Trump Team, Canada Officials Resume Talks to Revamp NAFTA

Trump administration officials and Canadian negotiators are resuming talks to try to keep Canada in a North American trade bloc with the United States and Mexico.

“We are looking forward to constructive conversations today,” Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland told reporters as she entered a meeting with U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Lighthizer.

Last week, the United States and Mexico reached a preliminary agreement to replace the 24-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement. But those talks excluded Canada, the third NAFTA country.


Freeland flew to Washington last week for four days of negotiations to try to keep Canada within the regional trade bloc. The U.S. and Canada are sparring over issues including U.S. access to Canada’s protected dairy market and American plans to protect some drug companies from generic competition.



У Нацраді розповіли про обсяг пісень українською мовою на радіо

А ведучі розмовляють українською мовою в середньому у 84% випадків

East Africa Gets Easy Money Transfer System

An international money transfer company has launched an online service for East Africans to send and receive money more easily. Analysts say WorldRemit will lower the cost of transferring money and boost African trade and economies.

Africa has become a thriving market for money transfer companies as its telecommunication facilities improve and its economies grow.

WorldRemit, a British-based money transfer company, recently launched a new digital service in four East African countries. The company facilitates the transfer of at least $1.6 billion to Africa each year.

The co-founder and the head of WorldRemit, Ismail Ahmed, told VOA how money transfers in Africa have changed over the years.

“When we launched our services, 99 percent of remittances were cash both on the sending and receiving side. But today that is changing fast and in the next few years we think as much as 50 to 60 percent of international remittances would move from traditional physical cash, traditional remittances, to digital. And that’s why our services has grown very fast in the last few years,” he said.

Ahmed said that as transactions become digital, the cost of each transfer comes down, and tracking money becomes easier.

“It’s easier for businesses and individuals to move within countries but also across countries. It’s easier to fight financial crime because once the transaction becomes digital, there is an audit trail compared to cash where there is no audit trail,” he said.

Gerrishon Ikiara is an international economic affairs lecturer at the University of Nairobi. He said digital money transfers will boost trade within Africa — but notes that some countries still lack the necessary connections.

“Obviously, the main challenge is the level of infrastructure, because a country without the good infrastructure in terms of electricity and telecommunication infrastructure will make it a bit difficult,” said Ikiara.

The World Bank says $37.8 billion was sent to Africa through remittances in 2017. This year, the amount is expected to be $39 billion.

East Africa Gets Easy Money Transfer System

An international money transfer company has launched an online service for East Africans to send and receive money more easily. Analysts say WorldRemit will lower the cost of transferring money and boost African trade and economies.

Africa has become a thriving market for money transfer companies as its telecommunication facilities improve and its economies grow.

WorldRemit, a British-based money transfer company, recently launched a new digital service in four East African countries. The company facilitates the transfer of at least $1.6 billion to Africa each year.

The co-founder and the head of WorldRemit, Ismail Ahmed, told VOA how money transfers in Africa have changed over the years.

“When we launched our services, 99 percent of remittances were cash both on the sending and receiving side. But today that is changing fast and in the next few years we think as much as 50 to 60 percent of international remittances would move from traditional physical cash, traditional remittances, to digital. And that’s why our services has grown very fast in the last few years,” he said.

Ahmed said that as transactions become digital, the cost of each transfer comes down, and tracking money becomes easier.

“It’s easier for businesses and individuals to move within countries but also across countries. It’s easier to fight financial crime because once the transaction becomes digital, there is an audit trail compared to cash where there is no audit trail,” he said.

Gerrishon Ikiara is an international economic affairs lecturer at the University of Nairobi. He said digital money transfers will boost trade within Africa — but notes that some countries still lack the necessary connections.

“Obviously, the main challenge is the level of infrastructure, because a country without the good infrastructure in terms of electricity and telecommunication infrastructure will make it a bit difficult,” said Ikiara.

The World Bank says $37.8 billion was sent to Africa through remittances in 2017. This year, the amount is expected to be $39 billion.

Журналістка Бердинських прокоментувала рішення суду надати ГПУ доступ до інформації з її телефону

Журналістка Крістіна Бердинських вважає втручанням у професійну діяльність і особисте життя рішення суду надати Генеральній прокуратурі України доступ до інформації з її телефону. Про це вона розповіла в коментарі Радіо Свобода.

«Я була на допиті в грудні 2017 року і проходжу як свідок у цій справі. Сам факт, що правоохоронні органи вимагають від журналістів надати джерела інформації, є неприпустимим. Норми українського законодавства у цьому контексті дуже захищають журналістів. Уже це було втручанням у журналістську діяльність», – розповіла Бердинських.

Вона додала, що її не запрошували на зустріч із генеральним прокурором Юрієм Луценком.

Читайте також: Журналісти обурені рішенням суду надати ГПУ доступ до інформації з телефону Седлецької

27 серпня Печерський районний суд Києва на вимогу Генеральної прокуратури дав їй дозвіл отримати від провайдера інформацію з телефону головного редактора програми журналістських розслідувань програми «Схеми» Наталки Седлецької. В ухвалі йдеться про надання доступу слідства до дзвінків і смс-повідомлень журналістки з липня 2016-го по листопад 2017 року та до даних про місце розташування її телефону протягом цих 17 місяців.

5 вересня Бердинських заявила, що суд ухвалив щодо неї аналогічне рішення.

Читайте також: 10 запитань від «Схем» до генпрокурора Юрія Луценка

Радіо Свобода обурене цією ухвалою. Адвокат Радіо Свобода Анатолій Попов назвав цей захід надмірним і таким, що «порушує як у цілому права людини на повагу до приватного життя, так і тиск на роботу журналіста в рамках виконання його професійних обов’язків і незаконний доступ до джерел інформації журналіста».

Натомість у Генпрокуратурі запевняють, що не будуть прослуховувати зміст розмов Наталії Седлецької, не здійснюватимуть втручання в її професійну діяльність та особисте життя, а дані з її телефону необхідні для розслідування «за фактами можливого розголошення Директором Національного антикорупційного бюро України Артемом Ситником відомостей, що становлять державну таємницю».

Collapsing Emerging-Market Currencies Spark Concerns

First it was Argentina, quickly followed by Turkey. Now anxious investors and policy-makers are watching with alarm the plummeting currencies of several emerging-market economies, most of which have borrowed heavily in dollars.

The nosediving currencies are prompting fears of a repeat of the 1997 Asian financial crash or the “Tequila Effect” of Mexico’s 1994 financial crisis. Or is something even worse coming — a financial contagion to compare with 2008?

Argentina’s peso dropped 29 percent against the U.S. dollar in August, the worst performer among major emerging-market currencies. Turkey’s currency followed closely, with a 25 percent slide.South Africa’s rand saw an almost 10 percent drop. The Indonesian rupiah fell to its weakest level since the 1997 Asian financial crisis, while India’s currency slid into unprecedented territory against the dollar.

September has seen no major uplift in those currencies. The Turkish lira is down 40 percent to the U.S. dollar this year, sparking mounting alarm over the sustainability of the country’s sizable dollar-denominated debts held primarily by its banks and businesses rather than the government.

The foreign exchange markets are jittery with traders watching to see if more countries start joining the troubled list, which would indicate contagion is underway. African countries like Angola, Ghana, Ethiopia, and Mozambique could be vulnerable. And in a worst-case scenario even more developed economies like Chile, Poland and Hungary, which are also shouldering large foreign-currency debts above 50 percent of their GDPs, could be impacted, say some financial analysts.

Corporate debt in emerging and developing economies is significantly larger than it was before the 2008 global financial crisis.The bigger the debt, the harder the fall.

“The risk is increasing in those countries,” Bertrand Delgado, director of global markets for Societe Generale in New York, has warned.

There is general consensus why emerging markets are in turmoil. Three main developments are blamed:

1 – The impact on market sentiment from U.S. President Donald Trump’s tit-for-tat trade war with China and others

2 – Rising U.S. interest rate that has prompted global investors to exit emerging markets to chase yield in dollar investments

3 – The winding down of post-2008 quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, which has reduced liquidity and the availability of cheap money for governments and businesses in emerging markets to borrow.

A global financial crash?

Marcus Ashworth of Bloomberg cautioned last week the emerging-markets sell-off looks contagious.

“The difficulties for emerging markets have entered a new phase.What were once clearly country-specific crises, well contained within their borders, are bleeding across the world,” he warned.

Ashworth, a columnist and a veteran of the banking industry, most recently as chief markets strategist at Haitong Securities in London, added, “One emerging country’s problems have become other emerging countries’ problems, and it’s hard to see how to break the cycle.”

Other analysts dispute that contagion is underway, saying each of the troubled states have their own idiosyncratic problems and country-specific challenges, although they acknowledge the turmoil could mount with the U.S. Federal Reserve expected to raise interest rates several times this year.

In a note to investors, DBS, a Singapore-based international financial services group, warned the currencies of Argentina and Turkey “have been struggling with rising U.S. rates since the start of the year, due to deficits in their fiscal and current account balances.

“Heightened trade tensions threatening to erupt into a full-blown trade war could prompt, DBS said, disorderly capital outflows leading to “financial instability, especially in countries that have high external debt levels.”

Britain’s The Economist magazine argues the weakness in emerging-market currencies “is not fundamentally contagious” and the fallout can be contained.Western lenders including banks will be impacted, it said, as emerging-market borrowers struggle to repay dollar and other foreign-currency debts now worth more in terms of their own currencies. “But it would not threaten their [Western lenders’] solvency,” it said.

Optimists say for all the wider currency woes and the economic weakness of Argentina and Turkey, many major emerging-market countries are doing well.

India’s GDP was growing at an 8 percent rate ending June. Mexico’s peso is steady and it appears to have concluded trade negotiations with the Trump White House, which markets are viewing favorably.

The optimists say the global scare is being fanned by screaming, doom-laden headlines, pointing out that in 2013, when the U.S. Federal Reserve started to cease Quantitative Easing, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Turkey and South Africa all suffered from currency depreciation, but they soon regained their footing.

The biggest emerging-market risk, though, is that rattled global investors could be so alarmed by currency turmoils that they ignore economic fundamentals and stampede away from emerging-market countries, compounding currency falls, triggering indirect contagion, and adding to debt burdens.

Collapsing Emerging-Market Currencies Spark Concerns

First it was Argentina, quickly followed by Turkey. Now anxious investors and policy-makers are watching with alarm the plummeting currencies of several emerging-market economies, most of which have borrowed heavily in dollars.

The nosediving currencies are prompting fears of a repeat of the 1997 Asian financial crash or the “Tequila Effect” of Mexico’s 1994 financial crisis. Or is something even worse coming — a financial contagion to compare with 2008?

Argentina’s peso dropped 29 percent against the U.S. dollar in August, the worst performer among major emerging-market currencies. Turkey’s currency followed closely, with a 25 percent slide.South Africa’s rand saw an almost 10 percent drop. The Indonesian rupiah fell to its weakest level since the 1997 Asian financial crisis, while India’s currency slid into unprecedented territory against the dollar.

September has seen no major uplift in those currencies. The Turkish lira is down 40 percent to the U.S. dollar this year, sparking mounting alarm over the sustainability of the country’s sizable dollar-denominated debts held primarily by its banks and businesses rather than the government.

The foreign exchange markets are jittery with traders watching to see if more countries start joining the troubled list, which would indicate contagion is underway. African countries like Angola, Ghana, Ethiopia, and Mozambique could be vulnerable. And in a worst-case scenario even more developed economies like Chile, Poland and Hungary, which are also shouldering large foreign-currency debts above 50 percent of their GDPs, could be impacted, say some financial analysts.

Corporate debt in emerging and developing economies is significantly larger than it was before the 2008 global financial crisis.The bigger the debt, the harder the fall.

“The risk is increasing in those countries,” Bertrand Delgado, director of global markets for Societe Generale in New York, has warned.

There is general consensus why emerging markets are in turmoil. Three main developments are blamed:

1 – The impact on market sentiment from U.S. President Donald Trump’s tit-for-tat trade war with China and others

2 – Rising U.S. interest rate that has prompted global investors to exit emerging markets to chase yield in dollar investments

3 – The winding down of post-2008 quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, which has reduced liquidity and the availability of cheap money for governments and businesses in emerging markets to borrow.

A global financial crash?

Marcus Ashworth of Bloomberg cautioned last week the emerging-markets sell-off looks contagious.

“The difficulties for emerging markets have entered a new phase.What were once clearly country-specific crises, well contained within their borders, are bleeding across the world,” he warned.

Ashworth, a columnist and a veteran of the banking industry, most recently as chief markets strategist at Haitong Securities in London, added, “One emerging country’s problems have become other emerging countries’ problems, and it’s hard to see how to break the cycle.”

Other analysts dispute that contagion is underway, saying each of the troubled states have their own idiosyncratic problems and country-specific challenges, although they acknowledge the turmoil could mount with the U.S. Federal Reserve expected to raise interest rates several times this year.

In a note to investors, DBS, a Singapore-based international financial services group, warned the currencies of Argentina and Turkey “have been struggling with rising U.S. rates since the start of the year, due to deficits in their fiscal and current account balances.

“Heightened trade tensions threatening to erupt into a full-blown trade war could prompt, DBS said, disorderly capital outflows leading to “financial instability, especially in countries that have high external debt levels.”

Britain’s The Economist magazine argues the weakness in emerging-market currencies “is not fundamentally contagious” and the fallout can be contained.Western lenders including banks will be impacted, it said, as emerging-market borrowers struggle to repay dollar and other foreign-currency debts now worth more in terms of their own currencies. “But it would not threaten their [Western lenders’] solvency,” it said.

Optimists say for all the wider currency woes and the economic weakness of Argentina and Turkey, many major emerging-market countries are doing well.

India’s GDP was growing at an 8 percent rate ending June. Mexico’s peso is steady and it appears to have concluded trade negotiations with the Trump White House, which markets are viewing favorably.

The optimists say the global scare is being fanned by screaming, doom-laden headlines, pointing out that in 2013, when the U.S. Federal Reserve started to cease Quantitative Easing, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Turkey and South Africa all suffered from currency depreciation, but they soon regained their footing.

The biggest emerging-market risk, though, is that rattled global investors could be so alarmed by currency turmoils that they ignore economic fundamentals and stampede away from emerging-market countries, compounding currency falls, triggering indirect contagion, and adding to debt burdens.

Pence Calls for Release of Jailed Reuters Journalists

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday called on Myanmar’s government to reverse a court ruling that imprisoned two Reuters journalists for seven years and to release them immediately.

The journalists were found guilty Monday on official-secrets charges in a landmark case seen as a test of progress toward democracy in Myanmar, which was ruled by a military junta until 2011.

Wa Lone, 32, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 28, were investigating the killing by security forces of Rohingya villagers at the time of their arrest last December, and had pleaded not guilty.

“Wa Lone & Kyaw Soe Oo shd be commended ‘not imprisoned’ for their work exposing human rights violations & mass killings. Freedom of religion & freedom of the press are essential to a strong democracy,” Pence wrote on Twitter.

Pence is the most senior U.S. official to add his voice to an international outcry against the verdict by a Myanmar judge, who said the two had breached the colonial-era Official Secrets Act when they collected and obtained confidential documents.

In Yangon earlier Tuesday, the wives of the two journalists insisted that the men were innocent and called for them to be reunited with their families.

“Deeply troubled by the Burmese court ruling sentencing 2 @Reuters journalists to 7 years in jail for doing their job reporting on the atrocities being committed on the Rohingya people,” Pence wrote in another tweet.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Tuesday that the United States would become more vocal about the two journalists’ situation.

Speaking at a news conference in New York marking the U.S. assumption of the rotating chairmanship of the Security Council for September, Haley said the reporters were “in prison for telling the truth.”

Mark Green, administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development, said “these convictions are an enormous setback for democracy and the rule of law in Burma.”

Mounting pressure

The verdict came amid mounting pressure on the government of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi over a security crackdown sparked by attacks by Rohingya Muslim insurgents on security forces in Rakhine state in west Myanmar in August 2017.

More than 700,000 stateless Rohingya Muslims have fled into Bangladesh since then, according to U.N. agencies. The Rohingya, who regard themselves as native to Rakhine, are widely considered as interlopers by the country’s Buddhist majority and are denied citizenship.

Neither Suu Kyi nor her government have commented publicly on the case since the reporters were convicted.

The journalists were arrested December 12 while investigating the killing of 10 Rohingya men and boys and other abuses involving soldiers and police in the village of Inn Din.

Myanmar has denied allegations of atrocities against Rohingya by its security forces, saying it conducted a legitimate counterinsurgency operation against Muslim militants.

The military acknowledged the killing of the 10 Rohingya at Inn Din after arresting the Reuters reporters.

A U.N-mandated fact-finding mission said last week that Myanmar’s military carried out mass killings and gang rapes of Muslim Rohingya with “genocidal intent” and called for top generals to be prosecuted. Myanmar rejected the findings.

The International Criminal Court is considering whether it has jurisdiction over events in Rakhine, while the United States, the European Union and Canada have sanctioned Myanmar military and police officers over the crackdown.

Pence Calls for Release of Jailed Reuters Journalists

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday called on Myanmar’s government to reverse a court ruling that imprisoned two Reuters journalists for seven years and to release them immediately.

The journalists were found guilty Monday on official-secrets charges in a landmark case seen as a test of progress toward democracy in Myanmar, which was ruled by a military junta until 2011.

Wa Lone, 32, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 28, were investigating the killing by security forces of Rohingya villagers at the time of their arrest last December, and had pleaded not guilty.

“Wa Lone & Kyaw Soe Oo shd be commended ‘not imprisoned’ for their work exposing human rights violations & mass killings. Freedom of religion & freedom of the press are essential to a strong democracy,” Pence wrote on Twitter.

Pence is the most senior U.S. official to add his voice to an international outcry against the verdict by a Myanmar judge, who said the two had breached the colonial-era Official Secrets Act when they collected and obtained confidential documents.

In Yangon earlier Tuesday, the wives of the two journalists insisted that the men were innocent and called for them to be reunited with their families.

“Deeply troubled by the Burmese court ruling sentencing 2 @Reuters journalists to 7 years in jail for doing their job reporting on the atrocities being committed on the Rohingya people,” Pence wrote in another tweet.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Tuesday that the United States would become more vocal about the two journalists’ situation.

Speaking at a news conference in New York marking the U.S. assumption of the rotating chairmanship of the Security Council for September, Haley said the reporters were “in prison for telling the truth.”

Mark Green, administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development, said “these convictions are an enormous setback for democracy and the rule of law in Burma.”

Mounting pressure

The verdict came amid mounting pressure on the government of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi over a security crackdown sparked by attacks by Rohingya Muslim insurgents on security forces in Rakhine state in west Myanmar in August 2017.

More than 700,000 stateless Rohingya Muslims have fled into Bangladesh since then, according to U.N. agencies. The Rohingya, who regard themselves as native to Rakhine, are widely considered as interlopers by the country’s Buddhist majority and are denied citizenship.

Neither Suu Kyi nor her government have commented publicly on the case since the reporters were convicted.

The journalists were arrested December 12 while investigating the killing of 10 Rohingya men and boys and other abuses involving soldiers and police in the village of Inn Din.

Myanmar has denied allegations of atrocities against Rohingya by its security forces, saying it conducted a legitimate counterinsurgency operation against Muslim militants.

The military acknowledged the killing of the 10 Rohingya at Inn Din after arresting the Reuters reporters.

A U.N-mandated fact-finding mission said last week that Myanmar’s military carried out mass killings and gang rapes of Muslim Rohingya with “genocidal intent” and called for top generals to be prosecuted. Myanmar rejected the findings.

The International Criminal Court is considering whether it has jurisdiction over events in Rakhine, while the United States, the European Union and Canada have sanctioned Myanmar military and police officers over the crackdown.

Trump-Sessions Feud Called Aberration in American Politics

President Donald Trump’s latest attack on social media against Attorney General Jeff Sessions is seen by experts and lawmakers as an aberration in American politics and yet another assault on the country’s judicial independence.

Critics view Trump’s disparaging remarks about Sessions for his department’s indictments of two Republican lawmakers as an example of how much Trump misunderstands the president’s authority and obligations under the U.S. constitutional system.

In a tweet Monday, Trump accused Sessions of jeopardizing the chances of re-election for two Republican congressmen by bringing criminal charges against them just before the midterm elections in November.

Representatives Duncan Hunter of California and Chris Collins of New York were indicted last month on unrelated charges. Hunter was charged with using campaign funds for personal use. Collins was charged with 13 counts related to securities fraud and insider trading. Both lawmakers have pleaded not guilty.

Damage to administration of justice

Trump’s denunciation of Sessions “crosses a well-established line,” said Nancy V. Baker, emeritus professor of government at New Mexico State University and author of Conflicting Loyalties: Law and Politics in the Attorney General’s Office.

Baker noted that even if all of this remains in the level of discourse and Trump doesn’t fire Sessions or anyone else in the Justice Department he’s unhappy with, the president “severely damages the administration of justice” every time he makes a threatening remark.

“Public perceptions are important,” Baker said. Trump’s comments make it clear that he sees his office as “above the law, which directly undermines the ancient principle of rule of law, that the law applies without fear or favor, and no one is above it.”

In an interview with The New York Times in 2017, Trump was asked if he would reopen the investigation into former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state. Trump replied, “I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department.”

In the same interview, Trump asserted that Eric Holder, attorney general under President Barack Obama, “protected” Obama during his presidency. Holder pushed back, saying that as attorney general, he had a president he “did not have to protect.”

Fraught relationship

Sessions was an early Trump supporter in 2016. But their relationship has been fraught with conflict, particularly after the attorney general recused himself in March 2017 from any Justice Department investigations into Russian meddling in the U.S. 2016 election. American intelligence agencies have concluded that Moscow interfered to help Trump win.

Trump told the Times in July 2017 that he wouldn’t have considered Sessions for the Cabinet role if he had known Sessions would bow out of the Russia investigation. Trump said he thought it was “very unfair to the president” that Sessions “takes the job, gets into the job, recuses himself.”

Since Sessions’ recusal, Trump has lashed out at him multiple times, blaming the attorney general for multiple offenses, including “being weak on Hillary Clinton” and the Russia investigation.

According to Fear: Trump in the White House, a new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward, aside from his public chastising of Sessions, in private, Trump has called him “mentally retarded” and a “dumb Southerner.”

In response to these attacks on Sessions, the nonprofit advocacy group Protect Democracy released a white paper in March titled No “Absolute Right” to Control DOJ: Constitutional Limits on White House Interference with Law Enforcement Matters.

The authors of the paper wrote that White House interventions based on the president’s personal or corrupt interests are “always unconstitutional.” In addition, they wrote that in a constitutional democracy, “those in office should not wield the powers of the state to benefit their political allies and punish their opponents.”

Alarm from Congress

Members of Congress from both political parties have expressed alarm.

“Our justice system is under attack,” Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, said Tuesday.

Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, called Trump’s actions “unprecedented in American history.” He said Trump’s tweets had demonstrated that he “has virtually no respect for the rule of law.”

Lawmakers from Trump’s own party argued that the president was trying to politicize the Justice Department.

Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska released a statement saying, “The United States is not some banana republic with a two-tiered system of justice — one for the majority party and one for the minority party.”

Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona tweeted that Trump was “looking to use the Department of Justice to settle political scores.”

Although presidents and attorney generals have clashed in previous administrations, experts see Trump as breaking new ground in terms of the public and aggressive ways he pressures Sessions.

Baker noted that after Watergate, presidents were “careful to restrict White House communications with anyone at Justice except the attorney general, and even then, keeping records of any communication.”

In the 1972 Watergate scandal, Republican President Richard Nixon and Attorney General John Mitchell were linked to a crime in which former FBI and CIA agents broke into the offices of the Democratic National Committee, located in the Watergate office complex in Washington, to steal secret documents. The scandal severely damaged public confidence in the impartial administration of justice.

Trump-Sessions Feud Called Aberration in American Politics

President Donald Trump’s latest attack on social media against Attorney General Jeff Sessions is seen by experts and lawmakers as an aberration in American politics and yet another assault on the country’s judicial independence.

Critics view Trump’s disparaging remarks about Sessions for his department’s indictments of two Republican lawmakers as an example of how much Trump misunderstands the president’s authority and obligations under the U.S. constitutional system.

In a tweet Monday, Trump accused Sessions of jeopardizing the chances of re-election for two Republican congressmen by bringing criminal charges against them just before the midterm elections in November.

Representatives Duncan Hunter of California and Chris Collins of New York were indicted last month on unrelated charges. Hunter was charged with using campaign funds for personal use. Collins was charged with 13 counts related to securities fraud and insider trading. Both lawmakers have pleaded not guilty.

Damage to administration of justice

Trump’s denunciation of Sessions “crosses a well-established line,” said Nancy V. Baker, emeritus professor of government at New Mexico State University and author of Conflicting Loyalties: Law and Politics in the Attorney General’s Office.

Baker noted that even if all of this remains in the level of discourse and Trump doesn’t fire Sessions or anyone else in the Justice Department he’s unhappy with, the president “severely damages the administration of justice” every time he makes a threatening remark.

“Public perceptions are important,” Baker said. Trump’s comments make it clear that he sees his office as “above the law, which directly undermines the ancient principle of rule of law, that the law applies without fear or favor, and no one is above it.”

In an interview with The New York Times in 2017, Trump was asked if he would reopen the investigation into former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state. Trump replied, “I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department.”

In the same interview, Trump asserted that Eric Holder, attorney general under President Barack Obama, “protected” Obama during his presidency. Holder pushed back, saying that as attorney general, he had a president he “did not have to protect.”

Fraught relationship

Sessions was an early Trump supporter in 2016. But their relationship has been fraught with conflict, particularly after the attorney general recused himself in March 2017 from any Justice Department investigations into Russian meddling in the U.S. 2016 election. American intelligence agencies have concluded that Moscow interfered to help Trump win.

Trump told the Times in July 2017 that he wouldn’t have considered Sessions for the Cabinet role if he had known Sessions would bow out of the Russia investigation. Trump said he thought it was “very unfair to the president” that Sessions “takes the job, gets into the job, recuses himself.”

Since Sessions’ recusal, Trump has lashed out at him multiple times, blaming the attorney general for multiple offenses, including “being weak on Hillary Clinton” and the Russia investigation.

According to Fear: Trump in the White House, a new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward, aside from his public chastising of Sessions, in private, Trump has called him “mentally retarded” and a “dumb Southerner.”

In response to these attacks on Sessions, the nonprofit advocacy group Protect Democracy released a white paper in March titled No “Absolute Right” to Control DOJ: Constitutional Limits on White House Interference with Law Enforcement Matters.

The authors of the paper wrote that White House interventions based on the president’s personal or corrupt interests are “always unconstitutional.” In addition, they wrote that in a constitutional democracy, “those in office should not wield the powers of the state to benefit their political allies and punish their opponents.”

Alarm from Congress

Members of Congress from both political parties have expressed alarm.

“Our justice system is under attack,” Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, said Tuesday.

Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, called Trump’s actions “unprecedented in American history.” He said Trump’s tweets had demonstrated that he “has virtually no respect for the rule of law.”

Lawmakers from Trump’s own party argued that the president was trying to politicize the Justice Department.

Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska released a statement saying, “The United States is not some banana republic with a two-tiered system of justice — one for the majority party and one for the minority party.”

Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona tweeted that Trump was “looking to use the Department of Justice to settle political scores.”

Although presidents and attorney generals have clashed in previous administrations, experts see Trump as breaking new ground in terms of the public and aggressive ways he pressures Sessions.

Baker noted that after Watergate, presidents were “careful to restrict White House communications with anyone at Justice except the attorney general, and even then, keeping records of any communication.”

In the 1972 Watergate scandal, Republican President Richard Nixon and Attorney General John Mitchell were linked to a crime in which former FBI and CIA agents broke into the offices of the Democratic National Committee, located in the Watergate office complex in Washington, to steal secret documents. The scandal severely damaged public confidence in the impartial administration of justice.

Judges: Too Late for New N. Carolina Districts Map for Fall Election

A panel of federal judges formally backed off Tuesday on the idea of requiring a new congressional map for North Carolina’s fall elections, one week after broaching the possibility when the judges declared the current lines illegal partisan gerrymanders.

While declaring 12 of North Carolina’s 13 districts violated the U.S. Constitution, the three judges had suggested ordering the Republican-dominated legislature or an outside expert to redraw the entire map, possibly by mid-September. They envisioned holding primaries for redrawn seats on Election Day, or perhaps having no primaries this year at all.

The panel shelved those ideas after hearing from the parties in the lawsuit late last week.

“We conclude that there is insufficient time for this court to approve a new districting plan and for the state to conduct an election using that plan prior to the seating of the new Congress in January 2019,” the judges wrote in Tuesday’s order.

In particular, the election advocacy groups, the state Democratic Party and Democratic voters who were victorious in their lawsuits wrote that regretfully they opposed a quick fix for the fall because it would be “too disruptive and potentially counterproductive.”

Any new map also would have required weeks of preparation by state election officials to carry out. The state elections board also told the court there was essentially only one doable option — holding a stand-alone congressional election a week before Christmas.

Democratic prospects

New boundaries may have helped Democrats be competitive in more seats on a map that Republicans approved in 2016 with a goal of preserving 10 of the seats for the GOP. Democrats nationally need to flip about two dozen Republican seats in November to take control of the House again.

But the plaintiffs wrote last Friday that a rush to alter the map and hold an election on an unusual date could make it harder for Democrats to pick up seats in North Carolina in part by depressing voter turnout among young people and minorities.

“Because these populations tend to support the Democratic Party, it is entirely possible that this proposal would actually hurt, rather than help, the electoral prospects of the Democratic Party — exactly what the legislative defendants sought to do through the unconstitutional 2016 plan,” they wrote.

It wasn’t surprising that attorneys for the Republican lawmakers who were sued fought any new map this fall. They say partisan gerrymandering claims are groundless and have never been affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court. They had asked the judges to delay the enforcement of last week’s ruling and filed a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court.

Attorneys for some of the plaintiffs wrote earlier Tuesday that they would be willing to accept a delay as long as a schedule is in place to make it likely for the Supreme Court to hear the cause during the upcoming term if the justices chose to do so. That would mean a ruling by next June that affirms the lower-court decision would leave time for a redraw well before the 2020 elections, the attorneys wrote.

In Tuesday’s order, the three judges also asked for more responses to the GOP lawmakers’ delay request by late Wednesday.

The same three-judge panel declared unconstitutional the state’s congressional map last January, but the Supreme Court returned the case to the judges in June to review in light of a Wisconsin case.

Judges: Too Late for New N. Carolina Districts Map for Fall Election

A panel of federal judges formally backed off Tuesday on the idea of requiring a new congressional map for North Carolina’s fall elections, one week after broaching the possibility when the judges declared the current lines illegal partisan gerrymanders.

While declaring 12 of North Carolina’s 13 districts violated the U.S. Constitution, the three judges had suggested ordering the Republican-dominated legislature or an outside expert to redraw the entire map, possibly by mid-September. They envisioned holding primaries for redrawn seats on Election Day, or perhaps having no primaries this year at all.

The panel shelved those ideas after hearing from the parties in the lawsuit late last week.

“We conclude that there is insufficient time for this court to approve a new districting plan and for the state to conduct an election using that plan prior to the seating of the new Congress in January 2019,” the judges wrote in Tuesday’s order.

In particular, the election advocacy groups, the state Democratic Party and Democratic voters who were victorious in their lawsuits wrote that regretfully they opposed a quick fix for the fall because it would be “too disruptive and potentially counterproductive.”

Any new map also would have required weeks of preparation by state election officials to carry out. The state elections board also told the court there was essentially only one doable option — holding a stand-alone congressional election a week before Christmas.

Democratic prospects

New boundaries may have helped Democrats be competitive in more seats on a map that Republicans approved in 2016 with a goal of preserving 10 of the seats for the GOP. Democrats nationally need to flip about two dozen Republican seats in November to take control of the House again.

But the plaintiffs wrote last Friday that a rush to alter the map and hold an election on an unusual date could make it harder for Democrats to pick up seats in North Carolina in part by depressing voter turnout among young people and minorities.

“Because these populations tend to support the Democratic Party, it is entirely possible that this proposal would actually hurt, rather than help, the electoral prospects of the Democratic Party — exactly what the legislative defendants sought to do through the unconstitutional 2016 plan,” they wrote.

It wasn’t surprising that attorneys for the Republican lawmakers who were sued fought any new map this fall. They say partisan gerrymandering claims are groundless and have never been affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court. They had asked the judges to delay the enforcement of last week’s ruling and filed a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court.

Attorneys for some of the plaintiffs wrote earlier Tuesday that they would be willing to accept a delay as long as a schedule is in place to make it likely for the Supreme Court to hear the cause during the upcoming term if the justices chose to do so. That would mean a ruling by next June that affirms the lower-court decision would leave time for a redraw well before the 2020 elections, the attorneys wrote.

In Tuesday’s order, the three judges also asked for more responses to the GOP lawmakers’ delay request by late Wednesday.

The same three-judge panel declared unconstitutional the state’s congressional map last January, but the Supreme Court returned the case to the judges in June to review in light of a Wisconsin case.

Alaska Village Experiences Boom in Polar Bear Tourism 

A tiny Alaska Native village has experienced a boom in tourism in recent years as polar bears spend more time on land than on diminishing Arctic sea ice.

More than 2,000 people visited the northern Alaska village of Kaktovik on the Beaufort Sea last year to see polar bears in the wild, Alaska’s Energy Desk reported Monday. 

The far north community is located on north shore of Barter Island on the Beaufort Sea coast in an area where rapid global warming has sped up the movement of sea ice, the primary habitat of polar bears. As ice has receded to deep water beyond the continental shelf, more bears are remaining on land to look for food. 

The village had fewer than 50 visitors annually before 2011, said Jennifer Reed of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

“Today we’re talking about hundreds and hundreds of visitors, many from around the world, each year,” Reed said. 

Polar bears have always been a common sight on sea ice near Kaktovik, but residents started noticing a change in the mid-1990s. More bears seemed to stay on land, and researchers began taking note of more female bears making dens in the snow on land instead of on the ice.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists began hearing reports of increasing numbers of polar bears in the area in the early 2000s, Reed said. As more attention was given to the plight of polar bears about a decade ago, more tourists stated heading to Kaktovik.

Bears stranded

Most tourists visit in the fall, when bears are forced toward land because sea ice is the farthest away from the shore. Some bears become stranded near Kaktovik until the sea freezes again in October or November.

The fall is also when residents of Kaktovik kill three bowhead whales. Bruce Inglangasak, an Inupiaq subsistence hunter who offers wildlife viewing tours, said residents were unsure how tourists would react to whaling. 

“The community was scared about, you know, activists that were going to try to get us to shut down the whaling — subsistence whaling,” Inglangasak said. “But that’s not true.”

Inglangasak said he’s been offering polar bear tours since 2003 or 2004. Most of his clients are from China and Europe, as well as from the Lower 48 U.S. states, and arrive in Katovik on charter planes from Anchorage and Fairbanks. 

Many tourists stay several days in the village, which has two small hotels, Inglangasak said.

Alaska Village Experiences Boom in Polar Bear Tourism 

A tiny Alaska Native village has experienced a boom in tourism in recent years as polar bears spend more time on land than on diminishing Arctic sea ice.

More than 2,000 people visited the northern Alaska village of Kaktovik on the Beaufort Sea last year to see polar bears in the wild, Alaska’s Energy Desk reported Monday. 

The far north community is located on north shore of Barter Island on the Beaufort Sea coast in an area where rapid global warming has sped up the movement of sea ice, the primary habitat of polar bears. As ice has receded to deep water beyond the continental shelf, more bears are remaining on land to look for food. 

The village had fewer than 50 visitors annually before 2011, said Jennifer Reed of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

“Today we’re talking about hundreds and hundreds of visitors, many from around the world, each year,” Reed said. 

Polar bears have always been a common sight on sea ice near Kaktovik, but residents started noticing a change in the mid-1990s. More bears seemed to stay on land, and researchers began taking note of more female bears making dens in the snow on land instead of on the ice.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists began hearing reports of increasing numbers of polar bears in the area in the early 2000s, Reed said. As more attention was given to the plight of polar bears about a decade ago, more tourists stated heading to Kaktovik.

Bears stranded

Most tourists visit in the fall, when bears are forced toward land because sea ice is the farthest away from the shore. Some bears become stranded near Kaktovik until the sea freezes again in October or November.

The fall is also when residents of Kaktovik kill three bowhead whales. Bruce Inglangasak, an Inupiaq subsistence hunter who offers wildlife viewing tours, said residents were unsure how tourists would react to whaling. 

“The community was scared about, you know, activists that were going to try to get us to shut down the whaling — subsistence whaling,” Inglangasak said. “But that’s not true.”

Inglangasak said he’s been offering polar bear tours since 2003 or 2004. Most of his clients are from China and Europe, as well as from the Lower 48 U.S. states, and arrive in Katovik on charter planes from Anchorage and Fairbanks. 

Many tourists stay several days in the village, which has two small hotels, Inglangasak said.

Україна добровільно внесла до бюджету Ради Європи 400 тисяч доларів – МЗС

Україна добровільно внесла до бюджету Ради Європи 400 тисяч доларів, заявили в Постійному представництві України при організації.

За її даними, Україна здійснила добровільний внесок уперше.

«Фінансова ситуація в РЄ різко погіршилася у 2017 році, коли Російська Федерація використала фінансовий шантаж організації і в порушення своїх міжнародно-правових зобов’язань відмовилася сплачувати внески до бюджету Ради Європи до того часу, поки не буде відновлена повноцінна участь її делегації у Парламентській асамблеї Ради Європи», – пояснили в МЗС України.

У відомстві зазначили, що серед напрямків, які профінансувала Україна, – функціонування Європейського суду з прав людини, боротьба з корупцією та відмиванням грошей, запобігання тортурам, боротьба з расизмом і нетерпимістю, інтеграція ромів та кочівників у суспільство, захист меншин, розвиток рівноправ’я жінок та чоловіків, культурної спадщини, а також журналістики та безпеки журналістів.

Росія після накладених на її делегацію обмежень у ПАРЄ через окупацію українського Криму (делегацію позбавили права голосу, а її членів права брати участь у роботі головних органів асамблеї) сама відмовилася від участі в роботі асамблеї, а влітку 2017 року також припинила платити членські внески в Раду Європи. Москва домагається від ПАРЄ зміни регламенту, щоб унеможливити такі санкції надалі.

Україна добровільно внесла до бюджету Ради Європи 400 тисяч доларів – МЗС

Україна добровільно внесла до бюджету Ради Європи 400 тисяч доларів, заявили в Постійному представництві України при організації.

За її даними, Україна здійснила добровільний внесок уперше.

«Фінансова ситуація в РЄ різко погіршилася у 2017 році, коли Російська Федерація використала фінансовий шантаж організації і в порушення своїх міжнародно-правових зобов’язань відмовилася сплачувати внески до бюджету Ради Європи до того часу, поки не буде відновлена повноцінна участь її делегації у Парламентській асамблеї Ради Європи», – пояснили в МЗС України.

У відомстві зазначили, що серед напрямків, які профінансувала Україна, – функціонування Європейського суду з прав людини, боротьба з корупцією та відмиванням грошей, запобігання тортурам, боротьба з расизмом і нетерпимістю, інтеграція ромів та кочівників у суспільство, захист меншин, розвиток рівноправ’я жінок та чоловіків, культурної спадщини, а також журналістики та безпеки журналістів.

Росія після накладених на її делегацію обмежень у ПАРЄ через окупацію українського Криму (делегацію позбавили права голосу, а її членів права брати участь у роботі головних органів асамблеї) сама відмовилася від участі в роботі асамблеї, а влітку 2017 року також припинила платити членські внески в Раду Європи. Москва домагається від ПАРЄ зміни регламенту, щоб унеможливити такі санкції надалі.

Cars Now Cruising Down the Monthly Subscription Highway

If you already subscribe to digital services like Netflix to binge on TV shows and Spotify to groove to an endless mix of music, the auto industry might have a deal for you: Subscribe to your next car as well.

Make that cars, plural. Some of these packages — which charge a monthly fee for the bundled use of a car, insurance and maintenance — let you trade in your vehicle on a regular basis, sometimes almost as readily as you can skip to a new tune on Spotify.

These still-developing car subscription programs are gaining traction among motorists who don’t want to be locked into the hassles of car ownership or even multiyear leasing commitments. All they want is a vehicle available whenever they want or need it.

“It feels like Christmas morning every time they bring me a new car,” said Steve Barnes, a video producer who subscribes to a high-end vehicle subscription program offered through Clutch Technologies, a startup operating in the Atlanta area.

Although they’re still in their infancy, car subscriptions are hooking more motorists as both long-established automakers and startups roll out plans.

How it works

Ford, a 115-year-old automaker with a network of more than 3,000 dealers, expanded into car subscriptions about 16 months ago through Canvas, a subsidiary in San Francisco.

Canvas offers a variety of used, once-leased Ford and Lincoln models as subscriptions that cost anywhere from $379 per month (for a Ford Fiesta subcompact) to $1,125 per month (for a Lincoln Navigator luxury SUV).

Those plans, however, impose driving limits of 500 miles a month. Subscribers can pay extra for higher limits — $35 per month for an additional 350 miles, for instance, or $100 per month for unlimited travel. Unused miles in any given month can be rolled over to the next one. If Canvas customers exceed the monthly mileage limits under their plan, they are charged an additional 15 cents per mile for a Ford car and slightly more for a Lincoln vehicle.

So far, Canvas has limited subscriptions to the San Francisco and Los Angeles area. In its first 16 months in California, thousands of subscribers have signed up for its subscription service while collectively driving about 8.5 million miles, according to the company.

“People are generally changing the way they are working, they are changing the way they are living and they are generally changing the way they are consuming things,” Canvas CEO Ned Ryan said. “Subscriptions are going to be a very large and growing share of how people consume automobiles.”

About a third of Canvas customers decided to subscribe to cars after moving or some other major event that left them reluctant to make a bigger commitment to leasing or owning, Ryan said. Others just like the simplicity and convenience offered by a car subscription, he said.

Temporary arrangement

Liz Dreskin of San Rafael, California, signed up for Canvas earlier this year to help her college-age kids get around at home during their summer break. Both are under the company’s 21-year-old age limit, so Dreskin got a vehicle for herself while allowing her children to drive the BMW she already owned.

After starting off with a sports utility vehicle from Canvas, she decided to pay $99 to switch to a 2015 Mustang. Although she plans to suspend her $500 monthly subscription at the end of September, she intends to start it up again when her kids return for the holidays. She’s also recommending the service to a friend whose current car is breaking down.

“I could totally see myself doing this in the future so I don’t have to deal with car insurance and car payments,” said Dreskin, 52.

Luxury automakers such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and General Motors’ Cadillac brand also are offering subscription programs, but those are primarily catering to affluent drivers who want to try out a variety of expensive vehicles.

Barnes, the video producer, signed up with Clutch in 2016 for access to luxury vehicles. The divorced father will get a sports utility vehicle when he has custody of his daughters or a Tesla sports car or something else fun to drive when he’s headed out on the town with his current wife.

He pays about $1,400 per month for his Clutch subscription, substantially more than the roughly $900 per month he used to pay for a lease on a Tahoe and his insurance policy. But he says he can’t imagine ever owning or leasing a car again now that he’s driven dozens of different vehicles that he estimates would have cost him more than $1 million to own.

“I am definitely a ‘tech head’ who had always fantasized about being able to get whatever car you want,” Barnes said. 

Cars Now Cruising Down the Monthly Subscription Highway

If you already subscribe to digital services like Netflix to binge on TV shows and Spotify to groove to an endless mix of music, the auto industry might have a deal for you: Subscribe to your next car as well.

Make that cars, plural. Some of these packages — which charge a monthly fee for the bundled use of a car, insurance and maintenance — let you trade in your vehicle on a regular basis, sometimes almost as readily as you can skip to a new tune on Spotify.

These still-developing car subscription programs are gaining traction among motorists who don’t want to be locked into the hassles of car ownership or even multiyear leasing commitments. All they want is a vehicle available whenever they want or need it.

“It feels like Christmas morning every time they bring me a new car,” said Steve Barnes, a video producer who subscribes to a high-end vehicle subscription program offered through Clutch Technologies, a startup operating in the Atlanta area.

Although they’re still in their infancy, car subscriptions are hooking more motorists as both long-established automakers and startups roll out plans.

How it works

Ford, a 115-year-old automaker with a network of more than 3,000 dealers, expanded into car subscriptions about 16 months ago through Canvas, a subsidiary in San Francisco.

Canvas offers a variety of used, once-leased Ford and Lincoln models as subscriptions that cost anywhere from $379 per month (for a Ford Fiesta subcompact) to $1,125 per month (for a Lincoln Navigator luxury SUV).

Those plans, however, impose driving limits of 500 miles a month. Subscribers can pay extra for higher limits — $35 per month for an additional 350 miles, for instance, or $100 per month for unlimited travel. Unused miles in any given month can be rolled over to the next one. If Canvas customers exceed the monthly mileage limits under their plan, they are charged an additional 15 cents per mile for a Ford car and slightly more for a Lincoln vehicle.

So far, Canvas has limited subscriptions to the San Francisco and Los Angeles area. In its first 16 months in California, thousands of subscribers have signed up for its subscription service while collectively driving about 8.5 million miles, according to the company.

“People are generally changing the way they are working, they are changing the way they are living and they are generally changing the way they are consuming things,” Canvas CEO Ned Ryan said. “Subscriptions are going to be a very large and growing share of how people consume automobiles.”

About a third of Canvas customers decided to subscribe to cars after moving or some other major event that left them reluctant to make a bigger commitment to leasing or owning, Ryan said. Others just like the simplicity and convenience offered by a car subscription, he said.

Temporary arrangement

Liz Dreskin of San Rafael, California, signed up for Canvas earlier this year to help her college-age kids get around at home during their summer break. Both are under the company’s 21-year-old age limit, so Dreskin got a vehicle for herself while allowing her children to drive the BMW she already owned.

After starting off with a sports utility vehicle from Canvas, she decided to pay $99 to switch to a 2015 Mustang. Although she plans to suspend her $500 monthly subscription at the end of September, she intends to start it up again when her kids return for the holidays. She’s also recommending the service to a friend whose current car is breaking down.

“I could totally see myself doing this in the future so I don’t have to deal with car insurance and car payments,” said Dreskin, 52.

Luxury automakers such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and General Motors’ Cadillac brand also are offering subscription programs, but those are primarily catering to affluent drivers who want to try out a variety of expensive vehicles.

Barnes, the video producer, signed up with Clutch in 2016 for access to luxury vehicles. The divorced father will get a sports utility vehicle when he has custody of his daughters or a Tesla sports car or something else fun to drive when he’s headed out on the town with his current wife.

He pays about $1,400 per month for his Clutch subscription, substantially more than the roughly $900 per month he used to pay for a lease on a Tahoe and his insurance policy. But he says he can’t imagine ever owning or leasing a car again now that he’s driven dozens of different vehicles that he estimates would have cost him more than $1 million to own.

“I am definitely a ‘tech head’ who had always fantasized about being able to get whatever car you want,” Barnes said. 

МінТОТ заявляє, що для жителів материкової України немає загрози через викиди в Криму

Для жителів материкової України немає загрози через забруднення повітря на півночі анексованого Росією Криму, заявив міністр з питань тимчасово окупованих територій і внутрішньо переміщених осіб України Вадим Черниш у коментарі агентству «Інтерфакс-Україна».

«Уже відбулося одне засідання комісії з техногенної безпеки та надзвичайних ситуацій у Херсонській області. Комісія не вбачає зараз за всіма ознаками, що є перевищення за показниками. Це означає, що нічого не загрожує людям, щоб їх треба було відселяти або евакуювати», – заявив Черниш.

За словами міністра, на підконтрольній Україні території, яка найбільш наближена до анексованого півострова, кілька державних служб узяли проби води, ґрунту і повітря. Результати будуть оголошені згодом.

Черниш повідомив, що одна з речовин, яку вже виявили, – це сірчистий ангідрид. Він уточнив, що наявність такої речовини в повітрі небезпечна лише за певних концентрацій.

«Газоаналізатори, які має Державна прикордонна служба, показали, що дійсно така речовина була в повітрі, але максимально допустимі концентрації в Херсонській області не було перевищено», – зазначив Черниш.

Він підкреслив, що Україна не володіє всією інформацією про ситуацію на анексованій території.

У ніч з 23 на 24 серпня в Армянську стався викид невідомої речовини. 28 серпня призначений Росією голова Криму Сергій Аксьонов написав на своїй сторінці у Facebook, що ситуація в Армянську «виходить за межі норми». 4 вересня він оголосив про евакуацію дітей з міста в «попереджувальних цілях».

Фактична влада анексованого Росією Криму заявила, що причиною викидів шкідливої речовини на півночі півострова є спека і тривала відсутність опадів. За попередніми даними досліджень, причиною забруднення є випаровування вмісту кислотонакопичувача, використовуваного «Кримським титаном».

Читайте також: «За два дні все згоріло». Кримське село Перекоп після «хімічної атаки»

Завод «Кримський титан» розпочав роботу ще 1971 року, а на початку 2000-х перейшов під контроль компанії Groop DF Дмитра Фірташа. Головним напрямком підприємства є виробництво діоксиду титану – речовини, що застосовується в лакофарбовій, гумотехнічної промисловості, при виробництві пластмас і в багатьох інших галузях.

За даними Міністерства з питань тимчасово окупованих територій і внутрішньо переміщених осіб України, завод «Кримський титан» є екологічною загрозою для Херсонської області.

МінТОТ заявляє, що для жителів материкової України немає загрози через викиди в Криму

Для жителів материкової України немає загрози через забруднення повітря на півночі анексованого Росією Криму, заявив міністр з питань тимчасово окупованих територій і внутрішньо переміщених осіб України Вадим Черниш у коментарі агентству «Інтерфакс-Україна».

«Уже відбулося одне засідання комісії з техногенної безпеки та надзвичайних ситуацій у Херсонській області. Комісія не вбачає зараз за всіма ознаками, що є перевищення за показниками. Це означає, що нічого не загрожує людям, щоб їх треба було відселяти або евакуювати», – заявив Черниш.

За словами міністра, на підконтрольній Україні території, яка найбільш наближена до анексованого півострова, кілька державних служб узяли проби води, ґрунту і повітря. Результати будуть оголошені згодом.

Черниш повідомив, що одна з речовин, яку вже виявили, – це сірчистий ангідрид. Він уточнив, що наявність такої речовини в повітрі небезпечна лише за певних концентрацій.

«Газоаналізатори, які має Державна прикордонна служба, показали, що дійсно така речовина була в повітрі, але максимально допустимі концентрації в Херсонській області не було перевищено», – зазначив Черниш.

Він підкреслив, що Україна не володіє всією інформацією про ситуацію на анексованій території.

У ніч з 23 на 24 серпня в Армянську стався викид невідомої речовини. 28 серпня призначений Росією голова Криму Сергій Аксьонов написав на своїй сторінці у Facebook, що ситуація в Армянську «виходить за межі норми». 4 вересня він оголосив про евакуацію дітей з міста в «попереджувальних цілях».

Фактична влада анексованого Росією Криму заявила, що причиною викидів шкідливої речовини на півночі півострова є спека і тривала відсутність опадів. За попередніми даними досліджень, причиною забруднення є випаровування вмісту кислотонакопичувача, використовуваного «Кримським титаном».

Читайте також: «За два дні все згоріло». Кримське село Перекоп після «хімічної атаки»

Завод «Кримський титан» розпочав роботу ще 1971 року, а на початку 2000-х перейшов під контроль компанії Groop DF Дмитра Фірташа. Головним напрямком підприємства є виробництво діоксиду титану – речовини, що застосовується в лакофарбовій, гумотехнічної промисловості, при виробництві пластмас і в багатьох інших галузях.

За даними Міністерства з питань тимчасово окупованих територій і внутрішньо переміщених осіб України, завод «Кримський титан» є екологічною загрозою для Херсонської області.

US Factory Activity Hits 14-Year High; Supply Constraints Rising

U.S. manufacturing activity accelerated to more than a 14-year high in August, boosted by a surge in new orders, but increasing bottlenecks in the supply chain because of a robust economy and import tariffs could restrain further growth.

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) survey was at odds with another survey published on Tuesday that suggested a peak in manufacturing and pointed to a slowdown in the months ahead against the backdrop of a strong dollar. Recent surveys have also signaled a cooling in regional factory activity.

“The surge in the ISM manufacturing index is difficult to square with other evidence, which indicate that growth in the factory sector has started to slow,” said Michael Pearce, a senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics in New York.

“With export orders now waning as a result of the dollar’s rapid appreciation over the past few months, we still think that growth in the factory sector will slow in the coming quarters.”

The ISM said its index of national factory activity jumped to 61.3 last month, the best reading since May 2004, from 58.1 in July. A reading above 50 indicates growth in manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the U.S. economy.

The ISM described demand as remaining “robust,” but cautioned that “the nation’s employment resources and supply chains continue to struggle.”

According to the ISM, survey respondents were “again overwhelmingly concerned about tariff-related activity, including how reciprocal tariffs will

impact company revenue and current manufacturing locations.”

President Donald Trump’s “America First” trade policy has led to an escalating trade war with China and tit-for-tat import tariffs with other trading partners, including the European Union, Canada and Mexico.

Trump has defended the duties on steel and aluminum imports and a range of Chinese goods as necessary to protect American industries from what he says is unfair foreign competition.

Economists have warned that the tariffs could disrupt supply chains, undercut business investment and slow the economy’s momentum. The economy grew at a 4.2 percent annualized rate in the second quarter, almost double the 2.2 percent in the January-March period.

The dollar rose against a basket of currencies, while prices of U.S. Treasuries fell. Stocks on Wall Street were trading lower.

​Impact of tariffs

The ISM’s new-orders sub-index increased to a reading of 65.1 last month from 60.2 in July. A measure of export orders, however, fell in August, most likely reflecting the dollar’s more than 5.0 percent rise this year against the currencies of the United States’ main trade partners.

The survey’s supplier deliveries index jumped to a reading of 64.5 last month, highlighting the rising bottlenecks in the supply chain, from 62.1 in July. It hit a 14-year high of 68.2 in June. Economists said the strong economy, marked by a labor market that is near or at full employment, as well as the import duties were behind the delays in deliveries.

“Bottlenecks in production will support inflation, but the constraints have yet to become overly binding,” said Ryan Sweet, a senior economist at Moody’s Analytics in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Factories reported hiring more workers last month, with production increasing sharply. That bodes well for August’s employment report, which is scheduled to be released Friday.

Manufacturing payrolls have increased solidly this year.

In the computer and electronic products industry, manufacturers said most suppliers were “waiting to re-evaluate potential price increases until September.”

Machinery manufacturers said while raw material costs appeared to be “leveling off,” and most suppliers “are willing and able to suppress cost increases,” the impact of tariffs remained a concern.

In a separate survey Tuesday, data firm Markit said its U.S. Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index fell to a nine-month low of 54.7 in August from a reading of 55.3 in July.

Manufacturers reported a decline in new orders, with exports the main source of weakness. 

Markit said some of the slowdown in factory activity reflected widespread shortages of inputs, hauliers and labor, leading to a further buildup of backlogs of work.

It said tariffs were exacerbating supply shortages and also driving prices higher. Almost two-thirds of companies surveyed reporting higher input prices explicitly blamed tariffs for the increased costs, Markit said.

“When we look across the recent survey data, it appears that activity has cooled somewhat lately, but remains at a solid level,” said Daniel Silver, an economist at J.P. Morgan in New York.

A third report from the Commerce Department showed construction spending barely rose in July as increases in homebuilding and investment in public projects were overshadowed by a sharp drop in private nonresidential outlays.

US Factory Activity Hits 14-Year High; Supply Constraints Rising

U.S. manufacturing activity accelerated to more than a 14-year high in August, boosted by a surge in new orders, but increasing bottlenecks in the supply chain because of a robust economy and import tariffs could restrain further growth.

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) survey was at odds with another survey published on Tuesday that suggested a peak in manufacturing and pointed to a slowdown in the months ahead against the backdrop of a strong dollar. Recent surveys have also signaled a cooling in regional factory activity.

“The surge in the ISM manufacturing index is difficult to square with other evidence, which indicate that growth in the factory sector has started to slow,” said Michael Pearce, a senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics in New York.

“With export orders now waning as a result of the dollar’s rapid appreciation over the past few months, we still think that growth in the factory sector will slow in the coming quarters.”

The ISM said its index of national factory activity jumped to 61.3 last month, the best reading since May 2004, from 58.1 in July. A reading above 50 indicates growth in manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the U.S. economy.

The ISM described demand as remaining “robust,” but cautioned that “the nation’s employment resources and supply chains continue to struggle.”

According to the ISM, survey respondents were “again overwhelmingly concerned about tariff-related activity, including how reciprocal tariffs will

impact company revenue and current manufacturing locations.”

President Donald Trump’s “America First” trade policy has led to an escalating trade war with China and tit-for-tat import tariffs with other trading partners, including the European Union, Canada and Mexico.

Trump has defended the duties on steel and aluminum imports and a range of Chinese goods as necessary to protect American industries from what he says is unfair foreign competition.

Economists have warned that the tariffs could disrupt supply chains, undercut business investment and slow the economy’s momentum. The economy grew at a 4.2 percent annualized rate in the second quarter, almost double the 2.2 percent in the January-March period.

The dollar rose against a basket of currencies, while prices of U.S. Treasuries fell. Stocks on Wall Street were trading lower.

​Impact of tariffs

The ISM’s new-orders sub-index increased to a reading of 65.1 last month from 60.2 in July. A measure of export orders, however, fell in August, most likely reflecting the dollar’s more than 5.0 percent rise this year against the currencies of the United States’ main trade partners.

The survey’s supplier deliveries index jumped to a reading of 64.5 last month, highlighting the rising bottlenecks in the supply chain, from 62.1 in July. It hit a 14-year high of 68.2 in June. Economists said the strong economy, marked by a labor market that is near or at full employment, as well as the import duties were behind the delays in deliveries.

“Bottlenecks in production will support inflation, but the constraints have yet to become overly binding,” said Ryan Sweet, a senior economist at Moody’s Analytics in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Factories reported hiring more workers last month, with production increasing sharply. That bodes well for August’s employment report, which is scheduled to be released Friday.

Manufacturing payrolls have increased solidly this year.

In the computer and electronic products industry, manufacturers said most suppliers were “waiting to re-evaluate potential price increases until September.”

Machinery manufacturers said while raw material costs appeared to be “leveling off,” and most suppliers “are willing and able to suppress cost increases,” the impact of tariffs remained a concern.

In a separate survey Tuesday, data firm Markit said its U.S. Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index fell to a nine-month low of 54.7 in August from a reading of 55.3 in July.

Manufacturers reported a decline in new orders, with exports the main source of weakness. 

Markit said some of the slowdown in factory activity reflected widespread shortages of inputs, hauliers and labor, leading to a further buildup of backlogs of work.

It said tariffs were exacerbating supply shortages and also driving prices higher. Almost two-thirds of companies surveyed reporting higher input prices explicitly blamed tariffs for the increased costs, Markit said.

“When we look across the recent survey data, it appears that activity has cooled somewhat lately, but remains at a solid level,” said Daniel Silver, an economist at J.P. Morgan in New York.

A third report from the Commerce Department showed construction spending barely rose in July as increases in homebuilding and investment in public projects were overshadowed by a sharp drop in private nonresidential outlays.

Група депутатів просить зустрічі з генпрокурором Луценком через тиск на журналістку Седлецьку

13 народних депутатів Верховної Ради звернулися до генерального прокурора України Юрія Луценка із проханням провести невідкладний прийом «з метою припинити неправомірні дії щодо втручання в журналістську діяльність та приватне життя Седлецької Наталки», головного редактора програми антикорупційних розслідувань «Схеми».

Таке депутатське звернення підписали народні депутати Мустафа Найєм, Сергій Лещенко, Сергій Євтушок, Ольга Червакова, Олена Сотник, Вікторія Войціцька, Юрій Левченко, Олексій Рябчин, Альона Шкрум, Іван Крулько, Оксана Юринець, Павло Різаненко, Леонід Ємець.

27 серпня Печерський районний суд Києва на вимогу Генеральної прокуратури дав їй дозвіл отримати від провайдера інформацію з телефону Седлецької. В ухвалі йдеться про надання доступу слідства до дзвінків та смс-повідомлень журналістки з липня 2016-го по листопад 2017 року та до даних про місце розташування її телефону протягом цих 17 місяців.

«Такі дії є перевищенням меж допустимого втручання у права особи на приватність та захист джерел інформації журналіста», – вважають депутати.

​Радіо Свобода обурене цією ухвалою. Адвокат Радіо Свобода Анатолій Попов назвав цей захід надмірним і таким, що «порушує як у цілому права людини на повагу до приватного життя, так і тиск на роботу журналіста в рамках виконання його професійних обов’язків і незаконний доступ до джерел інформації журналіста».

На підтримку Седлецької виступили міжнародні та українські антикорупційні організації, а також колеги-розслідувачі і команда програми «Схеми», засновницею якої вона є.

Читайте також: Реакції на надання судом доступу до інформації щодо телефонного спілкування керівника «Схем» Седлецької

Натомість у Генпрокуратурі запевняють, що не будуть прослуховувати зміст розмов Наталії Седлецької, не здійснюватимуть втручання в її професійну діяльність та особисте життя, а дані з її телефону журналістки необхідні слідству «за фактами можливого розголошення Директором Національного антикорупційного бюро України Артемом Ситником відомостей, що становлять державну таємницю».

Наталія Седлецька – володар численних журналістських нагород як українських, так і міжнародних. Лауреат нагороди «Світло справедливості» у 2017 році. Стипендіат премії імені Вацлава Гавела на 2013-2014 академічний рік (спільна програма Радіо Свобода і МЗС Чехії). Переможець низки конкурсів журналістських розслідувань. Член міжнародної мережі журналістів-розслідувачів Orginized Crime and Corruption Reporting project (OCCRP). Лауреатпремії «За поступ у журналістиці» імені Олександра Кривенка.

«Схеми: корупція в деталях» – щотижнева телевізійна програма журналістських розслідувань та аналітики про високопосадову корупцію, яка виходить в ефір з липня 2014 року. Спільний проект Радіо Свобода та телеканалу «UA:Перший».

У кожному випуску «Схем» у прізвищах та деталях ідеться про зловживання чиновниками наданою їм владою, статки держслужбовців та конфлікт персональних інтересів з державними, кумівство, розпил, афери та корупційні схеми.

Група депутатів просить зустрічі з генпрокурором Луценком через тиск на журналістку Седлецьку

13 народних депутатів Верховної Ради звернулися до генерального прокурора України Юрія Луценка із проханням провести невідкладний прийом «з метою припинити неправомірні дії щодо втручання в журналістську діяльність та приватне життя Седлецької Наталки», головного редактора програми антикорупційних розслідувань «Схеми».

Таке депутатське звернення підписали народні депутати Мустафа Найєм, Сергій Лещенко, Сергій Євтушок, Ольга Червакова, Олена Сотник, Вікторія Войціцька, Юрій Левченко, Олексій Рябчин, Альона Шкрум, Іван Крулько, Оксана Юринець, Павло Різаненко, Леонід Ємець.

27 серпня Печерський районний суд Києва на вимогу Генеральної прокуратури дав їй дозвіл отримати від провайдера інформацію з телефону Седлецької. В ухвалі йдеться про надання доступу слідства до дзвінків та смс-повідомлень журналістки з липня 2016-го по листопад 2017 року та до даних про місце розташування її телефону протягом цих 17 місяців.

«Такі дії є перевищенням меж допустимого втручання у права особи на приватність та захист джерел інформації журналіста», – вважають депутати.

​Радіо Свобода обурене цією ухвалою. Адвокат Радіо Свобода Анатолій Попов назвав цей захід надмірним і таким, що «порушує як у цілому права людини на повагу до приватного життя, так і тиск на роботу журналіста в рамках виконання його професійних обов’язків і незаконний доступ до джерел інформації журналіста».

На підтримку Седлецької виступили міжнародні та українські антикорупційні організації, а також колеги-розслідувачі і команда програми «Схеми», засновницею якої вона є.

Читайте також: Реакції на надання судом доступу до інформації щодо телефонного спілкування керівника «Схем» Седлецької

Натомість у Генпрокуратурі запевняють, що не будуть прослуховувати зміст розмов Наталії Седлецької, не здійснюватимуть втручання в її професійну діяльність та особисте життя, а дані з її телефону журналістки необхідні слідству «за фактами можливого розголошення Директором Національного антикорупційного бюро України Артемом Ситником відомостей, що становлять державну таємницю».

Наталія Седлецька – володар численних журналістських нагород як українських, так і міжнародних. Лауреат нагороди «Світло справедливості» у 2017 році. Стипендіат премії імені Вацлава Гавела на 2013-2014 академічний рік (спільна програма Радіо Свобода і МЗС Чехії). Переможець низки конкурсів журналістських розслідувань. Член міжнародної мережі журналістів-розслідувачів Orginized Crime and Corruption Reporting project (OCCRP). Лауреатпремії «За поступ у журналістиці» імені Олександра Кривенка.

«Схеми: корупція в деталях» – щотижнева телевізійна програма журналістських розслідувань та аналітики про високопосадову корупцію, яка виходить в ефір з липня 2014 року. Спільний проект Радіо Свобода та телеканалу «UA:Перший».

У кожному випуску «Схем» у прізвищах та деталях ідеться про зловживання чиновниками наданою їм владою, статки держслужбовців та конфлікт персональних інтересів з державними, кумівство, розпил, афери та корупційні схеми.

В анексованому Криму обшукують будинок активіста Марлена Мустафаєва

У селищі Кам’янка Сімферопольського району в анексованому Криму вранці 4 вересня в будинку активіста Марлена Мустафаєва проходить обшук, повідомляє об’єднання «Кримська солідарність».

За словами активістів, російські силовики відмовляються називати причини обшуку. Повідомляється, що на вулиці стоїть автозак, який перекрив вхід у двір будинку Марлена Мустафаєва.

На даний момент російські силові відомства обшук не коментували.

У лютому 2017 року в будинку Марлена Мустафаєва пройшов обшук у справі про демонстрацію «екстремістської символіки». Силовики вилучили у Мустафаєва комп’ютерну техніку і кілька книг.

Мустафаєва прийшли підтримати десять осіб, які знімали те, що відбувається на відео і транслювали дії силовиків в соціальних мережах. Всіх цих людей затримали. Пізніше Мустафаєва за звинуваченням в «пропаганді або публічному демонструванні атрибутики або символіки екстремістських організацій» заарештували на 11 діб, його соратників – на п’ять. Активіст вийшов з-під арешту 4 березня.

З вересня минулого року Мустафаєва викликали до Слідчого комітету Київського району Сімферополя для надання свідчень.

Після анексії в Криму фактична російська влада практикує масові обшуки у незалежних журналістів, громадських активістів, активістів кримськотатарського Національного руху, членів Меджлісу кримськотатарського народу, а також кримських мусульман, підозрюваних у зв’язках із забороненою в Росії організацією «Хізб ут-Тахрір».