів як один із заходів для покращення роботи пенітенціарної системи, заявив голова міністерства Денис Малюська на презентації планів свого відомства.

У заяві, яку цитує пресслужба Кабінету міністрів, Малюська припускає появу платних закладів для утримання, прибуток від яких можна буде спрямувати на державні ізолятори. 


«Ми плануємо спробувати дати можливість працювати приватним СІЗО. По суті, це буде щось на зразок готелів, які добре охороняються, де особи, у яких є кошти зможуть перебувати і очікувати вирок суду. За рахунок цих коштів частково ми зможемо покривати витрати і перебування осіб, які будуть перебувати в звичайних СІЗО. Спробуємо це зробити хоча б на одному пілотному проекті і побачимо, наскільки ця бізнес-модель працює, і в подальшому будемо намагатися розширити цей експеримент, якщо він виявиться успішним, на всю територію України», – сказав міністр.

Він додав, що такі зміни потребуватимуть і змін у законодавстві.

Читайте також: «Системної корупції в Мін’юсті України вже немає» – міністр​

Серед інших цілей, які декларує Мін’юст у своїй презентації: запровадження покарань, які не передбачають позбавлення волі, програм корекції, які мають підготувати засуджених до звільнення, та електронізація пенітенціарної системи.

У жовтні 2019 року Денис Малюська повідомив в інтерв’ю Радіо Свобода, що його відомство розглядає можливість будівництва нових тюрем за європейським зразком.