Chicago’s First Black Female Mayor Takes Office

History was made Monday in Chicago when Lori Lightfoot was sworn in as the first black woman mayor of the country’s third-largest city.

“For years, they’ve said Chicago ain’t ready for reform. Well get ready because reform is here,” Lightfoot said shortly after taking the oath of office.

Chicago is trying to overcome its reputation as a violent city with an overwhelmed police force and corrupt officials.

“No official, no official in the city of Chicago, elected or appointed, should ever profit from his office. Never, ever,” Lightfoot said shortly before signing an executive order curtailing some powers of ward bosses called aldermen.

Lightfoot also promised police reform in a city that saw 769 murders in 2016 with only a fraction of those crimes ever getting solved.

Lightfoot also faces a $250 million budget deficit next year and must negotiate new contracts with police, firefighters and public schoolteachers.

The 56-year-old Lightfoot is a Democrat and a former U.S. federal prosecutor. She is also Chicago’s first openly gay mayor.

Chicago’s First Black Female Mayor Takes Office

History was made Monday in Chicago when Lori Lightfoot was sworn in as the first black woman mayor of the country’s third-largest city.

“For years, they’ve said Chicago ain’t ready for reform. Well get ready because reform is here,” Lightfoot said shortly after taking the oath of office.

Chicago is trying to overcome its reputation as a violent city with an overwhelmed police force and corrupt officials.

“No official, no official in the city of Chicago, elected or appointed, should ever profit from his office. Never, ever,” Lightfoot said shortly before signing an executive order curtailing some powers of ward bosses called aldermen.

Lightfoot also promised police reform in a city that saw 769 murders in 2016 with only a fraction of those crimes ever getting solved.

Lightfoot also faces a $250 million budget deficit next year and must negotiate new contracts with police, firefighters and public schoolteachers.

The 56-year-old Lightfoot is a Democrat and a former U.S. federal prosecutor. She is also Chicago’s first openly gay mayor.

Sudanese American Graduates With 5 Siblings in Attendance

Five siblings gathered in Storm Lake this weekend to watch their youngest brother graduate from high school, decades after their parents emigrated from war-torn Sudan to the United States.

Cham Deng received his diploma Sunday from Storm Lake High School with a 3.4-grade point average, ranking him 28th in his class of 190 students, the Sioux City Journal reported. Storm Lake is a city in Buena Vista County with a population of roughly 10,600.

Deng also played basketball, averaging 17 points and nine rebounds per game during his senior season.

He intends to further his basketball career next season at Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge. Deng plans to major in accounting.

Stacey Cole, superintendent of the Storm Lake Community School District, added that Deng is community-minded and has been a positive inspiration at the school.

“Cham is a student that can always be counted on to represent our schools and our community with poise and confidence,” Cole said. “He is community-minded and will make every community that he lives in a better place to be.”

Deng and his older siblings, whose ages range from 20 to 33, are the first generation of their Sudanese family born in the U.S. In the 1990s, their parents fled civil war in Sudan on the African continent.

Two of Deng’s siblings live in California. Two others reside in Maryland and one is in Virginia. The oldest, Chuol, works for search engine behemoth Google.

Nyjuok recently finished law school at Howard University. Pel is an enterpriser at online retail giant Amazon. Yach is a computer specialist, and Kuony is a linebacker for the University of California-Berkley football team.

Before Cham’s graduation, Yach receiving a high school degree from Storm Lake in 2014 was the last time all six siblings were in the city together. A graduation party was scheduled for Friday followed by a Saturday church service at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Storm Lake.

“My mom wanted to do a church service, because it has been a while since everybody was here,” Cham Deng said. “I am definitely proud. It is something you wouldn’t think, from a family of immigrants, to have that much success.”

Sudanese American Graduates With 5 Siblings in Attendance

Five siblings gathered in Storm Lake this weekend to watch their youngest brother graduate from high school, decades after their parents emigrated from war-torn Sudan to the United States.

Cham Deng received his diploma Sunday from Storm Lake High School with a 3.4-grade point average, ranking him 28th in his class of 190 students, the Sioux City Journal reported. Storm Lake is a city in Buena Vista County with a population of roughly 10,600.

Deng also played basketball, averaging 17 points and nine rebounds per game during his senior season.

He intends to further his basketball career next season at Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge. Deng plans to major in accounting.

Stacey Cole, superintendent of the Storm Lake Community School District, added that Deng is community-minded and has been a positive inspiration at the school.

“Cham is a student that can always be counted on to represent our schools and our community with poise and confidence,” Cole said. “He is community-minded and will make every community that he lives in a better place to be.”

Deng and his older siblings, whose ages range from 20 to 33, are the first generation of their Sudanese family born in the U.S. In the 1990s, their parents fled civil war in Sudan on the African continent.

Two of Deng’s siblings live in California. Two others reside in Maryland and one is in Virginia. The oldest, Chuol, works for search engine behemoth Google.

Nyjuok recently finished law school at Howard University. Pel is an enterpriser at online retail giant Amazon. Yach is a computer specialist, and Kuony is a linebacker for the University of California-Berkley football team.

Before Cham’s graduation, Yach receiving a high school degree from Storm Lake in 2014 was the last time all six siblings were in the city together. A graduation party was scheduled for Friday followed by a Saturday church service at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Storm Lake.

“My mom wanted to do a church service, because it has been a while since everybody was here,” Cham Deng said. “I am definitely proud. It is something you wouldn’t think, from a family of immigrants, to have that much success.”

California Man Arrested for Illegal Arms Deal to Nigeria  

A California man has been arrested for illegally brokering the sale of military-grade weapons to the Nigerian government. 

Ara Dolarian, 58, was arrested last week in the central California city of Fresno. 

The U.S. attorney’s office said Monday Dolarian had accepted more than $8 million for brokering a deal to sell bombs, rockets and guns from Eastern Europe and South Africa to Abuja. 

Prosecutors said Dolarian’s Fresno-based arms brokering company was not authorized to make international deals. The Fresno Bee newspaper reports his business neighbors thought he was importing and exporting tea.

Dolarian is also accused of money laundering and could face 20 years in prison if he is convicted. 

Dolarian, who now lives in Bulgaria, was arrested at the Fresno home of his mother. 

Зеленський підписав перший указ

Текст документа оприлюднений на сайті голови держави

На шахрая Коломойського заведено чергову кримінальну справу в США і Україні. Пане Зеленський, у вас дуже каламутні друзі…

Трамп проти Коломойського

Громадяни США Ігор Фруман і Лев Парнас, які є клієнтами Рудольфа Джуліані – особистого адвоката американського президента Дональда Трампа – написали заяву у правоохоронні органи України та США на Ігоря Коломойського після його інтерв’ю, в якому товстозадий Бенжамен (дружнє прізвисько Коломойського – ред.) назвав їх «аферистами» і пообіцяв «вивести на світло боже».

Ігор Фруман та Лев Парнас вимагають розпочати досудове розслідування щодо можливого вчинення Коломойським «злочину проти життя». У заяві, яку надала нам адвокатка Аліна Самарець, що представляє їхні інтереси в Україні, зокрема йдеться:

«… У зв’язку з погрозами Ігоря Коломойського ми вимушені задля своєї безпеки виїхати з України до свого місця проживання в США, не закінчивши своїх особистих справ в Україні. Таким чином, Ігорем Коломойським вчинено злочин проти життя, а саме: готування до вбивства», – мовиться у документі від імені Парнаса та Фрумана.

Відповідні заяви, за словами Самарець, відправлені на ім’я генерального прокурора України Юрія Луценка, міністра внутрішніх справ Арсена Авакова та голови Державного бюро розслідувань Романа Труби. Надходження цих заяв у відомствах підтвердили.

У коментарі щодо інтерв’ю Коломойського Лев Парнас заявив: «Це все брехня, що ми якісь аферисти, що ми в когось гроші просимо або те, що в нас начебто кримінальні справи в Америці… Чому він нам пред’явив такі погрози, такі небезпечні заяви, я не можу пояснити, ми самі у шоці. Ми боїмося за наше життя. Тому ми і написали заяви. Все, що ми робимо – це рекомендація наших захисників. Головний адвокат – це Руді Джуліані».

Раніше у першому бліц-інтерв’ю після повернення в Україну Ігор Коломойський так відреагував на слова Рудольфа Джуліані про те, що для виконання передвиборчих обіцянок Зеленському треба позбутися людей «з минулого»:

«В Україні діють два аферисти, які перебувають під розслідуванням США. Один, здається, Лев Парнас, а інший – Ігор – чи то Фруман, чи то Фурман. І вони ходять тут Україною, збирають з людей гроші, розповідають, що вони близькі з паном Джуліані – і що вони вирішать із паном Луценком будь-яке питання. Пан Луценко про це навіть не знає. І, я думаю, пан Джуліані теж про це не знає. Два «Остапи Бендери», які ходять поміж двома країнами й розповідають всіляке… І в найближчому майбутньому, повірте мені, ми цих двох «субчиків» виведемо на світло боже. Щоб вони не думали…Запам’ятайте ці два імені: Лев Парнас і Ігор Фруман. Вони приїжджали до мене в Ізраїль і розповідали, як мені треба із Зеленським спілкуватися. Я сказав – я не маю відношення до Зеленського. Після цього вони зникли – і тут почалися всі ці провокації: щодо Джуліані, оточення, позбутися, ще якоїсь маячні».

Після виходу інтерв’ю Ігоря Коломойського особистий адвокат Дональда Трампа Рудольф Джуліані звинуватив ізраїльського шахрая у наклепі щодо двох громадян США і заявив, що порадив своїм клієнтам cудитись.

«Американський аналітик описує Коломойського як «супер-небезпечного». Він повернувся з тривалого екзилу і одразу почав погрожувати і зводити наклеп на двох американців, Лева Парнаса і Ігоря Фрумана. Вони – мої клієнти, і я порадив їм пред’явити звинувачення», – написав він у мережі.

Парнас додав, що заява про можливий злочин з боку Коломойського також буде подана до американських правоохоронних органів.

Лев Парнас та Ігор Фруман – американські бізнесмени, причетні до благодійної організації American Friends of Anatevka. Анатівка – побудований на кошти єврейської громади населений пункт на Київщині для єврейських переселенців зі сходу України.

Парнас і Фруман раніше також розповідали, що робили пожертви до фонду виборчої кампанії президента США Дональда Трампа.

Мережа Правди

Ніби народний президент Зеленський виявився власником з десятка квартир і будинків в Україні, анексованому Криму, Італії та Британії


Президент України Володимир Зеленський подав електронну декларацію про доходи за 2018 рік. Її опублікувало Національне агентство з питань запобігань корупції.

Серед нерухомості, якої володіє Зеленський вказані будинок площею 353,5 квадратних метри та земельна ділянка у 1200 квадратів у Київській області, три квартири у Києві – 131,9, 254,5 та 198,6 квадратів, частина з них у спільній власності. Також у документі згадана квартира у анексованому Криму площею 129,8 квадратних метри, яка належить дружині президента Олені. Їй же належить ще одна квартира у Києві площею 284 квадрати.

З закордонної нерухомості вказаний будинок в Італії площею 431 квадратних метри, яким президент володіє через компанію San Tommaso S.R.L. Ця вілла не була вказана у декларації Зеленського за минулий рік. Також Зеленський разом з дружиною орендують квартиру в Великій Британії площею 91,9 квадратних метри.

За 2018 рік на основному місці роботи Зеленський заробив 4,2 мільйона гривень та задекларував ще понад 5,5 мільйона гривень. Його дружина Зеленська заробила 4,9 мільйона гривень.

Наприкінці березня українські журналісти повідомили, що Володимир Зеленський має 15-кімнатну віллу в Італії. У 2017 році за 3,8 мільйона євро її придбала фірма, кінцевими бенефіціарами якої є Володимир і Олена Зеленські.

Мережа Правди

Huawei тепер не зможуть використовувати систему Android, Google Play Market, Gmail, YouTube, Chrome, карти і процесори Qualcomm

Huawei Stop

Американська компанія Google оголосила про призупинення бізнесу з китайським партнером, компанією Huawei. Про це 20 травня повідомляють світові інформагенції.

Таке рішення означає, що смартфони Huawei залишаться без Google Play і оновлень операційної системи Android, створеної Google для мобільних телефонів та планшетів.

Серед сервісів, які стануть недоступними в нових смартфонах Huawei одразу після купівлі – Gmail, YouTube, браузер Chrome, карти і сам магазин додатків Play Market.

Huawei залишиться також без процесорів Snapdragon, які виробляє інша американська компанія, Qualcomm.

Минулого тижня президент США Дональд Трамп підписав розпорядження про заборону американським компаніям використовувати телекомунікаційне обладнання від виробників, що становлять загрозу національній безпеці. У документі жодна країна чи компанія не називається, але його одразу назвали націленим саме на Huawei.

Міністерство торгівлі США заявило про внесення продукції китайської компанії Huawei і 70 афілійованих із нею компаній у «список суб’єктів», який вже назвали «чорним».

Мережа Правди

Trade War Adds to Woes of European Companies in China

The U.S.-China trade war has not spared European companies in China. More than one-third of them are feeling a direct impact on their businesses and fear the situation will worsen in the coming weeks.

“They [European companies] are feeling more anxious than they felt last year, rising tensions such as the trade tensions that we are facing currently that don’t seem to be on the point of being sorted out quickly,” European Chamber Vice President Charlotte Roule told VOA.

The trade conflict has come on top of several other problems faced by European companies in China.

“Macroeconomic challenges such as the Chinese economic slowdown and global economic slowdown are worrying them,” Roule said.

In a survey conducted last January and released Monday, the European Chamber of Commerce in China reported the trade war has impacted 25% of its members engaged in U.S.-bound exports from their operations in China.  

Since January, the United States has since expanded its tariff measures against China-made goods, while Beijing has announced its own set of retaliatory measures. These moves would affect a larger number of European companies, including those that import products from the U.S.

Significantly, the survey showed that only five percent of the chamber’s member companies see the trade tussle as an opportunity for themselves.

Intertwined relations

The trade war involves two countries at the political level, but has impacted other businesses with overlapping interests and intertwined connections across regions and industry segments.

Nick Marro, an analyst at the Economic Intelligence Unit, cited the example of China-based joint ventures between European and China companies engaged in producing electronic components. They will be hit by Washington’s decision to raise taxes on goods made in China. Similarly, U.S.-based European companies exporting to China would be affected.

“Trade wars are very complicated. You can’t isolate these effects to one or two countries,” Marro said.

The extent of the trade war’s impact varies from one industry sector to another, said Jacob Gunter, the chamber’s policy and communications coordinator.  But Gunter said there is considerable fear that the impact might prove to be widespread and severe.

“European companies share many of the U.S.’ concerns, but strongly oppose the blunt use of tariffs,” according to the chamber.

The trade war was ranked fourth among the concerns of European companies when the survey was taken last January. But the companies were more concerned about the economic slowdown in China and the world, besides the rising labor cost in China.

“European firms confront the same challenges facing their U.S. rivals, such as local protectionism or burdensome administrative processes. And developments in the trade war to date have yielded little immediate progress on these issues,” said Marro.

Even without the trade war, European companies face considerable difficulties due largely to regulatory controls and inadequate implementation of market access rules made by the central government in Beijing.

Chamber members presented a bleak outlook of the business situation in China in the coming years.  About 47% of those surveyed said they expect regulatory obstacles to actually increase in the next five years.

The survey reported that business optimism on growth over the next two years dropped from 62% in 2018 to 45% in 2019.

Joining hands

Analysts said China will increasingly try to woo the European Union and its markets in order to protect itself from aggressive U.S. trade actions.  But the bloc is undecided on what stance to take, because any move in favor of China would not be lauded in Washington.

“The EU is kind of in a difficult position. People are pushing the EU to choose the U.S. or China. I think the EU is choosing the EU,” Gunter said. “The EU is taking necessary measures to protect its own interest and expand business relations with China,” he said.

“There is an opportunity for China and the EU to work together. As far as the trade conflict is concerned, it should try to mediate the conflict, instead of taking sides,” he said.

European companies said there is no sign of the Chinese government trying to make life easier for them, even after battling the United States in the trade conflict for 10 months.

Last January, most European companies told surveyors they have not changed their strategy owing to the trade war. But analysts said many of them will have to rethink the way they do business.

“European companies will seek to minimize their exposure to political risk by adopting their global supply chains, said Max Zenglein, head of economic research at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlin.

“Export-oriented businesses, in particular at the lower end of the value chain, are likely to shift to other Southeast Asian nations. This is, however, a process that takes time,” he said.

Trade War Adds to Woes of European Companies in China

The U.S.-China trade war has not spared European companies in China. More than one-third of them are feeling a direct impact on their businesses and fear the situation will worsen in the coming weeks.

“They [European companies] are feeling more anxious than they felt last year, rising tensions such as the trade tensions that we are facing currently that don’t seem to be on the point of being sorted out quickly,” European Chamber Vice President Charlotte Roule told VOA.

The trade conflict has come on top of several other problems faced by European companies in China.

“Macroeconomic challenges such as the Chinese economic slowdown and global economic slowdown are worrying them,” Roule said.

In a survey conducted last January and released Monday, the European Chamber of Commerce in China reported the trade war has impacted 25% of its members engaged in U.S.-bound exports from their operations in China.  

Since January, the United States has since expanded its tariff measures against China-made goods, while Beijing has announced its own set of retaliatory measures. These moves would affect a larger number of European companies, including those that import products from the U.S.

Significantly, the survey showed that only five percent of the chamber’s member companies see the trade tussle as an opportunity for themselves.

Intertwined relations

The trade war involves two countries at the political level, but has impacted other businesses with overlapping interests and intertwined connections across regions and industry segments.

Nick Marro, an analyst at the Economic Intelligence Unit, cited the example of China-based joint ventures between European and China companies engaged in producing electronic components. They will be hit by Washington’s decision to raise taxes on goods made in China. Similarly, U.S.-based European companies exporting to China would be affected.

“Trade wars are very complicated. You can’t isolate these effects to one or two countries,” Marro said.

The extent of the trade war’s impact varies from one industry sector to another, said Jacob Gunter, the chamber’s policy and communications coordinator.  But Gunter said there is considerable fear that the impact might prove to be widespread and severe.

“European companies share many of the U.S.’ concerns, but strongly oppose the blunt use of tariffs,” according to the chamber.

The trade war was ranked fourth among the concerns of European companies when the survey was taken last January. But the companies were more concerned about the economic slowdown in China and the world, besides the rising labor cost in China.

“European firms confront the same challenges facing their U.S. rivals, such as local protectionism or burdensome administrative processes. And developments in the trade war to date have yielded little immediate progress on these issues,” said Marro.

Even without the trade war, European companies face considerable difficulties due largely to regulatory controls and inadequate implementation of market access rules made by the central government in Beijing.

Chamber members presented a bleak outlook of the business situation in China in the coming years.  About 47% of those surveyed said they expect regulatory obstacles to actually increase in the next five years.

The survey reported that business optimism on growth over the next two years dropped from 62% in 2018 to 45% in 2019.

Joining hands

Analysts said China will increasingly try to woo the European Union and its markets in order to protect itself from aggressive U.S. trade actions.  But the bloc is undecided on what stance to take, because any move in favor of China would not be lauded in Washington.

“The EU is kind of in a difficult position. People are pushing the EU to choose the U.S. or China. I think the EU is choosing the EU,” Gunter said. “The EU is taking necessary measures to protect its own interest and expand business relations with China,” he said.

“There is an opportunity for China and the EU to work together. As far as the trade conflict is concerned, it should try to mediate the conflict, instead of taking sides,” he said.

European companies said there is no sign of the Chinese government trying to make life easier for them, even after battling the United States in the trade conflict for 10 months.

Last January, most European companies told surveyors they have not changed their strategy owing to the trade war. But analysts said many of them will have to rethink the way they do business.

“European companies will seek to minimize their exposure to political risk by adopting their global supply chains, said Max Zenglein, head of economic research at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlin.

“Export-oriented businesses, in particular at the lower end of the value chain, are likely to shift to other Southeast Asian nations. This is, however, a process that takes time,” he said.

Ford to Cut 7,000 Jobs, 10% of Global Staff

Ford plans to cut 7,000 jobs, or 10 percent of its global workforce, as part of a reorganization as it revamps its vehicle offerings, the company said Monday.

The reorganization will involve some layoffs and reassignments and should be complete by the end of August, a Ford spokeswoman said. Ford has been phasing out most sedan models in the United States as more consumers have opted for pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles.

The move, which began last year, will lead to 800 layoffs in North America in total, including about 500 this week, said Ford spokeswoman Marisa Bradley.

The company has yet to determine the specifics in other regions, she said.

“As we have said, Ford is undergoing an organizational redesign process helping us create a more dynamic, agile and empowered workforce, while becoming more fit as a business,” Bradley said.

“We understand this is a challenging time for our team, but these steps are necessary to position Ford for success today and yet preparing to thrive in the future.”

Ford had signaled it expected significant job cuts in April 2018 when it announced a plan to phase out several small models in North America. At the same time, the company is ramping up investment in electric cars and autonomous driving technology.

General Motors has also undertaken job cuts over the last year for similar reasons.

Shares of Ford dipped 0.4 percent to $10.25 in early trading.


Ford to Cut 7,000 Jobs, 10% of Global Staff

Ford plans to cut 7,000 jobs, or 10 percent of its global workforce, as part of a reorganization as it revamps its vehicle offerings, the company said Monday.

The reorganization will involve some layoffs and reassignments and should be complete by the end of August, a Ford spokeswoman said. Ford has been phasing out most sedan models in the United States as more consumers have opted for pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles.

The move, which began last year, will lead to 800 layoffs in North America in total, including about 500 this week, said Ford spokeswoman Marisa Bradley.

The company has yet to determine the specifics in other regions, she said.

“As we have said, Ford is undergoing an organizational redesign process helping us create a more dynamic, agile and empowered workforce, while becoming more fit as a business,” Bradley said.

“We understand this is a challenging time for our team, but these steps are necessary to position Ford for success today and yet preparing to thrive in the future.”

Ford had signaled it expected significant job cuts in April 2018 when it announced a plan to phase out several small models in North America. At the same time, the company is ramping up investment in electric cars and autonomous driving technology.

General Motors has also undertaken job cuts over the last year for similar reasons.

Shares of Ford dipped 0.4 percent to $10.25 in early trading.


Геращенко: розпуск Верховної Ради неконституційний

«Звернула увагу – вже не слуга народу, а, навпаки, народ, кожен з народу несе відповідальність за ситуацію в країні»

У Києві вільно бродять і ведуть підривну діяльність ворожі кремлівські тв-пропагандони: Инна Осипова і Андрей Стеняхин

Ловіть Осипову

На вулицях Києва українці помітили пропагандистів з російського телеканалу “НТВ”. У мережі також опублікували фотографії, на яких видно, як представники російських ЗМІ безперешкодно ведуть репортажі з української столиці.

Ловіть Стеняхина

Під публікацією користувачі звернулися до правоохоронних органів з проханням адекватно відреагувати на дану інформацію. “Потрібно відловлювати!”, “У клітку, а потім обмінювати на українських полонених!” – пишуть деякі з них.

Також, 13 травня скандальний телеведучий і похвостич Януковича, Савік Шустер, який кілька днів тому припхався в Україну, чомусь вирішив, що він може давати поради українському народу!?!

Мережа Правди

У Києві вільно бродять і ведуть підривну діяльність ворожі кремлівські тв-пропагандони: Инна Осипова і Андрей Стеняхин

Ловіть Осипову

На вулицях Києва українці помітили пропагандистів з російського телеканалу “НТВ”. У мережі також опублікували фотографії, на яких видно, як представники російських ЗМІ безперешкодно ведуть репортажі з української столиці.

Ловіть Стеняхина

Під публікацією користувачі звернулися до правоохоронних органів з проханням адекватно відреагувати на дану інформацію. “Потрібно відловлювати!”, “У клітку, а потім обмінювати на українських полонених!” – пишуть деякі з них.

Також, 13 травня скандальний телеведучий і похвостич Януковича, Савік Шустер, який кілька днів тому припхався в Україну, чомусь вирішив, що він може давати поради українському народу!?!

Мережа Правди

Суд розгляне апеляцію на вирок Януковичу 13 червня

Київський апеляційний суд розгляне апеляцію на вирок колишньому президенту України Віктору Януковичу 13 червня. Про це свідчить розклад розгляду справ на сайті суду.

Засідання почнеться о 10:00.

Апеляцію розглядатиме колегія суддів у складі Юрія Трясуна, Сергія Новова, Івана Мосьондза, Олександра Журавля та Оксани Павленко.

24 січня Оболонський районний суд Києва визнав Януковича винуватим у державній зраді та пособництві у плануванні, підготовці, розв’язуванні та веденні агресивної війни і засудив його до 13 років ув’язнення. Водночас суд вважає екс-президента невинуватим у пособництві в посяганні на територіальну цілісність і недоторканність України. Прокуратура просила засудити Януковича до 15 років тюрми.

Янукович назвав незаконним вирок Оболонського районного суду Києва.

Вирок не набрав чинності, оскільки був оскаржений.

Янукович виїхав з України в лютому 2014 року після розстрілів на Майдані. Наразі президент-утікач переховується за кордоном. Янукович заперечував свою провину в інкримінованих йому злочинах.

Конституційних підстав для розпуску Ради немає, але ми йдемо на вибори – Ляшко

Голова парламентської фракції «Радикальної партії» Олег Ляшко заявив 20 травня, що конституційних підстав для розпуску Ради немає.

«Це чисто політичне рішення. Але ми йдемо на дострокові вибори, бо цього очікує суспільство. Однак щоб українці знову не були обмануті – треба негайно змінити виборчий закон, скасувавши мажоритарку як головне джерело політичної корупції», – написав Ляшко у Facebook, вказавши, що президент Зеленський на 21 травня запросив його як голову фракції на консультації про розпуск Верховної Ради.

Раніше 20 травня позафракційна депутат Верховної Ради Надія Савченко заявила про підтримку рішень президента України про розпуск парламенту.

Шостий президент України Володимир Зеленський наприкінці своєї інавгураційної промови заявив, що розпускає Верховну Раду.

«Я дуже прошу вас (депутатів парламенту – ред.) прийняти закон про скасування депутатської недоторканності, закон про кримінальну відповідальність за незаконне збагачення, багатостраждальний виборчий кодекс. І зробіть, будь ласка, відкриті виборчі списки. А також я прошу вас звільнити з посад голову Служби безпеки України, генерального прокурора України, міністра оборони України. І це далеко не все, що ви можете зробити, але для початку достатньо. У вас на це буде два місяці», – сказав Зеленський після вступу на посаду.

Він закликав Раду здобути «непогані бали на дострокові парламентські вибори».

«Я розпускаю Верховну Раду восьмого скликання», – заявив Зеленський.

Голова Верховної Ради України Андрій Парубій оголосив на засіданні парламенту 17 травня про припинення діяльності коаліції депутатських фракцій «Європейська Україна» та закликав представників усіх фракцій і груп почати консультації, оскільки протягом одного місяця від сьогодні має бути сформована нова коаліція.

Спікер оголосив про це після того, як голова фракції «Народний фронт» Максим Бурбак оголосив про вихід цієї сили з коаліції, сформованої в 2014 році.

За українським законодавством, після оголошення про припинення діяльності коаліції фракції можуть протягом 30 днів домовитися про створення нової. У разі якщо її не створять, президент може оголосити про розпуск парламенту і призначити дострокові вибори. Однак за півроку до припинення повноважень Верховної Ради розпускати парламент не можна.

Чергові вибори парламенту заплановані на 27 жовтня 2019 року.

Vietnam, EU Snub US on Trade

Vietnam and Europe could be swapping more pomelo fruit and Portuguese cheese soon if a new trade deal comes into effect, linking two regions that have been looking for an alternative to the trade tensions brought on by the United States.

The European Parliament is scheduled to discuss the trade deal on May 28, after years of negotiations between Vietnam and the European Union. The deal is significant not only because it facilitates exports, like tropical fruit, but also as it lays out commitments on human rights, labor unions, and protection of the environment. Critics, though, say the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement would not really enforce human rights standards and would continue the offshoring of jobs that has left workers vulnerable.

For the EU, the deal is one more way to access Asia’s fast-growing economies, set a model for trading with developing countries, and hold Vietnam’s one-party state accountable on its promise to level the business playing field. 

For Vietnam, it is a chance to call itself a country open for business, with many trade deals, as well as raise quality standards to those expected by European customers. 

“It includes a lot of commitments to improve the business environment in Vietnam,” Le Thanh Liem, standing vice chair of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee, said at a European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam event.

Vietnamese officials often say that it helps to have an external factor to get difficult internal reforms over the finish line. For example it might be hard to convince conservatives to allow workers to form their own labor unions. But if there is an outside incentive, such as greater trade with the EU, that could bring conservatives on board. 

Labor unions were one concern for Europeans. Another is the loss of blue-collar jobs to Asia, including to Vietnam. European workers worry that as they take gig jobs, like food delivery, in place of their old stable jobs, there is less of a safety net through long-term employers or through tax-funded government programs. And there is one more concern raised through the trade deal:“We have some concerns about human rights in Vietnam, but that has been discussed,” Eurocham chair Nicolas Audier said at the chamber event. 

​Amnesty International reported this month that the number of Vietnam’s political prisoners jumped to 128 from 97 last year, despite the fact that Hanoi says it does not jail people for political reasons.

Some question if the EU is applying consistent standards as it moves toward the trade deal with Vietnam, even while punishing nearby Myanmar and Cambodia for human rights abuses. Brussels is pulling back its Everything But Arms scheme of preferential trade access for the two other countries, based in part on Cambodia’s crackdown on opposition politicians in the 2018 election and on Buddhist-majority Myanmar’s mass killing of the mostly Muslim Rohingya.

But both Vietnam and the EU want more trade options because a major trading partner, the United States, is turning away from the world economy. Washington pulled out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal in 2017, removing a key reason that Hanoi signed the deal, which was to get Vietnamese textile and garment companies more access to U.S. customers. Europe was also hit when Washington slapped tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum in 2018, and now it is threatening more import duties on European cars. 

So the EU and Vietnam are still working on their trade deal, and it is reflected in Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s schedule. He paid a visit to EU member states Romania and the Czech Republic in April, then hosted a state visit from Romania in May. Lobbying for the deal continued as he welcomed the Swedish crown princess this month, and he will return the courtesy, with the next trip on his calendar planned for Stockholm. 

Trump Attacks Fox News in Latest Sign of Strain

President Donald Trump criticized Fox News again Sunday in the latest hint that he is souring on what has been his favorite and most faithful news outlet.

As part of a flurry of afternoon tweets, Trump took the conservative network to task for interviewing Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

“Hard to believe that @FoxNews is wasting airtime on Mayor Pete, as Chris Wallace likes to call him. Fox is moving more and more to the losing (wrong) side in covering the Dems,” Trump wrote, alluding to the Fox interviewer.

Trump added: “Chris Wallace said, ‘I actually think, whether you like his opinions or not, that Mayor Pete has a lot of substance…fascinating biography.’ Gee, he never speaks well of me.”

Trump again mocked Buttigieg, referring to him as Alfred E. Neuman, the goofy, gap-toothed cover boy with protruding ears of U.S. humor magazine Mad.

“Alfred E. Newman will never be president,” Trump wrote, using a more anglicized spelling of the name.

Sunday’s comments were Trump’s most forceful of late against Fox, until now the president’s preferred U.S. news outlet and the one that most often gets to interview him.

Another Trump interview was scheduled on the network for late Sunday.

Trump has been critical of Fox’s coverage of candidates in the crowded race for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2020 election that will pit one of them against Trump.

Last month, Trump took a swipe at Fox after it hosted a town hall meeting with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

“So weird to watch Crazy Bernie on @Fox News,” Trump tweeted.

Trump said the audience “was so smiley and nice. Very strange,” and alleged that it had been packed with Sanders supporters.

The president’s ties with the most Trump-friendly U.S. television network have hit a rough patch since the departure from his administration of two former big names at Fox.

These are Bill Shine, a former Fox News executive who served for nine months as White House communications director — Trump’s fifth — and former Fox news anchor Heather Nauert, who was spokeswoman at the State Department.

Nauert had been promoted to a senior State post and then considered for a while as a potential candidate to replace Nikki Haley as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.


As States Pass Restrictive Abortion Laws, Questions Surface

As multiple states pass laws banning many abortions, questions have surfaced about what exactly that means for women who might seek an abortion. The short answer: nothing yet.

Governors in Kentucky , Mississippi , Ohio and Georgia have recently approved bans on abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can happen in the sixth week of pregnancy, before many women know they’re pregnant, and Alabama’s governor signed a measure making the procedure a felony in nearly all cases. Missouri lawmakers passed an eight-week ban Friday. Other states, including Louisiana , are considering similarly restrictive laws.

None of the laws has actually taken effect, and all will almost definitely be blocked while legal challenges play out.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Roe v. Wade said a woman has the right to choose whether to have an abortion. Supporters of the the new laws acknowledge that that they will initially be blocked, but they welcome the challenges. They’ve made it clear that their ultimate goal is to get the nation’s highest court to reconsider its 1973 ruling now that the balance seems tipped in their favor.

Can women still get abortions in states where these laws have passed?

Yes. Abortion remains legal nationwide.

Abortion providers say that with all the coverage of the new laws, they’ve been getting calls from patients and potential patients who are confused about whether the procedure is still available.

Although abortion is still legal everywhere, lawmakers in some states have passed less-restrictive measures that make accessing the procedure more difficult. That has resulted in six states having only a single abortion provider, while others have only two or three, according to the Guttmacher Institute, an abortion rights research group.

Who’s challenging these laws and where do those challenges stand/

Opponents of the laws are filing lawsuits and fully expect the measures won’t be allowed to take effect while the court challenges are pending.

A court blocked Kentucky’s law from taking effect after the American Civil Liberties Union sued, and that case is ongoing.

The ACLU and Planned Parenthood on Wednesday challenged Ohio’s law, and they expect a court to keep it from entering effect as scheduled in July.

Mississippi’s law also is set to take effect in July, but it has been challenged by the Center for Reproductive Rights.

Alabama’s law would become enforceable in six months and Georgia’s would take effect Jan. 1, but the ACLU plans to challenge both of those laws.

Why is Alabama’s law getting so much attention?

Alabama’s law goes farther than the others. It makes abortion a felony in nearly all cases and includes no exceptions for cases of rape or incest. The only exception is when the pregnant woman’s health is at serious risk.

Republican state Rep. Terri Collins, who sponsored the bill, said adding any exceptions could harm the goal of creating a legal case that embryos and fetuses are people with rights of personhood.

Another GOP lawmaker, Rep. Clyde Chambliss, said the bill was not about privacy, which is the legal foundation for Roe, but rather “the right of an unborn child to live.”

How does Georgia’s law conferring personhood on a fetus work?

The law says, “It shall be the policy of the State of Georgia to recognize unborn children as natural persons.”

That caused some speculation that the law would allow women to be charged with murder if they get an abortion. Although a prosecutor could interpret the law that way, University of Georgia law professor emeritus Ron Carlson said he believes a woman “cannot be successfully prosecuted” under the law, which seems primarily to target abortion providers.

Elizabeth Nash with the Guttmacher Institute said some states have tried to enact fetal personhood measures by ballot initiatives in the past, but those have failed.

That’s partly because it could have such broad implications, including access to fertility treatments, inheritance rights and taxation, she said.

“There are a lot of consequences that we don’t know yet,” she said.

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Купити електричний Smart Fortwo Coupe Lava Orange Metallic 2017 року!

2017 Smart Fortwo Orange

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Стан: майже новий
Пробіг: 950 миль
Трансмісія: Автомат
Модель: 2-х дверне Coupe
Двигун: Електричний
Колір кузова: Lava Orange Metallic
Колір салона: Чорний і Помаранчевий
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Ваша реклама в мережі КУПУЙ!

Trump Denies Plans to Fly Migrants From Border to Florida

President Donald Trump on Sunday denied reports that hundreds of migrants would be flown from the Mexican border to Florida and other areas in the U.S. interior to lessen the workload at crowded Border Patrol facilities.

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan, also on Sunday, acknowledged that federal officials did initially alert local leaders of the possibility that migrants would be flown to two South Florida counties. But Trump appeared to blame the media for “false reporting.”

“There are no plans to send migrants to northern or Coastal Border facilities, including Florida,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “…Our country is FULL, will not, and cannot, take you in!”

The office of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also said Sunday that Trump told him he didn’t approve and wouldn’t authorize to fly the immigrants.

The governor’ spokeswoman Helen Ferre said DeSantis spoke with Trump on Saturday, two days after local officials reacted with alarm to a U.S. Border Patrol notification that 1,000 migrants could be sent on a weekly basis to Palm Beach and Broward counties, starting in about two weeks.

After the plan was attacked by local leaders last week, federal officials initially said the flights were only being considered and nothing was happening immediately.

On Sunday, McAleenan said that Florida and other cities in the interior were no longer in consideration. He appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and said the plan “wasn’t going to be an effective use of government resources.”

“We looked at it from a planning perspective. We do have stations in Florida … they are very small stations, they have a few agents that are busy patrolling their areas,” he said. He added that the decision to take the sectors of Miami, Detroit and Buffalo off the table was made Saturday by John Sanders, acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The agency’s Miami sector includes all South Florida.

“We had to look at all options,” he said.

The government has run out of space to process migrants who have been arriving at the Texas border. McAleenan said there are currently 16,000 people in custody at Border Patrol stations and ports of entry. The government began flying hundreds of migrants from Texas to San Diego, to distribute the workload at Border Patrol facilities more evenly.

Once migrants are processed, they are released and given a court date in a city where they plan to reside, often with family members, which could be anywhere in the U.S.

DeSantis apparently had been caught off guard and said such flights would amount to “dumping” migrants on Florida. He appeared upset that Florida was even a consideration, especially after he recently signed a bill banning sanctuary cities and pledging to help federal immigration authorities.

Trump and DeSantis are close. The president endorsed DeSantis, which propelled him from underdog to winner in last year’s governor’s race.

Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, one of the first officials to publicly denounce the plan, suggested in an audio message shared via Twitter on Saturday that that the quick reactions with alarm from local officials and federal lawmakers who represent Florida made federal officials change their mind.

“Because of everybody’s efforts, we were able to stop what it appeared to be a crisis for our communities.”



Президент звільнив голову адміністрації й інших посадовців

Президент України Петро Порошенко продовжив звільняти з посад представників своєї адміністрації напередодні передачі влади.

Останніми наразі указами він звільнив із займаних посад голову своєї адміністрації Ігоря Райніна і його заступника Сергія Марченка.

Також Євген Марчук увільнений від виконання обов’язків представляти Україну у Тристоронній контактній групі з мирного врегулювання ситуації в Донецькій і Луганській областях.

На цьогорічних президентських виборах виграв комік Володимир Зеленський. Він має перебрати посаду президента 20 травня.

Порошенко виступив зі зверненням до українців і майбутньої влади

«Демократію ми зберегли навіть в умовах російської агресії»