СБУ розповіло про прапор угруповання «ДНР» під час протестів у Франції

«Міжнародні кордони не є перепоною для російської гібридної агресії. Брудними методами Кремль руйнує європейську стабільність, бо бачить у ній загрозу для себе»

В’ятрович про звання Героя України для Бандери: скептично ставлюся до цього

Директор Українського інституту національної пам’яті Володимир В’ятрович в інтерв’ю Радіо Свобода заявив, що скептично ставиться до присвоєння звання Героя України очільнику ОУН Степану Бандері.

«Напевно, хтось із політиків, які піднімають це питання, бачать у цьому певний електоральний потенціал. Я скептично до цього ставлюся. Тому що я вважаю, що звання Героя України, яке ми зараз маємо, достатньо скомпрометовано. Не буду називати конкретні прізвища людей, але серед них є ті люди, які навіть тепер готові воювати проти України. Тому я не думаю, що повторне присвоєння цього звання Степану Бандері щось додасть до розуміння його образу», – сказав В’ятрович.

Він додав, що для нього Бандера – «справді національний герой».

«Це типовий революціонер поневоленого народу, один з очільників визвольного руху, близький до таких очільників, як Юзеф Пілсудський, Менахем Бегін, Майкл Коллінз… Не думаю, що для того, щоб визнати його таким, він потребує формального і, на мою думку, скомпроментованого звання. Мені здається, що важливіше все-таки зосередити своє зусилля історикам і суспільству, щоб донести правду про цю визначну особистість нашого минулого», – зазначив В’ятрович.

5 грудня у Верховній Раді зареєстрований проект постанови, яка пропонує присвоїти провідникові ОУН Степану Бандері звання Героя України.

Степану Бандері вже присвоювали звання Героя України у січні 2010 року – за каденції третього президента України Віктора Ющенка. Відзнаку з рук президента отримав онук Бандери.

У квітні того ж року, після перемоги на президентських виборах Віктора Януковича, Донецький окружний адміністративний суд визнав незаконним присвоєння Бандері відповідного звання.

Порошенко заявив, що звернувся до очільника УПЦ (МП) для звільнення українських моряків

Президент України Петро Порошенко звернувся до очільника Української православної церкви (Московського патріархату) Онуфрія для звільнення захоплених Росією українських моряків. Про це він заявив в інтерв’ю телеканалу «Перший західний», яке вийшло в ефір 8 грудня.

«Вчора і позавчора я мав розмову з предстоятелем Української православної церкви Московського патріархату блаженнійшим Онуфрієм. Звернувся до нього з проханням негайно зв’язатися з Москвою для того, щоб по лінії церкви вжити відповідних заходів для того, щоб повернути (наших моряків – ред.)», – сказав Порошенко.

Він додав, що Росія має бути притягнута до відповідальності, якщо не звільнить моряків.

25 листопада російські прикордонники ФСБ у Керченській протоці відкрили вогонь по українських кораблях, які йшли з Одеси до Маріуполя, і захопили три кораблі й 24 членів їхніх екіпажів. Троє українських військових при цьому були поранені.

Росія звинувачує захоплених українських моряків у «незаконному перетині державного кордону». Українська прокуратура визнала їх військовополоненими.

26 листопада, після подій у Керченській протоці Верховна Рада ухвалила запровадження воєнного стану у низці областей України.





(Радіоперехоплення переговорів російського командування з екіпажами кораблів Росії щодо атаки на човни ВМС України)

(Відео моменту, коли корабель Росії цілеспрямовано таранить український човен у Керченській протоці)


Порошенко про маршрут кораблів в Азов: везти суходолом – це «віддати Керченську протоку росіянам»

Керченська криза: 97 євродепутатів закликали запровадити санкції проти Росії

Країни «Групи семи» закликали Росію звільнити українських моряків

Полонений моряк ВМС у кримському «суді» попросив перекладача з російської – адвокат

Female Veterans Quietly Struggle With Sexual Harassment, Suicide

Pfc. Nichole Bowen-Crawford said she was walking to lunch on her Army base near Nasiriyah, Iraq, in 2003 when she received her daily proposition from a passing fellow soldier.

“Hey, Bowen,” the officer tossed out, “let’s go f— in the bunker.”

Bowen-Crawford told VOA that while this was the most shocking example of the day-to-day regimen of verbal sexual harassment she experienced while in the Army between 2001-2004, it was not her worst experience — she had been assaulted by a higher-ranking sergeant earlier that year.

When she reported the incident to a male supervisor, she was advised to stay quiet for the sake of her career.

Bowen-Crawford’s experience is not universal, but far from rare.

​Suicide rate

A work environment tolerant of sexual assault and harassment is believed to be one of the causes of high suicide rates among female veterans, which soared more than 45 percent between 2001 and 2015, according to data from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA).

The rate among female veterans is lower than that of male veterans, but not compared to their civilian counterparts. Female veterans are almost twice as likely to kill themselves as civilian women.

“Certainly a mental health diagnosis like PTSD is a risk factor for suicide,” said Megan McCarthy, VA deputy director of suicide prevention. “Certainly, there’s some evidence that experiencing MST (Military Sexual Trauma) is associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors, so those that have experienced MST are more likely to think about suicide and possibly more likely to attempt suicide.”

McCarthy told VOA that the relationship between suicide and trauma is complex. The VA’s own research has shown that veterans who experience MST tend to be at higher risk for suicide. A 2016 VA survey of 60,000 veterans found that more than 41 percent of female veterans had experienced sexual harassment.

Many believe that the military’s flawed reporting mechanisms have aggravated the epidemic.

Sexual misconduct complaints are often handled by the alleged victim’s supervisor, who may have close ties to the accused. As the Convening Authority (CA), they have the power to act as judge in the case and appoint a jury, as well as decide if the charges should be referred to a court-martial.

Critics say this puts pressure on commanding officers to suppress allegations for the sake of their own reputations. Victims tend to face pressure to stay quiet, as well.

“Traditionally, if you talked about being sexually assaulted or being sexually harassed, you were seen as a troublemaker,” said Toni Rico, a former Army media relations worker who accompanied combat missions and now works as director of communications and policy for Service Women’s Action Network. “You were kind of harassed and faced retaliation. … So there’s this culture within the military of silence, and if you want it to negatively affect your career.”

Defense Department data

Protect Our Defenders, a nonprofit combating sexual assault in the military, has reported that 60 percent of men and 58 percent of women who reported sexual assault faced retaliation, based on an analysis of Department of Defense data. Veterans say retaliation can take the form of insults, social isolation and even physical threats.

But the greatest challenge to female veterans’ mental health may come after they leave service. Many report feeling there is no place for them in the Department of Veterans Affairs’ reintegration and health services, especially for sexual assault survivors.

“This is supposed to be where you get care when you’re dealing with whatever you’re dealing with, from your combat or from your service,” Bowen-Crawford said. “Getting hit on, it can be a trauma trigger.”

Bowen-Crawford said she sought treatment for PTSD elsewhere after being propositioned multiple times.

Outside the government, support groups exclusively for female veterans are rare, as well.

“I walked into an American Legion, and every gentleman I met there commented on the fact I was there and I was a woman Marine,” Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas, a former Marine teaching public health at Charleston Southern University, told VOA. “They were in the kindest and well-intentioned possible way othering me and saying, ‘Wow, it’s really weird. I’ve never met a woman Marine. It’s weird to meet you.’”

Suicide rates steady for female vets

The lack of community and resources may help explain a 2015 study showing that while suicide rates steadily declined among male veterans of the Iraq War for seven years after leaving service, they remained elevated for women.

For veterans who attempt to kill themselves, the means are deadlier. Women who have served in the military use firearms to attempt suicide 41.2 percent of the time, compared to 32.4 of civilian women. The VA has said this may partly explain why the suicide rates are higher.

Suicide rates in the military and the civilian world have climbed in the last few years, but little public attention has been given to the dramatic rates among female veterans. Some say this may be because while women’s roles in the military are expanding, service is still seen as a traditionally male occupation.

“If you ask somebody what a veteran looks like, they’re not going to tell you that it’s a young woman from Kansas, you know?” Thomas said. “That’s just not the picture of a veteran.”

World Marks Anti-Corruption Day

Corruption costs the world economy $2.6 trillion each year, according to the United Nations, which is marking International Anti-Corruption Day on Sunday.

“Corruption is a serious crime that can undermine social and economic development in all societies. No country, region or community is immune,” the United Nations said.

The cost of $2.6 trillion represents more than 5 percent of global GDP.

The world body said that $1 trillion of the money stolen annually through corruption is in the form of bribes.

Patricia Moreira, the managing director of Transparency International, told VOA that about a quarter of the world’s population has paid a bribe when trying to access a public service over the past year, according to data from the Global Corruption Barometer.

Moreira said it is important to have such a day as International Anti-Corruption Day because it provides “a really tremendous opportunity to focus attention precisely on the challenge that is posed by corruption around the world.”

​Anti-corruption commitments

To mark the day, the United States called on all countries to implement their international anti-corruption commitments including through the U.N. Convention against Corruption.

In a statement Friday, the U.S. State Department said that corruption facilitates crime and terrorism, as well as undermines economic growth, the rule of law and democracy.

“Ultimately, it endangers our national security. That is why, as we look ahead to International Anticorruption Day on Dec. 9, we pledge to continue working with our partners to prevent and combat corruption worldwide,” the statement said.

Moreira said that data about worldwide corruption can make the phenomena understandable but still not necessarily “close to our lives.” For that, we need to hear everyday stories about people impacted by corruption and understand that it “is about our daily lives,” she added.

She said those most impacted by corruption are “the most vulnerable people — so it’s usually women, it’s usually poor people, the most marginalized people in the world.”

The United Nations Development Program notes that in developing countries, funds lost to corruption are estimated at 10 times the amount of official development assistance.

What can be done to fight corruption?

The United Nations designated Dec. 9 as International Anti-Corruption Day in 2003, coinciding with the adoption of the United Nations Convention against Corruption by the U.N. General Assembly.

The purpose of the day is to raise awareness about corruption and put pressure on governments to take action against it.

Tackling the issue

Moreira said to fight corruption effectively it must be tackled from different angles. For example, she said that while it is important to have the right legislation in place to curb corruption, governments must also have mechanisms to enforce that legislation. She said those who engage in corruption must be held accountable.

“Fighting corruption is about providing people with a more sustainable world, with a world where social justice is something more of our reality than what it has been until today,” she said.

Moreira said change must come from a joint effort from governments, public institutions, the private sector and civil society.

The U.S. Statement Department said in its Friday statement that it pledges “to continue working with our partners to prevent and combat corruption worldwide.”

It noted that the United States, through the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development, helps partner nations “build transparent, accountable institutions and strengthen criminal justice systems that hold the corrupt accountable.”

Moreira said that it is important for the world to see that there are results to the fight against corruption.

“Then we are showing the world with specific examples that we can fight against corruption, [that] yes there are results. And if we work together, then it is something not just that we would wish for, but actually something that can be translated into specific results and changes to the world,” she said.

VOA’s Elizabeth Cherneff contributed to this report.


US to Close Idaho Nuclear Waste Processing Project

Federal officials will shut down an Idaho nuclear waste treatment project after determining it would not be economically feasible to bring in radioactive waste from other states.

The U.S. Department of Energy in documents made public this week said the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project that employs 650 workers will end next year.

Officials said workers are wrapping up processing 85,000 cubic yards (65,000 cubic meters) of radioactive waste at the department’s 890-square-mile (2,300-square-kilometer) site that includes the Idaho National Laboratory.

$500 million plant

A $500 million treatment plant handles transuranic waste that includes work clothing, rags, machine parts and tools that have been contaminated with plutonium and other radioactive elements. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says transuranic wastes take much longer to decay and are the most radioactive hazard in high-level waste after 1,000 years.

The Energy Department said that before the cleanup began, Idaho had the largest stockpile of transuranic waste of any of the agency’s facilities. Court battles between Idaho and the federal government culminated with a 1995 agreement requiring the Energy Department to clean up the Idaho site.

The Idaho treatment plant compacts the transuranic waste, making it easier to ship and put into long-term storage at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico.

Not cost-effective

Federal officials earlier this year floated the idea of keeping the $500 million treatment plant running in Idaho with waste from other states. The bulk of that would have been 8,000 cubic yards (6,100 cubic meters) of radioactive waste from a former nuclear weapons production area in Hanford in eastern Washington.

Local officials and politicians generally supported the idea because of the good-paying jobs. The Snake River Alliance, an Idaho-based nuclear watchdog group, said it had concerns the nuclear waste brought to Idaho would never leave.

A 38-page economic analysis the Department of Energy completed in August and released this week found “it does not appear to be cost effective due to packaging and transportation challenges in shipping waste” to Idaho.

“As work at the facility will continue into 2019, no immediate workforce impacts are anticipated,” the agency said in an email to The Associated Press on Friday. The Energy Department “recognizes the contribution of this facility and its employees to DOE’s cleanup mission and looks forward to applying the knowledge gained and experience of the workforce to other key activities at the Idaho site.”

The agency said it would also consider voluntary separation incentives for workers.

Unclear where waste to go

With the Idaho treatment plant scheduled to shut down, it’s not clear how the transuranic waste at Hanford and other sites will be dealt with.

The Energy Department “will continue to work to ensure a path forward for packaging and certification of TRU (transuranic) waste at Hanford and other sites,” the agency said in the email to the AP.

US, Western Diplomats See Political Motive Behind OPEC Oil Cut

Despite repeated calls by U.S. President Donald Trump for oil production to remain steady, the Saudi-led Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, along with Russia and its allies, announced Friday they would cut their pumping of crude to reduce oil flows onto the global market by 1.2 million barrels of per day, a bigger-than-expected cut. 


OPEC officials say there was no political motive behind the decision, arguing an oil glut forced the move and that their decision was spurred by oversupply concerns and forecasts for lower demand next year — as well as a surge of shale oil production in the U.S. 

Price slide


Oil economists agree that a reduction is needed to stem a further slide in prices, which fell 30 percent in October, and OPEC’s decision was praised by many market analysts. 


Harry Tchilinguirian, head of commodity markets strategy at BNP Paribas, told Bloomberg: “Given how much expectations were downplayed around the outcome of this meeting, this result comes as a welcome surprise. OPEC has given the oil market a rudder that appeared largely absent.” 


Oil prices surged following the announcement, with a barrel of Brent crude jumping nearly 6 percent, to $63.11.  

But with the U.S. Senate determined to punish Saudi Arabia for the killing in October of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a U.S. resident and prominent critic of the Gulf kingdom’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, some Western diplomats and analysts aren’t so sure that the Saudi-led cut was without a political motive.  


They argue Riyadh’s determination to force through a larger-than-expected cut was partly a warning shot in line with thinly veiled threats by Saudi officials to jolt the global economy, if the U.S. moves to impose sanctions on the kingdom for Khashoggi’s brazen killing.  


Pledge on sanctions

A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has vowed to sanction Saudi Arabia after a briefing by CIA Director Gina Haspel convinced them the Saudi crown prince ordered the killing, which took place Oct. 2 in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.  


U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said he wanted to “sanction the hell out of” the Saudi government. 


“A cut in production is one thing, but this was much larger than was forecast; and the Saudis had to go out of their way to persuade Moscow to agree,” a senior British diplomat said. 


Initially, the Kremlin refused to scale back its own output at the meeting in Vienna, and Russian envoy Alexander Novak had to rush back to Moscow for talks. On Friday, the Saudi and Russian envoys haggled in Vienna for two hours, consulting their governments by phone during the bargaining, OPEC officials said. 


Some analysts see the Russian agreement for the production cut as further evidence of the warming ties between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Saudi crown prince, who enthusiastically shared a high-five a hand slap at last week’s Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires. 


In the run-up to the meeting featuring the OPEC countries and a so-called Russia-led super cartel of 10 oil-producing countries, including Kazakhstan, analysts had forecast that a muddled middle course would be plotted, with Saudi Arabia likely to be more cautious about defying Trump while moving to bump up prices.  


On Wednesday, the U.S. leader tweeted he hoped OPEC would “be keeping oil flows as is, not restricted.” He added: “The World does not want to see, or need, higher oil prices!” 


In October as sanctions talk flared in Washington, Saudi officials warned that the Gulf kingdom could exploit its oil status to disrupt the global economy, if it wanted. The Saudi government threatened to retaliate against any punishment such as economic sanctions, outside political pressure or even “repeated false accusations” about the Khashoggi killing, although it walked back the threat subsequently following signs that the Trump administration had no appetite for imposing sanctions on the long-term U.S. ally.  

Saudi Arabia doesn’t wield the same level of power on the oil market — thanks in part to U.S. shale oil production — as it did in 1973, when it triggered an oil embargo against Western countries for supporting Israel. However, it still wields enormous influence, analysts say. The U.S. is the third-biggest destination for Saudi crude. OPEC accounts for about one-third of global crude production. 


If the U.S. Congress decides to impose sanctions, the Saudis could react by reducing oil exports further and force prices to rise to $100 a barrel, some market experts said. 


Exemptions for importers

U.S. officials said they had expected that OPEC would decide to cut production. They said that is why U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo granted exemptions last month for eight oil-importing countries to continue to buy oil from Tehran when announcing details of the reimposition of sanctions against Iran. 


This week, U.S. senators are due to take aim at the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen and will hold an unprecedented vote on ending U.S. support for the war. 

МЗС наступного року проведе гендерний аудит – Кислиця

Міністерство закордонних справ України в 2019 році проведе публічний гендерний аудит у відомстві, повідомив заступник міністра закордонних справ Сергій Кислиця, виступаючи 8 грудня на Другому Українському жіночому конгресі в Києві.

«Я сподіваюся, що установи в нашому уряді і в нашій країні будуть слідувати такому прикладу і так само проведуть гендерний аудит у своїх установах», – сказав Сергій Кислиця.

За його словами, допомогу МЗС у впровадженні стандартів гендерної політики голова офісу «ООН Жінки в Україні» Анастасія Дивинська.

У вересні міністр закордонних справ України Павло Клімкін повідомив, що МЗС приєдналося до руху за гендерну рівність HeForShe і готове провести гендерний аудит всередині структури.

HeForShe («Він за неї») – це ініціатива ООН, спрямована на те, щоб заохотити чоловіків підтримувати права жінок і сформувати суспільство рівних можливостей для всіх.

Народна депутатка Ірина Геращенко тоді привітала ініціативу МЗС, проте звернула увагу на той факт, що в міністра одна заступниця-жінка – Олена Зеркаль, а серед послів України за кордоном – тільки п’ять жінок.



Trump Says Chief of Staff John Kelly to Leave at Year’s End

President Donald Trump says chief of staff John Kelly will leave his job at the end of the year.

Trump isn’t saying immediately who will replace Kelly, a retired Marine general who has served as chief of staff since July 2017. But the president says an announcement about a replacement will be coming in the next day or two.

Trump spoke to reporters at the White House before departing for the Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia.

He calls Kelly “a great guy.”

The West Wing shake-up comes as Trump is anticipating the challenge of governing and oversight when Democrats take control of the House in January, and as gears up for his own campaign for re-election in 2020.


Порошенко: закон про мову має бути узгоджений з європейськими моделями мовної політики

Законопроект «Про забезпечення функціонування української мови як державної» має бути узгоджений з європейськими моделями мовної політики «з огляду на майбутнє членство» України в Євросоюзі, і позбавлений кон’юнктури, заявляє президент України Петро Порошенко.

«Я не був прихильником того, щоб його розгляд проходив напередодні виборчої кампанії. Я не хочу, щоб хтось спекулював на цій темі, оскільки мова – це точно не тема для спекуляцій. Стратегічний для України закон повинен бути точно позбавлений будь-якої кон’юнктури. Закон про українську мову має бути на віки, на століття, на покоління українців», – сказав Порошенко, виступаючи 8 грудня у Львові на урочистостях з нагоди 150-річчя створення товариства «Просвіта».

Читайте також: Закон про мову: що саме ухвалила Верховна Рада після палких дебатів

Президент наголосив, що єдиною мовою в Україні буде українська, яка «зміцнює єдність української політичної нації», але при цьому буде широкий простір для використання інших мов.

4 жовтня Верховна Рада підтримала в першому читанні законопроект про забезпечення функціонування української мови як державної.





Українська мова завойовує серця і розум відомих спортсменів

Українська мова почала домінувати на телебаченні – дослідження «Простору свободи»

Оточення Порошенка і війна з Росією. Яка доля чекає законопроект про державну мову?

Україна і Голодомор. Він і досі триває у вигляді русифікації

Українська красуня біля моря. Одеса стає україномовною

Телеканал «24» покаже спецпроект Радіо Свобода до дня боротьби з корупцією

9 грудня, в Міжнародний день боротьби із корупцією на телеканалі новин «24» о 19:30 відбудеться телевізійна прем’єра документального спецпроекту Радіо Свобода – «Війна з корупцією: початок».

Після Революції гідності українська влада оголосила війну корупції. Для цього з нуля почали створювати спеціалізований правоохоронний орган – Національне антикорупційне бюро. У його фокусі – корупційні злочини високопосадовців. НАБУ будували за новими для України правилами: керівництво обирали на відкритому конкурсі за участі громадськості, детективів тестували на детекторі брехні. Знімальна група Радіо Свобода задокументувала запуск роботи новоствореної інституції, перші розслідування Бюро щодо найвищих посадовців, спротив політичної еліти і саботаж суддів.​

За словами автора спецпроекту Сергія Андрушка, знімальна група спостерігала за НАБУ, починаючи з 2015 року, коли там працювала лише одна людина – його очільник Артем Ситник, і до кінця 2017 року. З кожним новим викриттям і затриманням НАБУ слідувала «відповідь» влади, на кожну активну дію детективів – протидія політичної еліти.

«Зовні це виглядало як зустріч двох різних світів або планет. Мешканців однієї планети обрали за новими вимогами й під пильним контролем. Мешканців іншої планети зміни в суспільстві не торкнулися і вони намагалися жити так, як і до Революції. І от коли дві планети почали зустрічатися одна із одною – з’ясувалося, що у них різні погляди на те, як боротьба із корупцією має виглядати насправді».

Створення Бюро стало лише початком боротьби «нової України» з великою політичною корупцією. Разом зі знімальною групою за подіями навколо НАБУ спостерігала вся країна. Міжнародний день боротьби з корупцією – привід нагадати, як саме це починалося, вважає Сергій Андрушко.

Прем’єра відбудеться 9 грудня, у Міжнародний день боротьби з корупцією, на телеканалі новин «24» о 19:30.

Українська служба Радіо Свобода є підрозділом Радіо Вільна Європа/Радіо Свобода (РВЄ/РС), яке є незалежною медіакорпорацією, котру фінансує Конгрес США. Радіо Свобода поширює інформацію на різних платформах (інтернет, радіо, телебачення) для аудиторії в 23 країнах Східної та Південно-Східної Європи, Кавказу, Центральної Азії і Близького Сходу 25 мовами.

Автор спецпроекту Сергій Андрушко, журналіст, документаліст, працює на Радіо Свобода з липня 2015-го, лауреат премії «Телетріумф» у номінації «Репортер» (2010), переможець конкурсів «Честь професії-2017» у номінації «Найкраще подання резонансного матеріалу» та Асоціації польських журналістів (SDP). За участю Сергія Андрушка як режисера зняті документальний альманах «Відкритий доступ», документальні фільми «Пост Майдан» і «ПротиДія».



Trump Confirms He’ll Nominate Army General Milley as Next Top Military Adviser

U.S. President Donald Trump has confirmed he will nominate Army General Mark Milley to replace Marine General Joseph Dunford as his next top military advisor.

“I am thankful to both of these incredible men for their service to our Country! Date of transition to be determined,” Trump wrote in a Saturday morning tweet.

Milley is a combat-experienced military leader and the current Chief of Staff of the Army, a position he has held since 2015.

Milley, who commanded troops during multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, must be confirmed by the Senate to serve as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Some military officials at the Pentagon had said Air Force General David Goldfein was also a top contender for the job but added that Milley has a good relationship with the president.

Department of Defense spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Mike Andrews said in a statement Saturday, “We are aware of the President’s nomination and share his confidence for Gen. Mark Milley.”

Trump hinted Friday he would make the announcement Saturday while attending the annual Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia. Instead, he announced it at the White House before departing for Philadelphia.

As the Army’s top officer, Milley helped lead the effort to allow women to serve in front-line infantry and other combat positions. He has worked to reverse a decline in Army recruiting, which fell far short of its annual goal this year.

Milley is an infantry officer by training, and has also commanded Special Forces units.

His career includes deployments in the 1989 invasion of Panama, the multinational mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the Iraq war.

If confirmed, Milley will replace Dunford, a former commandant of the Marine Corps and commander of coalition troops in Afghanistan. Dunford is expected to serve the remainder of his term as Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, which ends October 1, 2019.  


In White House Shake-up, Kelly’s Departure Now Seems Certain

President Donald Trump is inching closer to his long-teased major White House shake-up, gearing up for the twin challenges of battling for re-election and dealing with the Democrats’ investigations once they take control of the House.

The biggest piece of the shifting picture: Chief of Staff John Kelly’s departure now appears certain.

Trump announced Friday he was picking a new U.S. attorney genera l and a new ambassador to the U.N. , and at the same time two senior aides departed the White House to beef up his 2020 campaign. But the largest changes were still to come. Kelly’s replacement in the coming weeks is expected to have a ripple effect throughout the administration.

According to nearly a dozen current and former administration officials and outside confidants, Trump is nearly ready to replace Kelly and has even begun telling people to contact the man long viewed as his likely successor.

“Give Nick a call,” Trump has instructed people, referring to Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff, Nick Ayers, according to one person familiar with the discussions.

Like all of those interviewed, the person spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive personnel matters.

Trump has hardly been shy about his dissatisfaction with the team he had chosen and has been weighing all sorts of changes over the past several months. He delayed some of the biggest shifts until after the November elections at the urging of aides who worried that adding to his already-record turnover just before the voting would harm his party’s electoral chances.

Now, nearly a month after those midterms, in which his party surrendered control of the House to Democrats but expanded its slim majority in the Senate, Trump is starting to make moves.

He announced Friday that he’ll nominate William Barr, who served as attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, to the same role in his administration. If confirmed, Barr will fill the slot vacated by Jeff Sessions, who was unceremoniously jettisoned by Trump last month over lingering resentment for recusing himself from overseeing special counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation.

Sessions was exiled less than 24 hours after polls closed. But Trump’s broader efforts to reshape his inner circle have been on hold, leading to a sense of near-paralysis in the building, with people unsure of what to do.

Trump also announced that State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert is his pick to replace Nikki Haley as the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and he said he’d have another announcement Saturday about the military’s top brass.

All this came the same day that Trump’s re-election campaign announced that two veterans of the president’s 2016 campaign, White House political director Bill Stepien and Justin Clark, the director of the office of public liaison, were leaving the administration to work on Trump’s re-election campaign.

“Now is the best opportunity to be laser-focused on further building out the political infrastructure that will support victory for President Trump and the GOP in 2020,” campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement.

The moves had long been planned, and will give Kelly’s eventual successor room to build a new White House political team.

Kelly was not at the White House on Friday, but was expected to attend an East Room dinner with the president and senior staff.

Ayers, who is a seasoned campaign veteran despite his relative youth — he’s just 36 — has the backing of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, the president’s daughter and son-in-law and senior advisers, for the new role, according to White House officials. But Ayers has also faced some resistance. During Trump’s flight home from a recent trip to Paris, some aides aboard Air Force One tried to convince the president that Ayers was the wrong person for the job, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Trump and Kelly’s relationship has been strained for months — with Kelly on the verge of resignation and Trump nearly firing him several times. But each time the two have decided to make amends, even as Kelly’s influence has waned.

Kelly, a retired Marine Corps four-star general, was tapped by Trump in August 2017 to try to normalize a White House that had been riven by infighting. And he had early successes, including ending an open-door Oval Office policy that had been compared to New York’s Grand Central Station and instituting a more rigorous policy process to try to prevent staffers from going directly to Trump.

But those efforts also miffed the president and some of his most influential outside allies, who had grown accustomed to unimpeded access. And his handling of domestic violence accusations against the former White House staff secretary also caused consternation, especially among lower-level White House staffers, who believed Kelly had lied to them about when he found out about the allegations.

Kelly, too, has made no secret of the trials of his job and has often joked about how working for Trump was harder than anything he’d done before, including on the battlefield.

IMF Approves $3.7 Billion Loan for Oil-rich Angola

The International Monetary Fund says it has approved a three-year loan of about $3.7 billion for Angola, which seeks to diversify its economy and curb corruption after a new president took office last year.

The IMF said Friday that the loan aims to help the southern African country restructure state-owned enterprises and take other measures to improve economic governance.


Angola had experienced a surge in growth because of oil exports under former president Jose Eduardo dos Santos, but poverty and cronyism persisted. A fall in commodity prices years ago tipped the Angolan economy into crisis and showed that it was too reliant on oil.  


President Joao Lourenco, who succeeded dos Santos, has distanced his administration from his former boss, pledging to fight corruption and meeting with government critics.

China Exports, Imports Weaken Ahead of US Talks

China’s export growth slowed in November as global demand weakened, adding to pressure on Beijing ahead of trade talks with Washington.

Exports rose 5.4 percent from a year ago to $227.4 billion, a marked decline from the previous month’s 12.6 percent increase, customs data showed Saturday. Imports rose 3 percent to $182.7 billion, a sharp reversal from October’s 20.3 percent surge.

That adds to signs a slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy is deepening as Chinese leaders prepare for negotiations with President Donald Trump over Beijing’s technology policy and other irritants.

Exports to US rise

Chinese exports to the United States rose by a relatively robust 12.9 percent from a year ago to $46.2 billion. Shipments to the U.S. market have held up as exporters rush to fill orders before additional duty increases, but forecasters say that effect will fade in early 2019.

Imports of American goods rose 5 percent to $10.7 billion, down from the previous month’s 8.5 percent growth. China’s politically volatile trade surplus with the United States widened to a record $35.5 billion.

Trump agreed during a Dec. 1 meeting with this Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, to postpone tariff hikes by 90 days while the two sides negotiate. But penalties of up to 25 percent imposed earlier by both sides on billions of dollars of each other’s goods still are in effect.

Companies and investors worry the battle between the two biggest economies will chill global economic growth.

Chinese economy cools

The Chinese economy grew by a relatively strong 6.5 percent from a year earlier in the quarter ending in September. But that was boosted by government spending on public works construction that helped to mask a slowdown in other parts of the economy.

An official measure of manufacturing activity fell to its lowest level in two years in November. Auto sales have shrunk for the past three months, and real estate sales are weak.

Chinese leaders have responded by easing lending controls, boosting spending on construction and promising more help to entrepreneurs who generate the state-dominated economy’s new jobs and wealth. But they have moved gradually to avoid reigniting a rise in corporate and local government debt that already is considered to be dangerously high.


The Trump administration imposed 25 percent duties on $50 billion of Chinese goods in July in response to complaints that Beijing steals or pressures companies to hand over technology. Washington also imposed a 10 percent charge on $200 billion of Chinese goods. That was set to rise to 25 percent in January but Trump postponed it.

Beijing responded with tariff hikes on $110 billion of American goods. Trump has threatened to expand U.S. penalties to all goods from China.

Washington, Europe and other trading partners complain plans such as “Made in China 2025,” which calls for creating Chinese global champions in artificial intelligence, robotics and other fields, violate Beijing’s market-opening obligations.

Trump said Beijing committed to buy American farm goods and cut auto import tariffs as part of the tariff cease-fire. Chinese officials have yet to confirm details of the agreement.

China’s Commerce Ministry expressed confidence the two sides can reach a deal during the 90-day delay. That indicates Beijing sees resolving the conflict as too important to allow it to be disrupted by last week’s dramatic arrest in Canada of an executive of Huawei Technologies Ltd., one of China’s most prominent companies, on accusations of violating trade sanctions on Iran.

Big trade disputes

Private sector analysts say that there is little time to resolve sprawling conflicts that have bedeviled U.S.-Chinese trade for years. That suggests Beijing will need to find ways to persuade Trump to extend his deadline.

Also in November, China’s exports to the 28-nation European Union rose 11.4 percent over a year earlier to $35.9 billion, down from October’s 12 percent growth. Imports rose 13.2 percent to $24.4 billion.

China’s trade surplus with the EU widened by 6.4 percent over a year earlier to $11.5 billion.

Stocks Drop 4 Percent in Rocky Week on Trade, Growth Worries

Wall Street capped a turbulent week of trading Friday with the biggest weekly loss since March as traders fret over rising trade tensions between Washington and Beijing and signals of slower economic growth. 

The latest wave of selling erased more than 550 points from the Dow Jones Industrial Average, bringing its three-day loss to more than 1,400. For the week, major indexes are down more than 4 percent. 

Worries that the testy U.S.-China trade dispute and higher interest rates will slow the economy has made investors uneasy, leading to volatile swings in the market from one day to the next.

Dispute between U.S. and China 

On Monday, news that the U.S. and China had agreed to a 90-day truce in their escalating trade conflict drove stocks sharply higher, adding to strong gains the week before. The next day, as doubts mounted over the likelihood of a swift resolution to the trade dispute, stocks sank. On Friday, another early rally faded into another sharp drop.

“We’re in a market where investors just want to sell any upside that they see,” said Lindsey Bell, investment strategist at CFRA. “The volatility we’ve seen the last couple of weeks has been pretty extreme in both directions.”

The S&P 500 index fell 62.87 points, or 2.3 percent, to 2,633.08. The index has ended lower three out of the last four weeks. The Dow dropped 558.72 points, or 2.2 percent, to 24,388.95. 

The Nasdaq composite slid 219.01 points, or 3 percent, to 6,969.25. The Russell 2000 index of small-company stocks gave up 29.32 points, or 2 percent, to 1,448.09.

The S&P 500 and Dow are now in the red for the year again. The Nasdaq was holding on to a modest gain. 

Markets upset since October 

Volatility has gripped the market since early October, reflecting investors’ worries that the Federal Reserve might overshoot with its campaign of rate increases and hurt U.S. economic growth.

Traders also fear that a prolonged trade dispute between the U.S. and China could crimp corporate profits and that tariffs will raises costs for businesses and consumers. Uncertainty over those issues helped drive the market’s sell-off this week. 

“The Fed has taken the punch bowl away in getting back to rates where they are today,” said Doug Cote, chief market strategist for Voya Investment Management. “We’re also going to get back to more normal volatility.”

At the same time, traders are also worried about a sharp drop in long-term bond yields as investors plow money into Treasurys, which tends to happen when investors expect slower economic growth. 

Technology stocks accounted for much of the market’s broad slide Friday. Chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices slid 8.6 percent to $19.46.

Health care stocks take big hit

Health care sector stocks, the biggest gainer in the S&P 500 this year, took some of the heaviest losses. Medical device company Cooper lost 12.3 percent to $243.01.

Utilities, which investors favor when they’re fearful, eked out a slight gain. PPL Corp. gained 2.8 percent to $31.09.

Oil prices rose after OPEC countries agreed to reduce global oil production by 1.2 million barrels a day for six months, beginning in January. The move would include a reduction of 800,000 barrels per day from OPEC countries and 400,000 barrels per day from Russia and other non-OPEC nations. 

The news, which had been widely anticipated, pushed crude oil prices higher. U.S. benchmark crude rose 2.2 percent to $52.61 a barrel in New York. Brent crude, used to price international oils, gained 2.7 percent to $61.67 a barrel in London.

The Labor Department said U.S. employers added 155,000 jobs in November, a slowdown from recent months but enough to suggest that the economy is expanding at a solid pace despite sharp gyrations in the stock market. The unemployment rate remained at 3.7 percent, nearly a five-decade low, for the third straight month. 

Bond prices rose, sending yields slightly lower. The yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.86 percent from 2.87 percent late Thursday. 

The decline in bond yields, which affect interest rates on mortgages and other consumer loans, weighed on banks, which make more money when rates are rising. Morgan Stanley slid 3 percent to $41.32.

The dollar rose to 112.66 yen from 112.65 yen late Thursday. The euro strengthened to $1.1418 from $1.1373.

Small gains for gold, silver

Gold gained 0.7 percent to $1,252.60 an ounce. Silver climbed 1.3 percent to $14.70 an ounce. Copper added 0.6 percent to $2.76 a pound.

In other commodities trading, wholesale gasoline climbed 3.7 percent to $1.49 a gallon. Heating oil rose 1.5 percent to $1.89 a gallon. Natural gas gained 3.7 percent to $4.49 per 1,000 cubic feet.

In Europe, Germany’s DAX dipped 0.2 percent while the CAC 40 in France rose 0.7 percent. Britain’s FTSE 100 jumped 1.1 percent. Major indexes in Asia finished mostly higher. 

Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 added 0.8 percent and Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 gained 0.4 percent. South Korea’s Kospi rose 0.3 percent. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng gave up 0.3 percent. 



Many US-Bound Caravan Migrants Disperse as Asylum Process Stalls

Thousands of Central American migrants spent weeks traveling north through Mexico in caravans, walking and hitching rides when possible, only for many to give up hope and turn back when they met resistance at the U.S. border.

Others hopped the border fence, often directly into the hands of immigration authorities on the U.S. side, while still others dug in at temporary lodgings in Tijuana for the long process of seeking asylum from a reluctant U.S. government.

As rain poured down on a former music venue in Tijuana that holds a diminished crowd of 2,500 migrants, Jessica, 18, grabbed her feverish 1-year-old daughter and took her inside to a friend while she figured out what to do with her broken tent.

Jessica had traveled from El Salvador, and said she and her husband were waiting in the Barretal camp for the right moment to try to cross the border illegally.

“Getting asylum is really difficult,” she said. “They ask you for a lot of evidence and it’s impossible. It’s not like they say it is.”

Other migrants face the same dilemma. Of 6,000 who arrived in Tijuana in the caravans last month, 1,000 have scrambled over border fences, and most of those were detained, the head of Mexico’s civil protection agency David Leon told local media on Wednesday.

A further 1,000 have accepted voluntary deportation, he said, while others are living on the street outside the municipal sports center where they first arrived, or in smaller shelters. The director of the Barretal camp, Mario Medina, said he expected hundreds more to arrive within days.

U.S. President Donald Trump has sought to make it harder to get asylum, but a federal court last month placed a temporary restraining order on his policy that only permitted asylum claims made at official ports of entry.

Under former President Barack Obama a system dubbed “metering” began, which limits how many can ask for asylum each day in Tijuana. Lawyers say Trump is using the system more aggressively to stem the flow at the port of entry.

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) spokeswoman said the agency works with Mexico and charities to manage the flow, but denied that people were being prevented from making asylum claims.

Mexico’s National Immigration Institute, which did not respond to requests for comment, has said in the past it protects migrants rights, while respecting other countries’ immigration policies.

Looking after the large groups of Central Americans is a challenge for Mexico. New President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has vowed to issue more work visas and on Friday pledged to do more to improve conditions at the Barretal shelter.

His government is in talks with Washington about an immigration plan, including a U.S. proposal to make asylum seekers stay in Mexico until their claim is decided, a process that can take years. Some believe that would deter people from seeking refuge.


Despite the wait, more people are adding their names to the semi-formal asylum list. Created a couple of years ago around the time an influx of Haitians arrived in Tijuana seeking to enter the United States, it has been challenged in a U.S. lawsuit that claims it deliberately delays asylum seekers.

Migrants put their names in a black-and-white ledger, controlled by around eight migrant volunteers. Those on the list are given a number and must wait months to pass through for an interview. The list contains thousands of names from around the world.

Each day, CBP officials communicate with Mexican immigration officials who then tell the migrants how many can go through, according to volunteers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. They said between 40 and 100 per day are usually sent.

At the end of each day, Mexican immigration officials guard the ledger. Lawyers have cited multiple problems with this system. For instance, they have said, some people on the list could be Mexicans fleeing the federal government.

Some migrants expressed distrust of the list. Honduran Anabell Pineda, 26, said she thought the process was not for her as she left behind a daughter in Honduras.

“They say, though I don’t know, that asylum is for people that don’t want to go back to their country, and I do want to go back,” she said.

Pineda, traveling with her son, said that once she gets her paperwork, she plans find a job in Mexico City.

Pineda has applied for a humanitarian visa that will get her a work permit in Mexico, a better bet than trying to get to the United States, she said.

“It’s really difficult to cross, because of what happened last time. I don’t want to put my children in danger,” she said, referring to disturbances in which U.S. officials launched tear gas at migrants last month.

At a jobs fair set up by the federal Labor Ministry, coordinator Nayla Rangel said more than 3,000 migrants, mainly from the caravan, had job interviews.

Rangel said there were more than 10,000 jobs open in the state of Baja California, with salaries around 1500 pesos ($74) per week. For many migrants hoping to send money to families in Central America, that likely would not be enough.


Mueller: Ex-Trump Campaign Chair Manafort Lied to Investigators

U.S. President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort lied to federal investigators about a payment and contacts with Trump administration officials, the U.S. special counsel investigating whether Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia said in a court filing on Friday.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office submitted the filing to a U.S. District Court judge in Washington who had asked for more details on Mueller’s allegations last month that Manafort had breached a plea agreement by lying.

“In his interviews with the Special Counsel’s Office and the FBI, Manafort told multiple discernible lies — these were not instances of mere memory lapses,” Mueller’s office said in the filing.

According to the filing, Manafort lied about his interactions with Russian-Ukranian political consultant Konstantin Kilimnik, Kilimnik’s efforts to tamper with witnesses, the circumstances surrounding a $125,000 payment to a firm working for Manafort, and Manafort’s contacts with officials in the Trump administration.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders released a statement late Friday, saying, “The government’s filing in Mr. Manafort’s case says absolutely nothing about the President. It says even less about collusion and is devoted almost entirely to lobbying-related issues. Once again the media is trying to create a story where there isn’t one.”

Manafort also provided investigators with shifting accounts about information relevant to another Department of Justice investigation.

The filing also said that Manafort, who maintains he has been truthful to Mueller, appeared before a grand jury twice.

Порошенко розраховує на підтримку нової очільниці Християнсько-демократичного союзу

Президент України Петро Порошенко привітав Аннегрет Крамп-Карренбауер з обранням головою Християнсько-демократичного союзу Німеччини.

«Розраховую на особисту підтримку пані Аннегрет Крамп-Карренбауер України у впровадженні євроорієнтованих реформ та відсічі російської агресії і відновленні територіальної цілісності нашої держави задля зміцнення миру та безпеки на європейському континенті», – зазначив президент.

На з’їзді Християнсько-демократичного союзу 7 грудня новою главою партії обрали Аннегрет Крамп-Карренбауер. На чолі партії Крамп-Карренбауер змінить Ангелу Меркель, яка займала цю посаду протягом 18 років.

Крамп-Карренбауер відома своєю принциповістю в політиці. Вона, крім іншого, запропонувала в відповідь на дії Росії в Керченській протоці закрити порти західних країн для російських кораблів з Азовського моря, поки Росія «блокує» вхід в нього для українських кораблів.

Єврокомісар закликав Росію відпустити Сенцова, щоб він зміг отримати премію Сахарова

Єврокомісар Йоганнес Ган закликав Росію відпустити українського режисера Олега Сенцова, щоб він зміг особисто отримати премію Сахарова.

«Наступного тижня український кінорежисер Олег Сенцов буде нагороджений премією Сахарова Європейського парламенту. Засуджений на 20 років в’язниці, він не зможе отримати премію особисто. Тому я повторюся: Дайте Сенцову отримати Сахарова», – написав Ган у Twitter.

Сенцову присудили премію 25 жовтня. Церемонія нагородження повинна відбутися в Страсбурзі 12 грудня.

Сенцов і кримський анархіст Олександр Кольченко були затримані представниками російських спецслужб в анексованому Криму в травні 2014 року за звинуваченням в організації терактів на півострові. У серпні 2015 року суд у російському Ростові-на-Дону засудив Сенцова до 20 років колонії суворого режиму. Кольченко отримав 10 років колонії. Обидва свою провину не визнали.

Правозахисний центр «Меморіал» вніс Сенцова і Кольченка в список політв’язнів.

Омелян сподівається на угоду про спільний авіапростір з ЄС «на наступний день після Брекзиту»

Міністр інфраструктури України Володимир Омелян сподівається на те, що Україна отримає спільний авіаційний простір із Євросоюзом. Про це він сказав 7 грудня на зустрічі з французьким міністром транспорту Елізабет Борн в рамках свого робочого візиту до Франції, який тривав 6 і 7 грудня.

Під час переговорів Омелян заявив, що Україна зацікавлена в залученні досвіду Франції щодо розвитку авіації, автомобільного і залізничного транспорту.

«Перспективними напрямками є поглиблення партнерських відносин між французькою провідною машинобудівною компанією Alstom і Укрзалізницею. Ринок для Alstom величезний. Потреба України – це більше ніж 1500 локомотивів. Бо Укрзалізниця перевозить більше вантажу, ніж Deutsche Bahn всією Європою. 50% залізничних шляхів електрифіковано, тому у нас є нагальна потреба в електричних локомотивах. Ми приділяємо велику увагу внутрішньому транспорту, і якщо Alstom зайде на ринок, він буде мати можливість долучитися до оновлення муніципального транспорту», – наводить слова міністра прес-служба Мінінфраструктури.

Омелян також подякував Борн за «активну позицію Франції щодо спільного авіаційного простору.

«Фактично стримуючим елементом зараз є відсутність єдиного авіаційного простору між Україною і ЄС. Я дуже сподіваюсь, що наступного дня після Брекзиту ми зможемо підписати цю Угоду», − сказав голова міністерства.

Читайте також: Ні квитків, ні грошей: збій з купівлею квитків «Укрзалізниці» спровокував скандал

Згідно з повідомленням, Елізабет Борн висловила свою підтримку ідеї Угоди про спільний авіаційний простір та зазначила, що компанія Alstom зацікавлена в українському ринку.

Україна і Євросоюз парафували Угоду про спільний авіаційний простір ще в листопаді 2013 року. Але вона досі не підписана в повному обсязі і не набула чинності. Зокрема про підписання цього документу згадував посол України в Білорусі Ігор Кизим як про один із п’яти основних пріоритетів України в рамках програми ЄС «Східне партнерство».

Брекзит – вихід Великої Британії зі складу Європейського Союзу – запланований на 29 березня 2019 року. Процес Брекзиту почався після того, як на референдумі у червні 2016 року трохи більше половини учасників підтримали ідею виходу Великої Британії зі складу Євросоюзу.

Nissan to Recall 150,000 Cars Due to Dubious Inspections

Nissan announced plans Friday to recall about 150,000 vehicles sold in Japan due to improper inspections. 

“Nissan has recently found several non-conformities that may have caused inaccurate pass/fail judgements during the inspection process,” on brakes, speedometers and other systems, the Japanese automaker said in a statement.

The recall covers at least 10 models including Note and Leaf electric vehicles as well as March and Cube compact cars manufactured between November 2017 and October 2018.

The latest recall is dealing another blow to the company, after the arrest of its former chairman Carlos Ghosn on allegations of financial misconduct, involving under-reported salary by millions of dollars over five years.

Ghosn, who is in detention after being arrested November 19 of this year, has denied any wrongdoing.

Nissan was forced to recall more than one million vehicles last year after admitting that unqualified staff had conducted final inspections on some cars before they were shipped to dealers in Japan.

In a separate scandal that erupted in July, Nissan admitted that data on exhaust emissions and fuel economy had been deliberately altered.

Закон щодо припинення договору про дружбу з Росією направили на підпис президентові

Підтриманий 6 грудня Верховною Радою закон про припинення договору про дружбу, співробітництво і партнерство між Україною і Росією направили на підпис президентові. Про це свідчать дані на сайті українського парламенту.

Президентський законопроект напередодні підтримали 277 народних депутатів.

Згідно з документом, Україна припиняє дію договору з 1 квітня 2019 року. Тобто цей законопроект передбачає відмову від продовження договору, дія якого спливає 31 березня 2019 року.

Договір про дружбу між Україною і Росією був підписаний 1997 року, нині є чинним. Він, серед іншого, передбачає, що сторони «поважають територіальну цілісність одна одної і підтверджують непорушність існуючих між ними кордонів», а також «будують відносини одна з одною на основі принципів взаємної поваги до суверенної рівності, непорушності кордонів, мирного врегулювання спорів, незастосування сили або загрози силою».

Читайте також: Від «дружби держав» на кордоні України з Росією залишилася вулиця Дружби народів за колючим дротом

Документ був укладений на термін у десять років – у 2008 році його дію було автоматично продовжено. Щоб припинити дію договору, Україна має офіційно сповістити Росію не пізніше ніж за шість місяців до закінчення чергового десятирічного періоду – тобто до жовтня 2018 року. МЗС України зробило це у вересні.

Конфлікт між Росією й Україною загострився минулого місяця – 25 листопада російські силовики захопили три українські військові кораблі й 24 членів їхніх екіпажів поблизу Керченської протоки.


В окупованому Криму продовжать розглядати справу адвоката Курбедінова

У підконтрольному Росії Київському районному суді Сімферополя 7 грудня продовжиться розгляд справи кримського адвоката Еміля Курбедінова.

Початок засідання запланований на 8:30 за київським часом.

Курбедінов вважає, що його затримання російськими силовиками вранці 6 грудня відбувалося «на абсурдній підставі», і він не визнає звинувачень в екстремізмі. Адвокат зазначив, що причиною переслідувань є його правозахисна діяльність, допомога політв’язням і захист українського військового Богдана Небилиці.

Адвокату інкримінують статтю «пропаганда або публічна демонстрація атрибутики або символіки екстремістських організацій» російського кримінального кодексу. Йому загрожує адміністративний арешт за пост у соцмережі «Фейсбук» 2013 року. За словами колег Курбедінова, скаргу на нього написав колишній житель Криму, який переїхав у Дамаск.

За даними юристки Лілі Гемеджі, одним зі свідків у справі Курбедінова проходить співробітник ФСБ Росії Андрій Сушко, який, як вважають, брав участь у затриманні і катуванні кримчанина Рената Параламова.

Напередодні Сушко потрапив у список санкцій США через підозри в причетності до викрадення Параламова.

Управління МВС Росії в анексованому Криму поки що не коментувало цю інформацію.


Російський омбудсмен про поранених українських моряків: лікування дає позитивну динаміку

Уповноважена з прав людини в Росії Тетяна Москалькова заявляє, що відвідала в слідчому ізоляторі «Матроська тиша» трьох українських моряків, які були поранені під час захоплення російськими силовиками кораблів у Керченській протоці.

«Їм надається вся необхідна медична допомога, вони забезпечені необхідними медичними препаратами. Медики оцінюють отримані ними травми як поранення легкого ступеня тяжкості, лікування вже дає позитивну динаміку стану здоров’я. На умови утримання скарг не було», – написала Москалькова в своєму Instagram.

25 листопада російські прикордонники біля берегів анексованого Криму протаранили, обстріляли, а потім захопили три кораблі Військово-морських сил України і 24 членів їхніх екіпажів. Троє з них були поранені.

Російська влада утримує полонених українських моряків у московських СІЗО «Лефортово» і «Матроська тиша» і звинувачує в незаконному перетині кордону. Київ звинувачує російську владу в провокації і називає інцидент в Чорному морі актом агресії. Лідери західних країн вимагають від Росії негайного звільнення українських моряків.

Напередодні міністр закордонних справ України Павло Клімкін повідомив, що українські консули відвідують поранених українських моряків у столиці Росії Москві, і «потім кожен день будуть зустрічатися з іншими – щоби до суботи консули переконалися, в якому вони стані». Про стан поранених у МЗС поки що не повідомляли.


Storm Smacks Southern California with Floods, Mudslides

The second storm in a week brought record-breaking rainfall to parched Los Angeles on Thursday, jamming traffic on Southern California highways and prompting evacuations in wildfire-scarred areas.

A mudslide shut down Pacific Coast Highway and surrounding roads in and around Malibu neighborhoods charred by last month’s massive fire that destroyed hundreds of homes.

Kirby Kotler and his neighbors spent days before the storm stacking 18,000 sandbags behind their homes along the highway. But when heavy rains arrived, mud, water and rocks blasted through the bags and across their properties.

Kotler, who wielded water hoses to beat back the flames in November, used a tractor to keep the debris from entering his home.

“Saving my house once again,” said Kotler, 57, a lifelong Malibu resident. “I’m more than a little concerned. If we get another blast of heavy rain there’ll be no stopping the hill from coming down.”

Malibu officials reported no injuries and no major property damage.​

Plane slides off runway

At Hollywood Burbank Airport, about 15 miles (33 kilometers) north of downtown Los Angeles, nobody was hurt when a Southwest Airlines plane from Oakland skidded off a wet runway as it landed. The plane came to a stop in a graded area designed to slow aircraft that overshoot the runway, the Federal Aviation Administration said.

“As we landed, you could feel the brakes,” passenger Grant Palmer told KABC-TV. “Then I started noticing the plane going sideways.”

Palmer said he was prepared to tuck into an emergency posture while his unflappable co-worker continued writing emails during the rough landing. 


Needed rainfall brings accidents

Los Angeles and the rest of Southern California sorely need rainfall. Virtually the entire region is experiencing drought conditions, with portions of Los Angeles and Ventura counties and areas along the Mexican border in extreme drought.

The storm provided a big boost in and around Los Angeles. The downtown area set a new rainfall record for the day with 1.9 inches (4.8 centimeters) of rain, nearly double the previous record set in 1997, the National Weather Service reported. Normal monthly rainfall for December is only a bit more, 2.33 inches.

While rain caused numerous accidents and backups on LA-area freeways, heavy snow forced the closure of Interstate 5 in the Grapevine area between Los Angeles and the San Joaquin Valley. The hourslong shutdown along the key north-south route caused backups for miles.

Motorists were urged to use caution on mountain passes, where up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) of snow was predicted at higher elevations. 

​More evacuations 

Mandatory evacuations were ordered for hundreds of homes in Trabuco Canyon in the Santa Ana Mountains south of Los Angeles and Lake Elsinore neighborhoods in Riverside County. Both were burned in another massive wildfire earlier this year. Video showed a churning, muddy torrent full of tree trunks smashing down a bridge guardrail.

In Orange County, flooding closed several schools. Floodwaters also submerged several cars in Costa Mesa and rain partially collapsed the roof of a commercial building in Irvine but no injuries were reported.

In San Diego County, rain partially collapsed the roof of a child care center in Carlsbad.

Nobody was injured and the children, staff and even pets inside were evacuated, including a chinchilla, a snake, a scorpion, a tarantula, a leopard gecko, two toads, a tree frog, a bearded dragon and a lizard, KSWB-TV reported.

A portion of southbound State Route 170 in Los Angeles was shut down after mud flowed onto the roadway. Firefighters rescued motorists from cars stuck in a flooded intersection in the city’s North Hollywood area.

Firefighters also rescued a man from the flood-swollen Los Angeles River in suburban La Habra. Storm waters in the concrete flood-control channel have swept away people in previous years.