Key US Senator: Trump Firing of Mueller Could Provoke ‘Constitutional Crisis’

The top Democrat on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, responding to escalating Republican attacks on special counsel Robert Mueller, said  Wednesday that if President Donald Trump fired Mueller, the action would have “the potential to provoke a constitutional crisis.”

WATCH: Virginia’s Warner on Potential Constitutional Crisis

Speaking on the Senate floor, Virginia Senator Mark Warner denounced attacks on Mueller’s impartiality and said the special counsel’s investigation of ties between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia must be “able to go on unimpeded.”

Russia denies that it meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and Trump has denied any collusion.

While Trump’s political allies have increased their criticism of Mueller, the president said Sunday that he was not considering firing him.

Republican lawmakers have seized on anti-Trump texts by a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent who was involved in the Russia investigation as evidence of bias in Mueller’s team.

Mueller removed the agent from his team after the texts came to light.

Republicans on several House of Representatives committees also have announced their own probes into long-standing political grievances, including the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.

“Over the last several weeks, a growing chorus of irresponsible voices have called for President Trump to shut down special counsel Mueller’s investigation,” said Warner, who is vice chairman of the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee.

“Firing Mr. Mueller or any other of the top brass involved in this investigation would not only call into question this administration’s commitment to the truth, but also to our most basic concept of rule of law,” Warner said. “It also has the potential to provoke a constitutional crisis.”

“In the United States of America, no one, no one is above the law, not even the president,” the senator said.

WATCH: Warner on Consequences of Mueller Removal

“Congress must make clear to the president that firing the special counsel or interfering with his investigation by issuing pardons of essential witnesses is unacceptable and would have immediate and significant consequences.”

Мінфін вітає рішення суду Лондона про всесвітній арешт активів екс-власників «Приватбанку»

Міністерство фінансів України привітало наказ Лондонського суду щодо всесвітнього арешту активів колишніх власників «Приватбанку» Ігоря Коломойського і Геннадія Боголюбова, та шістьох компаній, які їм, ймовірно, належать або перебувають під їхнім контролем.

«Ми вітаємо це позитивне рішення Англійського суду. На сьогодні держава фактично витратила майже 140 мільярдів гривень на докапіталізацію «Приватбанку» через те, що раніше з нього були виведені гроші, або надані недостатньо забезпечені кредити, які ніхто не повертає», – цитує прес-служба Мінфіну слова міністра Олександра Данилюка.

Раніше сьогодні прес-служба «Приватбанку» повідомила, що Високий суд Англії 19 грудня видав наказ про всесвітній арешт активів Ігоря Коломойського і Геннадія Боголюбова, а також шести компаній, які, ймовірно, їм належать на суму понад 2,5 мільярда доларів. За повідомленням, суд ухвалив рішення за позовом «Приватбанку» проти своїх колишніх власників і керівників – Коломойського і Боголюбова.


Суд Англії видав наказ про всесвітній арешт активів Коломойського і Боголюбова

За повідомленням, суд ухвалив рішення 19 грудня за позовом «Приватбанку» проти своїх колишніх власників і керівників – Коломойського і Боголюбова.

У МЗС Білорусі пояснили, чому голосували проти резолюції щодо Криму

У Міністерстві закордонних справ Білорусі заявили, що голосували проти запропонованої Україною оновленої резолюції про ситуацію з правами людини в анексованому Росією Криму, бо «завжди» голосують проти будь-яких резолюцій країн.

«Це наша принципова позиція. Ми на власному досвіді знаємо, що таке спроби штучної політизації, роздування проблем, яких в реальності немає в суспільстві і державі. Більш того, ми вважаємо, що Генеральна асамблея ООН – не місце для обговорення і прийняття подібних документів країн», – заявив речник МЗС Білорусі Андрій Шупляк, повідомляє сайті відомства.

Він наголосив, що голосування Білорусі проти таких резолюцій не є свідченням бездушності Мінська до занепокоєння ініціаторів. «Наше голосування проти цього інструменту – спроба привернути увагу до його не тільки неефективності, але до його руйнівності. Без наполегливого пошуку шляхів і можливостей до зближення позицій, за рамками обвинувальних резолюцій, вирішення наявних проблем не знайти», – заявив Шупляк.

19 грудня Генеральна асамблея ООН у Нью-Йорку ухвалила нову резолюцію щодо ситуації з дотриманням прав людини в анексованому Росією Криму. За проголосували представники 70 держав, 26 виступили проти, 76 – утрималися. Проти резолюції, зокрема, виступили Росія, Білорусь, Вірменія, Китай, Сирія, Зімбабве.

Як повідомляли в представництві України в ООН, проект резолюції передбачає, зокрема, підтвердження, що між Україною і Росією існує міжнародний збройний конфлікт; засуджує застосування Росією власних законів на окупованій території, а також примусове переведення громадян України в російське громадянство; вимагає від Росії виконати проміжне рішення Міжнародного суду ООН із відновлення прав і свобод громадян України на півострові; закликає російську окупаційну владу забезпечити освітній процес українською і кримськотатарською мовами.

Також проект засуджує відсутність доступу до Криму для Моніторингової місії ООН з прав людини в Україні, попри відповідний мандат, та відзначає позитивні рішення України в контексті спрощення процедур для безперешкодного доступу до Криму журналістів і правозахисників.


Голова СММ ОБСЄ закликав до стриманості через загострення на Донбасі

Голова Спеціальної моніторингової місії ОБСЄ в Україні Ертугрул Апакан закликав до стриманості та повного дотримання режиму припинення вогню з огляду на погіршення безпекової ситуації на сході України.

«Ми із занепокоєнням відзначаємо різке погіршення безпекової ситуації. Кількість порушень режиму припинення вогню досягла рівня, якого ми не фіксували з лютого цього року», – цитує слова Апакана сайт СММ ОБСЄ.

Згідно з повідомленням, за період з 11 до 17 грудня, СММ ОБСЄ зафіксувала майже 16 тисяч порушень припинення вогню або 35-відсоткове збільшення, якщо порівнювати з попереднім тижнем.

«Нормалізація ситуації, коли цивільне населення зможе повернутися до звичного повсякденного життя без страху потрапити під обстріл або натрапити на міни – це перший крок на шляху до довготривалого і стійкого миру», – додав Апакан.

З минулого тижня на Донбасі українські військові фіксують посилення збройної активності підтримуваних Росією бойовиків. Особливе загострення ситуації відбулося 18 грудня, коли, за даними ЗСУ, бойовики з реактивних систем залпового вогню обстріляли селище Новолуганське. Внаслідок цього були поранені восьмеро цивільних жителів, пошкоджені десятки будинків, лінії електропередач і частково газогін. Бойовики у відповідь звинуватили українських військових у обстрілах.

Крім того, 18 грудня у МЗС Росії заявили, що Москва припиняє роботу свого представництва у СЦКК, і російські офіцери залишать Україну 19 грудня через «напружену морально-психологічну ситуацію» і «зневажливе ставлення українських військовослужбовців». Спеціальний представник Державного департаменту США у справах України Курт Волкер заявив, що Росія зробила це якраз перед загостренням ситуації на сході України.

19 грудня у Генштабі Збройних сил України повідомили Радіо Свобода, що українські військові, які входять до складу Спільного центру контролю й координації режиму припинення вогню на Донбасі, також залишили непідконтрольні урядові території. Водночас, за повідомленням, українська сторона продовжуватиме здійснювати моніторинг і координацію режиму припинення вогню у взаємодії зі спеціальною моніторинговою місією ОБСЄ на Донбасі.

Trump, Congressional Republicans Close to Tax Bill Victory

A sweeping overhaul of the U.S. federal tax code is on its way to becoming law. When it does it will be President Donald Trump’s first major legislative victory. VOA’s Congressional reporter Katherine Gypson has more from Capitol Hill on the deeply divided partisan vote that will have a far-reaching impact on the U.S. and world economies.

У Мінську відбудеться останнє цьогоріч засідання ТКГ з врегулювання ситуації на Донбасі

У столиці Білорусі Мінську сьогодні відбудеться останнє з планованих у цьому році засідань Тристоронньої контактної групи з врегулювання ситуації на Донбасі. Очікується, що традиційно перед засіданням ТКГ зберуться чотири її профільні підгрупи з різних питань.

Українська сторона заявила, що серед іншого, планує обговорити сьогодні у Мінську питання припинення вогню на всій лінії зіткнення на період свят і зимових канікул. Представники бойовиків на сепаратистських сайтах пишуть про намір порушити питання про відновлення роботи російських офіцерів у складі Спільного центру контролю й координації режиму припинення вогню на Донбасі.

Черговий режим припинення вогню, про який заявила 23 серпня Тристороння контактна група, мав почати діяти з 25 серпня, напередодні початку шкільного року, і стати постійним. Про перші його порушення сторони заявили вже через кілька хвилин після настання часу перемир’я.

Конфлікт на Донбасі триває від квітня 2014 року. Росія неодноразово заперечувала участь своїх військових у конфлікті, про що заявляють Україна і Захід. Москва ж визнає лише присутність російських «добровольців» на Донбасі.


Двоє військових загинули і шестеро постраждали минулої доби на Донбасі – штаб АТО

Через обстріли підтримуваних Росією бойовиків на Донбасі минулої доби двоє українських військових загинули, п’ятеро були поранені та ще один боєць зазнав бойової травми. Як йдеться в повідомленні прес-центру штабу АТО на сторінці у Facebook, всього напередодні бойовики стріляли 32 рази.

Згідно з повідомленням, обстріли оборонних укріплень сил АТО велись на підступах до Травневого, Станиці Луганської, Новотроїцького, Лебединського, шахти Бутівка, Гнутова, Верхньоторецького та Старогнатівки.

«У більш ніж половині випадків українські військовослужбовці придушували вогневу активність окупантів», – йдеться в повідомленні штабу АТО.

Сайти бойовиків звинувачують українську сторону в обстрілах і збройних провокаціях. В угрупованні «ДНР» заявили, що українські військові обстріляли у вівторок північну частину Донецька. На сепаратистських сайтах угруповання «ЛНР» заявляють про 7 порушень режиму припинення вогню з боку ЗСУ.

Черговий режим припинення вогню, про який заявила 23 серпня Тристороння контактна група, мав почати діяти з 25 серпня, напередодні початку шкільного року, і стати постійним. Про перші його порушення сторони заявили вже через кілька хвилин після настання часу перемир’я.

Displaced by Mining, Peru Villagers Spurn Shiny New Town

This remote town in Peru’s southern Andes was supposed to serve as a model for how companies can help communities uprooted by mining.

Named Nueva Fuerabamba, it was built to house around 1,600 people who gave up their village and farmland to make room for a massive, open-pit copper mine.

The new hamlet boasts paved streets and tidy houses with electricity and indoor plumbing, once luxuries to the indigenous Quechua-speaking people who now call this place home.

The mine’s operator, MMG Ltd, the Melbourne-based unit of state-owned China Minmetals Corp, threw in jobs and enough cash so that some villagers no longer work.

But the high-profile deal has not brought the harmony sought by villagers or MMG, a testament to the difficulty in averting mining disputes in this mineral-rich nation.

Resource battles are common in Latin America, but tensions are particularly high in Peru, the world’s No. 2 producer of copper, zinc and silver. Peasant farmers have revolted against an industry that many see as damaging their land and livelihoods while denying them a fair share of the wealth.

Peru is home to 167 social conflicts, most related to mining, according to the national ombudsman’s office, whose mission includes defusing hostilities.

Nueva Fuerabamba was the centerpiece of one of the most generous mining settlements ever negotiated in Peru. But three years after moving in, many transplants are struggling amid their suburban-style conveniences, Reuters interviews with two dozen residents showed.

Many miss their old lives growing potatoes and raising livestock. Some have squandered their cash settlements. Idleness and isolation have dulled the spirits of a people whose ancestors were feared cattle rustlers.

“It is like we are trapped in a jail, in a cage where little animals are kept,” said Cipriano Lima, 43, a former farmer.

Meanwhile, the mine, known as Las Bambas, has remained a magnet for discontent. Clashes between demonstrators and authorities in 2015 and 2016 left four area men dead.

Nueva Fuerabamba residents have blocked copper transport roads to press for more financial help from MMG.

The company acknowledged the transition has been difficult for some villagers, but said most have benefited from improved housing, healthcare and education.

“Nueva Fuerabamba has experienced significant positive change,” Troy Hey, MMG’s executive general manager of stakeholder relations, said in an email to Reuters. MMG said it spent “hundreds of millions” on the relocation effort.

Mining is the driver of Peru’s economy, which has averaged 5.5 percent annual growth over the past decade. Still, pitched conflicts have derailed billions of dollars worth of investment in recent years, including projects by Newmont Mining and Southern Copper.

To defuse opposition, President Pablo Kuczynski has vowed to boost social services in rural highland areas, where nearly half of residents live in poverty.

But moving from conflict to cooperation is not easy after centuries of mistrust. Relocations are particularly fraught, according to Camilo Leon, a mining resettlement specialist at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.

Subsistence farmers have struggled to adapt to the loss of their traditions and the “very urban, very organized” layout of planned towns, Leon said.

“It is generally a shock for rural communities,” Leon said.

At least six proposed mines have required relocations in Peru in the past decade, Leon said. Later this month, Peru will tender a $2-billion copper project, Michiquillay, which would require moving yet another village.

‘Everything is Money’

MMG inherited the Nueva Fuerabamba project when it bought Las Bambas from Switzerland’s Glencore Plc in 2014 for $7 billion.

Under terms of a deal struck in 2009 and reviewed by Reuters, villagers voted to trade their existing homes and farmland for houses in a new community. Heads of each household, about 500 in all, were promised mining jobs. University scholarships would be given to their children. Residents were to receive new land for farming and grazing, albeit in a parcel four hours away by car.

Cash was an added sweetener. Villagers say each household got 400,000 soles ($120,000), which amounts to a lifetime’s earnings for a minimum-wage worker in Peru.

MMG declined to confirm the payments, saying its agreements are confidential.

Built into a hillside 15 miles from the Las Bambas mine, Nueva Fuerabamba was the product of extensive community input, MMG said. Amenities include a hospital, soccer fields and a cement bull ring for festivals.

But some residents say the deal has not been the windfall they hoped. Their new two-and-three story houses, made of drywall, are drafty and appear flimsy compared to their old thatched-roof adobe cottages heated by wood-fired stoves, some said.

Many no longer plant crops or tend livestock because their replacement plots are too far away. Jobs provided by MMG mostly involve maintaining the town because most residents lack the skills to work in a modern mine.

Many villagers spent their settlements unwisely, said community president Alfonso Vargas. “Some invested in businesses but others did not. They went drinking,” he said.

Now basics like water, food and fuel – once wrested from the land – must be paid for.

“Everything is money,” Margot Portilla, 20, said as she cooked rice on a gas stove in her sister-in-law’s bright-yellow home. “Before we could make a fire for cooking with cow dung. Now we have to buy gas.”

Ghost Town

Some residents said they have benefited from the move.

The new town is cleaner than the old village, said Betsabe Mendoza, 25. She invested her settlement in a metalworking business in a bigger town.

Portilla, the young mom, says her younger sisters are getting a better education than she did.

Still, the streets of Nueva Fuerabamba were virtually deserted on a recent weekday. Vargas, the community leader, said many residents have returned to the countryside or sought work elsewhere.

Alcoholism, fueled by idle time and settlement money, is on the rise, he said.

Some villagers have committed suicide. Over the 12 months through July, four residents killed themselves by taking farming chemicals, according to the provincial district attorney’s office. It could not provide data on suicides in the old village of Fuerabamba.

MMG, citing an “independent” study done prior to the relocation, said the community previously suffered from high rates of domestic violence, alcoholism, illiteracy and poverty.

While the company considers the new town a success, it acknowledged the transition has not been easy for all.

“Connection to land, livelihood restoration and simple adaptation to new living conditions remain a challenge,” MMG said.

Nueva Fuerabamba residents continue pressuring the company for additional assistance. Demands include more jobs and deeds to their houses, which have yet to be delivered because of bureaucratic delays, said Godofredo Huamani, the community’s lawyer.

MMG said it stays apace of community needs through town hall meetings and has representatives on hand to field complaints.

While villagers fret about the future, many cling to the past. Flora Huamani, 39, a mother of four girls, recalled how women used to get together to weave wool from their own sheep into the embroidered black dresses they wear.

“Those were our traditions,” said Huamani from a bench in her walled front yard. “Now our tradition is meeting after meeting after meeting” to discuss the community’s problems.

Mexico Sends Accused Cartel Drug Trafficker to US for Trial

Mexico has sent one of the top alleged traffickers for the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel to the U.S. to face charges.

Victor Manuel Felix appeared before a federal judge in San Diego on Tuesday, a day after he arrived in California.

Felix was arrested in October in Mexico City.

He is accused of coordinating shipments of tons of cocaine and laundering millions of dollars for the cartel.

An indictment says the case involves an undercover U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent who infiltrated the cartel that moved tons of drugs to the U.S. and hundreds of millions of dollars in bulk currency.

Some of the money was deposited into a San Diego bank account held secretly by the DEA.

The U.S. had requested Felix’ extradition.

The Year of #MeToo: A Scoop, a Tweet, and a Reckoning

It began with a news story, and then a tweet, and suddenly it seemed like everything had changed overnight. 2017 will forever be known as the Year of the Reckoning.

Or, more precisely, the year of the beginning of the reckoning. Because at year’s end, the phenomenon of powerful men being knocked off their perches by allegations of sexual misconduct — in Hollywood, on morning television, in chic restaurant kitchens, in the U.S. Senate — showed no signs of slowing. Each morning, we awoke to ask: “Who’s next?”

To that question, we should also add, “What next?” Because as the year drew to a close, many were also wondering just how deep and lasting the change would prove, going forward. Was this, indeed, the cultural earthquake many have called it? Or was there a chance it might all eventually slip away?

“We can’t be sure,” says Gloria Steinem. “But what I CAN be sure of is that this is the first time I’ve seen women being believed.” And that, says the feminist author, “is profoundly different.”

Whatever forces had been stirring under the surface, it all burst into the open with an October scoop in the New York Times, a story alleging shocking misconduct by Harvey Weinstein. The powerful producer’s misbehavior had long been the subject of whispers, but it was actress Ashley Judd who finally gave a well-known name to the allegations — a crucial launching point for what followed. Her account of a hotel-room encounter in which Weinstein asked her to give him a massage or watch him shower sounded familiar to many others, who were inspired in the ensuing days to come forward with their own allegations against Weinstein, from harassment to assault to rape. To date, some 80 women have come forward; Weinstein still denies all nonconsensual sex.

Then came the tweet heard round the world.

“If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote ‘Me too’ as a status,” actress/activist Alyssa Milano tweeted on Oct. 15, “we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.” Then she went to bed. 

“I couldn’t have been in bed more than eight hours, because I’m a mom,” Milano says now. When she awoke, tens of thousands had taken up the #MeToo hashtag (a phrase introduced 10 years ago by social activist Tarana Burke). Less than 10 days later, Milano tweeted that more than 1.7 million people in 85 countries had used the hashtag.

“The thing that was so surprising was the sheer magnitude and the quickness of how it happened,” Milano says. But she feels conditions had been ripe for a good year.

It began, she says, with the election of President Donald Trump, who had bragged openly about groping women. On top of that came some aggressive investigative reporting — she cites Ronan Farrow in The New Yorker — and the domino effect of women emboldening each other to come forward. Public fascination with anything Hollywood didn’t hurt either. “For this to have taken off the way it did, it had to be a perfect storm and we had to be ready,” she says.

Even before #MeToo happened, and just a few days after the Weinstein story broke, Anita Hill was sure something significant was happening. “I think we need something to push the needle and I think this has done it,” says Hill, a symbol of the fight against sexual harassment ever since her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. Still, she notes, it was a lot easier for Hollywood stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie to speak out than it was for ordinary women experiencing harassment from their bosses.

But Hill, who for years has been living a quiet academic life at Brandeis University, stressed that the next step has to be more than just conversation: “We now have to start putting into place measures at schools and workplaces and the military … about how people should be treated, and we have to enforce them.” Hill has just been named to a new commission on sexual harassment in the entertainment industry.

As the weeks went on, the accusers multiplied, and so did the accused, from Hollywood (Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K., Brett Ratner, Dustin Hoffman) to the news business (top morning hosts Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer) to the music world (Russell Simmons) to politics (Sen. Al Franken, Alabama candidate Roy Moore) to the food world (Mario Batali).

The accused lost jobs, TV shows, book deals, a Senate seat — with dizzying speed (Spacey was even erased from a completed movie). Some simply apologized, while others fought back — like Simmons, with his hashtag #NotMe. Some apologies were more effective than others. Spacey drew flak for deciding to come out as gay as he apologized for unwanted sexual advances; Batali was scorned for appending to his email-blast apology a recipe for Pizza Dough Cinnamon Rolls.

A few voices called for differentiating between levels of sexual misconduct. It didn’t always go over well. When Matt Damon said “I just think we have to start delineating between what these behaviors are,” Milano replied on Twitter that there are various stages of cancer, “but it’s still cancer.”

Not to be forgotten were the accusers who decided not to come forward with their names, many out of fear of retaliation. Attorney Gloria Allred, who held news conferences with some Weinstein accusers, said there were many more she’d spoken to who have not yet gone public.

And what about the alleged abusers we’ve never heard of, because they’re not famous? “There have been stunning accounts of farm workers harassed in the field, factory workers on lines, restaurant workers,” says law professor Catharine MacKinnon, who decades ago pioneered the legal claim that sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. “They don’t have the high-profile man … but I’m telling you, to the women he does it to, he’s plenty big.” 

Still, says MacKinnon, of the University of Michigan and Harvard law schools, “any time any victim is believed, it’s a miracle.” And that’s why the events of late 2017 have been unprecedented. “It’s amazing to me that people are being believed and listened to and responded to, and their accounts being acted on,” she says. “That’s never happened before in the history of the world.”

And to those who might still doubt there is tangible change, MacKinnon points out the remarkable sight of “white upper-class men deserting white upper-class men, in droves. We’ve never seen that before, ever. They feel they can no longer afford to be associated with this. THIS is cultural change. THIS is real social change.”

US Sees Foreign Reliance on ‘Critical’ Minerals as Security Concern

The United States needs to encourage domestic production of a handful of minerals critical for the technology and defense industries, and stem reliance on China, U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said Tuesday.

Zinke made the remarks at the Interior Department as he unveiled a report by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), which detailed the extent to which the United States is dependent upon foreign competitors for its supply of certain minerals.

The report identified 23 out of 88 minerals that are priorities for U.S. national defense and the economy because they are components in products ranging from batteries to military equipment.

The report found that the United States was 100 percent net import reliant on 20 mineral commodities in 2016, including manganese, niobium, tantalum and others. In 1954, the U.S. was 100 percent import reliant for the supply of just eight nonfuel mineral commodities.

“We have the minerals here and likely we have enough to provide our needs and be a world trader in them, but we have to go forward and identify where they are at,” Zinke told reporters at an Interior Department briefing.

He also blamed previous administrations for allowing foreign competitors like China to dominate mineral production for minerals, such as rare earth elements, used in smartphones, computers and military equipment.

Zinke said the report is likely to shape Interior Department policy-making in 2018, as the agency looks to carry out its “Energy Dominance” strategy, expanding mining and resource extraction on federal lands.

The survey is the first update of a 1973 USGS report that catalogued the production of minerals worldwide. The update was started under the Obama administration in 2013.

Many of the commodities that are covered in the new volume were of minor importance when the original survey was done, since it pre-dated the global electronics boom.

The USGS and Interior Department said the report is meant to be used by national security experts, economists, private companies, the World Bank and resource managers.

It does not offer policy recommendations, but Zinke will rely on the findings as he prioritizes research into certain mineral deposit areas on federal land and plans policies to promote mining.

“We do expect that to lead to policy changes. The USGS is not involved in policy, but I suspect you will see some policy changes,” said Larry Meinert, lead author of the report.

Greek Lawmakers Approve 2018 Budget Featuring More Austerity

Greece’s parliament on Tuesday approved the 2018 state budget, which includes further austerity measures beyond the official end of the country’s third international bailout next summer. 


All 153 lawmakers from the left-led governing coalition backed the budget measures in a late vote, while the 144 opposition lawmakers present rejected them. Three were absent from the vote.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras promised that the country would smoothly exit the eight-year crisis that has seen its economy shrink by a quarter and unemployment hit highs previously unseen during peacetime.

Tsipras argued that international money markets — on whose credit Greece will have to depend once its rescue loan program ends — are showing strong confidence in the country’s prospects, with the yield on Greek government bonds dropping to a pre-crisis low of less than 4 percent.

“The way to exit [the crisis] is for our borrowing costs to return to acceptable levels so the country can finance itself without the restrictive bailout framework,” Tsipras said.

The budget promises Greece’s international lenders continued belt-tightening measures and high primary budget surpluses — the budget balance before debt and interest payments are taken into account.

It sets the primary surplus at 2.44 percent for 2017 and 3.82 percent for 2018, higher than previously estimated. The economy is forecast to grow by 1.6 percent in 2017 and 2.5 percent next year, helped by a return to growth across Europe.

Debt to hold steady

With the Greek economy worth around 185 billion euros ($271 billion) in 2018, the national debt will remain at just under 180 percent of annual GDP, roughly unchanged from the previous year.

Greeks will see new tax hikes and pension cuts over the next two years. Bailout lenders had demanded additional guarantees the Greek economy will be stabilized before considering measures to improve the country’s debt repayment terms.

Opposition parties have criticized the budget, saying it will prolong the pain for Greeks. The main opposition conservative New Democracy party said the budget was “bleeding dry” the Greek people with 1.9 billion euros’ worth of new austerity measures.

Greece’s latest international bailout officially ends in August, more than eight years after the country began receiving emergency loans from the other European Union countries that use the euro currency, as well as from the International Monetary Fund.

In return for the funds, successive governments have had to impose repeated rounds of tax hikes and spending cuts, as well as structural changes aimed at reforming the country’s moribund economy and making it more competitive.

Tsipras first was elected in 2015 on promises to quickly end the painful austerity. But negotiations with bailout creditors soon went awry and, threatened with a disastrous euro exit, he signed on to more income cuts, increased taxation and further spending cuts.

His governing Syriza party is trailing New Democracy in the polls. But Tsipras insisted Tuesday that the government would see out its mandate, which ends in 2019.

Велика Британія закликала країни світу підтримати резолюцію ООН щодо окупованого Росією Криму

Британське міністерство у закордонних справах і справах Співдружності звернулося до міжнародного співтовариства із закликом підтримати резолюцію ООН щодо порушення Росією прав людини в окупованому нею Криму.

«Росія продовжує незаконну окупацію Криму і порушення прав людини на півострові. Ми закликаємо міжнародне співтовариство діяти та підтримати сьогоднішню резолюцію ООН», – заявляє зовнішньополітичне відомство Великої Британії.

Генеральна асамблея ООН розгляне 19 грудня український проект резолюції про стан прав людини в анексованому Росією Криму, повідомляє Представництво України в ООН.

Згідно з повідомленням, проект резолюції передбачає, зокрема, підтвердження, що між Україною і Росією існує міжнародний збройний конфлікт; засуджує ретроактивне застосування Росією власних законів на окупованій території, а також примусове переведення громадян України в російське громадянство; вимагає від Росії виконати проміжне рішення Міжнародного суду ООН із відновлення прав і свобод громадян України на півострові; закликає російську окупаційну владу забезпечити освітній процес українською і кримськотатарською мовами.

Також проект засуджує відсутність доступу до Криму для Моніторингової місії ООН з прав людини в Україні, попри відповідний мандат, та відзначає позитивні рішення України в контексті спрощення процедур для безперешкодного доступу до Криму журналістів і правозахисників.

У документі також міститься прохання до генсекретаря ООН скоординувати дії структур ООН з метою забезпечення імплементації положень цієї резолюції.

У Нью-Йорку 14 листопада, на засіданні Третього комітету Генеральної Асамблеї ООН, був ухвалений оновлений проект резолюції з прав людини в анексованому Криму.

Президент України Петро Порошенко привітав рішення цього комітету, назвавши його сигналом російській владі з міжнародної солідарності щодо деокупації Криму.

Російський глава Криму Сергій Аксьонов назвав проект резолюції щодо Криму «зброєю в гібридній війні проти Росії».

Міжнародні організації визнали окупацію і анексію Криму незаконними і засудили дії Росії. Країни Заходу запровадили низку економічних санкцій. Росія заперечує окупацію півострова і називає це «відновленням історичної справедливості». Верховна Рада України офіційно оголосила датою початку тимчасової окупації Криму і Севастополя Росією 20 лютого 2014 року.

Суд у Києві переніс розгляд апеляції захисту соратника Саакашвілі

Апеляційний суд Києва через відсутність документів переніс розгляд апеляційної скарги захисників керівника Київського обласного відділення очолюваної Міхеїлом Саакашвілі партії «Рух нових сил» Северіона Дангадзе на 28 грудня. Про це повідомляє прес-служба політичної сили.

«Ми неодноразово зверталися в Печерський районний суд, щоб отримати повний текст рішення і доповнити нашу скаргу. Вона (суддя у справі – ред.) поставила у незручне становище Апеляційний суд, тому що у нього немає матеріалів справи», – зазначив адвокат Роман Кругляк.

Печерський районний суд Києва 6 грудня арештував соратника екс-президента Грузії Міхеїла Саакашвілі Северіона Дангадзе на 60 діб без права внесення застави. Як пояснила речниця генерального прокурора України Лариса Сарган, стаття про «посягання на територіальну цілісність і недоторканність України» не передбачає альтернативи застави.

5 грудня генеральний прокурор оприлюднив записи телефонних розмов ймовірно Дангадзе та представника українського бізнесмена Сергія Курченка, який переховується в Росії. На плівках чоловіки домовляються про фінансування бізнесменом масових акцій протесту в Україні.

Луценко заявив, що лідер партії «Рух нових сил», екс-голова Одеської ОДА Міхеїл Саакашвілі отримав від Курченка півмільйона доларів на свою діяльність в Україні. Генпрокурор повідомив, що оприлюднює першу частину даних операції «зі зриву плану реваншу прокремлівських сил в Україні».

Russia Criticizes Trump’s ‘Imperial’ Security Strategy

Russia said Tuesday it sees U.S. President Donald Trump’s new national security strategy as “imperial” and showing a lack of willingness to accept a multi-polar world.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia disagrees with the view that it is a security threat for the United States, but welcomed the Trump administration’s stated willingness to work together on mutual interests.

Trump unveiled his strategy Monday, warning the country’s greatness is being challenged by rival powers and promising the United States would use “every instrument” at its disposal to ignite what he portrayed as an American awakening.

The document says the United States “will seek areas of cooperation with competitors from a position of strength, foremost by ensuring our military power is second to none and fully integrated with our allies and all of our instruments of power.”

During a speech in Washington, Trump pointed to Russia and China as his chief concerns, saying both countries “seek to challenge American values, influence and wealth.”

But he promised the United States, under his leadership, would not back down.

“Whether we like it or not, we are engaged in a new era of competition,” Trump said, cautioning, “American success is not a foregone conclusion.”

“We are declaring that American is in the game and that America is going to win,” he said.

China’s Foreign Ministry responded Tuesday, saying the United States should abandon its “Cold War mentality” and stop deliberately distorting China’s intentions.

Trump said the new national security strategy, which he described as a return to the wisdom of the country’s founding fathers, would be a roadmap to greatness.

In recent days, senior officials had promoted the new strategy, 11 months in the making, as a “clear and actionable playbook” designed to take on growing threats by focusing on safeguarding U.S. vital interests.

“The global balance of power has shifted in unfavorable manners to American interests,” a senior administration official said. “This new strategy presents a plan of how America can regain momentum to reverse many of these trends.”

Trump on Monday repeatedly criticized past U.S. leaders.

“They lost sight of America’s destiny, and they lost their belief in American greatness,” he said. “They surrendered our sovereignty to foreign bureaucrats in far away and distant capitals.”

Confronting Rivals

In particular, Trump blamed previous U.S. administrations for failing to confront North Korea and its nuclear ambitions “when it was much easier to handle.”

And Trump renewed criticism of former President Barack Obama for what he described as a “disastrous” nuclear deal with Iran.

“Pushing back rather than simply engaging adversaries is important. I do think that was a weakness in the past,” said David Adesnik, director of research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

In his address Monday, the president insisted his administration’s efforts are already paying dividends from the Middle East and South Asia to North Korea and at home.

And while he described America’s rivals as both tough and tenacious, he said they could also become allies under the right conditions.

“We will attempt to build great partnerships with those [Russia and China] and other countries, but in a manner that always protects our national interests,” Trump said.

The president pointed to Sunday’s phone call from Russian President Vladimir Putin, thanking the United States for sharing intelligence to thwart a terror plot, as a sign of success.

“That’s a great thing and the way it’s supposed to work,” Trump said.

Other senior officials echoed the sentiment that under the principles of the new national security strategy, Washington’s relationship with Moscow had improved.

“We’re certainly better off right now than we were several months ago,” one official said. “But we still see a lot of areas where our interests just don’t align or directly conflict.”

National Security Strategy

And top officials, like U.S. National Security Advisor Gen. H.R. McMaster, continue to voice concern about what they describe as Russia’s “sophisticated campaigns of subversion and disinformation.”

The Trump national security strategy unveiled Monday aims to confront such threats by focusing on four vital national interests: protecting the homeland, promoting American prosperity, preserving peace through strength, and advancing American influence.

It proposes stronger controls along U.S. borders, increased restrictions on immigration, enhanced military spending, an improved national infrastructure designed to be resilient in the face of expected cyberattacks and stronger emphasis on fair trade and the protection of intellectual property.

WATCH: New security plan

Officials and analysts say elements of the new national security strategy, which some in the administration describe as “competitive engagement,” have been increasingly evident in Washington’s approach on the international stage.

“I think we already have clear signs of this especially on the Russian front,” said Nile Gardiner with the Washington D.C.-based think tank The Heritage Foundation.

“You’ve seen a significant increase in U.S. troop numbers in Eastern Europe especially the Baltic states. In Poland, for example, you now see the administration actively considering the idea of sending defensive weapons to Ukraine,” Gardiner said.

U.S. emphasis

U.S. officials also seek to push back against the notion that President Trump’s campaign rallying cry of “America first,” should be interpreted as “America alone.”

“Our strategy emphasizes strengthening alliances,” the president said Monday. “It recognizes that our strength is magnified by allies who share principles — and our principles — and shoulder their fair share of responsibility for our common security.”

Yet some see this as an area in which the Trump administration could struggle, especially given the way the new strategy prioritizes and emphasizes U.S. economic interests, which Trump said would begin with “building up our wealth and power at home.”

“Focusing on protection of American economic interests in a global marketplace painted with rivals, rather than partners, will discourage the use of multilateral trade agreements in a global economy marked by partnership,” said Nicholas Glavin, formerly a researcher at the U.S. Naval War College’s Center on Irregular Warfare and Armed Groups.

Glavin, who is currently studying at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, says that could actually weaken U.S. attempts to compete against key rivals on the word stage.

“Where Washington won’t lead, others will, most notably Beijing,” he said. “In the long term, this hurts the U.S. much more than multilateralism in the global economy would.”

Some former officials also fear that the administration, due in large part to the president’s rhetoric, is prone to self-sabotage, especially when it comes to one of its key goals – that of preserving the world order established at the end of World War II.

“By its actions, it has actually undermined U.S. leadership of the liberal international order,” said former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Carpenter. “All of that has been downplayed in favor of a more realpolitik understanding that nations will pursue their own interests.”

And there are some who doubt China, seen as a key rival, will respond well.

“Trump’s words are always illogical,” said Shi Yinhong, the director of the U.S. Center at China People’s University in Beijing. “China doesn’t care much about what he says but what he does.”

“His flattering China visit is pleasing to Beijing, but what concerns Beijing the most is the U.S. doesn’t touch Taiwan,” Shi said.

Democratic values

There have also been concerns from former officials about what some see as a willingness to give up on the promotion of democratic values, a key component of U.S. leadership in previous administrations.

The president rejected such notions in his speech.

“America will lead again,” Trump said. “We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone but will champion the [democratic] values without apology.”

Another area where the new national security strategy departs dramatically from the previous administration’s strategy is climate change.

Obama’s 2015 strategy also called on the U.S. to confront “the urgent crisis of climate change.”

The Trump national security strategy does not.

“Climate change is not identified as national security threat,” said a senior administration official. “The importance of the environment and environmental stewardship are discussed.”

Japan to Buy Two US-Built Anti-Missile Systems

Japan will purchase a U.S.-built, land-based missile defense system in response to what it considers the rapidly growing threat from North Korea.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s cabinet approved a plan Tuesday to buy two Aegis Ashore missile interceptor systems at a cost of nearly $2 billion. The new Aegis Ashore system, which duplicates the sea-based version deployed on Japanese warships, likely will not be fully operational until 2023.

Japanese defense officials also considered purchasing the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, another U.S.-built anti-missile system, but chose the Aegis Ashore due to its cost-effectiveness.

A statement issued by the cabinet shortly after approving the plan said it was urgent for Japan to upgrade its ballistic missile defense capabilities in light of the “imminent” threat posed by Pyongyang’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. North Korea test fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile late last month that could potentially reach the eastern United States.

Tokyo is also planning to purchase U.S.-built long-range cruise missiles, a decision that would prove controversial since Japan’s post-World War Two pacifist constitution renounces war.

Meet CryptoKitties, Digital Kittens on the Blockchain

CryptoKitties, an online game and marketplace featuring virtual kittens, has become an entry point for curious outsiders looking to dabble in cryptocurrencies – decentralized digital monies that rely on blockchain technology to enable peer-to-peer transactions.

Kremlin Calls Trump’s National Security Strategy ‘Imperial’

The Kremlin has lambasted U.S. President Donald Trump’s new national security strategy as “imperial” but lauded the U.S. for willing to cooperate with Russia in areas of common interest.

The strategy, published on Monday, is harsher on Russia than Trump has been in public comments. It accuses Russia of using “subversive measures” to weaken America’s credibility and European governments.

Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, told reporters on Tuesday that the mentions of Russia struck Moscow as “imperial” and showed “an aversion to a multi-polar world.”

Peskov, however, said Moscow was encouraged by calls to cooperate with Russia in areas that could be beneficial for the U.S.

Putin and Trump talked on the phone twice last week.

Рада розглядає питання соціального захисту осіб з інвалідністю

Верховна Рада України 19 грудня на ранковому засіданні розглядає закони щодо соціального захисту осіб з інвалідністю.

У першому читанні депутати схвалили проект Закону про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів України (щодо соціального захисту осіб з інвалідністю) №6710. За це проголосували 232 члени парламенту.

Після цього Верховна Рада перейшла до обговорення закону, який регламентує надання груп інвалідності учасникам бойових дій, що втратили кінцівки.

Близько 10:00 голова Верховної Ради Андрій Парубій після реєстрації народних депутатів відкрив ранкове засідання. З оголошеннями, заявами, повідомленнями, пропозиціями виступили представники депутатських фракцій і груп.

Amnesty: Failed and Exploited, Nepal Migrant Workers Trapped in Debt Cycle

Nepali migrant workers are trapped in a vicious cycle of debt and exploitation due to a failure by authorities to crack down on recruitment firms that charge illegally high fees for jobs abroad, human rights group Amnesty International said on Monday.

Wages sent back by an estimated four million Nepalis – mainly employed working in construction or as domestic workers in the Middle East, Malaysia and South Korea – make up more than a quarter of the poor Himalayan nation’s gross domestic product.

Nepal permits recruitment agencies to charge 10,000 rupees ($100) from each migrant as a service charge for finding them work with foreign firms, who pay for workers’ travel and visa.

But a survey of over 400 Nepali migrants by Amnesty found workers are not only forced up to 12 times more the permitted amount to agencies, but also that most are forced to borrow the money from unscrupulous money lenders at high interest rates.

“Migrant workers all too often end up trapped in the soul-destroying situation of working abroad for years simply to pay off the huge, often illegal fees they were charged to take the job,” said Amnesty International’s James Lynch.

“The Nepali government’s weak enforcement of the law is playing straight into the hands of extortionists and loan sharks. Tackling this exploitative industry is a matter of urgency,” Lynch added in a statement.

The London-based human rights group said almost two-thirds of the migrant workers, who responded to a telephone survey conducted in Nepal and Malaysia, had paid excessive, illegal recruitment fees to hiring firms.

Workers’ calculations about how to repay these loans were often derailed by unpaid wages or other forms of labor exploitation overseas. More than half of respondents said they received lower monthly salaries than promised by the agencies.

Bhuban K.C., a senior official in Nepal’s labor ministry, said authorities had launched awareness programs for potential migrants to ensure they are not cheated by agencies, adding that compensation was being provided to victims.

Nepal was working with India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka which also send migrant workers to the Middle East and Malaysia to ensure that the workers’ interests are protected, he added.

“We are raising our voice internationally to ensure that migrants are not cheated. What we are doing may not be adequate, but we are concerned about our workers welfare,” K.C. told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Amnesty said the Nepali government must do more to enforce laws penalizing exploitative recruitment agencies and urged overseas companies – who use the agencies to source workers – to check abuse within their supply chains.

“Companies who employ migrant workers in the Gulf and Malaysia directly or through their suppliers or subcontractors also have a responsibility,” said Lynch. “Until they take action, they are reinforcing the debt trap that is destroying so many lives in Nepal.”

CryptoKitties Brings Blockchain to the Masses

How do you explain the abstract concepts of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies?

With adorable, digital kittens of course.

CryptoKitties, an online game and marketplace featuring virtual kittens, has become an entry point for curious outsiders looking to dabble in cryptocurrencies – decentralized digital monies that rely on blockchain technology to enable peer-to-peer transactions.

Company reps say their main goal is to teach people how to use blockchains; open, distributed ledgers of cryptocurrency transactions. Bitcoin is the most famous cryptocurrency and blockchain protocol, but there are others.

“As part of launching this project, we were really trying to educate people who haven’t perhaps bought Ethereum before, people who aren’t in the crypto space.” said Elsa Wilk, marketing director at Axiom Zen, the Canadian tech consultancy that created CryptoKitties.

That may have been the initial idea. But marry cute kittens and a buzzy, emerging tech phenomenon and kitten chaos ensued.

CryptoKitties’ cheerful, user-friendly interface has caused its popularity to surge among blockchain products and services. To date, there have been over $16 million USD in transactions resulting from the purchase, breeding and sale of digital kittens.

“Using something like cats is a very unintimidating, friendly, cuddly way to be introduced to a very hard, technical subject like the blockchain,” said Wilk. “We really took the approach of making the blockchain more approachable.”

How it works

CryptoKitties is built on the Ethereum blockchain. Purchases are made using the Ether cryptocurrency, which can be purchased with real money through a digital currency exchange like Coinbase. To begin buying and selling CryptoKitties, users first set up a digital wallet with MetaMask, an Ether wallet and browser for applications built on the Ethereum blockchain.

Kittens cost anywhere from .004 ether (about $3 USD) to upwards of 100,000 ether (a whopping $79.3 million USD). Wilk said the objective of the game is to make more kitties, but one of the company’s ultimate goals was to test whether a blockchain platform could support the buying and trading of unique, digital cats – what Wilk calls “crypto collectibles.”

At launch, the company released about 250 “Gen Zero” kittens, that is, those with no “parents.” Thereafter, a new kitten is released every 15 minutes. According to Wilk, the number of original kittens that will ever be released is approximately 50,000.

Critics of CryptoKitties contend that because the game is only partially decentralized, it is not a true representation of an Ethereum “DApp” or decentralized application. Despite being built on the open-source Ethereum platform, CryptoKitties’ interactions exist within a centralized database and are beholden to policies established by Axiom Zen.

“We really wanted to test the technology, to be able to put cats on the blockchain. We had to develop a new protocol in the process of doing this,” said Wilk.

The game’s popularity has also stalled traffic on the Ethereum network and created delays in the rate of Ethereum transactions processed. All blockchain transactions must first be “mined” or processed by a computer within a blockchain’s decentralized network.

“Because we’re building something that has never really been done before, just the sheer volume of traffic that we received initially caused some scaling problems,” said Wilk.

Still, for Wilk and Axiom Zen, CryptoKitties so far has been a success.

“It is one of the first, I would say, tangible use cases for a cryptocurrency project,” said Wilk, “Being able to actually take an action and have something real and tangible, I think is driving a lot of the interest that we’re seeing.”

Українська сторона СЦКК виведе своїх спостерігачів із ОРДЛО – ЗСУ

Раніше цього ж дня Москва заявила, що представники Росії в Спільному центрі контролю й координації залишать територію України 19 грудня

Puerto Rico Governor Orders Recount of Hurricane Maria Death Toll

The governor of the U.S. island territory of Puerto Rico on Monday ordered a recount of the death toll from the ravages of Hurricane Maria nearly three months ago, signaling that it could be significantly higher than the original figure of 64.

Governor Ricardo Rossello called for the reassessment after reports in recent days by The New York Times and Puerto Rico’s Center for Investigative Journalism independently concluded that the storm caused more than 1,000 deaths when its intense rain and 248-kilometer-per-hour winds devastated the Caribbean island on September 20.

Rossello had previously resisted calls for a death recount, but said in a statement, “This is about more than numbers, these are lives: real people, leaving behind loved ones and families.

“We always expected that the number of hurricane-related deaths would increase as we received more factual information–not hearsay–and this review will ensure we are correctly counting everybody,” he said. “We also want the most accurate count and understanding of how people lost their lives to fully account for the impact of these storms, and to identify ways in which we can prevent fatalities in advance of future disasters.”

The new toll could account for deaths from “natural causes” that occurred after the storm, but were likely linked to the storm’s destruction of the island’s power grid and other utilities, significantly impacting rescue and health care efforts in the days and weeks after the storm.

Restoration of power for the 3.4 million people who live in Puerto Rico has been painstakingly slow, with more than a third of the island still without electricity.   

Twitter to Put Warnings Before Swastikas, Other Hate Images

Twitter Inc said on Monday it would begin putting a warning in front of pictures that show Nazi swastikas and other items it determines are hateful imagery, as well as ban their use in any profile photos on the social media network.

The step is one of several that Twitter said it would take to crack down on white nationalists and other violent or hateful groups, which have become unwelcome on a service that once took an absolutist view of free speech.

It said it would also remove tweets that it determined celebrate violence or glorify people who commit violence.

Twitter, a San Francisco company founded in 2006, had called itself “the free speech wing of the free speech party” and tried to stay out of battles among users. But that has changed as persistent harassers have driven some women and minorities off Twitter, limiting their ability to express themselves.

A rise in white nationalism in the United States has also changed tech industry standards. In August, social media networks began removing white nationalists after hundreds gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia, and one of them was charged with murdering a 32-year-old woman by running her down in a car.

In October, Twitter vowed to toughen rules on online sexual harassment, bullying and other forms of misconduct.

It said it would also remove tweets that it determined celebrate violence or glorify people who commit violence.

Twitter, a San Francisco company founded in 2006, had called itself “the free speech wing of the free speech party” and tried to stay out of battles among users. But that has changed as persistent harassers have driven some women and minorities off Twitter, limiting their ability to express themselves.

A rise in white nationalism in the United States has also changed tech industry standards. In August, social media networks began removing white nationalists after hundreds gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia, and one of them was charged with murdering a 32-year-old woman by running her down in a car.

In October, Twitter vowed to toughen rules on online sexual harassment, bullying and other forms of misconduct.


Study: Shop Early, Shop Often to Avoid Christmas Impulse Buying

Parceling out holiday shopping in small amounts and completing it in a realistic schedule helps people maintain the self-control needed to avoid being swept away in impulse purchases that can wreck budgets, a study to be published in January said.

The study from Texas A&M University researchers looked at how well people complied with maintaining self-control for tasks such as making purchases and found that people should pace themselves if they want to accomplish larger goals.

“Try to conserve your energy. Don’t try to make it too hard on yourself because it is going to backfire,” said Marco Palma, director of the Human Behavior Laboratory at Texas A&M and co-author of the study called “Self-control: Knowledge or perishable resource?” It will be published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Palma recommended making a list and dividing it into sub-goals of small purchases. Shopping online and shopping early in the day can help conserve energy, which can also help people exercise self-control.

“Committing to a shopping list will help you stay on budget,” he said in an interview this week.

The worst shopping scenario in terms of self-control is waiting until the last minute to make the bulk of holiday purchases, he said.

The study used biometric data including eye tracking and brain scanning to measure how well people complied with easy and difficult tasks that required self-control.

It found that an initial moderate self-control act enhances subsequent self-control ability by increasing confidence and motivation, but exerting too much self-control drains subsequent self-control ability.

But humans are humans and even when they are nice, they can be a little bit naughty. A person who completes a holiday shopping list as planned may splurge with a little reward for themselves, Palma said.